Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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Just saw the clip of juror number 3's interview on HLN saying it was easier to believe the accident than to picture the cholorofrm and duct tape happening. That they don't even know where it happened, somewhere public or at home.

The fact she said it was "easier" speaks volumes to me. She didn't say it was more reasonable that it was an accident (that there wasn't even evidence for), but easier. Lazy!
"We are upset that people think we're incompetent,"

LOL Doesn't understand the difference between "know" and "think".

Thanks for posting that article. I feel like I live on another planet! Why are they upset about people saying they're dumb, which they seem to be by what they keep saying in interviews, when they should be upset that they let a child killer out of jail? Unbelievable!

All jmo.
It doesn't make any sense to me. I am pretty sure that only first degree murder is even eligible for the death penalty. The jury could have convicted her of lesser charges such as manslaughter and child abuse, which are not death penalty eligible. Even if she were convicted of first degree murder the jury would have to all agree to give her the death penalty. So it's not like the jury only had two options-set her free or put her to death. :banghead:
Ever meet a teacher (public school/university) that believes in the DP?

Can you explain what your statement means? Thanks!

Not to speak for anyone else, but I believe that Whisperer means the same thing that my brother means when he, referring to our uncle, exclaims "He's the only teacher ever met who's a republican!"

Speaking in broad generalizations, public school teachers tend to lean left. I'm sure there was no harm meant.
:waitasec:In all fairness, and no disrespect to the jurors, but, I really don't think they understood the charges and the sentencing. I seriously don't believe they understood what they were supposed to be doing.

I must admit it would be a hard job, but.............
"We are upset that people think we're incompetent,"

LOL Doesn't understand the difference between "know" and "think".

from the article:
"We are upset that people think we're incompetent," he said on the Today show. "We made the decision on the law"

More of this "WE" stuff from another off the alternates

Do they not realize what they are saying, by admitting they had to have discussed it

"We are upset that people think we're incompetent,"

LOL Doesn't understand the difference between "know" and "think".

I'm confused. Dean Eckstadt was one of the alternates, right? And this article is quoting him, right? Then.....what does this mean:

<quote>He says that the jurors he has talked to are worried about something else entirely. "We are upset that people think we're incompetent," he said on the Today show. "We made the decision on the law. You can't have emotion in the situation, and I think that came down to the final decision."<end quote>

BBM. WE made the decision? If he was an alternate, uh, who in the he11 is WE????
BOR is raising cane about the verdict. Talking about Jennifer Ford. JA is on too.
JA agreed with BOR that there is not a shred of evidence that it was an accident. BOR stating that JFord based her verdict on wild speculation.
JA on Bill O'Reilly right now. Does he seem like he's backsliding in his interviews? I dunno. All I know is I never thought I'd say, " YOU GO BILL O'REILLY!"
He is angry that Juror 3 saw the death as an accident. Duct tape, garbage bag, dump site and all.
As for why Anthony did not report her daughter missing for 31 days, Eckstadt said he thought her home life played a big part in why she did not face the reality of the situation.

So let me get this straight. According to this guy... your daughter can die and because you have a "dysfunctional' family... that makes it okay to party the nights away without care, and without remorse?

Did those 31 days mean nothing to the jury? Nothing? Reguardless of dysfunction... if your child dies, you don't pretend it never happened. You just don't. It screams guilt. IMO, IF it was truly in fact an accident... Casey would of been screaming from the trees... why because she would of liked the attention that it came with in the end. Pooor Casey... her baby died tragically. Everyone would of felt sorry for her. The fact that she never reported it was a big deal breaker for me when it came to accident/murder. Guilty people lie, and deceive... Guilty people act like nothing is wrong.

And you know... We know the Anthonys are nutts. But in all reality we don't know how it was before the case all started. We know GA/CA worked normal jobs, they had normal marital problems that lots of people had. They had a nice home, they gave their daughter / granddaughter everything. Really... where was this dysfunction? I just don't see how he could think that things were so dysfunctional at that home the time Caylee WAS MURDERED that it would make it okay for Casey not to do ANYTHING to protect her daughter. I just don't see it. Sorry... I know some families that could make the Anthonys look normal... and I would bet that even them wouldn't cover the murder of their children up.

These jurors need to fade out. Their EXCUSES are just that to me. THe fact that they came in on the 2nd day with a 6/6 vote and that the 6 fell out to the NOT GUILTY side ... to me says that they just wanted to get it over with.
This family has a book coming out shortly...<modsnip> Cindy's cousin on radio interview saying that the verdict is correct...<modsnip> Here is the interview

Has anyone listened to this? This woman (cousin) is saying the pool drowning was real and that GA might be in some trouble eventually.

Thanks,, that link wasn't working..this one does

This cousin of Cindy is saying that they had a big family teleconferance yada yada, where they heard the defense opening stmt was true, imply heavy heavy involvement by George

Radio hosts seem skeptical

One thing she mentions about the book coming out - that it's being written by the guy who had been seen sitting in the courtroom with Cindy during hearings etc. There had been some discussion about him on a thread here ... can't recall his name tho, and she didn't name him.

she is a Cindy 2nd cousin, offered the family to go stay in Houston with her, and implies they may be doing that

As for why Anthony did not report her daughter missing for 31 days, Eckstadt said he thought her home life played a big part in why she did not face the reality of the situation.

So let me get this straight. According to this guy... your daughter can die and because you have a "dysfunctional' family... that makes it okay to party the nights away without care, and without remorse?

Did those 31 days mean nothing to the jury? Nothing? Reguardless of dysfunction... if your child dies, you don't pretend it never happened. You just don't. It screams guilt. IMO, IF it was truly in fact an accident... Casey would of been screaming from the trees... why because she would of liked the attention that it came with in the end. Pooor Casey... her baby died tragically. Everyone would of felt sorry for her. The fact that she never reported it was a big deal breaker for me when it came to accident/murder. Guilty people lie, and deceive... Guilty people act like nothing is wrong.

I would love to know what they think of those jail tapes. Did they think it was completely normal for her to be disinterested in her dead child?

Thanks,, that link wasn't working..this one does

This cousin of Cindy is saying that they had a big family teleconferance yada yada, where they heard the defense opening stmt was true, imply heavy heavy involvement by George

Radio hosts seem skeptical

One thing she mentions about the book coming out - that it's being written by the guy who had been seen sitting in the courtroom with Cindy during hearings etc. There had been some discussion about him on a thread here ... can't recall his name tho, and she didn't name him.

she is a Cindy 2nd cousin, offered the family to go stay in Houston with her, and implies they may be doing that

I don't believe this woman at all. They had a big teleconference where they heard proof? Yeah that only happens in fiction.
Chaney Mason just said Caylee died "somehow." Well, didn't she drown? Or was that just a Freudian slip?
Chaney Mason just said Caylee died "somehow." Well, didn't she drown? Or was that just a Freudian slip?
Baez also said we will never know how she died in his closing statement. Mason now says Caylee's body was in the woods in August.

They know it's all a sham.

The defense team threw a bunch of lies out there and the jury bought it hook, line, and sinker because they were too lazy and greedy to actually evaluate the evidence.
Okay jurors--I'm sick of hearing the state didn't give a motive---which by the way they don't have to do. Go back and listen to JDB's closing---she told u the motive---TONY-----All Casey's other BF's let Caylee stay over at their places while they and MOMMY DEAREST did the nasty. Tony did not want Caylee to spend the night while he and mommy had sex. Also, he only wanted "MALE CHILDREN". Also there were other extra people crashing there. To have Tony, Casey had to kill Caylee. I was so proud of LDB to say that in her closing. And, you idiots didn't listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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