ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 3

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I found this interesting in that he was very emotionless for someone who couldn't speak before because he was too emotional. He did relax later in the clip but was still quite rigid.

When asked 'What makes Ayla so special' all he could say was that she was his daughter or similar, nothing about her personality, her behaviours (like the dancing) etc.

When asked about what he was doing to help, he merely repeat the question as an answer in different ways, never once did he actually say one thing he was doing.

He looked emotionally exhausted to me.
bbm1 = it was an accident which has been accepted by LE and stated by both parents.

bbm2 = Yes he did in his first written statement.

:twocents: Justin mentioned the "bruises" in his 2nd written statement.

BUT ... IMO, it was not an "outright denial" and it was very vague ...

Snippet regarding the "bruises"

I would never do anything to hurt my child. The questions of Ayla's arm or bruises or anything else being said are simply ludicrous. I would never want anyone to spend even a minute in my shoes. No should ever have to experience this. It has affected me in more ways than you can imagine.

:waitasec::waitasec: WHAT does he mean by "ludicrous" -- that almost sounds "snarky" IMO ...

And then, Justin speaks about ME ... ME ... ME ... JUSTIN ...

Sorry ... I am just NOT buying it ...


And Thanks to askfornina for the fantastic Timeline, I was able to find Justin's statements quickly which are below :

Justin DiPietro Statements:

Dec .20th 2011

First, I'd like to thank everyone involved for their continued support in finding our daughter, Ayla.

I have no idea what happened to Ayla, or who is responsible. I will not make accusations or insinuations towards anyone until the police have been able to prove who's responsible for this.

Ayla was in my sole custody at the time of her disappearance per agreement between her mother and I because she was temporarily unable to care for Ayla. I have shared every piece of information possible with the police. Contrary to some statements floating around out there, I have been in communication with Ayla's mother over the last couple of weeks. The Waterville police have the transcripts from my phone for verification of those communications.

It has always been my intention to have a shared parenting arrangement with Ayla's mother and I will continue to work towards that when Ayla is returned to us.

My family and friends will continue to do everything we can to assist in this investigation and to get Ayla back home.

We appreciate the media respecting our privacy at this time. If anyone has any information that might be helpful, please contact Waterville police at 207-680-4700.


First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who's been involved in their continued efforts in finding my daughter, Ayla. A special thanks to the residents of Waterville that came together to offer a reward for information leading to Ayla's return. I am pleased with the amount of resources being expended from all the departments of law enforcement. Until now I have not participated in any interviews for I don't want to in any way hinder the investigation.

However, it is important that the people hear it from me personally that I have no idea what happened to Ayla and that I am not hiding. I have been in full cooperation with everyone in this effort, including not adding additional media hype.

I would never do anything to hurt my child. The questions of Ayla's arm or bruises or anything else being said are simply ludicrous. I would never want anyone to spend even a minute in my shoes. No should ever have to experience this. It has affected me in more ways than you can imagine.

I have to believe that Ayla is with somebody and I just want that person to find the courage to do the right thing and find a way to return her safely. Even if that means dropping her off at a church, or hospital, or some place safe..

Again, thank you to everyone in trying to help and thank you to everyone showing your support! Please don't give up or lose hope, because that is easy to do. Please be grateful for what you have. I know what I don't have.

The truth is the truth and when the case is solved, it will be out there. Until then, please try to remain positive and hopeful as I remain confident the Ayla will return safely.
Who lives in 29 Violette Avenue? Who was asleep in that very small home that night and didn't hear a peep? Did the person take off their boots or shoes when they broke in and made off with an almost 2 year old girl with a broken arm?

From another interview with the Morning Sentinel:

“I hope that whoever had the courage to come into this house and take her has the courage to bring her back. It’s gone on long enough,” DiPietro said during a Monday interview with the Morning Sentinel.

Courage? Strange word? Is this courageous?

Also, there was NO party that night and the mom agrees so was she there that night? Justin's brother's name is in print in this article too.

Even after being a member here for 3 years and being online everyday following these types of cases (I think I took a break for a few months one time, I think I"m overdue for one because I'm getting more and more disheartened as of late, we'll see). I can't look at a parent or caretaker and tell if they are being evasive or honest.

