MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #7

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No offense takin'. It just sad watching all of these kids, and people disappear everyday. Hurts my heart, how no one really (MSM) pays attention.
MSM would rather give us a day too day update on people like Charlie Sheen instead of a minute by minute on the missing. (Not to be funny, if its an AA missing then you can really forget it on MSM. WHY???

I watch HLN and CNN and its the same thing constantly, as if thats the only thing that happens in this big country? WHY?
When are AA little children and women ever going to be of any value????

I am curious to find out how many aber alerts go out and for whom???

Amber alerts have to have a witness I think. I think they need more alert types. Here in Maryland I have seen Silver alerts on the highway for elderly who are missing. Give it a name and put it out there
No offense takin'. It just sad watching all of these kids, and people disappear everyday. Hurts my heart, how no one really (MSM) pays attention.
MSM would rather give us a day too day update on people like Charlie Sheen instead of a minute by minute on the missing. (Not to be funny, if its an AA missing then you can really forget it on MSM. WHY???

I watch HLN and CNN and its the same thing constantly, as if thats the only thing that happens in this big country? WHY?
When are AA little children and women ever going to be of any value????

I am curious to find out how many aber alerts go out and for whom???

I agree. I don't want this thread to get too derailed on the discussion of missing AA making MSM. I think it would be a terrific topic for perhaps the Jury Room? I agree it is frustrating, and one of the reasons I chose to follow PB's case as closely as I did; Cub fan goes for the underdog kind of thing -enough other cases have more followers than they need.....
Yes, they know the identity of the man who jumped but not the man whose remains were found near PB's. (sorry just to clarify - so no one misreads and assumes the man found near PB was identified but his name was not being released.)

Right and they have known it since March, when the article was published, meaning the local PD in Binghamton. I don't know how far it is from Baltimore or where P was found but must be well over 200 miles.
I agree. I don't want this thread to get too derailed on the discussion of missing AA making MSM. I think it would be a terrific topic for perhaps the Jury Room? I agree it is frustrating, and one of the reasons I chose to follow PB's case as closely as I did; Cub fan goes for the underdog kind of thing -enough other cases have more followers than they need.....

I know you don't want this thread to be derailed, and neither do I.
I want this case solved and I want it solved yesterday!!!!

However Cubby, you have to realize that this is the most attention that a young AA girl missing has ever gotten!
This matter must be addressed in the contents of this case, so that PB's death, recovery, etc. will not be in vain.
PB's case is history for all of the AA missing girls, and we should hold the media accountable.
If what the reporter on You Tube is stating to be true, then we should definitely look into it, just as we are trying to get to the bottom of:

Why KB didn't go by the apt?
Why hasn't LE identified the man?
There are lots of postings here that to me do not directly have anything to do with PB, but at this point we can't rule out or ignore any?

Just my opinion? Not meant to offend in anyway.
I was interested in the 6'4 AA male who was discovered because as I was back-tracking the poi's (who I believe to be), I ran across someone who says he's 6'4 and I never researched him before. There-fore, I know nothing of him. So, I'm kind of waiting for a name. If the name fits, then that means it is indeed affiliated to PB's case in some way. I can wait though. I have no choice. What I want mostly is justice for PB. We leave no stones unturned.

Also, now that PB has been found, I think it's time to shuffle the deck of cards and play harder than ever before.
I read something on twitter from Jan 28th which kind of leads me to believe that PB's body didn't travel very far at all from where it was found. I could be wrong. Certainly, I'm no professional detective at alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :-(

I'm kind of thinking that the main motive why PB was taken, was because of sexual gratification purposes but the excuse that will be used is the: Blame PB, it's her fault. "She should have stayed out the way and out of my business". (kind of talk is what we will probably hear) from the guilty people. I think one has already been on a past thread and stated a theory that helps us to visualize that: PB didn't fit in the circle. PB was not like them but she wanted to be accepted and respected for being who she was. We will see these POI's blame everyone else but themselves
I read something on twitter from Jan 28th which kind of leads me to believe that PB's body didn't travel very far at all from where it was found. I could be wrong. Certainly, I'm no professional detective at alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :-(

Could you please post the link to the twitter.

The Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant utilizes a 89-foot drop in the Susquehana River to produce electricity. The two intakes have a concrete curtain and screen to prevent trash, ice, and debris from entering the dam. The water then enters the penstock and travels to the wicket gates. These gates control the flow of water into the turbines. The water then exits through the flood gates. The turbines turn generators which create energy by converting mechanical energy to electrical energy. The generators produce 13,800 volts of electricity which is stepped up, using transformeres, to 220,000 volts before being transmitted through power lines to Philadelphia
Could you please post the link to the twitter.

