ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 5

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Idk. . this whole thing just doesn't add up to me. First we were led to believe that PD was there. . .then not. It was 3 adults and 2 children. . .now it's 3 adults and 3 children. If. . BIG if. . .Ayla was really taken out of that house, that's a lot of people in a small house to not notice. I still don't believe that JD was the one to discover Ayla gone. The question is why all the secrecy if she really was abducted?!

First the sister. . .she says her child was fussy at 10pm and she moved him/her in with her. So was Ayla still in her bed? It seems that would be a pretty simple question to answer. It seems that she should be able to verify that Ayla was still there. . if not they would have discovered and reported her missing then at 10pm, right? So which is it? She can either vouch for Ayla still being there at 10pm. . .or she can't and that would have been when Ayla was discovered gone. . .or 10pm being the last time she was seen. . .not 8pm. Hmmmm. . . :waitasec:

What about the gf? Did she even see Ayla at all that night?

What about JD? Is he lying that he put Ayla to bed at 8pm and that's why the sister can't vouch for her being there at 10pm?

PD. . .so where was she? Was she there at all that night? If so, when did she come and go?

There are just so many questions, that I don't see how one can't be suspicious. None of it adds up to me.



I agree. That bunch is hiding something.
bbm = Somehow, I don't think a 24 year old guy follows any missing children cases to that extent.

I can't imagine that at least 3 adult parents would agree to help him cover a death, accidental or otherwise.

My question is...regarding the morning of JD's last class, the morning that PD called him back about Aylas arm...if PD works, who watches Ayla ~ who watched her that day???

Surely many males understand the tracking possibilities of GPS through cell phones. Some are bright enough to leave their cells at home if they plan on doing something seriously illegal.

According to the amended statements I believe that there were only two other parents in addition to JD at that house on December 16th. PD later admitted she really wasn't there at that time. A lie by omission isn't very smart when the topic covers an investigation of a missing child. And, yes, adults do lie to protect other people in cases of accidental or intentional deaths. There would be fewer missing children if more adults weren't willing to cover for the guilty individuals.

According to JD and PD, they had that little discussion about Ayla's arm on the morning of JD's last class. This could all be another fabrication to make JD look like a good parent and excuse him for waiting to take Ayla to a doctor.
As to who watched Ayla that day, who knows. All we know for sure is that Ayla was alive on that day. So instead of a lie by omission maybe PD added another little white lie to help JD's poor media image.

It is my belief that Ayla was not abducted from that home. IMO: That leads to one conclusion - someone who was there caused Ayla to "go missing". She did not walk away, she is not hiding, and she did not throw herself into any body of water.

SO much of this just frustrates the dickens outta me........

1. WHY is it so hard so slueth these folks? In other cases (like LI) - where there were people - however remotely involved - that were 'partiers' ---- it didn't take long for that to come out. I think the mind set of many of those people is cloudy and they speak out without much thought. If JD keeps these kinds of friends - how has he been able to keep ALL of them from speaking out and saying SOMETHING? It's interesting (FRUSTRATING) that yes, the family members aren't speaking out (gf/sister/etc) - but neither are the neighbors, friends, extended family. Even more interesting is that this isn't really happening on TR side either. (her family isn't exactly speaking out/keeping themselves in the media either).

2. I think it would be AMAZING if there was an accidental death of this precious baby and JD was able (he IS young) to have the where-with-all to suddenly remember CSI (or something of the like) and think "Leave my cell behind..." I also think it would be very difficult for the family members - if they are 'covering' for him - to not be way more emotional then they've appeared to be? Even if they were able to pull it together for periods of time - I just don't see any of them being able to maintain that for long.

2. In other cases - I've seen WS's able to track down where extended family works and other information - ESPECIALLY info on the main players. I haven't seen that happen here - nor have I (not that I'm very good at it mind you) been able to find anything. Did JD work ANY kind of other job? Did he work somewhere prior to starting school? What about TR? We seem to know VERY LITTLE about the players here - which I think adds to why it's so hard to try and come up with scenarios. All we have are a few details - mostly hearsay - and the only thing concrete is that Ayla was with JD and she disappeared. Even in the LI case the mom and LE confirmed events surrounding BL going missing (Mom was went and bought wine: LE stated, mom confirmed, video provided, etc)

I really felt in the beginning that LE had a scenario they were working that led them to believe someone had Ayla and that they were going to find her safe and sound somewhere. Clearly that hasn't happened - and I hope that they are putting together more pieces to this then we've been able to! :)
Video provided on pg12 stated TR's family has started a page for Ayla:

Lots of FB links and other stuff.