I've seen them lay on the ground and practically faint on camera and cry real tears and look directly into the camera while weeping and later it was discovered that they killed their child and diposed of the body. Also seen it proven that they weren't the one's that murdered the child.

I've seen them detached, appearing to be cold and aloof and it was proven they had nothing to do with a murder or missing child, I've seen it proven that they did and they are still cold and aloof when they do the perp walk.

I've heard a Mom on a 911 call speak, slowly, clearly and concisely that she was looking through a bathroom window at the body of her adult son who had been decapitated. Never once excited or showing emotion. She didn't do that to him.

To be honest, I just can't tell. I can't look at pics of kids and tell whether or not they were happy or unhappy kids by just a few pics. I've seen pictures of murdered children where every pic is of them laughing or smiling. I've seen pics of kids that never went missing, had great homelifes have fantastic parents and they always manage to pull a face as the shutter snaps.

I've no idea. Just throwing my 2 pennies in :)
Who lives in 29 Violette Avenue? Who was asleep in that very small home that night and didn't hear a peep? Did the person take off their boots or shoes when they broke in and made off with an almost 2 year old girl with a broken arm?

From another interview with the Morning Sentinel:

“I hope that whoever had the courage to come into this house and take her has the courage to bring her back. It’s gone on long enough,” DiPietro said during a Monday interview with the Morning Sentinel.

Courage? Strange word? Is this courageous?

Also, there was NO party that night and the mom agrees so was she there that night? Justin's brother's name is in print in this article too.

Who ever had the nerve . It does not take courage but nerve. I equate courage with doing something good. Breaking into ones home takes nerve.
Regarding the dad's interview this morning I think a couple things are noteworthy:

1. Dad did the interview remotely. He wasn't AT the studio being interviewed.
2. If you've never done an interview before - let alone a remote one where you have an ear piece in to hear the questions - it's kind of difficult! There's a bit of a time lapse and it does, often, make the person appear quite different in their ability to answer because it's an awkward kind of set up --- KWIM?

His interview didn't push me one way or the other - however - I do believe that when his eyes lit up and he smiled talking about her - it was very genuine.
Who ever had the nerve . It does not take courage but nerve. I equate courage with doing something good. Breaking into ones home takes nerve.

But IF he had used the term 'nerve' we would probably find fault with that choice of words, and ask why he used that particular word.

I think he used 'courage' because he is saying someone snuck into his home while he was there and took his child. He is saying that took guts, and courage to do that. He's Not saying it was a good thing, imo, just saying it took courage because the perp could have been killed in the act.

I think that ,MAYBE, mom went to file papers for custody, and while doing so, she may have found out that her own actions, like her recent rehab, and lack of a permanent address, made it doubtful that she was going to win. I bet she was very upset.

And we know that it was on that very night that she called Dad and asked if he was coming to town the next day for the doctor appt. He apparently told her NO, he was not. Again, she was probably very upset. I think he said he was not going to be there because he knew she was planning to send her brother or her father or bf to take the baby back if he went to her hometown. I think she got really mad when he told her he was going to be taking her to a different doctor in his hometown.

She may have had a good friend whom she met in rehab, one who she told all about her abusive ex, and how he is keeping the baby from her, and is hurting the child every day. It is a possibility at least.

And people can go into someone's home unnoticed, in the middle of the night. It happens all of the time. Especially if there are several adults and a kid living in a small home. I don't notice sounds in my home in the middle of the night much anymore because we have guests here now. If someone snuck in a side window and crept quietly around I would never hear them. Thank goodness that my dogs would. Do they have a dog in the home?
JD's statements (snipped):
December 27, 2011 10:26 AM
DiPietro has said he has "no idea what happened to Ayla or who is responsible." He said last week his family and friends would do "everything we can to assist in this investigation and get Ayla back home."
“By coming here, it was in hopes of reaching out to the person that does have my daughter to let them know that what they’re doing isn’t right,’’ DiPietro said from Maine in the live interview Monday morning. “You may think what you’re doing is right for Ayla, but it’s not. You have no right. You’re not her parent. She belongs home with her family.

