ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 8

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I was thinking about when I broke my ankle. It was healed in 6 weeks. If Ayla's arm was broken on Nov. 4 (taken to ER on Nov. 5) she should have been fully healed by the Dec. 16th appointment. That would be 6 weeks exactly from the ER visit. So this basically should have been a wellness check and release visit. Maybe JD didn't think this appointment was important and removed the soft cast. I've known people to cut their own hard casts off. She shouldn't have had any trouble getting in those pajamas if he had taken the cast off and her arm was healed.
Time for bones to heal:

On another note, there has been some mention about JD not taking Ayla for her booster shots. I don't have a link. I have just seen it mentioned in the thread somewhere. I know a woman who was contacted by DHHS regarding this and told if she did not get there pronto they would be investigating. She was getting the vaccinations through the health department and maybe they are more thorough than a private doctor. Does anyone know if all doctors and agencies report quickly regarding vaccinations?

If she was passed off to someone (which would be my hope though I don't feel a lot of hope at this point), could she be tracked through vaccination records at some point? You can't go to school without them.

With all due respects...I trust you, an adult, to make your own decisions about when your cast should come off. I have been known to "adjust the timing" of doctor's orders, too, when it pertains to myself.

But, I still think that an adult should let the DOCTOR decide when their child's bone has healed. So even if Justin made a decision that the bone was healed, to remove the cast, I feel it is a negligent act on his part.
Thanks! It can't be said enough - it didn't pass the "smell test" so someone is lying!

I think the "second version" must be whatever spin they put on the story after the blood was found in the basement.

That is very, very odd wording 'first' version...hmmm

The weird part is, if they DID in fact give subsequent versions, what could they possibly be considering none of them are in jail? Wouldn't 'abducted' be the only 'version' that would be keeping them from being charged? A baby is missing ~ wow ~ this is all so convoluted!

We are hearing so much about Justin and Trista ... and so little about Ayla. Where is this baby girl?? Someone knows for certain ~ enough already....speak up and bring Ayla home!!
Regarding the exact timeline of incident paired with exact time of reporting is knowledge we are not privy to at this time.. *If questioning the fact of Trista's reporting by suggesting one of the abusive incidents occurred prior to DHS involvement.. Therefor that somehow equals that the claim of her having reported these incidents is false I find to be baseless due to the fact that thus far Trista has not made statements of when incidents were reported..
Therefor I beg to differ that it somehow means its untrue.. For instance with the incident of the pulled muscle being prior to DhS involvement, as you state, I would find it likely that Trista did just as she states that she did in taking her to a pediatrician for the injury.. Thereby documenting this incident.. It makes logical sense that you would want to believe that this injury was an innocent happening and there would've been no need to report it to DHS if there were no injuries to follow..

Since we know for precious Ayla that however was not the case and that in fact there were multiple injuries that followed.. Therefor Trista having properly sought medical attention for her daughter's leg injury allowed there to be a doctors documentation of the injury.. So, that when the injuries that were to follow and Trista then deciding it was not as she'd hoped of it being just a one time fluke accident.. And at that point reporting the now multiple incidents (as in more than one) Trista was easily able to provide the medical documentation to include in her report the incident involving Ayla's leg injury..

Trista did the correct thing in tho, not immediately seeking DHS involvement upon the first incident involving the leg due to the fact that she wanted to believe what the father was telling her in that it was an accident.. But she did however seek medical attention for her daughter and because of that decision she was able to easily include the prior leg injury with full medical documentation to DHS..

IMO to suggest that she didn't report to DHS because one of the injuries was prior to DHS involvement IMO is just baseless and nonsensical.. As just described above is exactly how I personally would have handled it as well with it being a "first time incident" you want to believe your child's father when he tells you it was an accident.. But do seek the medical attention as
Is needed per the injury to your child.. It would only become necessary to involve DHS if injuries continued.. As they did in this case and at that time as a parent you have no choice to involve whatever services necessary(DHS) in order to attempt protecting your child.. Sadly protecting your child from their very own parent..

My heart breaks for Trista and I feel part of her pain everyday. I don't think she is responsible for Aylas going missing ~ but... I know that Tristas sister is saying that it was REPORTED but when Trista discussed the incidents, I thought she said she had recorded them or noted them (along those lines, but not reported). Has Trista come out and said that she reported the incidents to DHS and/or that she took her to the doctors for her leg? I'm truly asking because I missed those interviews if they are out there and would love to see them if you have them. TIA
That is very, very odd wording 'first' version...hmmm

The weird part is, if the DID in fact give subsequent versions, what could they possibly be considering none of them are in jail? Wouldn't 'abducted' be the only 'version' that would be keeping them from being charged? A baby is missing ~ wow ~ this is all so convoluted!

