ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 3

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#CSAyla RT @danielabrams: See you @gma tomorrow on the case of Ayla Reynolds from Maine.
I've been thinking....what if, and its a pretty big if, the dad really didn't have anything to do with this, but has an inkling of who actually did do it? If you look at the very carefully crafted statements he has made, it seems like they could be directed to an individual. Since LE is responsible for releasing these, I don't think its a stretch to think they may have had a hand in crafting them. Could this be why there is no media seeking on the father's side? Perhaps LE is afraid that the family could inadvertently provoke the kidnapper? Admittedly, I don't know much about how LE handles these things, but I would think if they had a suspect in mind, but didn't know where heoii/she was, they would have to proceed very slowly and cautiously for fear that the kidnapper would harm the child to hide evidence of the crime.

Again, not saying I even believe this, but I wanted to throw the possibility out there.

This is what I have been thinking. Maybe it is another family member or friend. I think dad is allowing LE to get all needed evidence for a conviction. If it is a family member dad may be heartsick or in shock. I think dad wants LE to do their job. MOO.
I see nothing that points to the involvement of TR or her family in an abduction. I suppose it's possible since not much info has been released by LE, but the investigation seems to be heading in another direction.

Early on there was a lot of confusion about how Justin ended up caring for the baby while TR was in rehab. As I understand it, TR left Ayla in the care of her mother and sister. Justin learns TR is in rehab and decides he wants to care for Ayla himself and goes to LE and asks that an officer accompany him. LE refers Justin to protective services. A plan is worked out whereby TR agrees to let Justin take Ayla if he agrees to move in with his mom. I would say this was a compromise and in no way indicated TR was okay with Justin caring for Ayla. Justin is the father and has rights regarding his daughter. TR, being in rehab, wasn't in any position to contest the decision and probably figured that Ayla being with the grandmother and aunt was the best arrangement to which she could agree.

I tend to believe TR about the missed appointment. If this isn't true, it could be easily refuted. In his written statements, Justin addresses TR's accounts of the suspicious bruisings and broken arm. He could have also clarified the missing appointment story if he actually followed through with the appointment. The written statements are working for him because they make it appear he is cooperative with LE, but he doesn't have to face media questions.

It really doesn't make sense that TR would begin the process of filing for custody legally, and on the following morning abduct the baby. That, coupled with the use of the term "foul play" by LE, seems to lessen the likelihood of parental abduction by TR or others acting on her behalf.

I am very curious about the equipment brought in from out of state which can create a representation of what can be seen from certain points and certain angles. I am wondering if they are trying to collaborate or disapprove a statement by a witness who was looking either into or out of that window. All MOO.
I keep waiting for something to point to one person, and one person only, who caused baby Ayla to be missing. I believe TR has no knowledge about what happened to Ayla. While some of her accusations point directly to JD, I believe that her biggest fear is that he is covering up the unthinkable, that Ayla no longer exists. The longer this fear, this not knowing goes on, the harder it will be for TR to accept this and go on with her life. I think she will forever be haunted by the "if only's, the shoulda, woulda, coulda's". I know that if I were in her place that there would be a hole in my heart that would just keep growing, and there is no pain patch for a wrongful death.

The outlook for this case is grim.
In this case, the mother was honest and spoke out from the beginning, but now she's being judged for being in rehab and even for not speaking proper English, which wasn't a crime the last time I checked. :twocents: I feel sorry for the woman because there's just no way she was in that house on that night, nor did she just drive up and walk in there at midnight. I just don't see how that could have happened.

I agree with you 100% Thank you for your thoughtful post.
Ayla's father is on the Today Show this morning.

just saw it, I will be transcribing as soon as it hits the internet. it was pretty short, there was some new pictures of Ayla and dad, and a really cute video of Ayla dancing.

GMA is supposed to have this case on this morning iirc, I can't find an ABC live stream though.
Ayla's father is on the Today Show this morning.

He was slightly more animated than Jeremy Irwin.
He had several excuses/reasons for not issuing a statement/giving interviews before now, which bothers me.

His excuses/reasons were:
a) he was emotionally unable to give a statement/interview, which seems plausible....BUT THEN,

b) reason #2 was that LE told him that he could hinder the investigation by speaking.

There have been so many cases like this, I'm just getting jaded, I guess.
He was slightly more animated than Jeremy Irwin.
He had several excuses/reasons for not issuing a statement/giving interviews before now, which bothers me.

His excuses/reasons were:
a) he was emotionally unable to give a statement/interview, which seems plausible....BUT THEN,

b) reason #2 was that LE told him that he could hinder the investigation by speaking.

There have been so many cases like this, I'm just getting jaded, I guess.

I too must be jaded because I found him to be emotionLESS. I'm not quite sure I believe him when he said that LE told him not to speak out. He had very little to say, so why does he feel this is helping now and not sooner. :waitasec:
I too must be jaded because I found him to be emotionLESS. I'm not quite sure I believe him when he said that LE told him not to speak out. He had very little to say, so why does he feel this is helping now and not sooner. :waitasec:

Well, according to LE he's been in contact with them and that's really the main thing that's important in a missing person investigation.
From the video posted above:

"Every investigator in this case, as far as they are concerned, are still looking for a live little 20 month old girl."

short statement from Trista in today show video:

Late last night, Trista Reynolds issued the following statement exclusively to the Today Show, she says: When I found out from Law Enforcement that this has become a criminal investigation, I got chills up and down my spine, but I am keeping my faith. I am not giving up.

transcript of JD interview:

Q: Can you give us a sense why you are coming forward now?

