Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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and as appropriate to his position. I could never do what he does because I have never had a lot of faith in our jury system. To me, it's always a crapshoot. Fortunately, as a private citizen, I don't have to be as gracious as he does. We are not obligated to pretend to respect the job these jurors did and I don't. It's not just the verdict but what I consider a lack of attention to the process and my suspiscion that the jurors deliberated ahead of time to speed their return home. That's my opinion based on what I see.

He gave it his all for years to find justice for Caylee and can go to sleep with a clear conscience every night. Not all from this trial can do say or do the same thing. God bless you, JA.
Not only did JA do a great job, Jesse G was on a few minutes after JA. He did a great job! If you did not see him, I suggest watching the video if it is up now. I hope he can move forward with his life now, put it all behind him as best he can. It shows that he really cared about Caylee and at one point KC.

I thought Jesse Grund did a great job too. He seemed to be mad as hell over the verdict. He is a well-spoken young man, I hope he can put this all past him and move on. But I think he will be haunted by this the rest of his life because, as you said, he really did care about Caylee. I would LOVE to see Tony Lazzaro do an interview but that's another topic.

I think someone else mentioned this earlier in the thread but JA is also going to be on The View this morning.
You're right...the 'hottie' juror is supposedly #11...Old Russel H. was #14.

But, here's another thing...#11 (the hottie) was the foreman...hmmmm...the one who 'guides' the jury in their deliberations....hmmmm, again.

It figures...this was one shallow jury in more ways than one.
LKB comparing JB to a "young F Lee Bailey" is hilarious, seeing as how F Lee was ultimately *disbarred* in Florida.

Cheney Mason flipping the bird to the press - what a ****** he is. And despite his railing against the media, I am certain he won't be turning away the additional business that comes his way as a result of the media attention to this case.


I guess he's conveniently forgetting that before he joined the defense team
"for fun", he was one of the talking heads he is villifying. I wish I had a link to the remarks he made about this case then.
The smile KC has while she's being figer printed is a real smile. The ones she has in all the photos we've seen, so phony!!!
Now that, right there, just floors me. I didn't think anything else could shock me today.

-Hair with death banding
-Unheard of levels of chloroform

Those alone would convince me. But they've got the odor of decomposition!!! How can they just disregard that? If only they could've smelled the cans. It's a disgrace.

I think they jurors shouldve been brought to the area where Caylee was dumped. How horrible to take a little girl and dump her there. Animals were chewing on her!! There was hardly anything left:( KC claims she drowned in the pool. Where in the world can people get away with this, just take them and DUMP them in a swamp? I am so outraged by this circus of a trial.
There WAS so much evidence which the State Prosecutors bought out....
KC backing her ccar into the garage, borrowing shovel, the duct tape the CAR SMELL, I think CA vacuumed the car trunk, too. the Cadaver dogs. I feel sorry for all the people who worked on this case and all the money Casey A cost the state of FL. She lied and she was the one who got this entire fiasco going. IMO
The Champagne party was the final straw.
I think the trial was rushed and the jurors well, I just cant believe they didnt give her at least agravated child abuse or some serious charge. I dont understand them:banghead:
What if you're an agnostic and you're not sure there's an afterlife? If I were sure, I'd know that Casey would eventually get what IMO she should have coming to her. But if there's not a God or any kind of afterlife or karma, then she could be rich and coddled to the end of her days, free to do whatever she wants to whomever she wants and then just die someday with no consequences. Sorry if that is too philosophical and I don't mean to start a debate about God, just something I have thought of.

I'm sure on earth she'll be a pariah and most people (except I guess the jury) will never believe a word she says or want her around, but that's not enough for me. I'm not saying I want someone to exact vigilante justice on her, I simply want her not to profit from her misdeeds, yet there's nothing stopping her since she'll be free soon and has been acquitted so she can legally have whatever money people want to throw at her.

thanks for this. i have seen a lot of religious viewpoints on KC and justice, but the problem is that i am not of that belief. i have much respect for all the people i know and love with varying religious beliefs, but unfortunately i can't seek out much warmth or comfort because i don't believe she will get what is coming to her from a deity or in the afterlife. i believe that is that and she will go on to live her life and hopefully fade into obscurity.

i only hope the police department wherever she ends up will keep a close eye on her, that if she has more children :)sick:) people in the family or community will keep a close eye on that child.
NOTICE: if you want to kill anyone, move to Florida, kill the person, claim an accident that snowballed out of'll get off....THERE IS NOW PRECEDENT.
I pray Jeff Ashton writes a book. I would buy it in a skinny second.

