ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 8

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IMO, LE is on the right track releasing more info to the public. New Englanders have a reputation for minding their own business, but this is a fairly small town. People may be aware of a conversation or a sighting which appears unrelated, but may be a part of the puzzle taken in context. One of the things I'd most like to know is when PD left the home and when she returned. Was she already home when LE responded to the 911 call? Was she called before or after the 911 call was placed? If JD "had no idea" what happened to Ayla when he awoke, you'd think he'd immediately start considering every possibility. Wouldn't he have checked with his mother first, assuming she was not yet home? PD could have returned home early, found Ayla already awake and taken her along for a short trip for coffee or breakfast or some other errand for all he knew. Why didn't he call Trista right after he called 911. If he thought this was an abduction, wouldn't Trista immediately come to mind? PD says she told LE she wasn't there. If she wasn't there when LE arrived, they wouldn't need to be told. It would be apparent. Did PD drive herself to her overnight visit or was she picked up by a friend? Why wasn't PD's car towed and examined? All MOO.
IMO, LE is on the right track releasing more info to the public. New Englanders have a reputation for minding their own business, but this is a fairly small town. People may be aware of a conversation or a sighting which appears unrelated, but may be a part of the puzzle taken in context. One of the things I'd most like to know is when PD left the home and when she returned. Was she already home when LE responded to the 911 call? Was she called before or after the 911 call was placed? If JD "had no idea" what happened to Ayla when he awoke, you'd think he'd immediately start considering every possibility. Wouldn't he have checked with his mother first, assuming she was not yet home? PD could have returned home early, found Ayla already awake and taken her along for a short trip for coffee or breakfast or some other errand for all he knew. Why didn't he call Trista right after he called 911. If he thought this was an abduction, wouldn't Trista immediately come to mind? PD says she told LE she wasn't there. If she wasn't there when LE arrived, they wouldn't need to be told. It would be apparent. Did PD drive herself to her overnight visit or was she picked up by a friend? Why wasn't PD's car towed and examined? All MOO.



We live close to school and sometimes I pick up my kids and sometimes they walk. There have been a few times our paths have crossed and we missed each other. I ALWAYS call my ex. . ."Did you pick up the kids?" Usually, they walked home, thank gawd! But sometimes he has picked them up and forgot to tell me. I just think JD calling TR would have been automatic if he really woke up and found Ayla gone and didn't know how or why.


ETA-And considering their situation, he might have called her up in an accusatory way, KWIM?
Yeah and wouldn't he have a whole list of suspects to call if he was afraid that "someone" would take Ayla?
I've been following this case and haven't said much. For some reason my gut tells me that Justin is NOT involved. I don't know why I feel that way, just can't shake that feeling for some odd reason. Normally I am the first person to assume guilt. I don't know what to make of his public behavior other than it seems *to me* that he is somewhat soft spoken when talking about Ayla, intelligent, and at the same time a few brain cells short from smoking too much dope.

*let the tomato pelting begin. don't throw 'em too hard* :D

I will also say that I found the video of Justin and Trista embracing EXTREMELY ODD. They also seemed to be whispering something to each other. I don't know...if I were that mother and I thought the father of my child had something to do with her disappearance, I would most definitely NOT be hugging him, no way, no how.
IMO, LE is on the right track releasing more info to the public. New Englanders have a reputation for minding their own business, but this is a fairly small town. People may be aware of a conversation or a sighting which appears unrelated, but may be a part of the puzzle taken in context. One of the things I'd most like to know is when PD left the home and when she returned. Was she already home when LE responded to the 911 call? Was she called before or after the 911 call was placed? If JD "had no idea" what happened to Ayla when he awoke, you'd think he'd immediately start considering every possibility. Wouldn't he have checked with his mother first, assuming she was not yet home? PD could have returned home early, found Ayla already awake and taken her along for a short trip for coffee or breakfast or some other errand for all he knew. Why didn't he call Trista right after he called 911. If he thought this was an abduction, wouldn't Trista immediately come to mind? PD says she told LE she wasn't there. If she wasn't there when LE arrived, they wouldn't need to be told. It would be apparent. Did PD drive herself to her overnight visit or was she picked up by a friend? Why wasn't PD's car towed and examined? All MOO.

BBM: I totally agree that LE is on the right track releasing more info to the public ...

While I understand their concern about releasing certain info that will compromise their investigation -- I don't think it would "hurt" to start releasing some info ...

JMO ... but there are so many cases out there that LE has NOT released info on -- and not to "badger" le, but WHERE has it gotten them ? No where !

Also, these are good points you bring up ... I sure would like to know more info about PD and IF she took her car with her -- her car was NOT seized and searched ...

WHO is her "alibi" for that Friday night ... WHERE was she at ...

