ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 3

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Oh, I'm with the posters that said "just a normal night" set off their hinky meters. I'm sorry but this sooo reminded me of Deborah Bradley. . .it was "just a normal night" and "she's my world." It seems as if we've all heard this before. That did not reassure me at all. :(

One more thing. . .the "does have her" seems to be an attempt to point the finger at somebody else. . .kind of a round about way of saying I don't have her. JMHO
Honest question- I don't understand the nervous in front of cameras excuse. With your child missing I'm not sure why you would be thinking about the cameras. I can understand rambling, shock, desperation, tears, anger. Can anyone recall an innocent parent (proven) that did not talk about their child or gave vague answers?
Also, IMO if my child was missing I would NOT care about anyone judging me, from LE, to neighbors, to wsers. At least they would be talking about my missing child and keeping it in the news, and websleuthers would be constantly analyzing every interview and retracing all info so that would mean, IMO, a huge percentage increase in uncovering information that could possibly find my child.
:giggle: I wish WSers could do these interviews. we'd get all the important info a lot faster.

BBM: Yep ... and ask the RIGHT Questions ... not these "softball questions" ....

Your post gave me an "idea" :innocent: ... so I went back and looked at the questions from the reporter who did Justin's interview, which is below:

Transcript of JD interview:

:innocent: RBM are my ???'s ...

Q: Can you give us a sense why you are coming forward now?

JD: Uh, there is a few reasons why. Um, initially, the first few days, I was emotionally incapable of coming out to do an interview and I had been advised that, by coming on and doing an interview, by law enforcement, that it could possibly hinder the investigation. And, I'm here to help in any way I can, and by coming on here, it was in hopes of reaching out to the person that, that does have my daughter. To let them know that what you're doing isn't right, you may think what you're doing is right for Ayla. But it's not, you have no right. You're not her parent. She belongs home with her family.

The reporter should have asked :

What ELSE are you doing to find Ayla ? Are you putting up fliers ? Are you doing any searching yourself ?

Have you contacted any "missing person's" organizations such as Klaas Kids, and if NOT, WHY ?

Justin stated "you have no right. You're not her parent." Justin, WHO are you REFERRING TO HERE ? It sounds like you SUSPECT "someone" ... so WHO do you suspect ? And WHY do you suspect this person ?

Q: Police say they believe foul play is involved. What are investigators telling you about what happened, about what they believe may have happened here?

JD: As far as I know, from..uh, that's just been a change in, in terminology. Um, as far as I know, we're, we're at the same place that we were on day one with this.

The reporter should have asked :

Well Justin, if it is a "change in terminology" -- from "missing person" to "foul play", WHAT did investigators tell YOU that changed this ?

Did you take a poly, and if so, did you pass or fail ? And if you did NOT take a poly WHY ?

Have you retained a lawyer ?

LE took your vehicle and the vehicle of another unidentified female in for "processing". Do you know if they found anything ? And WHO is this "unidentified female" and her relationship to you and/or your family and/or your friends who were at the home on the night Ayla went missing ?

Q: Can you tell us about the last time you saw your little daughter? Tell us about that night.

JD: It was just a normal night. There was nothing-I put her to bed and, just a normal night.

Justin, could define what is a "normal night" ?

Justin, could you tell us WHO ELSE was at the home the night Ayla went "missing" ? Did anyone see you put Ayla to bed ?

And WHO ELSE was the LAST PERSON to see Ayla ?

Q: What do you think people should know about you and about your relationship to your little girl?

JD: I can tell you what I'm not. I love my daughter, I..I would never do anything to harm my daughter. She's...she's the world to me.

Justin, what you do mean that "I can tell you what I'm not" ?

How were you INVOLVED in your daughter's life ? HOW did you spend your time with her ?

Q: Trista has specifically questioned your parenting skills. It's even been raised, a question of an arm injury that your daughter has. She says that she worried Ayla wasn't safe in your care. Your reaction to that?

