ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 3

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LE has released the house back to the DiPietros and released the cars back to them as well. So I do not think there was any evidence of a child's death in either location.

There were 5 adults in that home. If Ayla's dad had killed her that night, and tried to cover it up with this abduction story, I believe that one of the 5 adults would have broken down by now. imoo

I also believe they are telling the truth when they say there was not a party that night. They originally said it was just a few of them having holiday dinner. That would be the 5 adults we already know about. That would mean there could be 5 cars in the driveway with just them. I think that could make the neighbors believe it was a party.

Do you have a link for the 5 adults in the house that night? Still looking.
LE has released the house back to the DiPietros and released the cars back to them as well. So I do not think there was any evidence of a child's death in either location.

There were 5 adults in that home. If Ayla's dad had killed her that night, and tried to cover it up with this abduction story, I believe that one of the 5 adults would have broken down by now. imoo

I also believe they are telling the truth when they say there was not a party that night. They originally said it was just a few of them having holiday dinner. That would be the 5 adults we already know about. That would mean there could be 5 cars in the driveway with just them. I think that could make the neighbors believe it was a party.

BBM: Do you have a link where it states they were having a "holiday dinner" ?

I don't recall this ...

Cadaver dogs used in search for missing Maine girl

I don't remember this one either. OK this is saying the dogs were used in the fields near the airport. I remember this now. But I wonder if they were in the home at all.

Cadaver dogs have been sent to the fields surrounding the tiny airport in this central Maine community this afternoon where police say they are using every resource available to find little Ayla Reynolds.
Weird: from Dec 23rd

Massey declined yesterday to say when Ayla was last seen by someone other than a family member.

This reminded me of something :

Remember one of the neighbor's comments -- she said something like she did not even know that Ayla was living there at the house -- she saw the other child living there, but not Ayla ... :waitasec:

Sorry ... don't have the link handy ...

Oh ... btw, just turned on HLN and Vinnie Politan covering Ayla.
They need to get the father of Ayla locked up, or he needs to take a lie detector and pass. Ronald Cummings the second this guy is. jmo

BBM: Oh yes ... now that you mention it, he does make me think of RC ...

MOO ...
So, I am home from work and have just skimmed the post. Nothing new happening with case. Sigh
This reminded me of something :

Remember one of the neighbor's comments -- she said something like she did not even know that Ayla was living there at the house -- she saw the other child living there, but not Ayla ... :waitasec:

Sorry ... don't have the link handy ...

Oh ... btw, just turned on HLN and Vinnie Politan covering Ayla.

Did you watch? Any highlights?

I guess we are just waiting...
Did you watch? Any highlights?

I guess we are just waiting...

Oh sorry for not responding sooner ...

I got sidetracked and didn't see Vinnie's entire segments on Ayla, but I did see the video of Trista's father, Mr. Reynolds -- pleading for the "kidnapper" to bring Ayla home ...

Nothing new in this report. Mostly, it's an analysis of the investigation by a retired police chief about when LE may encourage victims to speak to the media and when LE discourages such interviews. State LE are quoted as saying there are no new developments. LE declines to comment on whether or not they haved advised JD not to speak to Media. All MOO.
The custody issues have been confusing from the first. Quoting from my own post, this is what I believe happened based on what has been released in the media.

Early on there was a lot of confusion about how Justin ended up caring for the baby while TR was in rehab. As I understand it, TR left Ayla in the care of her mother and sister. Justin learns TR is in rehab and decides he wants to care for Ayla himself and goes to LE and asks that an officer accompany him. LE refers Justin to protective services. A plan is worked out whereby TR agrees to let Justin take Ayla if he agrees to move in with his mom. I would say this was a compromise and in no way indicated TR was okay with Justin caring for Ayla. Justin is the father and has rights regarding his daughter. TR, being in rehab, wasn't in any position to contest the decision and probably figured that Ayla being with the grandmother and aunt was the best arrangement to which she could agree.

