ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 9

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The fact that LE is still chasing down JD's whereabouts and associates on the 14th/15th convinces me that they too are not convinced that Ayla was in that house at all on the night of the 16th. MOO

It appears that way to me also. One other possible though....perhaps they are trying to see just how much time he actually spent away from Ayla during the period of time he had her. Since he went to the trouble to get the police to go get her, LE might not be greatly impressed if he was leaving her with babysitters a majority of the time. I would say your thoughts are more on target though.
that occ theory thing--- Justin was not home. the sister accidentally killed Ayla and grandma told Justin how the cards would be played.... my 2 cents.
I agree with this. I do believe that it is highly probable that the individual whose sleeping area the blood was found in is law enforcement's #1 de facto suspect in the "foul play" that led to Ayla's disappearance though. Whereas Ayla's last hours in the Violette Street residence may have been witnessed by one or more of the other three individuals, (which would, I believe, make one or all three of them accessories to the crime after the fact for not reporting it), I highly suspect that the main perpetrator is Daddy JP. In my opinion, even by itself Ayla's blood being found in the basement is hugely troubling. I mean, Ayla was staying in the home in which Ayla's blood was discovered for no longer than 2 months--correct? IF the baby did in fact cut her foot in the basement--as it has been claimed by the DiPietro clan and/or associates--why wasn't this "injury" brought to Trista Reynold's attention at the time it happened? Did JP mention anything about a foot injury in his few statements and/or interviews? Has PD? In the Reynolds/Hansen family website timeline of injuries, there wasn't a mention of a foot injury or any other reason for Ayla's blood loss. Now, add the blood evidence along with the broken arm injury in which daddy JP claims that he fell on a toddler on a rainy night that wasn't rainy, (according to Ayla's family's date of her injury), bruises on a face from, again according to JP, an incident in a ball pit that apparently doesn't exist, and a pulled leg muscle from, once again according to JP, "horsing around", and my inductive reasoning leads me to believe that it is highly probable that Ayla met with "foul play" at the hands of her father, JP. I sincerely believe that one or all three of the other individuals who have slept in the Violette home know what happened to Ayla. Their silence in regards to any public statements, media, etc., speaks volumes to me. I don't believe that PD has publicly stated anything since her last interview several weeks ago has she? Have we heard from AP? CR? When was the last time JP had anything publicly to say? Nope, nada.

Personally I think Ayla was in the "crossfire" of something that happened that night...something so big ...that they all have clammed up due to fear of their own possible arrests and/or possible retaliation and decided to go with the "roll of the dice" and make it an abduction. This is my own theory...not any other reason except it "logically" fits. Why else would 3 people all in the same house "stick together?" Even if one was talking I would think an arrest would have taken place by now? Thus that says to me they are all sticking together. It would be very unlikely that 2 of the 3 believe the child was kidnapped because two of them were together in the basement...and that is where I believe whatever happened to Ayla happened. In other words...what is the likely hood that something happened to Ayla upstairs and ED hid her or left the home? And did what with her child? Slim. What is the chance that JD hid Ayla while CR and her child slept? Almost as slim..possible, but slim. And what is the chance CR did something and hid Ayla while JD slept and her child? Very slim, as well. Therefore, I cannot help believing that whatever happened they ALL know what happened and the only reason I can think of that one of them has not stepped up (considering two are mothers themselves) is that they know that whatever happened....they are at risk of something huge happening to themselves. Now whether that be jail or harm to themselves...something is preventing them from speaking out. But what?
A victim's advocate for TR who posts on here mentioned that the DiPietro's (or JP's?) excuse for the blood was that Ayla had cut her foot.

That is correct. JD's accounts for the blood is that she cut her foot.
I have a question--wouldn't Ayla's blood having been found in the basement suggest that Ayla has met harm? Of course, I understand that there could be an explanation, but isn't the presence of blood at least a suggestion of harm? Maybe I misunderstood your post. I apologize if I did.

The last I've heard is that the police only confirmed that Ayla's blood was found in the basement, and that it was "more than a small cut". (my paraphrasing) That IIRC was from TR supposedly via the police who never corrected nor denied her statement.(IIRC) So, what's MORE than a small cut? Is there a volume or area on a particular surface that determines that classification? Haven't had a time to go back and read all the posts I've missed yet, so forgive if this was already discussed.