Does he have a better idea of who may have abducted Ayla than he did a few days ago? Has LE shared some new info with him? He's not accusing TR because he appears confident the perp is not Ayla's parent, but is he publicly pointing a finger at someone in particular? Maybe someone else is claiming paternity?
Who lives in 29 Violette Avenue? Who was asleep in that very small home that night and didn't hear a peep? Did the person take off their boots or shoes when they broke in and made off with an almost 2 year old girl with a broken arm?

From another interview with the Morning Sentinel:

“I hope that whoever had the courage to come into this house and take her has the courage to bring her back. It’s gone on long enough,” DiPietro said during a Monday interview with the Morning Sentinel.

Courage? Strange word? Is this courageous?

Also, there was NO party that night and the mom agrees so was she there that night? Justin's brother's name is in print in this article too.

From what I understand, there were 5 adults and 2 children in the home that night. There was Ayla's Dad, and his girlfriend, and his sister and her boyfriend, and Ayla's grandmother and her baby cousin.

With so many people in the home I think it might be possible for someone to sneak around without it causing any great concern. I block it out when I hear noises because we have guests staying here now. I sleep though it. I woke up and found evidence of a little middle of the night holiday feast on the living room table and found out my son and his girlfriend and my husband got up for Turkey dinner leftovers about 1 am and I never heard a thing.
Night after night I sit and read the day's posts on Ayla's thread. Ayla's thread is the first one I check out when I log on.

As the nights and days pass and I continue to read, I keep thinking about the Lindbergh kidding. I haven't thought about the Lindbergh kidnapping on any of the other threads, but I do on this one.

Introspection is definitely not my strong point, but I'm wondering if anyone else here has similar thoughts. I first began to think about the Lindbergh kidnapping when I read about the Massachusetts State Police arriving on the scene with their sophisticated equipment and when I read they were checking out the window.

Thank you all for your caring, interesting posts!
Night after night I sit and read the day's posts on Ayla's thread. Ayla's thread is the first one I check out when I log on.

As the nights and days pass and I continue to read, I keep thinking about the Lindbergh kidding. I haven't thought about the Lindbergh kidnapping on any of the other threads, but I do on this one.

Introspection is definitely not my strong point, but I'm wondering if anyone else here has similar thoughts. I first began to think about the Lindbergh kidnapping when I read about the Massachusetts State Police arriving on the scene with their sophisticated equipment and when I read they were checking out the window.

Thank you all for your caring, interesting posts!

Didn't they bring the baby out by ladder in the middle of the night, and the baby died accidentally in the process?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I understand the suspicion towards parents or family members when children go missing because more often than not, a parent, step parent, family or someone known to the child is responsible.

With that said, we tend to develop tunnel vision in such cases and my biggest fear is that LE does the same allowing precious time wasted on looking within rather than looking at other possibilities. We know that the first 24 hours are crucial in a missing person case. Before you know it, 24 hours have passed and hours become days, days become weeks and weeks become months......with no resolve. I don't blame LE and am not trying to change anyone's opinion about this case and others. All I'm hoping for is that LE get the proper resources to do parallel investigations when it comes to missing children. Sadly, many time it's too late after they rule out the closest to the missing child.

Stranger abductions happen. Yes, even in their own homes. We saw it with Elizabeth Smart, Jessica Lunsford, Lisa Irwin (even though some are still on the fence about the parents), we saw it up here in Canada as well.

Little Kienan Hebert was taken from his home and just recently on Dec. 26th, a little 4 year old kidnapped from her bed.

We've heard about cases where little ones are snatched from their own backyards......

I just hope and pray that we have not become too jaded. My favorite line from Law & Order SVU. "There are more of them (RSO's) than there are of us."

