Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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I've been through the voir dire process twice and was not selected both times, persumably b/c of my position as a faculty member at a small college. I was very passionate to be on a jury as I had never experienced the judicial process first hand (and still have not). During the first voir dires, one of my fellow prospective jurors was an undergraduate biology major. He was removed by the defense because the case involved some sort of leg injury inflicted by police.

It seems to be, through my limited experience, that lawyers want jurors who are blank slates and, perhaps, have limited opinion philosophically on the law itself. I find this to be a rather bleak and limiting process.

Right I have been called for jury duty but once they find out I had 2 years of law school they bounce me out every darn time!
He is so calm and at peace with this. I have spent the last day and night with my stomach in knots, in sporadic bouts of tears, and just feeling down. Watching this is helping me a great deal.

His every thought and breath was wrapped up with this case day in and day out for three years. He so passionately fought for Caylee. If he can find peace with it, then I think the rest of us can too.

I'm convincing my head of this, but my heart is having a hard time.
Ok, but to be fair none of that really ties him to the murder of lacy. We dont even know how lacy died! I believe they didnt even find her arms, legs and head. just a torso. All of that can be explained away. He was a fisher, hunter, etc. None of that had Lacy DNA I believe so what do you have? Circumstance and behavior. That is what Scott Peterson was convicted on. Yet no one says, "oh it was an accident and he tried to dispose of the body". why not? The facts can be twisted that way. Him and lacy got into a fight and she fell down, hit her head and he panicked. Do you understand my point?

Ok, but if that stuff would have been found with Casey Anthony, meaning she was ready to get the hell out, I think they would have convicted her. I mean just read the item list...
According to InSession/Tru TV, a motion has been filed to request the release of the names of all of the jurors. Florida Sunshine Laws...

I don't need their names...I know as much as I care to know about them.
In order to be on a jury one has to actually care about truth/justice/applied logics
Clearly this fellow and rest of his gang operate based on their most base desires (base desires dressed up as "compassion" "tolerance" etc) A mountain of evidence was ignored, their deliberations probably consisted of wanting italian food and $$$$ they could get from having KC out and about. This Huekler guy couldn't even provider clear answers as to why he didn't really consider the scientific evidence. Wretched.

Not exactly fair to judge all 12 based on this one, this one that didn't have a say in the final decision.

I haven't heard any news stories so far of Jurors making money, in fact, i haven't seen any interviews with the actual jurors yet. Until i do, i will not judge their motives.
If the death penalty had not been pursued, this case would have been over a long time ago, with ICA behind bars where she belongs. Sad, but true, IMO.

Of course, I am not saying I am anti-DP, just think this is the reality in this case.

None of them ever had to vote for's a mute point....JMO.
I've always wanted to serve on a jury. I lived in CA for almost 20 yrs. Got called once for jury duty and only had to call in on the phone and then that was it. One phone call and nada.

I now live in NC and I've been here over 9 years and never gotten a jury summons. I have a driver's license, vote, and should be in the pool somewhere. I also happen to be highly educated so that might get me bounced during a voir dire, but I've never even gotten to that point.

And I'm someone who would not try to get out of jury duty. I have an employer that would pay my salary the entire time.

It is amazing.
Ok, but if that stuff would have been found with Casey Anthony, meaning she was ready to get the hell out, I think they would have convicted her. I mean just read the item list...

I guess I'm confused what that stuff found when SP fled to Mexico? If so those items in the car and his fleeing has nothing to do with guilt. If so then the 31 days would come into play as well.
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Ok, Ok, Ok,

Let us throw out ALL the evidence,

everything but one....

31 day not reporting a child missing, by mother!!!

That alone is child neglect, compounded by the child ended up dead.

minimum 15 years!!!
Yes, but with Scott Peterson it was a bit different, wasn't it? He was found with the following:
Items Found in Scott's Car