We are hearing so much about Justin and Trista ... and so little about Ayla. Where is this baby girl?? Someone knows for certain ~ enough already....speak up and bring Ayla home!!

Anyone who knows, IMO, will face is too late not to be considered part of a conspiracy to cover up a crime at the very least. I don't think people confess very often in cases like this, they try to ride them out.
Anyone who knows, IMO, will face is too late not to be considered part of a conspiracy to cover up a crime at the very least. I don't think people confess very often in cases like this, they try to ride them out.

It just seems like so many people should know something if it was in fact an 'in home' disappearance. If it was a total stranger abduction, then I can see fewer people possibly knowing, but if her own family is many of them, I am just sick that no one is speaking out.
It just seems like so many people should know something if it was in fact an 'in home' disappearance. If it was a total stranger abduction, then I can see fewer people possibly knowing, but if her own family is many of them, I am just sick that no one is speaking out.

I think more than one person knows what happened to Haleigh Cummings, just for one example, and they have kept it to themselves for three years; also with Phylicia Barnes, and possibly with Baby Joshua. There are likely other cases where more than one adult knows what became of a child, and in my experience, people don't like to admit that they kept quiet to begin with, and certainly don't like to admit to any guilt or complicity.

Random kidnapping is a non-starter for me in this case. JMO
hi sparklin:seeya:

Here's snip from ayla's website included in Trista's timeline stating the following :
Quote: Due to her growing concerns of infrequent visitations, lack of communication from Justin, missing doctor visits and Ayla's injuries while under Justin's care (documented with doctors and DHHS)
And here's where Trista describes her having taken ayla to the DOCTOR for herleg..
Justin took Ayla on a Thursday and brought her back Friday. Later that evening, Becca noticed that she could not walk without difficulty and after a few days she was not getting any better, favoring her left foot as she walked. Trista asked Justin what had happen and he said they were," horsing around". The subsequent visit to the doctor found it to be a pulled leg muscle... and it took three weeks before she could walk normally again.

hth :)
My heart breaks for Trista and I feel part
Of her pain everyday. I don't think she is responsible for Aylas going missing ~ but... I know that Tristas sister is saying that it was REPORTED but when Trista discussed the incidents, I thought she said she had recorded them or noted them (along those lines, but not reported). Has Trista come out and said that she reported the incidents to DHS and/or that she took her to the doctors for her leg? I'm truly asking because I missed those interviews if they are out there and would love to see them if you have them. TIA

Full timeline:

ME ME - Ayla Reynolds timeline and media links *no discussion* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Latest update:

LE Press Conferences/Statements:

2/7/12 more@link:

Lance DiPietro, of 19 Ash St., was driven to and from the scene by Ayla's father, Justin DiPietro, according to Waterville police Chief Joseph Massey, who described the incident as follows:
About noon Monday, the DiPietro brothers were driving north on College Avenue near Hazelwood Avenue. Across the street, they saw Linnell walking north. Justin DiPietro drove his SUV into a nearby parking lot and stopped. Next, Lance DiPietro climbed out of the passenger side carrying a wooden novelty baseball bat and confronted the man.
"DiPietro confronted him and said, 'You've been saying stuff about my family. Knock it off,'" Massey said.
DiPietro then dropped the bat and stepped toward Linnell, and there was a short struggle.
Linnell fell to the ground and suffered a large cut on the back of his head. While he was on the ground, DiPietro kicked him in the face, Massey said. Police photos of the facial injury are consistent with a kick, he added.

2/13/12 quoted from article:

Citing anonymous sources at the Maine State Police, Ayla Reynolds' maternal family released a statement Monday that the child's father, Justin DiPietro, failed a police polygraph test, bought life insurance on the child after taking custody of her and sought termination of child support payments after he had custody of her.
The statement was released on the website, which is run by Trista Reynolds' step-father Jeff Hanson.
Maine Department of Public Safety Spokesman Steve McCausland said Monday that he was aware of the Reynolds' statement, but wouldn't offer new information on the investigation.