Not trying to sway any opinions at all, (I've already formed mine) but you'd be surprised how much a child can bleed! I had a friend over, whose son took his shoes off outside (unbeknownst to us he had stepped on something outside) and when he came in he bled ALL OVER my carpet and through my house, (and back) with big puddle ending in my bathroom - he was oblivious. He was about 3, and busy playing, but it obviously didn't hurt, and he had the tiniest mark on his little foot when we checked. (I expected a big cut)

Took me forever to clean up his trail! Anyway, why is it continually mentioned it was obvious that the blood was "cleaned up"? I didn't want blood all through my house, so I cleaned it up. :confused: Don't most people?
I believe it was the LE spokesman who said the blood was Ayla's and was "more than a small cut would produce."

If she had had more than a small cut during the short time she stayed there, her mother should have been made aware, IMO, unless of course it was not done by a simple accident.
Yeah the fact that there was blood and it was troubling to le impresses me, the fact that it was cleaned up does not. Whether innocent or guily blood it would have been cleaned up regardless.
:wave: hello to all you guests lurking. I would like to invite you all to join Websleuths and give your thoughts on this case.
Like some other non-credible parents who claim their child was abducted, JD has had a head start. We don't really know the date Ayla was removed from the DP house and disposed of. I don't think this was an accident, I think rage overtook someone with a short fuse, and Ayla was within striking distance. Some built-up rage against Ayla might have put this baby at risk in the house of horrors. I am sure there were many occasions where Ayla just couldn’t keep from crying for her Mommy.
Whatever happened must have been pretty ugly, to convince other adults - who didn’t harm Ayla but agreed to be part of the cover-up. The accident option was eliminated because one doesn't dispose of a child who's death was truly an accident. Whoever disposed of Ayla took care to make certain that she was not found early enough to determine COD. Unfortunately, time was what the adults had in their favor. There was time for planning, and time to discuss how to cleverly conceal the tiny body of this adorable innocent babe who "overstayed her welcome".
I think that the Friday evening party/non-party/family get-together was deliberately chosen as a smoke screen, with too many players. The too many players all agreed on the phony abduction story as the "simple solution" Three adults maintained to LE that Ayla was seen in that DP house on Friday night. I believe that PD either refused to go along with the abduction story, or was deemed to be too nervous and unconvincing, so the other three voted PD out of the witness role so DP had to officially be elsewhere Friday night. But, the thing is, she knew, she knows, and still…………. Poor Ayla.
Since both ED and CR each have a child any aiding and abetting would cost them dearly, I betcha. So now they are trapped and have to keep their mouths shut. As far as PD, well, her first loyalty would be to her son. after all - Ayla was sort of an afterthought, a late addition, to PD's household.
I wish I could believe otherwise, but I am old and no longer believe in fairytales and the “lived-happily- ever- after” crap which enchanted most little girls once upon a time.
Not trying to sway any opinions at all, (I've already formed mine) but you'd be surprised how much a child can bleed! I had a friend over, whose son took his shoes off outside (unbeknownst to us he had stepped on something outside) and when he came in he bled ALL OVER my carpet and through my house, (and back) with big puddle ending in my bathroom - he was oblivious. He was about 3, and busy playing, but it obviously didn't hurt, and he had the tiniest mark on his little foot when we checked. (I expected a big cut)

Took me forever to clean up his trail! Anyway, why is it continually mentioned it was obvious that the blood was "cleaned up"? I didn't want blood all through my house, so I cleaned it up. :confused: Don't most people?

I can only say that the scenario you described above is a totally different situation. In the basement of JD's house it was in one place, not all over the house, and it was "more than a cut" and more than you've described on the cut foot of your friend's child. When the police stated "more than a cut" that means....any cuts to feet by accidental cuts is not consistent with what they have found.
The last I've heard is that the police only confirmed that Ayla's blood was found in the basement, and that it was "more than a small cut". (my paraphrasing) That IIRC was from TR supposedly via the police who never corrected nor denied her statement.(IIRC) So, what's MORE than a small cut? Is there a volume or area on a particular surface that determines that classification? Haven't had a time to go back and read all the posts I've missed yet, so forgive if this was already discussed.