What a true, true gentleman.

I'm inclined to send a thank you card to him and LDB.

I wonder how we could find out the address to the SA office?
Judge Alex Ferrer has excellent commentary and explanation IMO, he was just on Fox News. Very concise and easy to understand without being bombastic and flashy. He believes the jury did not understand the instructions and gave a wrong verdict.

The Fox News anchor also mentioned the alternate's use of the word "we" and thinks it is weird. She seemed floored by this man's explanation about the verdict as well. Actually, every anchor I've seen who has interviewed this man seemed to be amazed by him, and not in a good way.

Has anyone else read The Anthony Family statement? Talk about WEIRD. No mention of Caylee and says they are glad the verdict is 'fair.' HUH?!
I agree that the jury did not follow the orders of the judge, but I am not sure that it would have changed anything.

This jury obviously collectively bought the accidental drowning scenario that Baez threw out on opening day, and from there, they excluded all other evidence because the theory was already accepted. They discussed it at night even when they were forbidden to do so. I am appalled by it, but still think that even if they abide by the rules, the outcome would have been the same.

The jury could not connect the dots because of this theory of an accidental drowning. They never heard Baez's opening statement where it happened in the early morning then changed to say that no one knew when it happened because it was not investigated. Had they have heard this, they would have found the lies given.
The check charges were not brought in, which was a huge mistake because Casey plead guilty and admitted her thoughts on this. Just as the prosecution said, when she is faced with her lies, she tells the truth.

This jury did not use one ounce of common sense. If they would have used even a portion of common sense, they would understand that no mother would make an accident look like a murder. No mother would sit in jail for 3 years being charged with murder if her child had accidentally drowned. No mother would sit and create all these characters in complete deceit against her family that loved this child so very much, if it would have been an accident.

This jury was told from the start that they were the first ones to hear what had happened to this child. Did they appreciate being the first to know? Did money signs shine in their eyes at that very moment? Did they clearly hear how the media has effected this case without hearing that Casey's team fought a gag order that could have made this case so much different?

It is my opinion that all discovery should make it's way into court. Every last piece of it. Even though it may not be presented during the course, it should at least be available for the jury to look at.

I am ashamed today, it was so hard to sleep last night knowing that Caylee was in a swamp for 6 months and not one single juror even attempted to think that this was the reason why no DNA was present.

I will forever find a way to get out of jury duty. I will NEVER sit on a jury knowing that every piece of evidence available to me has been sat aside because of a "defendants" rights. BS! It's all or nothing, and that goes to both sides.

Thank you is not enough....You are very Intelligent!!!

After speaking with and seeing a poll taken of over 100 new lawyers, they have all said the very same thing....

They believe the jury made their decision in the first few days of Trial, That everything after that, that did not go along with their theory was thrown out and only the parts that were supportive of their theory were kept.

Also that the education level and priors DID play a roll...
Bumping this brilliant post

The state didnt fail, and ICA didnt win. Humanity failed us. We live in a world where people go apesh#t if they lose their phone or cant post a facebook status. where people excuse the bad behaviors of their children just so they can not suffer consequences. where everyone is recognized for every stupid unmonumental occasion. Where the sense of self worth is already tremendously over inflated for people who have never worked aday in their lives. Full of people who think only of themselves and believe that they are owed the world when they have contributed nothing. This jury and this world is filled with those people. This jury and this world is filled with casey anthony's. This society has bred a bunch of self involved, greedy, malicious, uncaring individuals that only care about how many twitter followers they have and how many people liked their facebook posts. Caylee most likely died cuz she got in the middle of mommys myspace time. I will never understand this world we live in right now. disgusted is a ridiculous understatement. How long till Casey Anthony has her new twitter and Facebook accounts up and running. And How many "friends"will she have. I calculate in the hundreds of thousands. And that, ladies and gentleman, Is the world we live in.
Judge Alex Ferrer has excellent commentary and explanation IMO, he was just on Fox News. Very concise and easy to understand without being bombastic and flashy. He believes the jury did not understand the instructions and gave a wrong verdict.

The Fox News anchor also mentioned the alternate's use of the word "we" and thinks it is weird. She seemed floored by this man's explanation about the verdict as well. Actually, every anchor I've seen who has interviewed this man seemed to be amazed by him, and not in a good way.