I would love to. I wish the particular tweet could be copied and paste some where just to see what type of reaction it would bring and from who but, it just might be too serious. I couldn't be sure. I hope someone has sent it in. I'm certain inside sources should have caught this tweet and reviewed it.

Also, for all who have been researching, please back-track on fb people you might think are involved, along with some of their friends who might have their walls open to the public. Do it as soon as you can. You already know they're deleting things, closing accounts and making some accounts private now. Copy and Save. (imo)
I know you don't want this thread to be derailed, and neither do I.
I want this case solved and I want it solved yesterday!!!!

However Cubby, you have to realize that this is the most attention that a young AA girl missing has ever gotten!
This matter must be addressed in the contents of this case, so that PB's death, recovery, etc. will not be in vain.
PB's case is history for all of the AA missing girls, and we should hold the media accountable.
If what the reporter on You Tube is stating to be true, then we should definitely look into it, just as we are trying to get to the bottom of:

Why KB didn't go by the apt?
Why hasn't LE identified the man?
There are lots of postings here that to me do not directly have anything to do with PB, but at this point we can't rule out or ignore any?

Just my opinion? Not meant to offend in anyway.

Oh, I completely agree! What I meant by derailed was the topic in general versus discussion in relation/specifically to PB's case. (I would love to see the topic addressed/discussed in general in the JR at some point).

I will add my thoughts in relation to PB's case. The media was slow as molasses to pick up her case. It was only weeks into the case LE was begging and pleading for MSM coverage- was it finally picked up. The media coverage should have picked up much earlier than it did - within days versus weeks/month or more.

On the other hand, weeks/month(s) later when the media did finally pick up the case DB TURNED DOWN the opportunity to be on NG. NG!!! Just about every MP case family would give their right arm for an opportunity to have their missing person case on NG regardless of race/gender. (Just a glimpse of one can see the thousands - literally thousands of MP cases of all races and genders which get maybe a paragraph in a newspaper at best.)

Turning down a show like Nancy Grace - That leads me to believe when the opportunity finally (although no doubt late) presented itself the Barnes family were selective in which media they chose. There is NEVER BAD media coverage when it comes to a missing persons case. It shocked me DB turned down NG. Not only would it have been an excellent opportunity for her sisters case, perhaps it would be part of the example that opened doors for other AA missing persons cases. Opportunity missed......

You know, overall NG's ratings are less than a million or so viewers, and most large metro areas reach far more people than that just by their local news. So when we talk "national", it is kind of an overstatement. I don't think I would go near NG if I had a missing loved one, personally. She is too quick to bring on the coroner to discuss phases of decomp, with family members on the show and that to me is just sick and just for ratings and ghouls. (no offense-I am interested in those things too, but not while a person is missing and has not been determined to be dead.) Plus, most of her "experts" have little relevance or knowledge of the cases being discussed.

Phylicia probably got more mainstream media coverage after her body was found, sadly, but when we think of how many cases are out there, of all races, it is a pitifully small number people ever hear about, unless they are like people here on WS.
For what it is worth, the Justice for PB site seems to have imploded and disappeared.
Or I have been banned for not posting anything.

Was a shame, because they were not shy about pushing the issues.

The Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant utilizes a 89-foot drop in the Susquehana River to produce electricity. The two intakes have a concrete curtain and screen to prevent trash, ice, and debris from entering the dam. The water then enters the penstock and travels to the wicket gates. These gates control the flow of water into the turbines. The water then exits through the flood gates. The turbines turn generators which create energy by converting mechanical energy to electrical energy. The generators produce 13,800 volts of electricity which is stepped up, using transformeres, to 220,000 volts before being transmitted through power lines to Philadelphia

Does this mean that it is not possible for a body (or a big log) to go through the dam? Or am I misunderstanding?
You know, overall NG's ratings are less than a million or so viewers, and most large metro areas reach far more people than that just by their local news. So when we talk "national", it is kind of an overstatement. I don't think I would go near NG if I had a missing loved one, personally. She is too quick to bring on the coroner to discuss phases of decomp, with family members on the show and that to me is just sick and just for ratings and ghouls. (no offense-I am interested in those things too, but not while a person is missing and has not been determined to be dead.) Plus, most of her "experts" have little relevance or knowledge of the cases being discussed.

Phylicia probably got more mainstream media coverage after her body was found, sadly, but when we think of how many cases are out there, of all races, it is a pitifully small number people ever hear about, unless they are like people here on WS.

Regardless of NG's number of viewers nationally it is still considered a national media outlet and an appearance would have likely opened doors to other national media outlets picking up the story.

And yes, of course it is sad in most cases national media picks up a MP story after the persons remains have been found.