JD: Uh, there is a few reasons why. Um, initially, the first few days, I was emotionally incapable of coming out to do an interview and I had been advised that, by coming on and doing an interview, by law enforcement, that it could possibly hinder the investigation. And, I'm here to help in any way I can, and by coming on here, it was in hopes of reaching out to the person that, that does have my daughter. To let them know that what you're doing isn't right, you may think what you're doing is right for Ayla. But it's not, you have no right. You're not her parent. She belongs home with her family.

Q: Police say they believe foul play is involved. What are investigators telling you about what happened, about what they believe may have happened here?

JD: As far as I know, from..uh, that's just been a change in, in terminology. Um, as far as I know, we're, we're at the same place that we were on day one with this.

Q: Can you tell us about the last time you saw your little daughter? Tell us about that night.

JD: It was just a normal night. There was nothing-I put her to bed and, just a normal night.

Q: What do you think people should know about you and about your relationship to your little girl?

JD: I can tell you what I'm not. I love my daughter, I..I would never do anything to harm my daughter. She's...she's the world to me.

Q: Trista has specifically questioned your parenting skills. It's even been raised, a question of an arm injury that your daughter has. She says that she worried Ayla wasn't safe in your care. Your reaction to that?

JD: As far as I know, there was never any concerns. Um, we has both agreed that me having her at this point in time was the best thing for her.

Q: Can you tell us specifically about your daughter? Tell us what makes your daughter so special.

JD: She's my daughter, she's my child. She's my world. That's...she's everything to me.

Q: What do you think happens now and what are you doing to try and find her at this point?

JD: I just want my daughter home, um, I'm doing anything possible that I can to get my daughter home. Um, feels like a helpless situation at some points, but, I'm doing, doing what I can. It's part of the reason I'm coming on here today, in hopes of reaching out to the person that does have her.
Actually, there is very little he CAN say to the media regarding the investigation, and for the life of me I will never understand why reporters and t.v. hosts continue to ask these questions when they know they won't be answered. All that does is make the public more suspicious and garner more skepticism. Which leads me to ask, why go on these shows in the first place, when you are not going to plea for your child's safe return? If he thinks he is making himself look less suspicious, then he bombed out. JMO
What can you tell us about your daughter that makes her so special.
She's interesting that sentence is all about him and not a whit about this sweet baby.
I wish the reporter would have asked him about the DHS situation.
What can you tell us about your daughter that makes her so special.
She's interesting that sentence is all about him and not a whit about this sweet baby.

Exactly, there wasn't anything about his daughter in this interview. It was all about him. He had chances to say...I love her sweet laugh, she is a ray of sunshine with her beautiful smile...she is smart, and funny and sweet...she loves her dolly...whatever...nothing about her. So sad.
Q: Police say they believe foul play is involved. What are investigators telling you about what happened, about what they believe may have happened here?

JD: As far as I know, from..uh, that's just been a change in, in terminology. Um, as far as I know, we're, we're at the same place that we were on day one with this.

Well, that's not good, is it? I had hoped they had at least gone a little bit forward in the investigation. Does he mean they have privately said that it was foul play from day 1 and haven't changed their opinion even though they changed the wording in public?

Q: Can you tell us about the last time you saw your little daughter? Tell us about that night.

JD: It was just a normal night. There was nothing-I put her to bed and, just a normal night.

This answer is a little red flag to me because it's so, so, so nothing. His last memories of Ayla are (seemingly) totally blank. No details whatsoever stand out to him from the last time he saw his daughter. What did they do, what did Ayla have for dinner, did she have a bath, play, was she cranky because of the arm or happy or tired, did she fall asleep easily or did he have to go and tuck her in again, did she have a favorite sleep toy or a blanket... I'm sure there are some little details about Ayla that could be shared without hindering the investigation.

Q: Can you tell us specifically about your daughter? Tell us what makes your daughter so special.

JD: She's my daughter, she's my child. She's my world. That's...she's everything to me.

This answer is rather unspecific too. We know that she's his daughter but I think the reporter was wanting to hear, what is her personality like? What activities does she like? What had she learned to do in her 20 months? What makes people love her? I don't think answers to these questions would endanger the investigation in most cases, and personalizing her could help to reach out to the person who has her, or make her more memorable to people in the position of recognizing her. Is it possible that he doesn't really know Ayla that well because their relationship was new-ish?
Q: Can you give us a sense why you are coming forward now?

JD: Uh, there is a few reasons why. Um, initially, the first few days, I was emotionally incapable of coming out to do an interview and I had been advised that, by coming on and doing an interview, by law enforcement, that it could possibly hinder the investigation. And, I'm here to help in any way I can, and by coming on here, it was in hopes of reaching out to the person that, that does have my daughter. To let them know that what you're doing isn't right, you may think what you're doing is right for Ayla. But it's not, you have no right. You're not her parent. She belongs home with her family.

It's part of the reason I'm coming on here today, in hopes of reaching out to the person that does have her.

I don't know anything about statement analysis, but the word does that JD inserted into his statement just gives me the feeling he knows who has her. Instead of saying the person that has her he says the person who does have her like it is fact and he knows who. JMO
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