ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 9

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I just cant shake off the feeling that all the adults in that house could well have been abusing Ayla.
She was basically a stranger to them and Iam sure the sister and GF resented her being there. Poor Ayla was also at that age. Very active, loud, and constant work. There is a chance, a good one knowing toddlers that there were a few scraps between the childern. You know, biting, pinching, hair pulling.
the sisters child as we saw on the video, could well have been , as the younger child, on the recieving end of this from Ayla.

EP, unable to control her anger could well have been abusing poor little Ayla, who was unable to talk. Ditto for the the GF and JP.

I think it could have a result of a build up of abuse that resulted in Aylas demise. they had to cover because the abuse would have been uncovered and they were ALL responsible.

i feel the same about little Bianca Jones....abused the whole time she was with her father, paddled etc, eventually dies of injuries, and disposed of with a fabricated car jacking. The father couldn't claim accidental death because longer term abuse would have been uncovered.

All just IMO.
BBM: I agree with your "occ theory" ... it is similar to one of my "several theories" ... lol ...

Here's my :twocents: fwiw :

Justin's sister ED has been on my "radar" for a while -- more so than Justin's GF ... I can't "pinpoint" exactly why - but there is "something" ... I know that many have had Justin's GF CR on their "radar" and I understand that ... but ED much more so than CR ...

MOO ...

By her own admission, ED's bedroom was closest to where Ayla was supposedly sleeping. If anyone heard something that night, it would have been her, especially since she put her own baby in bed with her that night. So I think LE was probably amazed that she never heard or saw anything beyond out of the ordinary that night.
There is a lot that has not been made public regarding their findings at the house and most specifically, the blood. Why? Because the quality and integrity of bloodstain evidence can be a crucial factor in determining a verdict. So they are not going to divulge that information.
How do you know this? Does Trista know more about the blood findings than we the public know? If so, that doesn't make sense to me that LE would tell her confidential information.
Totally unrelated article:

But this little girl managed to get out of her home without waking her parents or siblings and walk a mile to the store! Thank God for a miracle in her case, she was found unharmed.

Anything is possible...:twocents:

ETA: She got out undetected, and I don't think she would have been trying to quiet her movements...

Thanks was not enough for sharing this story!!!!!
BBM: I agree with your "occ theory" ... it is similar to one of my "several theories" ... lol ...

Here's my :twocents: fwiw :

Justin's sister ED has been on my "radar" for a while -- more so than Justin's GF ... I can't "pinpoint" exactly why - but there is "something" ... I know that many have had Justin's GF CR on their "radar" and I understand that ... but ED much more so than CR ...

But JMO but I do NOT believe the DiPietro's would "cover" for JD's GF IF she did "something" to Ayla ... however, I do believe the DiP's WOULD cover for a family member if they did something to Ayla ... KWIM ?

Now, I do think that CR knows something -- but I just don't see the rest of the DiPietro family covering for her -- unless :silenced: ... I better not go there :innocent: ...

MOO ...

I also don't think that the family would cover for CR if she did anything. People have also mentioned that CR might be jealous of Ayla as a possible motive to hurt her, but I wonder how do we really know that CR and JD had that much of a relationship? Other than it was said on TLLOM that CR was his "long time girlfriend", we really don't know much about them. I believe that CR knows something and is covering, but I doubt it's because she loves JD so much. Pretty much covering her own butt IMHO.
How do you know this? Does Trista know more about the blood findings than we the public know? If so, that doesn't make sense to me that LE would tell her confidential information.

They don't always withhold information from parents that they have cleared of involvement. We saw the same thing in the Kyron Horman case. The parents were told much more than the public. The stepmother who is a POI - not so much. The reasoning is that a POI may actually know more than the police, so why tip their hand?
Totally unrelated article:

But this little girl managed to get out of her home without waking her parents or siblings and walk a mile to the store! Thank God for a miracle in her case, she was found unharmed.

Anything is possible...:twocents:

ETA: She got out undetected, and I don't think she would have been trying to quiet her movements...

Anyone with children knows how easily this could've happened to any of us. Absolutely terrifying.
Could JP's sister have harmed Ayla and gotten her out of the house before everyone woke up?
Could JP's sister have harmed Ayla and gotten her out of the house before everyone woke up?

I never even thought about it like that...I guess she is technically the last person to see Ayla alive, because she went in and got her own child (assuming that she really went into the room, and she did see Ayla at that point).

Even still, what would she do with her own child while she took Ayla away? Wouldn't someone (a neighbor, etc.) have seen her?

