ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 2

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Why is it relevant if children can sleep 12 hours straight? She might or might not have if she hadn't disappeared in the middle of the night. A child that is not there is not going to wake up at 5 am.

No one said it was a question of if it is possible .But i think it is relevant when you dont check on your 20 month old for 12 hours i would say that is relevant . And i believe thats the whole point .If it was a stranger abduction you would have a better timeline if you were checking on her and maybe could catch the perp before they got to far .12 hours is a long time not to check on your 20 month old not to mention one with a broken arm ..
It is in this case . . . they were not married & there is no court ordered anything to do with visitation. Every visit Ayla's mother allowed was her permitting the visit . . . UNTIL she was in Rehab & CFS took Ayla from her maternal gma's house. (Why?)

IIRC: Father is filing for full custody as well as mom prior to Ayla's disappearance - DRUGS destroy families!


wait JVM - what about Couley? He abducted someone with no relationship?

talking heads suck
Ayla was in a toddler bed, according to Ayla's mom. She stated this on NG & said Ayla was not the type of kid to walk out of the house on her own. Also, there was a 10 mo. old that slept in the same room & the mom wondered why the 10 mo. old wasn't taken too, if it was an intruder.

how'd she know what was in the paternal gma's house?
oh, another story about Ayla breaking her arm . . . please! Hearsay from the mother's best friend (no her step-sister, no her aunt) . . .

bruises from Chuck E Cheese -- it's a wonder she was not shot!

So, did she break her arm from falling with her dad on the stairs (as Dad indicated) or at Chuck E Cheese (as the Aunt/Step Sister/Best friend) says ?

CFS in Maine: how on top are they on things?
I don't know. I wonder why people are upset that he did not check on her. I check on my children, before I go to bed, and if I get up. But what if I went to bed when they did, and awaken 12 hours later, and not checked on them. kwim

I would suggest that you get yourself a baby moniter and crank it up as loud as it goes if you sleeping 12 hours a day and have a 20 month old toddler..Cause in my oppinion that is a big deal..
wait, may not be the best friend . . . may be the step-sister on JVM 'cause she just said "my sister says . . . "

please mom! Get off drugs & then think about your kids!
This woman is the mom's sister, apparently, not her best friend, on JVM, name of Jessica Reynolds and JVM referred to her as Ayla's aunt.
wait, may not be the best friend . . . may be the step-sister on JVM 'cause she just said "my sister says . . . "

please mom! Get off drugs & then think about your kids!

yes it is the sister, Jessica Reynolds. at the beginning of the show JVM said "best friend" :innocent:
I understand that perhaps some 20 month old children might sleep 12 hours, however, this child had a cast on her arm, of which, would be cumbersome, and would surely wake her up if she could not get comfortable.
yes it is the sister, Jessica Reynolds. at the beginning of the show JVM said "best friend" :innocent:

I hate the talking heads . . . :fence: who was at the father's house that night!?
From JVM Show :

The investigative reporter, Jon L [not sure of last name] said that he has confirmed that there are NO signs of forced entry into the house on Violette Street ...

JMO ... but I didn't think there was any "forced entry" ...

From the videos of the house shown, it didn't look like it ...

MOO ...
The reporter said the home is not yet being treated as a crime scene...hope this is not a mistake by LE that comes back to haunt them...if he is right.
Surelly she is gonna have a wet or dirty diaper in 12 hours ..How long was he gonna possiblly leave her in a wet or dirty diaper..
The reporter said the home is not yet being treated as a crime scene...hope this is not a mistake by LE that comes back to haunt them...if he is right.

I don't think the official title matters at this point. The father and the others that live there are not allowed back in at this point anyway, and the police are still processing the home.I think the crime scene distinction would come if they find something during that processing that indicates foul play.
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