AFAIK, no info has been released as to whether TR's rehab was court mandated, voluntary, or what the circumstances were. According to TR's statements, once JD had custody of Ayla, he only let TR see Ayla once afterwards and refused her other attempts to see the baby. No info on how long the temporary custody was supposed to be or whether TR made any appeals to CPS before she began the process to get custody established the day before the disappearance.

There's also nothing to indicate one way or another if Ayla was placed with JD because of unfit or unsafe conditions although I tend to doubt that was the case since TR retained custody of her younger child. All MOO.

Ayla and her younger sibling were both given to her mother and sister when TR entered rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. JD found out and went to CPS where he was given the rights to obtain child. Knowing a possible problem he went to PD to go with him, along with paperwork, to retrieve the child. This alone says that TR has lied. She stated at the onset she "agreed" to let him have Ayla. Because the younger sibling did not have a father come forward and the grandmother was caring for that child...that child remained with the grandmother. When TR came out of rehab (after only 10 days) ...she somehow ended up in a motel room to live and her mom gave her back the younger sibling.
My guess is that JD now does not want to give Ayla back as mom has not been sober and drug free long enough; doesn't want Ayla living out of a one room motel and only takes Ayla to her for a visit. Mom is unhappy and now goes to file paperwork so that she can obtain parental responsibilities. Has nothing to do with full custody, or partial's a plea to the court that one is making to say "I am capable of seeing my child and caring for him/her."
Ayla and her younger sibling were both given to her mother and sister when TR entered rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. JD found out and went to CPS where he was given the rights to obtain child. Knowing a possible problem he went to PD to go with him, along with paperwork, to retrieve the child. This alone says that TR has lied. She stated at the onset she "agreed" to let him have Ayla. Because the younger sibling did not have a father come forward and the grandmother was caring for that child...that child remained with the grandmother. When TR came out of rehab (after only 10 days) ...she somehow ended up in a motel room to live and her mom gave her back the younger sibling.
My guess is that JD now does not want to give Ayla back as mom has not been sober and drug free long enough; doesn't want Ayla living out of a one room motel and only takes Ayla to her for a visit. Mom is unhappy and now goes to file paperwork so that she can obtain parental responsibilities. Has nothing to do with full custody, or partial's a plea to the court that one is making to say "I am capable of seeing my child and caring for him/her."
Respectfully, it is my understanding that Maine has substituted the term 'rights and responsibilities' for custody. As such the court believes more than traditional physical or legal definitions of custody should be considered in the child(ren)'s best interest.

I honestly believe the mother is confused about exactly what she filed for but my presumption is she filled out the form COMPLAINT FOR DETERMINATION OF PATERNITY, PARENTAL RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES, CHILD SUPPORT in order to pursue child support payments. JMO
Ayla and her younger sibling were both given to her mother and sister when TR entered rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. JD found out and went to CPS where he was given the rights to obtain child. Knowing a possible problem he went to PD to go with him, along with paperwork, to retrieve the child. This alone says that TR has lied. She stated at the onset she "agreed" to let him have Ayla. Because the younger sibling did not have a father come forward and the grandmother was caring for that child...that child remained with the grandmother. When TR came out of rehab (after only 10 days) ...she somehow ended up in a motel room to live and her mom gave her back the younger sibling.
My guess is that JD now does not want to give Ayla back as mom has not been sober and drug free long enough; doesn't want Ayla living out of a one room motel and only takes Ayla to her for a visit. Mom is unhappy and now goes to file paperwork so that she can obtain parental responsibilities. Has nothing to do with full custody, or partial's a plea to the court that one is making to say "I am capable of seeing my child and caring for him/her."

This is the clearest account in the media that I can find about what happened which is pretty much as you describe, except that JD reportedly says himself that he had an agreement with TR so it doesn't seem to me that TR lied about having "agreed." All MOO.
Respectfully, it is my understanding that Maine has substituted the term 'rights and responsibilities' for custody. As such the court believes more than traditional physical or legal definitions of custody should be considered in the child(ren)'s best interest.