2/14/12 from Waterville PD facebook:

The Waterville Police Department has charged Jeremy Hanson with one count of Criminal Mischief in connection with the breaking of several windows of the Dipietro residence. Hanson, 19, of Clinton, met with officers last night at the Waterville Police station to be interviewed about the case. Hanson confessed and was subsequently summoned for Criminal Mischief and Violation of Conditions of Release. The second charge stems from the fact that when Hanson broke the windows at 29 Violette Avenue, he was out on bail from a State Police case where he was charged with Driving to Endanger, Criminal Mischief, and Reckless Conduct with a Weapon. The Waterville Police Department does not have any details related to the earlier charges, which do not relate to the Dipietro family. It is unclear whether Hanson has any connection to the residents of 29 Violette Avenue.
Hanson left the Waterville Police Department after his interview and after being charged with the two offenses. He will appear in the Waterville District Court for the charges on May 8th, unless arraigned earlier.
On February 3rd at approximately 11:15PM, Phoebe Dipietro called 9-1-1 to report that someone was breaking windows at her residence. Police responded and found that multiple windows were damaged by an unknown object. A K-9 unit from the Kennebec County Sheriff's Office responded and conducted a track which led from the residence to a side street near the home, where the scent terminated leading investigators to believe that the suspect left in a vehicle.
Chief Massey subsequently held a press conference to discuss the incident, calling it "a cowardly act," and stressed that harassing, intimidating and illegal behavior was not helpful, and distracted investigators from their work to find Ayla Reynolds.

2/15/12 more@link:

As the search for Ayla Reynolds approaches two months in length, investigators continue to sift through tips and leads that now number more than 900, according to Stephen McCausland, spokesman for the Maine State Police. McCausland said he expected the investigation to continue “quietly” this week, as opposed to very public searches in the Waterville area and press conferences that have punctuated the search for Ayla.

McCausland, who is the only law enforcement official making public statements about the case, has said that no one, including Trista Reynolds, has been ruled out as a suspect in Ayla’s disappearance. However, McCausland has said that investigators believe the three adults who were with Ayla on Dec.16 — Ayla’s father, Justin DiPietro; his sister, Elisha DiPietro; and his girlfriend, Courtney Roberts — know more about her disappearance than they have told police, including how Ayla’s blood wound up in the basement of the DiPietro home at 29 Violette Avenue.

2/16/12 more@link:

State police spokesman Steve McCausland said Thursday that the paternal family of missing child Ayla Reynolds could be doing more to help investigators.
He said detectives are encouraging the DiPietro family to keep Ayla's name in the public, something the family of Ayla's mother, Trista Reynolds, has been doing through a website, billboards and interviews with the news media.
"We continue to encourage the immediate family to keep Ayla in the headlines and to talk about her," McCausland said. "One side is doing that, and the other side is not."|topnews|bc|large

2/17/12 more@link:

McCausland says investigators have contact with the three adults who were the last to see Ayla, but that's about it. "The circumstances under their first version that the child was abducted, we dispelled weeks ago because it just doesn't hold water," McCausland said.

TR and Family Statements w/transcripts:

2/13/12 video@link:

RR: I mean, look at her. She is so beautiful. She is. I don't know why people can't come forth and say something, you know. But this is what I want, for her to come home, to be with her family again. But again, I ask the public, and I beg everybody, please help us. Help us bring her home. Somebody say something. Come forth and say something because every day gets longer and longer.

2/13/12 from

Sources close to the investigation have revealed some unsettling information that raises many questions. It seems that in addition to failing the polygraph test, Justin bolted from the police station after being shown photos of Ayla's luminol enhanced blood. We were also told that in addition to recently filing for termination of child support payments, Justin had taken out a life insurance policy on Ayla less than a week after taking her from Reynolds' custody.
Some of the best detectives in the country are working day and night on this case, trying to put together the missing pieces. We are still desperately hoping that the adults present the night of December 16th will come forward with the information police believe they are withholding. The pain caused by their unwillingness to confess the truth is multiplied every day and the sooner they unburden themselves the sooner this nightmare will end. Please do the right thing and speak the truth for Ayla's sake.

2/14/12 more@link:

Nearly two months after Ayla Reynolds was reported missing from her Waterville home, the toddler's mother, Trista Reynolds, says she's considering filing a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services.
Reynolds claims DHHS workers didn't ensure Ayla's safety by conducting necessary checks and reviews, and says her daughter's disappearance may have been avoided altogether if they had.
"DHHS just didn't do their job," Reynolds told The Portland Daily Sun late last week.