Any one of the three could feasibly have handled Ayla on their own, but there is nothing to point to any specific person for me...although JD stands out, as I believe if he is guilty, he purposely let someone else discover she was "missing." JMO

It is possible, barely, that the others don't know what happened. And that LE would find that hard to believe. One person lying and covering up does make more sense than a houseful...
Looking at this another way ~ was there really a houseful at the DP home that iffy Friday night. Four adults may have agreed to go with a poorly crafted abduction story. Three of them lived in that house, plus one g/f who spent that Friday night in the basement with JD. So they say. Looking at JD as the one who made Ayla disappear, he only had to convince CR and ED to spend the night and act surprised Saturday morning. PD most likely was too nervous to trust her on an initial interview with LE. Mama would, however, feel comfortable maintaining that JD was a wonderful loving daddy to Ayla, and would never harm her. Mama would convince herself that she was just doing her job as a mother to defend her son. So, that narrows the female "witnesses who saw and heard nothing on Friday" down to two. Now, ED probably receives state aid and educational funding as an unemployed single parent. Ditto for CR. Neither would want to sacrifice their parental rights for JD, but if they accuse JD of causing harm to Ayla, where does that leave them now. ED would not want CPS looking too closely at her living arrangements - she was keeping her child in an unsafe house with her brother who may be a murderer. Where would she go if she had to leave the nest that mama is providing. And CR, well hey she was sleeping with the enemy. Perhaps CR and JD have already made long-term plans to remain with each other. If CR still is attracted/committed to JD, maybe she is unwilling to give up her "partnership?" with JD to have to start over with a new man.
I think we need to look at ED, PD and CR as, not sharing a dreadful secret among themselves, but as individuals selfishly covering their own a$$e$. Clearly, none of them had any motherly instincts about Ayla, but they could end up regretting their choice of standing by JD rather that standing up for a helpless little baby. Sure, they saw and heard nothing ominous that Friday night. All was calm, all was bright, only Ayla was not in that house Friday night sleeping and breathing in a room all alone.
Idk. . .just my gut reactions with no real back-up for as to why. . .

JD did something to Ayla. I think ED may really have just been in her room that night with her child. I know if I was there that night I would have locked myself in my room too. I think she knows something happened, but probably doesn't know what happened. . .so she really doesn't have much to say and keeps mum. I'm not even convinced that whatever happened to Ayla happened that night. ED is the see no evil monkey.

I cannot get past a few things. . .

CR's sister's drug bust. It has to be related. With JD still apparently spending quite a bit of time in Portland, it makes me very suspicious. I wonder just what the heck they were up to. CR is part of this big mess. . .so she sticks with the script.

Lance. It's just a gut instinct that he is somehow messed up in all of this. If it's not JD, then I actually suspect that it could be Lance. He seems to be a hothead. Maybe Ayla got caught in some crossfire between JD and Lance.

JD's friend. I don't know if we are allowed to mention him by name. BUT HT and AH have a dog in this fight. Why? I think the friend knows what happened. . .maybe even witnessed it. MOO

PD. . .ugh. . what to make of her. . .enabler of the year? She simply didn't want to be there, so she wasn't. Instead she was with a "friend" who shall not me named. Was she at the motel with that "friend" that LE searched the dumpster at? :waitasec:
Idk. . .just my gut reactions with no real back-up for as to why. . .

JD did something to Ayla. I think ED may really have just been in her room that night with her child. I know if I was there that night I would have locked myself in my room too. I think she knows something happened, but probably doesn't know what happened. . .so she really doesn't have much to say and keeps mum. I'm not even convinced that whatever happened to Ayla happened that night. ED is the see no evil monkey.

I cannot get past a few things. . .

CR's sister's drug bust. It has to be related. With JD still apparently spending quite a bit of time in Portland, it makes me very suspicious. I wonder just what the heck they were up to. CR is part of this big mess. . .so she sticks with the script.

Lance. It's just a gut instinct that he is somehow messed up in all of this. If it's not JD, then I actually suspect that it could be Lance. He seems to be a hothead. Maybe Ayla got caught in some crossfire between JD and Lance.

JD's friend. I don't know if we are allowed to mention him by name. BUT HT and AH have a dog in this fight. Why? I think the friend knows what happened. . .maybe even witnessed it. MOO

PD. . .ugh. . what to make of her. . .enabler of the year? She simply didn't want to be there, so she wasn't. Instead she was with a "friend" who shall not me named. Was she at the motel with that "friend" that LE searched the dumpster at? :waitasec:

Me, too. I don't think any of the women were actual perpetrators. I don't think ED or PD would cover for CR. I don't think CR would cover for ED or PD. There's only one person they all would cover for. I also think LD could be involved, as a witness, participant or accessory after the fact. I'm not ruling DT out, either. His involvement, in whatever capacity, would go a long way towards explaining AH and HT's mama bear acts. On FB, HT places DT in the home on the 16th, writing that DT saw Ayla that day. I know many are discounting the insurance policy, but with DT as the agent who wrote the policy, that's just one too many coincidences for me to dismiss. All MOO.
Help I have gotten lost somehow.... who are HT, DT & AH?
Help I have gotten lost somehow.... who are HT, DT & AH?