And WHEN did PD last see Ayla ?

MOO ...
I've been following this case and haven't said much. For some reason my gut tells me that Justin is NOT involved. I don't know why I feel that way, just can't shake that feeling for some odd reason. Normally I am the first person to assume guilt. I don't know what to make of his public behavior other than it seems *to me* that he is somewhat soft spoken when talking about Ayla, intelligent, and at the same time a few brain cells short from smoking too much dope.

*let the tomato pelting begin. don't throw 'em too hard* :D

I will also say that I found the video of Justin and Trista embracing EXTREMELY ODD. They also seemed to be whispering something to each other. I don't know...if I were that mother and I thought the father of my child had something to do with her disappearance, I would most definitely NOT be hugging him, no way, no how.

:seeya: Hi mrsu ... just curious :innocent: but would you mind sharing what you think ? Would really like to hear your 'theory' / 'opinion' ... TIA !

I agree that -- the interaction between Trista and Justin at the last vigil was ODD ... But JMO, I think it possible that she was using some "reverse psychology" ...

So "fire away" .... :floorlaugh:

MOO ...
I've been following this case and haven't said much. For some reason my gut tells me that Justin is NOT involved. I don't know why I feel that way, just can't shake that feeling for some odd reason. Normally I am the first person to assume guilt. I don't know what to make of his public behavior other than it seems *to me* that he is somewhat soft spoken when talking about Ayla, intelligent, and at the same time a few brain cells short from smoking too much dope.

*let the tomato pelting begin. don't throw 'em too hard* :D

I will also say that I found the video of Justin and Trista embracing EXTREMELY ODD. They also seemed to be whispering something to each other. I don't know...if I were that mother and I thought the father of my child had something to do with her disappearance, I would most definitely NOT be hugging him, no way, no how.

If you feel JD wasn't involved, do you think the answers still lie within the home, or do you think there is an innocent explantion for the blood found, and this is an abduction?

A lot has been made of the hug. I have no way of knowing what she was thinking or feeling. IMO, she didn't look all that comfortable hugging Justin. My theory is that she was trying to appeal to JD's better nature, evoke an emotional response from him, summit any guilty feelings he might have. I think Trista probably is trying to be realistic, but there must be a part of her that still hopes that JD is not capable of harming his own baby because otherwise, there is no hope. All MOO.
One of the things I'd most like to know is when PD left the home and when she returned. Was she already home when LE responded to the 911 call? Was she called before or after the 911 call was placed? If JD "had no idea" what happened to Ayla when he awoke, you'd think he'd immediately start considering every possibility. Wouldn't he have checked with his mother first, assuming she was not yet home? PD could have returned home early, found Ayla already awake and taken her along for a short trip for coffee or breakfast or some other errand for all he knew. Why didn't he call Trista right after he called 911. If he thought this was an abduction, wouldn't Trista immediately come to mind? PD says she told LE she wasn't there. If she wasn't there when LE arrived, they wouldn't need to be told. It would be apparent. Did PD drive herself to her overnight visit or was she picked up by a friend? Why wasn't PD's car towed and examined? All MOO.
Has it been confirmed who made that 911 call? I wonder why there hasn't been a leak from the 911 operator.

I think PD was home when the 911 call was made. MOO I think that Justin would call his mom before even calling 911. I think he depends on his mom a lot for everything. Actually I think Trista would be the last person he'd think to call if something happened to Ayla.

I think PD was there when LE arrived. As I wrote earlier, I think she was at a nearby house and walked there. Heck, there may have even been a party at that other house, and maybe (ok this is way out there) the rest of the family left the kids alone in the house and went to this party as well.

As for PD's car, I'll bet that is the car they are calling Justin's. Do you think both Justin and PD have a car?
Has it been confirmed who made that 911 call? I wonder why there hasn't been a leak from the 911 operator.

I think PD was home when the 911 call was made. MOO I think that Justin would call his mom before even calling 911. I think he depends on his mom a lot for everything. Actually I think Trista would be the last person he'd think to call if something happened to Ayla.

I think PD was there when LE arrived. As I wrote earlier, I think she was at a nearby house and walked there. Heck, there may have even been a party at that other house, and maybe (ok this is way out there) the rest of the family left the kids alone in the house and went to this party as well.

As for PD's car, I'll bet that is the car they are calling Justin's. Do you think both Justin and PD have a car?

The statement that there "was no party here" has always made me wonder if there was a party elsewhere. I know there was the new to us info about the neighbor's house being searched. I was wondering if maybe you had read anything else that pointed to ED being in the neighborhood, something that could be discussed downstairs?
I was wondering if maybe you had read anything else that pointed to ED being in the neighborhood, something that could be discussed downstairs?
Are you asking me if I know more than what I've written? If so, No. I'm just speculating the same as everyone else. I just read that searched home may have been vacant.
Are you asking me if I know more than what I've written? If so, No. I'm just speculating the same as everyone else. I just read that searched home may have been vacant.