2/14/12 video@link:

Reporter: Reynolds says DHHS promised to check on the toddler and conduct background checks on those living in the home with Dipietro. And tonight, she says that never happened.
TR: It was agreed on paper when I was in rehab. Like, stated, written down, in front of two DHS workers, the supervisor, two doctors and an attorney. And you're going to tell me that you didn't go check on my daughter? For what reason? Give me one good reason as to why you didn't go check on my daughter. So yeah, I'm going to go up against you and I am going to fight you because I'm sitting here every single day wondering where Ayla is, what happened to her, and why nobody cared to check on her to make sure she was safe.
TR: Like, it's hard, and it's getting harder, like, we're on Valentine's day, and me and Ayla, this was one of our like, favorite holidays last year, we just spent the whole day together. We were each others valentine, you know? Like, I don't see her face. I don't hear her voice. I don't feel her touch. And not one person in that house can tell me what happened to my daughter.
TR: I can't do it anymore. Like, I want answers for Ayla.
TR: Within the same week that Justin took Ayla from me, he took out a life insurance on Ayla. Now, why did he take out that life insurance policy? I'm still trying to figure that one out myself. Because, who takes a life insurance policy out on their own child?
TR: You want to stop paying child support? Stop paying child support. But if you think your child is still alive, and you say you had nothing to do with this, why are you gonna go and terminate from paying child support if you believe she's coming home?
I was told that Justin had failed his lie detector. And that he- when he was shown a picture of Bugbug's blood, he up and bolted out of the police station. Why would you do that?

2/14/12 video@link:

TR: You can't tell yourself that she's not coming home or she's dead because miracles do happen.
They should have checked on Ayla because, you know, maybe if they did, we probably would not be right here today.
She's still missing and she needs to come home and I'm really hoping that she is home before her second birthday.

2/15/12 video@link:

TR: I'm done being nice.
I want to, you know, keep defending him, but how can I do that if he's not even talking to me or just explaining things? It's just not right. Not right at all.
I can just feel, like, I'm her mommy, you know, like, she's not okay. She's not alright, you know? So why keep playing the game that's being played? It's not a game. It's serious. And everyone that was inside that house that night, that knows what happened to Ayla, they're making this a game because they're the ones that can end this in a matter of seconds. All you gotta do is speak up and say something. Whether it was meant to be done or whether it was an accident.
Reporter: Do you think that if they said what they knew that Ayla would come home? That's all that is missing is them?
TR: Either she would come home or we would have our closure.
But you've gotta think, like, look at every evidence we've got right now. Not any of the evidence is pointing toward anything positive. Everything is pointing toward negative. So, how is that fair to her? Like then I wonder, you know, did she suffer? Was it- if it was the worst, was it just quick and easy or did she suffer from it? You know, like, that's not cool for a mom to wonder every day.
I just, I do got my doubts, but then I tell myself, I gotta keep the faith because miracles happen. They do happen.

2/15/12 video@link more in article@link:

TR: I am going to try and sue DHS, and I will go against them and I will fight them. They- it was an agreement, like, written, I told everybody, it was two doctors, two DHS workers, a supervisor and an attorney present at the family team meeting when we made the agreement. The only way Ayla could stay in that house with Justin was if everyone got background checks done, the house was evaluated and approved of like, DHS standards and Ayla was happy and content and safe there. And even the supervisor from the department stated that she did not go check on my daughter knowing it was our agreement.
TR: Like, I hate it, I should not be sitting on TV asking and begging and pleading for people to bring my daughter home or bring justice for her.
I hate cameras. And I hate talking to people. I'll be the first one to admit it. But this is for my daughter. And if this is what I have to do, if I have to sit in front of a camera all day long for people to know that she is missing, and that I want her home and I want justice, I'll do it. Whether I like being in front of it or not.

2/16/12 more@link:

Ron Reynolds said Thursday his family is being torn apart because the father, Justin DiPietro, and others in the Waterville home won’t explain what happened before Ayla Reynolds was reported missing on Dec. 17.
“That eats me up every day,” an emotional Reynolds said from Portland, where he lives. “Why didn’t they protect her? Why didn’t he protect her? He was responsible for her safety and welfare.”

2/16/12 from

As tomorrow marks two months since Ayla has been reported missing we continue to keep her foremost in our thoughts and will mark this sad date in our own personal way. We want to thank everyone that has kept Ayla in their hearts and prayers. Your concern for Ayla continues to be encouraging to us as we continue to hope for her safe return even while turning coolly to the business of securing justice for Ayla.|topnews|bc|large

2/17/12 video@link:

TR: About two months into this, and I still don't have that one thing to tell me where she is. Or to tell me at least what had happened to her that night.
Yeah, I uh, I did text him this morning, and was just, bluntly out like, look, we're on two months today. Like, do you even care? I haven't heard from you, you're not talking to me. And you know, just, like I said, you know, come on. Tell me.
I'm still right here. And I'm fighting. And I won't let anyone get away with this. Justice will be brought for you, princess. I love you.