Says TR's side is working with LostNMissing - and specifies that Justin's family is working with LauraRecovery....

It also lists a local attorney as the donator of the $30k reward money.....

Gonna go start looking at links they provide.... :)
I am starting to be suspicious of JD's girlfriend. I have not read any mention of her being at the vigil last night. I would certainly "stand by my man" publicly if I were in this situation and innocent. I agree completely that information is being withheld, but I don't think either parent is involved. JMO
snipped from :

Among the approximately 35 people who held vigil was Justin DiPietro, Ayla’s father, who reported her missing Dec. 17 from his home on Violette Avenue. He sat in the front row with friends and family members, focused on the candle in his hands while friends and strangers prayed for Ayla’s safe return. When the ceremony ended, he was among the last to leave, walking through a gathering of reporters without a word.

RBBM: Justin's silence, "without a word" to reporters, is "deafening" ...

MOO ...

Debra Bradley gets destroyed on these forums and deemed suspect for not doing enough to find BL. JD has done everything asked of him by LE and has shown effort to try find his daughter, attends vigils, but yet his silence is 'deafening'? The man has went in front of cameras and pleaded for his daughter. Is the mother attending any vigils?

There really must be no way to be given the benefit of the doubt in these situations.
Debra Bradley gets destroyed on these forums and deemed suspect for not doing enough to find BL. JD has done everything asked of him by LE and has shown effort to try find his daughter, attends vigils, but yet his silence is 'deafening'? The man has went in front of cameras and pleaded for his daughter. Is the mother attending any vigils?

There really must be no way to be given the benefit of the doubt in these situations.

BBM, here is a link for that from Dec.23rd

Ayla's family and friends sent out hopeful messages, saying the more attention that remains on the case the more likely it is that someone will come forward with information that will bring Ayla back to her family.
Trista Reynolds put out a plea for anyone who has any information that they think might be helpful in the search to please come forward.
"I will get her home. Ayla, I love you," said Reynolds. "I'm not going nowhere."
I just watched a video of the vigil showing Justin, his Mother and his brother, all wearing T-shirts of the missing Ayla. Wearing the T-shirts is all well and good, however, I believe much more could be gained by telling the public more info.

For instance "the little oddities" that Justin's Mother spoke of---what are they? If a strange orange car, driving slowly by had been seen in the neighborhood, if they woke up that morning to find a window open, a door tampered with, if they had loaned someone a key, if a service person had been in the house days before acting strangely, etc.

Instead of doing any of these or anything that could indicate someone in that house wasn't involved, they avoid saying anything. Wear the T-shirts, put up the Missing posters, but also try and keep the public involved by giving them correct and informative info.
I just watched a video of the vigil showing Justin, his Mother and his brother, all wearing T-shirts of the missing Ayla. Wearing the T-shirts is all well and good, however, I believe much more could be gained by telling the public more info.

For instance "the little oddities" that Justin's Mother spoke of---what are they? If a strange orange car, driving slowly by had been seen in the neighborhood, if they woke up that morning to find a window open, a door tampered with, if they had loaned someone a key, if a service person had been in the house days before acting strangely, etc.

Instead of doing any of these or anything that could indicate someone in that house wasn't involved, they avoid saying anything. Wear the T-shirts, put up the Missing posters, but also try and keep the public involved by giving them correct and informative info.

I could see LE advising them not to reveal certain details, as this is an investigation and certain things could jeopardize that (assuming the people talking are not guilty to begin with).
Debra Bradley gets destroyed on these forums and deemed suspect for not doing enough to find BL. JD has done everything asked of him by LE and has shown effort to try find his daughter, attends vigils, but yet his silence is 'deafening'? The man has went in front of cameras and pleaded for his daughter. Is the mother attending any vigils?