Undated bill of sale with an unverified signature of Michael Griffin, the registered owner of the vehicle
An application for duplicate title for the vehicle also signed by Michael Griffin
Driver's license for John Edward Peterson, Scott Peterson's brother
Approximately $15,000 in cash, including $14,000 in $100 bills with paper wrapper bands
Credit cards:
Two Visa cards and one MasterCard issued to Scott Peterson
One MasterCard and one American Express Business card issued to Scott Peterson / TradeCorp
One Visa card issued to Anne E. Bird, Scott Peterson's sister
Chevron card issued to Jacqueline Peterson
16 music CDs
Thomas Guide map book of California
Thomas Guide map book of Central Valley Cities and surrounding areas
24 blister packs of sleeping pills
12 tablets of Viagra
Four cell phones
Double-edged dagger with a t-handle
Columbia foul-weather jacket
A hand shovel
Backpack containing:
Water purifier
Water bottle
Climbing rope
Filet knife
Duct tape
Cooking grill
Rain pants
Ziploc bags
Fire starters
Camp kit that included cooking utensils and a rope
Leather gloves
Two folding knives
Folding saw
Two packs of razor blades
Waterproofing spray
Camp axe
Mask and snorkel
Fishing rod and reel
Leatherman tool
Lace-up, rubberized boots
Hiking boots
Low-top hiking shoes
Two pairs of brown slip-on casual shoes
One pair brown lace-up casual shoes
Flip flops
Two pairs of black dress shoes
Four pullover long-sleeved sport shirts
Two pairs of shorts
Button-down shirt
Two pairs of casual pants
Running pants
Three tee shirts
Two long-sleeved casual shirts
One pair of athletic shorts
Cowboy hat
Two pairs of dress socks
At least 10 pairs of athletic socks
One pair of Levis
Two neckties
A pullover sweater
A scarf
Black dress belt
At least six pairs of underwear briefs

So this is a BIT different ISN'T IT?

All that carp proves is he was going to hightail it out of the country, doesn't have anything to do with the murder of Lacy and Conner. There wasn't all that much. MOO
I don't understand why Casey wasn't charged with "Obstruction of Justice." She not only lied to L.E. she had them running around like chickens with their head cut off, claiming her child was alive.
i wont watch baez...ever or any of his croneys..nor the ants..dont want to hear any more lies
I have been thinking about this case since yesterday's WRONG VERDICT, AND I just realized that this so-called teacher made the spokesperson for the jury because the 12 deliberation jurors skipped town to avoid the media. They rushed the deliberation WITHOUT reviewing the evidence #14 doesn't makes sense........ I think they discussed the case between them.. This teacher DOES NOT HAVE A COMMON SENSE!!!!
Do you pronounce the surname "heckler"? If so, quite fitting... he's going to have a few of those, imo.
I highly suspect they all talked about this amongst themselves from the beginning to save time, and perhaps that is why the 12 actual jurors were of one mind about it and at least one of the alternates is too. They made their decision without paying attention to everything presented. There's nothing else that explains to me how that many different people could all be so sure of the same thing so quickly.
I think that too... and something else happened as well, but I don't want to say for fear of being banned. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Yes, but with Scott Peterson it was a bit different, wasn't it? He was found with the following:
Items Found in Scott's Car

Undated bill of sale with an unverified signature of Michael Griffin, the registered owner of the vehicle
An application for duplicate title for the vehicle also signed by Michael Griffin
Driver's license for John Edward Peterson, Scott Peterson's brother
Approximately $15,000 in cash, including $14,000 in $100 bills with paper wrapper bands
Credit cards:
Two Visa cards and one MasterCard issued to Scott Peterson
One MasterCard and one American Express Business card issued to Scott Peterson / TradeCorp
One Visa card issued to Anne E. Bird, Scott Peterson's sister
Chevron card issued to Jacqueline Peterson
16 music CDs
Thomas Guide map book of California
Thomas Guide map book of Central Valley Cities and surrounding areas
24 blister packs of sleeping pills
12 tablets of Viagra
Four cell phones
Double-edged dagger with a t-handle
Columbia foul-weather jacket
A hand shovel
Backpack containing:
Water purifier
Water bottle
Climbing rope
Filet knife
Duct tape
Cooking grill
Rain pants
Ziploc bags
Fire starters
Camp kit that included cooking utensils and a rope
Leather gloves
Two folding knives
Folding saw
Two packs of razor blades
Waterproofing spray
Camp axe
Mask and snorkel
Fishing rod and reel
Leatherman tool
Lace-up, rubberized boots
Hiking boots
Low-top hiking shoes
Two pairs of brown slip-on casual shoes
One pair brown lace-up casual shoes
Flip flops
Two pairs of black dress shoes
Four pullover long-sleeved sport shirts
Two pairs of shorts
Button-down shirt
Two pairs of casual pants
Running pants
Three tee shirts
Two long-sleeved casual shirts
One pair of athletic shorts
Cowboy hat
Two pairs of dress socks
At least 10 pairs of athletic socks
One pair of Levis
Two neckties
A pullover sweater
A scarf
Black dress belt
At least six pairs of underwear briefs

So this is a BIT different ISN'T IT?

All that stuff indicates is that SP was planning on fleeing the country.

ETA-- In the minds of his jury, that meant he was guilty (his plans to go to Mexico). ICA didn't report her child missing for 31 days. To another jury, that may have meant that she was guilty. Do you see what I am saying? ALL juries are different and what is important to one, may not be important or a deciding factor to another.

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