What a classy and ethical man--I wish him well in all future endeavors. HOPING HE WRITES A BOOK
Why is he making the rounds?? If Baez was doing this...........
Baez is doing 20/20 tonight.
ETA, he is still being a voice for Caylee.
IMO, Jeff Ashton as the only member of the prosecution who can speak to the media started his interviews early to make sure the TRUTH was told. Not the BS Baez will spew about a accidental death and a case that was "never there".
Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane-Burdick and Frank George are heroes. Unfortunately two of them cannot speak (Lawson Lamar doesn't allow it). I'm sorry the state attorney has lost such a talented and amazing prosecutor but I'm glad Mr. Ashton is able to talk to us.
I will not watch one interview by the defense, spend one penny on a magazine or a book that features them and I will never, ever spend one red cent on anything that features Caylee Anthony's killer.
Why is he making the rounds?? If Baez was doing this...........
Yes, that's what Kathie Belich said. Juror Nr. 7 appeared to be crying.
Why is he making the rounds?? If Baez was doing this...........
Does this mean that we will not be able to see or hear any interviews with Linda Drane-Burdick? I was hoping to hear from her.
Baez was also on several of the Fox programs last night with Geraldo.
Why is he making the rounds?? If Baez was doing this...........