A child's life is at stake.
It is very sad and frightening that our kids are not safe in their own homes.
This is a question maybe one of you can clarify for me: At first, the arrangement was that Ayla stay with TR's sister (tell me if I'm wrong) but then CPS placed Ayla with her father. Now, TR says that it was agreed that the father's place was the best place for her. What am I missing here? If that was 'agreed' upon, then why was she first going to stay with the sister and why was CPS involved? Why would CPS take a child for what, 10 days and how would they even know the baby was with the sister? If the parents weren't in such close contact or even if they were, why would staying with the sister have been such an issue, JP could have visited Ayla during the 10 days with the sister? None of this makes sense to me unless, UNLESS there was an ongoing custody dispute that started long before. And if TR was in rehab for 10 days in October, why was Ayla at the father's in December? Did CPS permanently place her with the Dad? Ugh!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I understand the suspicion towards parents or family members when children go missing because more often than not, a parent, step parent, family or someone known to the child is responsible.

With that said, we tend to develop tunnel vision in such cases and my biggest fear is that LE does the same allowing precious time wasted on looking within rather than looking at other possibilities.

Respectfully snipped & BBM: These are some good points ...

However, with respect to developing tunnel vision in these cases, I believe that LE follows the evidence and goes where that evidence takes them ...

And IF the evidence does NOT indicate SODDI -- like if there is NO evidence to indicate a break in, or NO trace evidence that was "tracked in" from outside -- LE is going to rule it out ...

And when there is NO evidence that SODDI ... that puts LE's focus right back on THOSE who were in the home when the child went "missing" ...

I believe that LE knows exactly WHAT to look for the 1st time they enter a home when they get a call that a "child is missing" ... An example here would be Tyler Dasher -- look how quickly LE went into the home and immediately KNEW the mother did something to that poor little baby and fortunately, the investigators broke the mother down and got a "confession" ...

Sometimes it happens and they get the perp ...

And many times it does NOT happen and the "perps" are "spinning a story" along with their "defense attorney" for the public to buy ...

And in this case ... I am still not "buying" it ...

MOO ...
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I understand the suspicion towards parents or family members when children go missing because more often than not, a parent, step parent, family or someone known to the child is responsible.

With that said, we tend to develop tunnel vision in such cases and my biggest fear is that LE does the same allowing precious time wasted on looking within rather than looking at other possibilities. We know that the first 24 hours are crucial in a missing person case. Before you know it, 24 hours have passed and hours become days, days become weeks and weeks become months......with no resolve. I don't blame LE and am not trying to change anyone's opinion about this case and others. All I'm hoping for is that LE get the proper resources to do parallel investigations when it comes to missing children. Sadly, many time it's too late after they rule out the closest to the missing child.

Stranger abductions happen. Yes, even in their own homes. We saw it with Elizabeth Smart, Jessica Lunsford, Lisa Irwin (even though some are still on the fence about the parents), we saw it up here in Canada as well.

Little Kienan Hebert was taken from his home and just recently on Dec. 26th, a little 4 year old kidnapped from her bed.

We've heard about cases where little ones are snatched from their own backyards......

I just hope and pray that we have not become too jaded. My favorite line from Law & Order SVU. "There are more of them (RSO's) than there are of us."

A child's life is at stake.

I'm just not really sure anymore what a parent is supposed to say and do for them to be given the benefit of the doubt in cases like this where a child goes missing. Even cases where we know for a fact it was a stranger abduction (Smart, Jessica Lunsford) there were some that still looked at the parent and cast suspicion/guilt right away.

I understand that in a lot of these cases it turns out the parent is the one responsible. It's sad that those cases have jaded folks into not giving parents the benefit of the doubt anymore.
It's possible her rehab was a result of a CPS referral and investigation. Many times kids are not given emergency removal to foster care, but provisions are still placed on the parent in question. It wouldn't be found with the same court records as criminal mandated rehab, due to the nature of DHS hearings. If so, CPS would automatically be involved in the placement of Ayla during her mother's rehabilitation period.

If a biological parent is available, willing, and able to be approved, they are almost always preferred over other familial relations. Feeling slighted by the judgment would also explain why she and her father so strongly dislike Ayla's father.

If it were something she was doing privately, of her own accord, it's much more likely that she would have gotten to choose who cared for Ayla while she was in rehab.

I just also want to add that I would find it odd for a dad with options, who could very well have chosen not to take Ayla in, to disappear his child. I think disappearing a child is often more about wanting freedom from some aspect of that child or situation, and he had access to that freedom. I'm not saying this clears him, just that it is something I keep in mind.
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