Not trying to sway any opinions at all, (I've already formed mine) but you'd be surprised how much a child can bleed! I had a friend over, whose son took his shoes off outside (unbeknownst to us he had stepped on something outside) and when he came in he bled ALL OVER my carpet and through my house, (and back) with big puddle ending in my bathroom - he was oblivious. He was about 3, and busy playing, but it obviously didn't hurt, and he had the tiniest mark on his little foot when we checked. (I expected a big cut)

Took me forever to clean up his trail! Anyway, why is it continually mentioned it was obvious that the blood was "cleaned up"? I didn't want blood all through my house, so I cleaned it up. :confused: Don't most people?

I know this is serious, but when you put it that way it just sounds funny to me.:seeya:
Personally I think Ayla was in the "crossfire" of something that happened that night...something so big ...that they all have clammed up due to fear of their own possible arrests and/or possible retaliation and decided to go with the "roll of the dice" and make it an abduction. This is my own theory...not any other reason except it "logically" fits. Why else would 3 people all in the same house "stick together?" Even if one was talking I would think an arrest would have taken place by now? Thus that says to me they are all sticking together. It would be very unlikely that 2 of the 3 believe the child was kidnapped because two of them were together in the basement...and that is where I believe whatever happened to Ayla happened. In other words...what is the likely hood that something happened to Ayla upstairs and ED hid her or left the home? And did what with her child? Slim. What is the chance that JD hid Ayla while CR and her child slept? Almost as slim..possible, but slim. And what is the chance CR did something and hid Ayla while JD slept and her child? Very slim, as well. Therefore, I cannot help believing that whatever happened they ALL know what happened and the only reason I can think of that one of them has not stepped up (considering two are mothers themselves) is that they know that whatever happened....they are at risk of something huge happening to themselves. Now whether that be jail or harm to themselves...something is preventing them from speaking out. But what?


Yours is a very interesting, thought provoking post!

I've had a very long, very busy day so I'm not at my best, but two possibilities sprang to mind as I read your post:

1. Perhaps PD is totally calling the shots here because she's the only one who has any money to speak of, and she is using the control this position affords her to impose silence on ED, JD, and CR.

2. Perhaps there is someone else lurking in the background whose identity is unknown to any of us here who is, or has been, owed something substantial by ED, JD, and/or CR, and this person is dictating silence; put another way, none of them is going to "bite the hand that is feeding her/him."

If the $30,000. reward hasn't brought any meaningful information to assist in locating Ayla, then this amount is not worth enough to have any of them break her/his silence. Perhaps if the amount of the reward were to be increased to an amount that would buy the services of a top notch criminal defense attorney (and then some), we may see a breakthrough.....
Like some other non-credible parents who claim their child was abducted, JD has had a head start. *We don't really know the date Ayla was removed from the DP house and disposed of. *I don't think this was an accident, I think rage overtook someone with a short fuse, and Ayla was within striking distance. * Some built-up rage against Ayla might have put this baby at risk in the house of horrors. *I am sure there were many occasions where Ayla just couldn’t keep from crying for her Mommy. *
*Whatever happened must have been pretty ugly, to convince other adults - who didn’t harm Ayla but agreed to be part of the cover-up. *The accident option was eliminated because one doesn't dispose of a child who's death was truly an accident. Whoever disposed of Ayla took care to make certain that she was not found early enough to determine COD. *Unfortunately, time was what the adults had in their favor. * There was time for planning, and time to discuss how to cleverly conceal the tiny body of this adorable innocent babe who "overstayed her welcome". * * **
I think that the Friday evening party/non-party/family get-together was deliberately chosen as a smoke screen, with too many players. *The too many players all agreed on the phony abduction story as the "simple solution" *Three adults maintained to LE that Ayla was seen in that DP house on Friday night. *I believe that PD either refused to go along with the abduction story, or was deemed to be too nervous and unconvincing, so the other three voted PD out of the witness role so DP had to officially be elsewhere Friday night. * But, the thing is, she knew, she knows, and still…………. * * Poor Ayla.*
Since both ED and CR each have a child any aiding and abetting would cost them dearly, I betcha. *So now they are trapped and have to keep their mouths shut. *As far as PD, well, her first loyalty would be to her son. after all - Ayla was sort of an afterthought, a late addition, to PD's household.
I wish I could believe otherwise, but I am old and no longer believe in fairytales and the “lived-happily- ever- after” crap which enchanted most little girls once upon a time.