I'm such a dork! :doh:

I bet the home that was searched is the one that is for sale, that I posted earlier when we were trying to figure out the floor plan of the house. I can't remember the number, but it was very close. . .like 26.

ETA-It's 25 Violette Ave.
I'm such a dork! :doh:

I bet the home that was searched is the one that is for sale, that I posted earlier when we were trying to figure out the floor plan of the house. I can't remember the number, but it was very close. . .like 26.

Is it a yellow one across the street?
Not sure of that particular area, however, most homes in New England have their own septic systems for their homes... leach fields. I see a lot of septic cleaning companies in that area so I will assume they have their own , as well.

I spoke to realestate office and manager of Sewerage District. Manager is not certain, but after researching she cannot find anything about the houses in that area starting off on septic system. She thinks they might have been on city sewer from beginning. I don't think so, but oh, well.

Looking at records and realestate sites I saw somehting I think is weird. Do you guys already know that 2 houses on same street as Dad went up for sale 15 days and 17 days ago? The one for sale that's almost across the street from Dad, says that seller is extremely motivated....he wants out asap even though he's in the middle of projects at the house, roughly two weeks time, he has already lowere the asking price quite a bit.

Let me know what you think? Or if this is old news? I think it is very very weird.
I'm such a dork! :doh:

I bet the home that was searched is the one that is for sale, that I posted earlier when we were trying to figure out the floor plan of the house. I can't remember the number, but it was very close. . .like 26.

ETA-It's 25 Violette Ave.

I just posted about this. It is 26 Violette, and 1 Violette is for sale too.
Let me know what you think about the post or if it's already been hashed.
Thank you.
Police say new leads continue to come in the search for Ayla. They also say they plan to tell the public "more" about the case in hopes that someone will come forward with new information. Ayla's family is doing the same .

Ayla's maternal family is doing the same.... So, it is quite apparent that the DiPietro clan is now hiding behind their "family attorney", and there will not be any pleas for Ayla's safe return on their behalf. Have we ever even heard from the girlfriend, LD, or ED at any point in this investigation? How sad.
I just have a feeling that Ayla disappeared at some time before the 16th of December but after the day she was treated for her broken arm. That's something like a 3 week period. That might explain why Justin didn't take Ayla to her doctor appointment on the 16th to have her arm checked. HLN on TV today is saying that police believe that someone who is not a family member knows what happened to Ayla. According to HLN, police are focusing on people not related to Ayla. For example, they searched the home of a neighbor looking for Ayla's body. They didn't say why or which neighbor. I wish we knew when Ayla was last seen alive and well by someone other than Ayla's family and Justin's girlfriend. Why does the TV news keep saying that Ayla slept in the upstairs bedroom "for the first time" on December 16th? I thought that was her regular sleeping place and that she usually shared the room with her little cousin. I'd also like to know whose blood was in the basement besides Ayla's. If Ayla had gotten hurt accidentally in the basement and the injury caused her to bleed a lot, surely she would have been rushed to the emergency room and Trista would have been informed of it. Nobody had reported Ayla having any big injuries except for the broken arm. I hope the police will release more information in the case soon.
I spoke to realestate office and manager of Sewerage District. Manager is not certain, but after researching she cannot find anything about the houses in that area starting off on septic system. She thinks they might have been on city sewer from beginning. I don't think so, but oh, well.

Looking at records and realestate sites I saw somehting I think is weird. Do you guys already know that 2 houses on same street as Dad went up for sale 15 days and 17 days ago? The one for sale that's almost across the street from Dad, says that seller is extremely motivated....he wants out asap even though he's in the middle of projects at the house, roughly two weeks time, he has already lowere the asking price quite a bit.

Let me know what you think? Or if this is old news? I think it is very very weird.

That is very interesting about the houses being put on the market in January. I take it the house directly across the street is now vacant? Has it been in any of the reports when the search was conducted. If the house is now vacant, was it vacant on Dec 16, and was it vacant when searched?
That is very interesting about the houses being put on the market in January. I take it the house directly across the street is now vacant? Has it been in any of the reports when the search was conducted. If the house is now vacant, was it vacant on Dec 16, and was it vacant when searched?

I can't remember which one was which. But 1 went up for sale 17 days ago, and the other went up 15 days ago. There are other houses for sale on that street, but they have been for sale for a long time.

I posted a link (jury or other private area? for realtime comment war between insiders happening now. Pretty wild accusations, much spilling of beans.

I put it in parki ng lot
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