JD and Family Statements:

2/7/12 more@link:

"I just wanted to confront him and maybe have a war of words. It's pretty unfortunate that things escalated the way they did," Lance DiPietro said.
A short fight ensued. DiPietro knocked Linnell to the ground and kicked him in the face, according to police. DiPietro then got back into his brother's car and they continued toward Fairfield.
Justin DiPietro said he was unaware of the fight.
"I didn't see anything that happened," he said. "We didn't discuss what had happened."

2/13/12 more@link:

A lawyer representing the grandmother and aunt of missing child Ayla Reynolds said Monday his clients do not know the circumstances behind her disappearance.
Steve Bourget, a general practice attorney in Augusta, said Phoebe DiPietro, 47, and Elisha DiPietro, 23, retained his services in early January, a few weeks after Ayla was reported missing from their home at 29 Violette Ave. The DiPietros approached him to serve as "a buffer between the press and their personal lives," Bourget said during a phone interview with the Morning Sentinel.

Misc. Info Timeline:

2/17/12 more@link:

A source told The Sun that Maine State Police contacted the overnight store clerk at the Cumberland Farms, located on Pine Street in Portland's West End, saying that a credit card under the name of Justin DiPietro was used to purchase cigarettes at the store around 2 a.m. on Dec. 15, 2011.
Police were told that DiPietro was at the store with two other men, only one of which police were able to identify. The store clerk was asked to describe the men and the clothing they were wearing when they made the cigarette purchase and according to the source, the clerk was told the third man was a person of interest to the investigation.
Thanks so much for the awesome timeline, AskforNina! :blowkiss:

I had missed several of those quotes from Trista, so I really appreciate having them all in one place.
That is very, very odd wording 'first' version...hmmm

The weird part is, if they DID in fact give subsequent versions, what could they possibly be considering none of them are in jail? Wouldn't 'abducted' be the only 'version' that would be keeping them from being charged? A baby is missing ~ wow ~ this is all so convoluted!

We are hearing so much about Justin and Trista ... and so little about Ayla. Where is this baby girl?? Someone knows for certain ~ enough already....speak up and bring Ayla home!!

Bolded by me . . .

Actually this is quite normal for missing persons cases. LE wants a body before they arrest anyone because then they will have much more evidence and can possibly tie people to the disappearance without needing a confession or a deal.

I'm absolutely sure, when the truth comes out, more than one person is going to jail. We just have to be patient. :twocents:
Patience is a quality I am long on in daily life but short on when it comes to my cases. :(

I keep trying though.

Police publicly praised the Reynolds side of the family Friday for their efforts to bring Ayla home, simultaneously saying the DiPietros aren't doing their share. Police spokesman Steve McCausland told the Morning Sentinel, "We continue to encourage the immediate family to keep Ayla in the headlines and to talk about her. One side is doing that, and the other side is not.

I know this is just a reguritation of yesterday's news but the bbm imo bears repeating.
cluciano - I totally agree. I doubt if any of the DP's are going to tell the truth. The same goes for CR. This makes them all guilty of conspiracy. They will go to any extreme to protect JD. They are apparently aware of but concealing knowledge about what happened to Ayla. If they weren't involved at first, they are now. The sad part in all this is how far people will go to cover their own butts. Sadder still is the fact now that Ayla may never be found, she's been gone too long already. How unfair and unjust that here is another parent apparently guilty but not charged because they exercised their right to remain silent. Ayla, sweet innocent little Ayla, had no rights, and it appears that Ayla has been silenced.

I really wish there was a reliable truth serum that could be used in these cases.

Everyone is entitled to proper legal rights etc, but so do these children :maddening:
Thanks so much ASK.FOR.NINA for the updated timeline!! I apologize for being one of the doofuses that obviously could not read properly therefor continually calling you askFORina in several of the forums here :blushing:

Thanks to Belinda and her awesome, new thread about all of our usernames and how they came to be for each of us.. I have now learned that you are NINA!! NOT "INA"

So, nice to meet you askfornina.. I will from here on out refer to you by your true username rather than my doofy version I have been calling you by all this time..

And again thanks so much for the updated timeline, askfornina!! :blowskisses:
I have to say, I envy those of you who are so certain this case will be solved and that Ayla will be found. I kind of lost hope in these types of cases after that day at the river a long time ago, with Misty in her prison jumpsuit, and LE seeming so certain that what happened to Haleigh was about to be revealed...I was still fairly new to WS back then and still thought that people eventually owned up to what they had done or seen...not so naive anymore. Hope I am wrong, of course.
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...

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