Yes, caligram your post above makes a lot of sense.. And I, too believe it to be possible that PD is the weak link here(and that is for various reasons IMO).. LE extremely openness just within these past few days allowing the latest info to surface that they are for whatever reasons going backward working from 12/16 involving Justin's EXACT MOVEMENTS AND WHEREABOUTS!! And IMO they want Justin to know that's what they are doing in further tightening the proverbial screws on him..

I believe that LE does now have evidence that is pointing to it being very possible that along with the mountain of lies they've been handed by the 4 adults, that they too have come to learn the lie that matters the most regarding the night of 12/16 is that AYLA WAS NOT EVEN IN THE HOME TO BEGIN WITH.. Moo is strong that this is the facts of the case..

We know that as of December 8(I believe plz correct me if that date is wrong) that Justin BEGAN to make statements of an extremely odd nature.. Expressing fear that someone may try to "take Ayla".. I'm sorry but ppl can attempt to spin that any way they'd like but there is NOTHING INNOCENT ABOUT THOSE STATEMENTS THAT JUSTIN MADE.. Multiple, as in more than once he is making the statement.. LE knows absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point THE EXACT WORDS USED IN JUSTIN'S TEXTS TO TRISTA EXPRESSING THIS AND THE EXACT TIME AND DATES THAT THE EXTREMELY ODD, UNEXPLAINABLE FEAR BEGAN BEING EXPRESSED.. IMO this particular info lends more credence to the possibility that Ayla was gone by this point..

You combine the following and the picture begins to clearly emerge.. It is at this same point in time that Justin begins these unusual statements to Trista that suddenly ALL CONTACT IS IMMEDIATELY HALTED at this same time.. Trista not only cannot get a face to face meeting to see her daughter but furthermore Justin has an excuse for every phone call as to why this mother cannot speak to her child.. Along with anger, irritation, and defensive lashing out when Trista proceeded to continue the attempts of contact with her daughter..
IMO this combined with the odd statements beginning at the same point in time is further lending credence that Ayla was already gone by 12/8..

I know that earlier some thought the odd statements were possibly some sort of preemptive measure for a premeditated disappearance to occur that following week.. But I truly believe we will soon learn that is not the case and that it is another piece of evidence that led LE to have to investigate backwards from 12/16 because those statements were not preemptive measures, but rather now upon seeing the contact completely ceased at that same time(along with other evidence LE have that we haven't a clue about) it is indicative of the fact that Ayla was in fact gone by 12/8..

IMOO but there is no way in hell that even a mentally challenged individual would do something so ignorant as to make statements such as they suddenly feared Someone was going to take their child(who by the way they'd only had for a couple weeks of the child's entire life) NO WAY IN HELL THEY WOULD EVEN MAKE EVEN ANYTHING EVEN SLIGHTLY HINTING AT A FEAR OR KNOWLEDGE THAT CHILD WAS GOING TO BE TAKEN.. Knowing full well 8days later they were "planning" a disappearance.. THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, period..

It is a measure that is taken after the fact.. After the fact that the child is already gone and you now are attempting to in your mind come up with something, somehow, some way that could possibly even remotely point away from yourself and toward SOMEONE ELSE.. ANYONE ELSE.. THE BIG BAD WOLF FOR ALL HE CARED.. HE WAS JUST DESPERATE AND ATTEMPTING TO HAVE THE SUSPICION POINT ANYWHERE BUT AT HIM!!!

Phoebe I believe by far is the weakest link and I, too believe that there were some sort of measures taken to attempt to remove her from the hot seats of suspicion in being present at the "time of the disappearance"..

Lastly I'll say this in following several cases for now years, Haleigh Cummings case to be specific and spending literally years in reading, rereading, analyzing, transcribing, and watching unfold and fold up to only be unfolded again.. I have come to a very specific and firm conclusion.. And when I say firm, I mean set in stone firm conclusion.. People DO NOT. And I'll repeat "people" as in more than one DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER EVER EVER IN A TRILLION YEARS DO A GROUP OF PEOPLE LIE, COVER UP, AND CONTINUE IN THE SHEER HELL, MISERY, AND HEAT AND SUSPICION BEYOND WHAT YOU COULD EVER IMAGINATION... NEVER WOULD THEY EVER DO THIS FOR ANY TYPE OF ACCIDENTAL DEATH, PERIOD AND END OF THE STORY!!! IT HASN'T AND IT DOESN'T HAPPEN EVER..