We'll have to agree to disagree on DB's choice to turn down NG. Having followed far more 'cold case' missing persons cases here at WS than 'current' MP cases, I know how the family who does choose to participate here would give anything sometimes even for an anniversary article to appear in MSM. I'm not sure 1% of missing persons cases gain the exposure Natalee Holloway or Jon Benet received. (just basing on the 9000 cases listed at Charley Project and that doesn't even begin to touch the total number of all MP cases).

For what it is worth, the Justice for PB site seems to have imploded and disappeared.
Or I have been banned for not posting anything.

Was a shame, because they were not shy about pushing the issues.

Or it was removed by FB admin. After the topix lawsuit in which posters were sued for Libel - I think places like FB are being more cautious about what they allow. I hadn't read or followed the Justice for FB page so don't know what was posted, just a thought on why it may have disappeared.
You know, overall NG's ratings are less than a million or so viewers, and most large metro areas reach far more people than that just by their local news. So when we talk "national", it is kind of an overstatement. I don't think I would go near NG if I had a missing loved one, personally. She is too quick to bring on the coroner to discuss phases of decomp, with family members on the show and that to me is just sick and just for ratings and ghouls. (no offense-I am interested in those things too, but not while a person is missing and has not been determined to be dead.) Plus, most of her "experts" have little relevance or knowledge of the cases being discussed.

Phylicia probably got more mainstream media coverage after her body was found, sadly, but when we think of how many cases are out there, of all races, it is a pitifully small number people ever hear about, unless they are like people here on WS.

I'd think twice about going on NG as well. She gets so much wrong -- just plain wrong -- that I'd be concerned about it doing more harm than good.
I'd think twice about going on NG as well. She gets so much wrong -- just plain wrong -- that I'd be concerned about it doing more harm than good.

NG isn't alone in getting news coverage inaccurate. I think we sleuths can attest to that being across the board for many media outlets quick to get the story out.

I think I would choose to get my family members name and face out to as many people in as many places via as many avenues as possible, and work with the PI (if we could afford one or were fortunate enough to have one volunteer) to put out some press releases clarifying factual information were the media may have gotten it wrong. Or I would request a breif PR for LE to clarify.... which would in turn lead to more opportunity to get my family members name and face out and kept in the public eye.

Does this mean that it is not possible for a body (or a big log) to go through the dam? Or am I misunderstanding?

It's been reported that one body did go through the dam, to my knowledge which one has still not been made public. They do open the gates as well. I used to fish down at River level with my Dad as a child but others fished right off of the dam and the size of the catfish look like baby whales.

As for media coverage for an AA female being the biggest exposure in this case ever anywhere, I disagree. I heard about her on NG right after X-Mas. The biggest search in Baltimore for an AA female, absolutely! You can bet the perps counted on that. I cannot overlook that fact because as soon as I saw her Mom, pics of her and her character and background, where she went, the circumstances I just knew the worst. LE in Baltimore surprised me and call me jaded but I do still believe it was because of National exposure, PB's Mom and NG breathing down their back they were dilligent. I'm not giving them any credit so far though. I am relieved State LE and FBI are involved.
I have come to appreciate NG. I use to call her Nancy disgrace. I never observed her having inner issues with AA's though. I didn't care for her show because at times they would get the facts wrong or either jump the gun on an issue. Example:

They might report (with drama): 'Beth Holloway just got locked up in Peru!!' (when indeed BH didn't get locked up) but only stopped through to visit a certain prison.

I applaud NG for the effort and work she and her staff members put in, in order to help a story break a.s.a.p. That kind of jump start is much needed. I heard about PB's case there first.

Hello all,
Another lurker coming out because of this case. I apologize if this has already been posted. As far as my 1st bolded statement, I'm hoping this means they don't anticipate that it will take months to identify a COD.

2nd bolded statement, does "formal identification" of the male, police speak, mean they have a tentative/possible id of the male but are awaiting confirmation or notification of family?

3rd bold, I wonder if this means no POI or anything?? Surey not.

Toxicology takes the longest. Even with celebrity and other high profile cases I've seen it take a few months. I don't know her condition of remains but bear in mind Laci Peterson in the water the same time of year, same length never determined COD. Depending on decomposition and things COD sometimes is never determined even in cases of death within a week. We can't hope for dna, fibers, weapon, etc. I will be happy if a COD is determined, period.

They may have fingerprints or if the description and location all match up to the bridge jumper in NY they still need dental or dna for a positive ID. They normally do their best to contact family first before releasing it to the media.

I have heard this spokesperson on NG twice and imo there could be one to several POI's. They are imo not only saying we have no suspects to be vague when they do in fact have POI's but more to the point I believe they do have a suspect or suspects as well as theories and are going out of their way to say they do not. Trust me they are playing it cool and for good reason.
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