ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 8

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IMO something awful happened to baby AYLA before she was reported missing and maybe no one was home except for the person responsible for her disappearing. KWIM?
and that person disposed of her and did the clean up. JMOO
and no one wants to believe the person they love could do something so cold...............

That's a distinct possibility, for sure.
I hope Trista doesn't go backwards on her rehab, but something has to help her be 'up' during this terrible time. Anti depressants? I'd be bawlling my eyes out....JMOO
Trista's actions and her very presence has been nagging at me and looking at this video I've confirmed my suspicions to myself that she appears to be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. I'm not bashing her, just stating my own observance. I was actually concerned that she was going to drop the baby in this video. I realize that she is under major stress and I'm sure she is holding on by a thread.

I agree ~ thought Raymond was going to tumble. I would be a mess and I would be glued to best believe he would not be hiding out. He would have to charge ME with harassment. I realize she has to carry on for her son so she doesn't have the option of breaking down, but I hope that if she is taking something, it's under doctor supervision.

That being said, a part of me still doesn't totally believe that Justin hurt his daughter. I know I am being naive, but I sort of got what Trista was saying...
Trista's actions and her very presence has been nagging at me and looking at this video I've confirmed my suspicions to myself that she appears to be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. I'm not bashing her, just stating my own observance. I was actually concerned that she was going to drop the baby in this video. I realize that she is under major stress and I'm sure she is holding on by a thread.

I didn't get that at all from the video. She seemed tired near the end but very coherent, very together, IMO. Her statements were very affecting to me. Very moving. I see a strong gal, who is missing her baby beyond belief but trying so hard to stay as positive as possible.

I think that's part of the reason she is giving Justin a break in her statements, and saying that he is going through what she is. She wants that to be true. But I also think she has been coached by police to some degree. I find her to be an intelligent person and a real mother, despite her past problems. I think she is strong enough to get through this without relapse. Hopefully, she does.
I hope Trista doesn't go backwards on her rehab, but something has to help her be 'up' during this terrible time. Anti depressants? I'd be bawlling my eyes out....JMOO

I bet she's operating on adrenaline. When my dad was diagnosed with stage four cancer, I became a different person. Very tough and very positive. So I wouldn't lose my mind. Because I couldn't lose my mind.

I have seen some parents of missing kids react similarly. Apparently, people who work with the families of missing children provide tips to stay positive and just get through each hour. They have to protect their minds by refusing to consider the worst, or dwelling on the what ifs. Poor Trista.
I have mentioned this before, but I think there is something odd about Ayla's Mother too. Her tone of voice and behavior sure doesn't reflect a Mother that misses her Baby. JMO

You are only seeing the distracted part of Trista during as an interview transpires. When the reporters come over they are very kind to her and make her feel comfortable...she needs to have hope. The part you see with interviews is the Trista that is holding onto hope and refusing to believe her child is forever gone. She has another child at home she must be healthy for, she is very strong in not turning to alcohol (talk about a test of will!)...then there is the side that is crying, depressed, angry, confused, grief stricken, fearful...the cameras are not there to film...there are hundreds, and that is no exaggeration, of interviews she has not done due to not being well due to the trauma. Please don't judge so harshly on a 3 minute film clip.
Trista's actions and her very presence has been nagging at me and looking at this video I've confirmed my suspicions to myself that she appears to be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. I'm not bashing her, just stating my own observance. I was actually concerned that she was going to drop the baby in this video. I realize that she is under major stress and I'm sure she is holding on by a thread.

She is not under any drugs or alcohol.
I hope Trista doesn't go backwards on her rehab, but something has to help her be 'up' during this terrible time. Anti depressants? I'd be bawlling my eyes out....JMOO

Sometimes you cry so just can't cry anymore:(
I bet she's operating on adrenaline. When my dad was diagnosed with stage four cancer, I became a different person. Very tough and very positive. So I wouldn't lose my mind. Because I couldn't lose my mind.

I agree, I think she's a "quirky" person and I like quirky people. :) Although her eyes do look dilated to me. MOO
Trista's actions and her very presence has been nagging at me and looking at this video I've confirmed my suspicions to myself that she appears to be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. I'm not bashing her, just stating my own observance. I was actually concerned that she was going to drop the baby in this video. I realize that she is under major stress and I'm sure she is holding on by a thread.