What happened to Ayla tho, I believe may not have been in anyway PREMEDITATED.. But it was however in no way accidental.. It was done out of anger, or jealousy, or spite but mark my words IT WAS NO ACCIDENT!!

Sorry for my long windedness!!
I can only say that the scenario you described above is a totally different situation. In the basement of JD's house it was in one place, not all over the house, and it was "more than a cut" and more than you've described on the cut foot of your friend's child. When the police stated "more than a cut" that means....any cuts to feet by accidental cuts is not consistent with what they have found.

It probably is a different situation, but I can't find anything that states blood was all in one place by LE spokesman, or how much blood was found - only a vague statement saying only some blood found was Ayla's? The other statement about "more than a cut" came per TR supposedly from investigators per articles I've been able to find. I'd love to read more on this but keep finding same articles everywhere.

Do I think TR made Ayla disappear - no, but I do prefer an official statement from LE. I couldn't find anything, and this is what I'm basing my thinking on. My example above was just to illustrate kids do bleed more than a little smidgen.(I had a literal puddle in my house, but I should have just kept my experience to myself and asked how much is too much blood). Not trying to be argumentative at all. :)

I was wondering if there are any guidelines or formulas on how much is too much per LE - meaning, is it a particular size of visible area found via luminol(?) say on carpet or flooring, or is it size of blood sample found compared to size of victim. How are amounts categorized, or is it a random subjective thing?

Also curious - if there was a lot of blood found, wouldn't they come out and say she's possibly/probably deceased per the amount of blood loss? Wouldn't LE admit there was a large amt of blood instead of being so vague to begin with by not giving any indication at all? Or just manipulation by LE?

*Meaning, is this blood mention possibly a red herring?

I believe it was the LE spokesman who said the blood was Ayla's and was "more than a small cut would produce."

If she had had more than a small cut during the short time she stayed there, her mother should have been made aware, IMO, unless of course it was not done by a simple accident.

LE has publicly declined to confirm the quantity of blood, but TR says her family was told it was "more than a small cut would produce.":twocents:
The last I've heard is that the police only confirmed that Ayla's blood was found in the basement, and that it was "more than a small cut". (my paraphrasing) That IIRC was from TR supposedly via the police who never corrected nor denied her statement.(IIRC) So, what's MORE than a small cut? Is there a volume or area on a particular surface that determines that classification? Haven't had a time to go back and read all the posts I've missed yet, so forgive if this was already discussed.

Not trying to sway any opinions at all, (I've already formed mine) but you'd be surprised how much a child can bleed! I had a friend over, whose son took his shoes off outside (unbeknownst to us he had stepped on something outside) and when he came in he bled ALL OVER my carpet and through my house, (and back) with big puddle ending in my bathroom - he was oblivious. He was about 3, and busy playing, but it obviously didn't hurt, and he had the tiniest mark on his little foot when we checked. (I expected a big cut)

Took me forever to clean up his trail! Anyway, why is it continually mentioned it was obvious that the blood was "cleaned up"? I didn't want blood all through my house, so I cleaned it up. :confused: Don't most people?

Ya know...I hear people say that finding blood would be normal. Based on my own experiences, I have to disagree. I have a 6 and 2 year old. Neither of their blood would be found anywhere in my home. Other bodily fluids yes (I know gross), but blood? NO.

My 2 year old has never bled a day in her life. She's rough too. She's had bruises everywhere, and a few knots, but I honestly cannot remember one time that she cut herself.

My son, I remember him bleeding once. He was learning to walk, and cut his chin on the door of our entertainment center. Even then, the blood was not dripping everywhere, because it wasn't enough. Now, he's scraped his knees and elbows of course, but that doesn't really lead to blood dripping.