Has anyone else read The Anthony Family statement? Talk about WEIRD. No mention of Caylee and says they are glad the verdict is 'fair.' HUH?!

Where is the A's family statement?
Judge Alex Ferrer has excellent commentary and explanation IMO, he was just on Fox News. Very concise and easy to understand without being bombastic and flashy. He believes the jury did not understand the instructions and gave a wrong verdict.

The Fox News anchor also mentioned the alternate's use of the word "we" and thinks it is weird. She seemed floored by this man's explanation about the verdict as well. Actually, every anchor I've seen who has interviewed this man seemed to be amazed by him, and not in a good way.

Has anyone else read The Anthony Family statement? Talk about WEIRD. No mention of Caylee and says they are glad the verdict is 'fair.' HUH?!


I agree!!!

If the Jury didn't understand the law and how to apply it WHY in the name of all thing Holy, Didn't they ASK HHJP!!!!!

Knock on the door and ask to have it clarified!!!

And if the Anthony's think it is so FAIR, maybe the LE need to go arrest GA for his involvement...

I Still think ALL of the Anthony's and JB conned us.... From 6 weeks before trial on...

And it worked!
Jeff Ashton is classy, Cheney Mason, well you decide......

Tweeted by Asleigh Banfield a few minutes ago.

ABCAshleigh Ashleigh Banfield
This is Cheney Mason, #CaseyAnthony 's attorney yesterday in a gesture to the press.

This is from a usual lurker....

After seeing this photo, I now get why CM joined the team. Somehow it appears that the majority of the DT have issues with attitudes.IIRC, Mason had originally stated that he felt that Casey was guilty in an interview prior to joinging the DT ( I don't have the link). Then he totally went off on the legal analysts yesterday all the while knowing that he had said negative things previously. His tatics in the courtroom made me feel like he was a bully and now this photo really irks me big time. Even if he had too much champagne and it impaired his judgement, it was totally inappropriate to do, especially in such a public forum of a restaurant. My respect for him has gone down the drain. Originally when he signed, I felt he brought stability and wisdom to the DT. But now, I think he just fit right in with JB and all the antics.

JA's interview on the Today show has helped make me feel better. I look forward to watching him on The View in a little while and I will watch him on the other shows later today. I really feel that if the verdict was Guilty, the DT would not be presenting themselves in the same positive manner that JA is doing on his media tour. Bless him for taking on the case and for giving him his all to bring justice for Caylee. I am honored that he put off his retirement to take on the case and I wish him the best for his future. He is one of the good guys!

Just saw this on a friend's facebook page and it really spoke to me, especially now as I am still shedding tears over the verdict.

"Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the details and complexities of our lives. Sometimes we need some help to get untangled, to gain a new perspective. Ask for help. Help may come in human or divine form. It may be seen or unseen. Ask, and you shall receive."

I've been praying for help in accepting the verdict. I know that Casey's life and the Anthony family member's life will never be the same. They will always be under scrutiny and will have to live with the choices they've made. The effects of those choices will be neverending.

May we all find ways to help honor Caylee's memory in positive ways and not allow ourselves to resort to negativity!
Thank you is not enough....You are very Intelligent!!!

After speaking with and seeing a poll taken of over 100 new lawyers, they have all said the very same thing....

They believe the jury made their decision in the first few days of Trial, That everything after that, that did not go along with their theory was thrown out and only the parts that were supportive of their theory were kept.

Also that the education level and priors DID play a roll...

The only thing I can say is she certainly was judged by a jury of her peers. Water does seek it's own level IMO.
I find it ironic indeed that everybody was so very careful to vet these jurors as to whether or not they believed in ICA's innocence. Have you formed any opinions as to her guilt? Can you weigh the evidence and come to a decision based solely upon that evidence? Can you lay aside any prejudgments and deliberate fairly?

Well how about laying aside PRECONCEIVED notions that she was innocent WITHOUT looking or listening to the evidence presented?

Obvious that from the first day of opening statements they had preconceived notions.
Our jury system is broken. Our justice system is broken.
Exactly. The prosecution overestimated the intelligence of the jurors. The whole time I thought that the defense was underestimating their intelligence and talking down to them. Turns out I had it backwards. occurred to me this morning they did not understand what was put before them. 31 days spelled out and they still didn't connect the dots.

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