I said the same thing after her first interview. Except I think she might be under some heavy sedation, per a doctor. JMHO
Is there a rule/play book on how to act if your daughter is missing, blood found in Dad's basement, child had broken arm, bruises, you are trying to get custody, guilt over losing your daughter when you had to go to re-hab, only to lose her again???

LE has stated they believe Trista wasn't involved. LE has stated Dad and his cohorts aren't telling the truth, NOTHING leads to an abduction. For now, I will stick with LE and not judge this young mother.
I think Trista is doing an amazing job of holding up to the extent she is and not saying what I would be saying to and about JD...what she has said in the past is what she observed and believes to be true, and yet she has never said "JD is a bad father" or a "bad person" or "lying to police" or anything else that she could be saying by now. My guess is she is trying very hard to hold onto whatever good she knew about him, in whatever relationship they did have, so that she can try to believe he did not do anything to Ayla or let someone else do something.
Is there a rule/play book on how to act if your daughter is missing, blood found in Dad's basement, child had broken arm, bruises, you are trying to get custody, guilt over losing your daughter when you had to go to re-hab, only to lose her again???

LE has stated they believe Trista wasn't involved. LE has stated Dad and his cohorts aren't telling the truth, NOTHING leads to an abduction. For now, I will stick with LE and not judge this young mother.

Thanks for typing my thoughts!!
Is there a rule/play book on how to act if your daughter is missing, blood found in Dad's basement, child had broken arm, bruises, you are trying to get custody, guilt over losing your daughter when you had to go to re-hab, only to lose her again???

LE has stated they believe Trista wasn't involved. LE has stated Dad and his cohorts aren't telling the truth, NOTHING leads to an abduction. For now, I will stick with LE and not judge this young mother.

Ditto. Trista is really impressing me. She is so sincere. Seems like real salt of the earth. I think she did the right thing by getting help and going to rehab so she could be a good mother. Many people, millions of people do not make that decision. I truly hope she can draw on what i see as a tough as nails core, to get through the days, weeks, months and years ahead. I think she can and I can easily see her becoming a crusader for children and the families of the missing. She has what it takes, IMO.
Ok. I might be treading on thin ground here...I'm not trying to disparage TR, but here is what I see...(JMO) drugs could certainly play into this. I think the mother and father have or had a connection together to the very drugs JD's girlfriends sister was busted for. I'm sorry, MOO, but I've seen that look on the face before - TR. It explains to me the seemingly calm manner exhibited...I find it hard to believe this whole group didn't know what CR's sister sold. It is a huge problem in Maine. It is amazing what people who are addicted to that drug will do...the secrets kept and possibly not wanting to expose the big picture. That crew in Waterville has the answers, and sadly TR can't bring herself to confront them. I'm not blaming her. I feel bad for her, I think she is dealing with a very rough addiction, and who can blame her for wanting to think JD and associates aren't neck deep in a cover up. They are not gonna talk. The illegal drug culture has taught them how to keep secrets. None of them respect LE. Ok. MOO JMO
I have sensed Trista's pain from the very beginning of this nightmare. I can only imagine that when her son is asleep and there is nobody next to her to give her comfort, that the unspoken fears start up. I have no doubt that Trista already knows what hell is like. She needs some loving family members to stay by her side.
I don't see a druggie look in Trista. What I see is someone hanging on, dazed from lack of sleep, her insides surely in a turmoil. I hope that enough people believe in her and add to her strength to get through this ... she is surely going to need every warm gesture she can grab on to.
I'm not saying TR is using again. I wouldn't know that first hand...I feel bad for her that this horrible crime occurred while she was not able to intervene. Yes I do wish she would call JD out...I don't believe it helps for him to think he has her snowed along with "everyone" else. Again, MOO. We know TR wasn't involved in whatever happened, so whether or not she's high doesn't matter in finding Ayla, I'm just commenting on what I and others observed from her recent appearance. Yes, I wish she would let JD and company know it if she does think they are guilty.
If the group in the house are involved in drugs (I am saying "IF") then they will be needing a new source of income.
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