ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 2

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Unless it was indicated strange, because of the time. I can't imagine, someone sneaking and making a loud noise, trying to cover something up, or go. That makes no sense. Could someone just been leaving the house at that time?
Do we know for a fact that she didn't report the bruises? She was requesting custody and possibly had that in her request.

Sorry, this is what JVM was asking on the show.
I don't agree that dad should be talking to media, I think the police are covering his family. I'm not sure *I* would be talking to media if the information was getting out there. Pretty suspicious that what's coming from TR isn't necessarily the truth anyway. Not that I think she had anything to do with Ayla's disappearance. IMO

Anyone know of any instances where a "public plea" brought a child home??

It's extremely rare that the abductor has a change of heart and brings him home like Kienan Hebert but IMO the parents speaking serves other purposes. It keeps the story alive and the child's face out there. If the parents don't comment and give interviews the coverage is likely to die out sooner and people will forget what the child looks like, or suppose that s/he's been found already, and won't call 911 if they see the child. It is also a chance to convince people that this is really a case of an abducted child and devastated parents and the child could be out there. If people think the parents did it they probably think the child is dead and again they might not call 911 if they see him.

I think media attention and parent activism are also factors in the decisions LE makes about resource allocation. "Big" cases that stand out may be given full attention longer than cases that nobody is asking about.
This is my suspicion. LE has told BOTH parents (and all relatives for that matter) to just stay back & cooperate while they search.

In the one interview with grandpa (the one I asked to be transcribed last night cuz it was so emotional, but sorry I don't remember station or site), he said he wanted to go to the father and demand answers I think, but he knew he'd be arrested. Sorry my memory is so vague. Someone might want to fact-check me if it's a big deal.
Hey I havn;t had a chance to read all your posts yet so forgive me if this has been said but when i first heard about this little angel and the story we have heard which I personally dont believe but what i started thinking was for one the talk about her sleeping for so long and I have a daughter she is 8 so i remember when she was a year and a half and yes she would get up alot through the night..But what i was thinking was forget about her age and the argument of the dad saying she slept 12 hours and no one believing it just based on her age alone ..Add to that her broken arm every time she moved she would be in pain so i guarantee she would have been not sleeping very long because of her arm...Then as i was thinking about that i started thinking clearly this guy isn't to happy about getting up all through the night and Ill bet ya that he did what alot of questionable parents do when they want thier baby to sleep and give her some extra tylenol , or advil, What if he gave her way to much and she over dosed on it ..I think thats something they should be checking what the hospitol gave him for her and her arm as far as i know its gonna be children liquid tylenol or advil for her pain ..Anyway just a thought i wanted to mention that i had.
In the one interview with grandpa (the one I asked to be transcribed last night cuz it was so emotional, but sorry I don't remember station or site), he said he wanted to go to the father and demand answers I think, but he knew he'd be arrested. Sorry my memory is so vague. Someone might want to fact-check me if it's a big deal.

Yep that is what he said. Well the reporter said and he agreed, I think. But I would think the families would want to unite....
The parents of a missing child are danged if they do and danged if they don't. If they talk to the media they are critized and critiqued for every word they say. Even though we all know the media clips the interviews and can cause someone to appear different than they really are. Even make them look guilty by their answers or partial answers.

If they don't speak to the media they are critized and accused of hiding something. The same goes for hiring or not hiring an attorney.

I don't know what I would do and I hope I never find out!

All the bumps and bruises my sons had would have made me look like an abusive parent if one of them had disappeared. My youngest son had his collar bone broken twice in a week. First when his cousin threw him off the top bunk bed and 3 days later when his other cousin threw him off the front porch. Boys can play pretty rough!

I see bruised children everyday and know they probably bumped into the wrong thing or fell down.

Broken bones, bruises, are a part of growing up. That's why it is so hard to identify a child who is actually being abused.

In the one interview with grandpa (the one I asked to be transcribed last night cuz it was so emotional, but sorry I don't remember station or site), he said he wanted to go to the father and demand answers I think, but he knew he'd be arrested. Sorry my memory is so vague. Someone might want to fact-check me if it's a big deal.

which gpa? would be super if there was a link . . .
Why didn't she believe this? Why did she not limit visits if she was concerned? and I know how bruised my nieces & nephews were at that age, especially during the summertime when we're outside all day. Heck, my mother tells the story that I had an "egg" on my forehead from bumping into furniture from the time I was 9 months (started walking) until I was 3 years old . . .

If the mother was concerned about Ayla's well-being, why allow her father ANY time with her? Hinky to me . . . 1.5 hrs drive is not too far to me

JMO it's one thing to be concerned and another thing to be certain that the concern is real and warrants stopping visitation and depriving the child of contact with her father.

It's not necessarily just up to the mother to allow or disallow visitation either IMO if there is an agreement or a court order that visitation should take place. (I don't know if they've been to court about custody, prior to TR filing just recently.)
Hey I havn;t had a chance to read all your posts yet so forgive me if this has been said but when i first heard about this little angel and the story we have heard which I personally dont believe but what i started thinking was for one the talk about her sleeping for so long and I have a daughter she is 8 so i remember when she was a year and a half and yes she would get up alot through the night..But what i was thinking was forget about her age and the argument of the dad saying she slept 12 hours and no one believing it just based on her age alone ..Add to that her broken arm every time she moved she would be in pain so i guarantee she would have been not sleeping very long because of her arm...Then as i was thinking about that i started thinking clearly this guy isn't to happy about getting up all through the night and Ill bet ya that he did what alot of questionable parents do when they want thier baby to sleep and give her some extra tylenol , or advil, What if he gave her way to much and she over dosed on it ..I think thats something they should be checking what the hospitol gave him for her and her arm as far as i know its gonna be children liquid tylenol or advil for her pain ..Anyway just a thought i wanted to mention that i had.