I honestly believe the mother is confused about exactly what she filed for but my presumption is she filled out the form COMPLAINT FOR DETERMINATION OF PATERNITY, PARENTAL RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES, CHILD SUPPORT in order to pursue child support payments. JMO

Yes. I probably should have continued my post more clearly. Filing for such does not mean it would have been granted. When two parents exist there would need to be agreements made as to joint or full custody by the courts. I do not believe under the conditions that mom was/is living that she would have obtained the rights to have her daughter back. She was not sober and drug free long enough, the hotel that she was living is beyond a dive hole. The reviews on that hotel are horrible living conditions. Why did she not live with her mother? It's sad to think another baby lives under those conditions of the hotel. From all reviews it is filthy, mold and unsavory people hang out there. I know where it is not somewhere I would stay let alone with a baby. I don't know the grandma and grandfather living arrangements but I would venture to say that if TR wanted to have custody of her child, or legal rights for visitation and/or joint custody...the first step should be to have moved in with one or other of her parents...anywhere other than that hotel.
Also, the "agreement" was made by TR and JD...however, when I said she "lied" it is obvious because she did not follow through on giving him the child. He had to go to CPS to obtain the rights and then the PD to get Ayla. She stated in her interviews (the lie) that she gave Ayla to her dad while in rehab. She didn't.
Reviews on motel:

I believe mom knew she was not going to get rights to Ayla back. Not considering she was not sober/drug free long she lives is a dump...and another baby in a one room motel? I think she had someone, or herself, take Ayla from the home. She knew the layout as she was there. Maybe she thought he would call her on the phone the next day and she would have said "See you in court!" ...However, perhaps it backfired when he called police and reported her missing/abducted and now she was "in too deep" and is keeping up with a lie. I truly believe she knows where Ayla is. I believe the dad knows she knows...maybe even the police knows she knows. I do not believe dad harmed this baby.
here is all of the statements by TR, JD, and family members about custody.
clip with TR Dec. 19th 2011
Reporter: From the kitchen table at her fathers house in Portland, TR says she hasn't slept since the call on Saturday, that her 20 month old baby named Ayla was missing from a Waterville home where she stayed with the father, JD. Reynolds says the couple, who were never married, had no legal custody arrangement, but they did have an agreement. Including around the time Trista was in rehab.
TR: The agreement was, was that if he took Ayla, if I let him take care of Ayla for the time being, for me to get back on my feet, he had to live with his mother because I thought it would have been the safest place for her to be. And..I was wrong.

Dec.19th 2011 quoted from article:
The toddler had lived in Portland with her mother and grandmother until mid-October, said Becca Hanson, Ayla’s grandmother. The grandparents, who are not married and have separate addresses, said Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services had removed Ayla from her mother’s care in October. The maternal grandparents criticized the agency, although no details about the action were available Sunday.

Dec. 19th 2011 ABC interview with TR
TR: He would help me out, he'd take care of her until I was on my feet. We've been unable to actually get along the last few weeks and "parent" together.
Reporter: Reynolds said she filed paperwork on Thursday to get full custody of the toddler, one day before Ayla went missing, but says she hadn't told Ayla's father.
TR: He didn't know I went to file them. He'll know now but I haven't told him and no one told him.
Dec.20th quoted from article:
Welfare agents had placed Ayla with her father weeks ago while her mother, Trista Reynolds, was in rehab for substance abuse, Reynolds' stepsister Whitney Raynor said Monday. The toddler's maternal grandmother, Becka Hanson, told the Morning Sentinel newspaper it was the Department of Health and Human Services that took custody of the girl and turned her over to DiPietro.

GRACE: I`m going to come back to Dr. Carter. But very quickly, Trista Reynolds is with us. This is Ayla`s mom. Trista, you went to court in secret just hours before Ayla goes missing, 20-month-old baby girl with a sling on her arm. Did you prevail? Did the judge suggest to you that you were going to get full custody?