Not sure who AH is, but HT is Heidi Tudela, mother of Derek Tudela, the man who sold Justin the life insurance policy on Ayla.

They are mentioned in the mainstream media (MSM) story here:

The Huffington Post said DiPietro took out a $25,000 policy on Ayla's life. The payout is some three to four times the cost of the average adult funeral. Police allegedly told Trista Reynolds, Ayla's mother, the insurance policy was taken out within a week of Oct. 17, Trista said on her blog. Heidi Tudela, who identifies herself online as mother of Derek Tudela, State Farm life insurance agent who sold the DiPietro policy, confirmed the policy's existence.
Help I have gotten lost somehow.... who are HT, DT & AH?

Whoops just figured it out - AH is Angela Harry who runs the blog and Facebook "This Little Light of Maine."

She is a friend of the DiPietros and has explained their story several different ways, even going on the record in the MSM several times.


TR - Trista Reynolds, Ayla's mother

PD - Phoebe DiPietro, Ayla's grandmother

People in Waterville House the night Ayla Disappeared:

JD - Justin DiPietro, Ayla's father
ED - Elisha DiPietro, Ayla's Aunt
GD - Gabrielle DiPietro, Elisha's baby/Ayla's cousin
CR - Courtney Roberts - Justin's girlfriend
(Also Courtney Roberts child)

LD - Lance DiPietro, Ayla's Uncle, arrested for street-beating of . . .
JL - Justin Linnel, father of Gabrielle DiPietro

BR - Briana Roberts, Courtney's sister, arrested in drug bust
Mentioned Here - Nancy Grace Transcript

AH - Angela Harry, blogger and friend of DiPietros
Mentioned Here and Here

DT - Derek Tudela, State Farm Agent - sold Ayla's life insurance
HD - Heidi Tudela, mother of Derek (cousin of Angela Harry?)
Mentioned On Yahoo News - Life Insurance Story Littered with Discrepancies

Steve McCausland - Police Spokesperson
Whoops just figured it out - AH is Angela Harry who runs the blog and Facebook "This Little Light of Maine."

She is a friend of the DiPietros and has explained their story several different ways, even going on the record in the MSM several times.

Aaah thanks Thoughtfox :D

Gosh how did I not put Angela Harry and AH together..... thinks i needs more sleep lol.

Thanks again
Help I have gotten lost somehow.... who are HT, DT & AH?

I see Thought Fox clarified. Sorry for so many initials in a single post. I often confuse myself. Angela Harry is also related to the Tudelas although I'm not sure exactly how. Cousins, I think, but I could be wrong. All MOO
Whoops just figured it out - AH is Angela Harry who runs the blog and Facebook "This Little Light of Maine."

She is a friend of the DiPietros and has explained their story several different ways, even going on the record in the MSM several times.


TR - Trista Reynolds, Ayla's mother

PD - Phoebe DiPietro, Ayla's grandmother

People in Waterville House the night Ayla Disappeared:

JD - Justin DiPietro, Ayla's father
ED - Elisha DiPietro, Ayla's Aunt
GD - Gabrielle DiPietro, Elisha's baby/Ayla's cousin
CR - Courtney Roberts - Justin's girlfriend
(Also Courtney Roberts child)

LD - Lance DiPietro, Ayla's Uncle, arrested for street-beating of . . .
JL - Justin Linnel, father of Gabrielle DiPietro

BR - Briana Roberts, Courtney's sister, arrested in drug bust
Mentioned Here - Nancy Grace Transcript

AH - Angela Harry, blogger and friend of DiPietros
Mentioned Here and Here

DT - Derek Tudela, State Farm Agent - sold Ayla's life insurance
HD - Heidi Tudela, mother of Derek
Mentioned On Yahoo News - Life Insurance Story Littered with Discrepancies

Steve McCausland - Police Spokesperson

Thank you, Thoughtfox, for this terrific list to use as we search!:rocker:
Thank you, Thoughtfox, for this terrific list to use as we search!:rocker:

You're welcome - I need it as much as anyone, and I've been meaning to type all that up for a while. :) I will add to it as we go along, and I've saved a copy to my computer so it won't be lost.
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