That's JMO. I'm having a harder and harder time seeing how the blood would be there innocently.
I think we are all frustrated at getting just "snippets" from LE. I believe that they are most likely following protocol and are not playing at being a tease. The more uncontaminated evidence that they can gather, the stronger the case they will have to present to a jury. JD and his loyal followers presented contaminated evidence to LE. I hope that one or two of those loyalists will start getting nervous wondering at (1)how much incriminating evidence LE has and (2)how it will affect them personally. It has to be nerve-wracking for those who are not used to being under public scrutiny. Hope that one or two of them start feeling so nervous that they develop BBS (busy bladder syndrome) and that it starts getting even worse. Maybe the physical/emotional strain will take so much of a toll on them that they will be dying to spill the beans. LE has a reason for not revealing too much. Why give the guilty ones an opportunity to concoct more excuses, come up with more "I-witnesses" and continue to walk free. Little Ayla wasn't allowed to walk free ~ That poor frightened and bewildered little toddler was kept prisoner in a strange house full of strangers and strange-ness. Loss of freedom was just the beginning of a downhill plunge for her.
Heartbreaking for me thinking of these helpless little ones who have no more tomorrows – they were too easily disposed of like yesterdays trash.
It probably is a different situation, but I can't find anything that states blood was all in one place by LE spokesman, or how much blood was found - only a vague statement saying only some blood found was Ayla's? The other statement about "more than a cut" came per TR supposedly from investigators per articles I've been able to find. I'd love to read more on this but keep finding same articles everywhere.

Do I think TR made Ayla disappear - no, but I do prefer an official statement from LE. I couldn't find anything, and this is what I'm basing my thinking on. My example above was just to illustrate kids do bleed more than a little smidgen.(I had a literal puddle in my house, but I should have just kept my experience to myself and asked how much is too much blood). Not trying to be argumentative at all. :)

I was wondering if there are any guidelines or formulas on how much is too much per LE - meaning, is it a particular size of visible area found via luminol(?) say on carpet or flooring, or is it size of blood sample found compared to size of victim. How are amounts categorized, or is it a random subjective thing?

Also curious - if there was a lot of blood found, wouldn't they come out and say she's possibly/probably deceased per the amount of blood loss? Wouldn't LE admit there was a large amt of blood instead of being so vague to begin with by not giving any indication at all? Or just manipulation by LE?

*Meaning, is this blood mention possibly a red herring?


In response to the bolded statements above:
(These are just my thoughts, MOHO, etc.)

1) The person whose comments you responded to knows things about this case that the majority of the public doesn't. I believe that she has been vetted by the Websleuth administrators as a victim's advocate, and she is working directly with the Reynold's family. I suppose that it is possible that Ayla's mother could deliberately give false information on her website, but what would be the purpose of that? The website is a collaboration of family members, and absolutely none of the information has been disputed by law enforcement. It is also very possible that LE is encouraging the information that has been put out there by the Reynolds/Hansen family. Law enforcement must be very careful what and how they say things to the public to avoid the possibility of jeopardizing the case if and/or when it is ever brought to trial.

2) I really didn't and wouldn't expect law enforcement to make an official statement regarding where and how much blood was really found, (other than what they have already said), at this point in the investigation. However, it was stated that the blood found was "troubling". If I remember correctly, LE confirmed that the blood found was Ayla's only after it was disclosed on the family website.

3) My understanding is, (but I could be totally wrong), that law enforcement has the means and specialists at their disposal to form a fairly accurate picture of the possible crime by determination of the size of blood droplets, location, the patterns of possible splatter, (if indeed in this case they found splatter), the process of cleanup, and etc. It has been officially stated that some of the blood was visible and some was microscopic.

4) I would personally be very surprised if at this point in the investigation, (even before law enforcement has named an official person of interest(s) or suspect(s)), law enforcement would come out and make a statement that Ayla is possibly deceased. Until Ayla is found, there is always the slightest possibility--no matter how remote the probability that Ayla is still alive somewhere. I believe that law enforcement is keeping this investigation very close to the vest, and they are still hoping that one of the individuals who has spent time in the DiPietro home will start talking. In the meantime, they are, (in my opinion), likely quietly building their case.

5) I personally don't believe that the blood is a red herring at all. I don't believe that law enforcement would lie to the mother of a missing child like that and put her through that kind of emotional and psychological agony, and it was quite obvious to me from Trista's reactions to the blood evidence that she is extremely distraught. Just my own perspective though.
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