REYNOLDS: I haven`t even gotten that far. All I have done is file the paperwork, and that was it. I haven`t seen a judge. I haven`t talked to a lawyer. I have done nothing but file...

GRACE: So you went all on your own without even a lawyer to help you, trying to get custody. Why, Trista, were you trying to get full custody?

REYNOLDS: Because her father has never had anything to do with her up until I needed to go and get a little bit of help for myself. And then when I left my daughter with my sister, that`s when he decided, You know what? I`m going to take Ayla.


TIRSTA REYNOLDS, AYLA REYNOLDS` MOTHER (via telephone): No. I did not tell Justin that I was going to the court to file. Now, me and him had had the discussion within that week that he told me himself that he was going to file the custody papers against me. So I decided to go and file against him.

GRACE: All right. So he did not know, then? In your mind, he did not know that you had filed the papers?

TIRSTA REYNOLDS: No, I wanted him not to know that I was filing --

GRACE: Why? Why didn`t you want him to know?

TIRSTA REYNOLDS: Why didn`t I want him to know?

GRACE: Right.

TIRSTA REYNOLDS: Because he`s vindictive. He`s very verbally abusive towards me and anything that I say or do, he refuses to let me see my daughter, he`s refused to let me talk to her. I mean, he has never, like, once since he`s had her, since October 17th, had let me have her for one single day. So, I decided that it was time to do this the legal way and let a judge say who this child should be with. And my daughter does deserve to be with me. I`m the one who`s raised her for 18 months.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, excellent question. Jessica Reynolds, you are the child`s maternal aunt. You were watching the little girl at the time that the mother went into rehab, and then the dad comes and takes the child away. Had you told Children Services, "Hey, she keeps getting hurt, reportedly, allegedly, when with the father"?

J. REYNOLDS: Well, I can say we have reported it many times, to department of health and human services, to answer that question that was just asked. I didn`t let the child go with him. I was told I had to give the child to him. It was not an option.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, now, Jessica, Ayla`s mom, went into rehab for alcohol abuse back in October. She left the child with her sister, and my understanding, Ronnie, is that the father came in while the mom was in rehab and took the child with the help of child services. So he says they had an agreement. To me it sounds like they had a disagreement. What do you know, Ronnie?

RONALD REYNOLDS, JR., AYLA REYNOLDS UNCLE: OK, first off, they did have an agreement, OK. When Trista was in rehab, they did have an agreement for Justin to take care of Ayla while she was there. Now, DHS, on the other hand, said when Trista got out of rehab, she could take back Ayla. Ayla was supposed to go back to her mom. And that never happened.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Trista got out of rehab and she was trying to get her child back. And are you saying that dad wouldn`t give the child back?

RONALD REYNOLDS: No. Her father would not bring her back. He canceled doctor appointments. He canceled visitations with Trista. I`m sorry. This doesn`t make sense. Where is my 20-month-old niece? You know, he had the agreement with Trista and then violated it.


Q: Um, a little background on your relationship with Justin, according to you, you and Justin had an agreement that he would take care of Ayla while you were in rehab back in October.

TR: That's right.

Q: Other reports suggest that CPS gave Justin temporary custody of Ayla. I don't think you agree with that. But, after you got out of rehab, a month went by where you never saw Ayla, why?

TR: No, I had went like two and a half weeks without seeing her when I first got out of rehab, and then after, um, like the first week of November, I didn't see her again until the 21st of November. And then after the 21st of November I did not see her again.


Q: I have to ask you at the end here. You filed for sole custody of Ayla the day before she disappeared, did you have anything to do with her disappearance? Or did you send anyone up to that house to take your baby back?

TR: No. And I didn't file for sole custody. All I filed for was parental rights and responsibilities. That's it. It wasn't sole custody.


from JD's first statement:

Ayla was in my sole custody at the time of her disappearance per agreement between her mother and I because she was temporarily unable to care for Ayla.