JD: As far as I know, there was never any concerns. Um, we has both agreed that me having her at this point in time was the best thing for her.

Justin, you did NOT answer the question about the ARM INJURY. It has been reported that you "fell" on Ayla when you were carrying her. Were you "under the influence" ?

Describe what happened that caused Ayla's ARM injury when she was in your care.

It's been reported that Ayla missed her doctor's appointment that was scheduled on the day she went "missing". WHY did she miss this appointment on the day she went "missing" ?

Also, does she have any appointments still scheduled ?

Q: Can you tell us specifically about your daughter? Tell us what makes your daughter so special.

JD: She's my daughter, she's my child. She's my world. That's...she's everything to me.

Can you tell us what Ayla likes to do ? How you spent your time with her ?

Q: What do you think happens now and what are you doing to try and find her at this point?

JD: I just want my daughter home, um, I'm doing anything possible that I can to get my daughter home. Um, feels like a helpless situation at some points, but, I'm doing, doing what I can. It's part of the reason I'm coming on here today, in hopes of reaching out to the person that does have her.

Justin, are you putting up any flyers ? Are you helping with any searches ?

AGAIN, you said that you are "reaching out to the person that DOES have her" ... WHO do you think has Ayla and WHY would they have taken her from your home ?

IMO ... I get so tired of these reporters "dilly-dallying" around ... NOT listening to WHAT is actually being said and FOLLOWING UP ... and NOT "point blank" asking if they took a POLY and getting "specifics" out of them regarding what LE has told them [that they have not told us] :innocent:

IMO ... I think these questions were PROBABLY approved by a "lawyer" for Justin ... which would NOT surprise me ...

I know my ???'s in red are not the best, but just what I could think of right now ...

MOO ...
Honest question- I don't understand the nervous in front of cameras excuse. With your child missing I'm not sure why you would be thinking about the cameras. I can understand rambling, shock, desperation, tears, anger. Can anyone recall an innocent parent (proven) that did not talk about their child or gave vague answers?
Also, IMO if my child was missing I would NOT care about anyone judging me, from LE, to neighbors, to wsers. At least they would be talking about my missing child and keeping it in the news, and websleuthers would be constantly analyzing every interview and retracing all info so that would mean, IMO, a huge percentage increase in uncovering information that could possibly find my child.

Elizabeth Smart. To many, her dad was without a doubt behind her disappearance with something "hinky" about him as well.
Has anyone found a connection between Ayla and Massachusetts?
Elizabeth Smart. To many, her dad was without a doubt behind her disappearance with something "hinky" about him as well.
Thanks. I'm going to look back and check out his demeanor and the public's/media's response.
Has anyone found a connection between Ayla and Massachusetts?

I will try to remember what I read ...

The first time I saw "Massachusetts" mentioned was because Massachusetts LE loaned some type of equipment - surveying equipment - to LE in Maine ...

I will try to find that article.

Then ... in another article I read, the reporter said that Massachusetts LE was involved.

JMO ... but I think the reporter MIGHT have gotten that wrong because the first article I read was about the loaning of equipment ...

I will try to find these links ...
Thanks. I'm going to look back and check out his demeanor and the public's/media's response.

He wasn't vague, he was rather vehement and vocal but still seen as having something to hide and "not quite right" or "hinky." My point being that the same things/demeanors are viewed differently and people are viewed suspiciously regardless dependent on one's predetermined opinions, ie you see and read into things they way you want. Should analysis of these cues and behaviors not be looked at or discarded, no I don't mean that, but they're in no way a real indicator of the truth. Coupled with real facts, then yes thats where it starts to lead to truth.
Honest question- I don't understand the nervous in front of cameras excuse. With your child missing I'm not sure why you would be thinking about the cameras. I can understand rambling, shock, desperation, tears, anger. Can anyone recall an innocent parent (proven) that did not talk about their child or gave vague answers?
Also, IMO if my child was missing I would NOT care about anyone judging me, from LE, to neighbors, to wsers. At least they would be talking about my missing child and keeping it in the news, and websleuthers would be constantly analyzing every interview and retracing all info so that would mean, IMO, a huge percentage increase in uncovering information that could possibly find my child.