I think every child is different. Both my kids can and will sleep 12 hours straight., and it started around a year old. Even at 4 and 6, neither every get up to pee. Lucky them. But you are right, she might of been in pain, so medicine would be given. What kind. Also she might wake up from it. If she did awaken in the night, would she leave her room.
which gpa? would be super if there was a link . . .
WMTV RR interview Dec.19th 2011:
Q: People are pointing fingers at the family..

A: Exactly, I mean, no no no no, see, what you don't understand is, my granddaughter wasn't with us. She was with her father, and has been. Where is my granddaughter? I'll keep saying it until I get closure. Where is my granddaughter? I want her home! Do people not understand that? I want her home and I thank everybody that is out there right now. The state police, the FBI, everybody that is involved, I thank them from the bottom of my heart. This whole thing is just tearing me up..I just..I want her home. I want answers. I want something...just..And if he did have something to do with it, god dammit, say something, come forth and say something, somebody say something out there, somebody knows something about my granddaughter. Okay. The poor helpless little thing right now, she is out there somewhere. She's scared. And I can't do nothing. All I can do is support my family, support my daughter..this whole thing is tearing me up..

Just let me, I'll go to his house. I'll knock on his door. I'll ask him face to face if it comes down to it, where's my granddaughter? But I know what will happen if I go there..I know exactly what will happen.

Q: You'll get arrested.

A: Exactly.
JMO it's one thing to be concerned and another thing to be certain that the concern is real and warrants stopping visitation and depriving the child of contact with her father.

It's not necessarily just up to the mother to allow or disallow visitation either IMO if there is an agreement or a court order that visitation should take place. (I don't know if they've been to court about custody, prior to TR filing just recently.)

It is in this case . . . they were not married & there is no court ordered anything to do with visitation. Every visit Ayla's mother allowed was her permitting the visit . . . UNTIL she was in Rehab & CFS took Ayla from her maternal gma's house. (Why?)

IIRC: Father is filing for full custody as well as mom prior to Ayla's disappearance - DRUGS destroy families!
:yourock: , askfornina!
Hey I havn;t had a chance to read all your posts yet so forgive me if this has been said but when i first heard about this little angel and the story we have heard which I personally dont believe but what i started thinking was for one the talk about her sleeping for so long and I have a daughter she is 8 so i remember when she was a year and a half and yes she would get up alot through the night..But what i was thinking was forget about her age and the argument of the dad saying she slept 12 hours and no one believing it just based on her age alone ..Add to that her broken arm every time she moved she would be in pain so i guarantee she would have been not sleeping very long because of her arm...Then as i was thinking about that i started thinking clearly this guy isn't to happy about getting up all through the night and Ill bet ya that he did what alot of questionable parents do when they want thier baby to sleep and give her some extra tylenol , or advil, What if he gave her way to much and she over dosed on it ..I think thats something they should be checking what the hospitol gave him for her and her arm as far as i know its gonna be children liquid tylenol or advil for her pain ..Anyway just a thought i wanted to mention that i had.

You made a very good point. He might not have read the instructions correctly and gave her more than she was suppose to get. It could have been an accidental overdose.
What "man"? LE has said both parents are cooperating . . . Now, what went on in the house is another thing since there are reports other people in the house that evening. But, if you are implying Ayla's father, LE says he is cooperating.


Everyone has opinions what they would do if they are in this situation, but this is reality! Maybe the father is just doing what LE told him to do (cooperate, stay quiet, let us do our job) and others are defying LE (e.g., mother on HLN every chance she has). Who's in the right here? We don't know!

I "get" the reactions, but that is not why we are here (or at least not why I am here)

Well...I understand that not everyone reacts in the same way. I respect you for your opinion. :seeya:

Ayla's Dad is questionable for me...his and his cohabitors are the only vehicles impounded. This child was in his care when bruises appeared on her body. He supposedly "fell on her" when her arm was broken. My smeller is not broken and something is rotten in Denmark. JMO
to me the maternal gpa seems to fake cry . . .
Dec. 19th 2011 ABC interview with TR

TR: He would help me out, he'd take care of her until I was on my feet. We've been unable to actually get along the last few weeks and "parent" together.

It is implied that they could parent together before... I wonder what was different about the last few weeks.

She was in rehab. Ayla lived with father. She broke her arm and there were bruises that mom was wondering about.

Anything else?
The parents of a missing child are danged if they do and danged if they don't. If they talk to the media they are critized and critiqued for every word they say. Even though we all know the media clips the interviews and can cause someone to appear different than they really are. Even make them look guilty by their answers or partial answers.

If they don't speak to the media they are critized and accused of hiding something. The same goes for hiring or not hiring an attorney.

I don't know what I would do and I hope I never find out!

All the bumps and bruises my sons had would have made me look like an abusive parent if one of them had disappeared. My youngest son had his collar bone broken twice in a week. First when his cousin threw him off the top bunk bed and 3 days later when his other cousin threw him off the front porch. Boys can play pretty rough!

I see bruised children everyday and know they probably bumped into the wrong thing or fell down.

Broken bones, bruises, are a part of growing up. That's why it is so hard to identify a child who is actually being abused.

I agree with everything you just said and Iam often saying the very same thing as i watch nancy or jane ...But you have to admitt the world were living in right now is very different then maybe any other time .And It's too common now aday's that the bruises and the broken bones not to mention the ones we cant see are being done by the parents . How many times did we all say susan smith every time we would hear a terrible crime about a child and we would return to what this horrible mother did to her own children .She was used alot to compare a story too but look now you could rattle of 10 or 15 different cases of a mom or a dad or both that have hurt or killed thier own child..

pic of flyer i found on twitter
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