Q: Trista has specifically questioned your parenting skills. It's even been raised, a question of an arm injury that your daughter has. She says that she worried Ayla wasn't safe in your care. Your reaction to that?

JD: As far as I know, there was never any concerns. Um, we has both agreed that me having her at this point in time was the best thing for her.

and here is that detailed article that mentions the police visit:
here is all of the statements by TR, JD, and family members about custody.
clip with TR Dec. 19th 2011
Reporter: From the kitchen table at her fathers house in Portland, TR says she hasn't slept since the call on Saturday, that her 20 month old baby named Ayla was missing from a Waterville home where she stayed with the father, JD. Reynolds says the couple, who were never married, had no legal custody arrangement, but they did have an agreement. Including around the time Trista was in rehab.
TR: The agreement was, was that if he took Ayla, if I let him take care of Ayla for the time being, for me to get back on my feet, he had to live with his mother because I thought it would have been the safest place for her to be. And..I was wrong.

Dec.19th 2011 quoted from article:

Dec. 19th 2011 ABC interview with TR
TR: He would help me out, he'd take care of her until I was on my feet. We've been unable to actually get along the last few weeks and "parent" together.
Reporter: Reynolds said she filed paperwork on Thursday to get full custody of the toddler, one day before Ayla went missing, but says she hadn't told Ayla's father.
TR: He didn't know I went to file them. He'll know now but I haven't told him and no one told him.


GRACE: I`m going to come back to Dr. Carter. But very quickly, Trista Reynolds is with us. This is Ayla`s mom. Trista, you went to court in secret just hours before Ayla goes missing, 20-month-old baby girl with a sling on her arm. Did you prevail? Did the judge suggest to you that you were going to get full custody?

REYNOLDS: I haven`t even gotten that far. All I have done is file the paperwork, and that was it. I haven`t seen a judge. I haven`t talked to a lawyer. I have done nothing but file...

GRACE: So you went all on your own without even a lawyer to help you, trying to get custody. Why, Trista, were you trying to get full custody?

REYNOLDS: Because her father has never had anything to do with her up until I needed to go and get a little bit of help for myself. And then when I left my daughter with my sister, that`s when he decided, You know what? I`m going to take Ayla.


TIRSTA REYNOLDS, AYLA REYNOLDS` MOTHER (via telephone): No. I did not tell Justin that I was going to the court to file. Now, me and him had had the discussion within that week that he told me himself that he was going to file the custody papers against me. So I decided to go and file against him.

GRACE: All right. So he did not know, then? In your mind, he did not know that you had filed the papers?

TIRSTA REYNOLDS: No, I wanted him not to know that I was filing --

GRACE: Why? Why didn`t you want him to know?

TIRSTA REYNOLDS: Why didn`t I want him to know?

GRACE: Right.

TIRSTA REYNOLDS: Because he`s vindictive. He`s very verbally abusive towards me and anything that I say or do, he refuses to let me see my daughter, he`s refused to let me talk to her. I mean, he has never, like, once since he`s had her, since October 17th, had let me have her for one single day. So, I decided that it was time to do this the legal way and let a judge say who this child should be with. And my daughter does deserve to be with me. I`m the one who`s raised her for 18 months.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, excellent question. Jessica Reynolds, you are the child`s maternal aunt. You were watching the little girl at the time that the mother went into rehab, and then the dad comes and takes the child away. Had you told Children Services, "Hey, she keeps getting hurt, reportedly, allegedly, when with the father"?

J. REYNOLDS: Well, I can say we have reported it many times, to department of health and human services, to answer that question that was just asked. I didn`t let the child go with him. I was told I had to give the child to him. It was not an option.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, now, Jessica, Ayla`s mom, went into rehab for alcohol abuse back in October. She left the child with her sister, and my understanding, Ronnie, is that the father came in while the mom was in rehab and took the child with the help of child services. So he says they had an agreement. To me it sounds like they had a disagreement. What do you know, Ronnie?