Elizabeth Smart. To many, her dad was without a doubt behind her disappearance with something "hinky" about him as well.

Also Mark Lundsford, Jessica Lundsford's father.
When JD was asked about what makes Ayla special, he didn't have words, but his eyes lit up and he smiled. IMHO, that action alone was genuine and said more to me than any flowery words could ever have.


Massachusetts state troopers with specialized crime scene analysis equipment have joined the investigation into the disappearance of Maine toddler Ayla Reynolds.

Chief Massey and representatives of other agencies involved in the search for Ayla, including the Maine State Police and the Maine Warden Service, declined to respond to questions about actions in the investigation, which now involves Massachusetts State Police.

BBM: :waitasec: I don't know ... strange the way this is worded ... since all we know is about the equipment from Mass ... and someone posted a photo of it ...

Not everyone is comfortable in front of cameras. I know I'd probably be so intimidated that I'd probably forget half the things I wanted to say.

I'm sure everybody is nervous before going to the Today show and the like for the first time. But it's worth the trouble if it can help bring one's child home IMO.
We moan and complain when a parent doesn't do interviews and then we moan and complain about the interview. Blows my mind!!

We have no idea about this mans personality or his emotional state right now. To pick apart 'licking lips' 'shaking head' 'normal night' is petty imo.

It WAS a normal night to him originally. He was asked about BEFORE Ayla was found missing. If there was a boyfriend/girlfriend in the house...maybe that is normal. It's fairly normal for most people to have company on a Friday night. She was in pj's ... normal for bed time. What he says to us, the public, is really his choice -- he did ask for Ayla to be returned, he did say he loves her and she is his world. Because there wasn't the exact connotation in his voice doesn't mean it isn't valid.

I didn't hear one bad thing about mom in this interview....unlike moms interviews about dad more than about Ayla!! I don't know who is responsible for Ayla being missing, but my heart goes out to both parents and families until I am told for absolute that one or the other is to blame.

Message to J...keep working with LE and stay away from public interviews!
He seemed a bit stiff, and kind of at a loss for the correct words. But he did not seem evil or phony, imo.

And it did not seem that weird or hinky to say it was a normal night. It may have been a 'normal' bedtime, a routine night. then suddenly she was gone. I don't know, but I don't see him as evil personified as many seem to.
Elizabeth Smart. To many, her dad was without a doubt behind her disappearance with something "hinky" about him as well.

But he talked about Elizabeth as a person, he wasn't constantly making it about it himself, IMO...and he persisted, even knowing people thought he was guilty of something.

Massachusetts state troopers with specialized crime scene analysis equipment have joined the investigation into the disappearance of Maine toddler Ayla Reynolds.

Chief Massey and representatives of other agencies involved in the search for Ayla, including the Maine State Police and the Maine Warden Service, declined to respond to questions about actions in the investigation, which now involves Massachusetts State Police.

BBM: :waitasec: I don't know ... strange the way this is worded ... since all we know is about the equipment from Mass ... and someone posted a photo of it ...


Didn't Washington State offer assistance in Kyron's case at one time, when it seemed like every agency in the area and country was involved? I think it is very likely Mass. has far more resources than Maine.
But he talked about Elizabeth as a person, he wasn't constantly making it about it himself, IMO...and he persisted, even knowing people thought he was guilty of something.

Oh, I agree! I just mean that despite that, there were a large amount of people that questioned his motives, demeanor, and potential involvement in her disappearance. To me, these things are all subjective I guess and can't really form a basis of real suspicion.
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