There really must be no way to be given the benefit of the doubt in these situations.

RBBM: JMO but Justin "bypassing" the reporters at the vigil and NOT saying anything to reporters IS "deafening".

IF you have a child "missing" -- wouldn't you be THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that the reporters showed up to cover the vigil -- AND -- wouldn't you take advantage of a great opportunity to ask the media to keep the story out there that your child is still missing ?

A TRULY INNOCENT father or mother would at a minimum APPROACH the reporters and say "thank you" for the coverage ... say "something" "anything" about AYLA . . . but :silenced: from Justin when it comes to Ayla ... but his "lips sure do move" when it is about HIM ...

:waitasec: Could it be the less HE SAYS the less chance he has of "putting his foot in his mouth again" ? Of course, this is JMO because I find many of his statements to be "sarcastic" as well as "cocky" ... MOO ...

I am sure there are many people out there who would love to have media attention for their missing loved ones ...

We do NOT know that JD has done everything LE asked him to do because LE is keeping quiet and NOT sharing ANY DETAILS of the investigation with the public :

- We know that LE did a search of Justin's mother's home -- but we do NOT know what they found ...

- We know that LE impounded Justin's vehicle for "processing" at the lab -- but we do NOT know what they found ...

- We know that Justin took a polygraph -- but we do NOT know the TRUE RESULTS as LE has NOT confirmed whether or not it was a PASS or FAIL ...

BBM: JMO ... Justin's "first and second appearances" in the media were handwritten statements ... which I found to be VOID of any "pleading" for Ayla ... And there was a lot of "finger pointing" in those statements toward the mother ... Really nothing about baby Ayla ...

Then when he appeared on "camera" ... he is "sarcastic" ... :waitasec: remember that "sarcastic challenge" Justin put out there to Nancy Grace ? And WHO in the world would say when asked if they passed or failed a polygraph would say they "smoked it" ? JMO ... but that is a very "cocky" way to respond to an important question ...

MOO ...
I could see LE advising them not to reveal certain details, as this is an investigation and certain things could jeopardize that (assuming the people talking are not guilty to begin with).

I recall that just recently law enforcement made a public statement encouraging Ayla's family members to speak to the media. Yet, since that statement from law enforcement, the only media appearance from JD's family has been one interview from JD regarding his polygraph results. I personally find it troubling that JD and his family members are quite obviously, (from my perspective anyway), avoiding the media.
I recall that just recently law enforcement made a public statement encouraging Ayla's family members to speak to the media. Yet, since that statement from law enforcement, the only media appearance from JD's family has been one interview from JD regarding his polygraph results. I personally find it troubling that JD and his family members are quite obviously, (from my perspective anyway), avoiding the media.

If I were them, I'd avoid the media as well. I would get a spokesperson, set up a website, or use 3rd parties like the police department as JD did in the beginning. One google search gives them about a million reasons to NOT appear in the media. People have speculated SO much (in a negative manner) that anything JD or his family says will be dissected. In all reality, media appearances by JD or PD probably shift the focus from little Ayla to people scrutinizing them. Depending on where you stand with this case, you will just take what is said and make it fit into your theories of what happened. (saying "you" in general).

People are harping on the broken bone, the missed appointment, the length of time Ayla was asleep, etc. Even though some things have been explained, people continue to come up with their own versions of events. So really, what good would JD be doing by making a crapload of media appearances other than satisfying our desire to sleuth and pick apart his statements? Just sayin...and JMO
So she is NOT with child services?

Apparently she is not with child services. Not exactly sure what a Management analyst would do, or what other departments they would be involved with.

Recently in my small town, the County Judge sent the road department out to blacktop a private driveway. Finally the newspaper called him on it. He said, he had done nothing wrong, they had always done things like that.
Why should parents care so much what the public thinks about them, if their child is missing and they are innocent of any wrongdoing? It is not about the adults. I don't see why all of these parens can't suck it up and be out there in public, talking at every opportunity. Sticks and stones and all that...if one is innocent, they should be able to set aside all of these tender egos and feelings we keep seeing and just do it for their baby. JMO
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