RONALD REYNOLDS, JR., AYLA REYNOLDS UNCLE: OK, first off, they did have an agreement, OK. When Trista was in rehab, they did have an agreement for Justin to take care of Ayla while she was there. Now, DHS, on the other hand, said when Trista got out of rehab, she could take back Ayla. Ayla was supposed to go back to her mom. And that never happened.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Trista got out of rehab and she was trying to get her child back. And are you saying that dad wouldn`t give the child back?

RONALD REYNOLDS: No. Her father would not bring her back. He canceled doctor appointments. He canceled visitations with Trista. I`m sorry. This doesn`t make sense. Where is my 20-month-old niece? You know, he had the agreement with Trista and then violated it.


Q: Um, a little background on your relationship with Justin, according to you, you and Justin had an agreement that he would take care of Ayla while you were in rehab back in October.

TR: That's right.

Q: Other reports suggest that CPS gave Justin temporary custody of Ayla. I don't think you agree with that. But, after you got out of rehab, a month went by where you never saw Ayla, why?

TR: No, I had went like two and a half weeks without seeing her when I first got out of rehab, and then after, um, like the first week of November, I didn't see her again until the 21st of November. And then after the 21st of November I did not see her again.


Q: I have to ask you at the end here. You filed for sole custody of Ayla the day before she disappeared, did you have anything to do with her disappearance? Or did you send anyone up to that house to take your baby back?

TR: No. And I didn't file for sole custody. All I filed for was parental rights and responsibilities. That's it. It wasn't sole custody.


from JD's first statement:

Ayla was in my sole custody at the time of her disappearance per agreement between her mother and I because she was temporarily unable to care for Ayla.


Q: Trista has specifically questioned your parenting skills. It's even been raised, a question of an arm injury that your daughter has. She says that she worried Ayla wasn't safe in your care. Your reaction to that?

JD: As far as I know, there was never any concerns. Um, we has both agreed that me having her at this point in time was the best thing for her.

and here is that detailed article that mentions the police visit:

All this is words from the mother. There is no proof to back this up. We do know he was cleared from any abuse regarding the broken arm. Children get bruises all the time. He does not talk to her in a kind voice and it's my guess that she was going "off the wall" at him...The above is all one-sided. The mother has already shown me that she would not be the best to have the child so soon. Doesn't it go to say that she was in rehab for drug and alcohol abuse and yet...during the 24 months prior to being in rehab she gave birth to two babies? Was she doing drugs during pregnancy? Obviously was doing it while both children under her care. Again...why was this single mother of two babies not living with relatives but in a dump hotel?
Q: Can you give us a sense why you are coming forward now?

JD: Uh, there is a few reasons why. Um, initially, the first few days, I was emotionally incapable of coming out to do an interview and I had been advised that, by coming on and doing an interview, by law enforcement, that it could possibly hinder the investigation. And, I'm here to help in any way I can, and by coming on here, it was in hopes of reaching out to the person that, that does have my daughter. To let them know that what you're doing isn't right, you may think what you're doing is right for Ayla. But it's not, you have no right. You're not her parent. She belongs home with her family.

It's part of the reason I'm coming on here today, in hopes of reaching out to the person that does have her.

I don't know anything about statement analysis, but the word does that JD inserted into his statement just gives me the feeling he knows who has her. Instead of saying the person that has her he says the person who does have her like it is fact and he knows who. JMO

I believe he does know who is behind her abduction. I also believe the police know who is behind the abduction. Problem is...who has her. I believe mom came and took her...or had a friend...and that person is holding Ayla. I believe the police and the dad believe the same. Am I the only one who sees that the police seem to be "ok" and "fine" with the dad? Yet the mom makes ridiculous statements of "the police told me I am not allowed to step foot in Watertown, ME?" ...course the police commissioner denied her being told that. Maybe they told her to stay from JD and told JD to stay from her. That sounds more likely.
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