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Day 31: George Anthony in tears over questions about suicide attempt

Casey Anthony's father broke down on the witness stand during questions about his granddaughter, and admits to the jury that he tried to kill himself in January 2009.

When George stepped down, he took a deep breath and looked directly at his daughter while walking back to his seat.

"Snip" By Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Team Coverage
Last Updated: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 3:04 PM

Video Stories George Anthony bursts into tears Anthony bursts into tears

Flashback: George Anthony's suicide attempt in Daytona Beach
When Baez started asking about the Anthonys' appearances on various national talk shows, George snapped back.

"Mr. Baez, I have tried to be nice to you, and I have tried to answer the best of my ability," he said. "It had nothing to do with guilt or innocence, or anything like that. We did that, sir, for self-preservation, to bring awareness to what my granddaughter meant to us."

After a short recess, Baez asked George about molesting his daughter. He again denied it, repeatedly saying he would never do anything in that way to harm his daughter.

"In that way?" Baez inquired, though an objection by the state was sustained. He then shifted his questioning back to George's gas cans. He again said he put a piece of duct tape on one of his cans, because a plastic piece was missing when Casey angrily gave them back to him.

During cross-examination, George told prosecutor Jeff Ashton that he held out hope that Caylee was alive from July 15, 2008, to the day she was told the remains were Caylee.

He burst into tears as he finished his answer. The judge asked if he wanted to take a break, but George replied, "No, I need to get through this."

As George broke down on the stand, Casey simply stared at her father.

George's suicide note was exempted from public records during a previous hearing with the family's previous attorney, Brad Conway, in 2009. Ashton, however, provided a copy of it to Judge Perry, who sent the jury out of the courtroom to review it.

With George, Cindy and the jury out of the courtroom, Ashton said the suicide note stated the George got a gun with the intent to go get answers from Casey's friends, and then kill himself.

Baez argued George wrote the letter to appear innocent, but Ashton said it showed that George did not know what happened to his granddaughter.

"Snip" Casey Anthony told Judge Perry she agreed with her attorney’s motion for mistrial
Updated: 4:00 pm EDT June 29, 2011

Judge Perry was in court promptly at 8:30 a.m., along with the prosecution. However, none of Casey's attorneys were present. Casey's death penalty attorney, Ann Finnell, called into the courtroom via telephone to discuss her motion for a mistrial. Finnell argued for the judge to reconsider regulation for a mistrial. She said a new appeals case out of south Florida ruling that the death penalty is unconstitutional means the current jury should be re-seated.

Judge Perry asked if Casey was aware of this and agreed, and she stood up and said, "I agree with Miss Finnell." (watch raw video)

Casey's attorneys arrived about 10 minutes later.

Perry said the court will reserve ruling on the defense's request for mistrial until a subsequent date. Perry said he will rule on the request "prior to the verdict, if we get that far in this case."

Read More Here, George Breaks Down During Talk Of Caylee's Remains
Roy Kronk's Son Brandon Sparks testified just before Kronk Today
"Snip" Updated: 4:36 pm EDT June 29, 2011

Brandon Sparks stated that he received phone a phone call from his dad telling him to watch for him on television. Sparks stated that he received the phone call in November, however, that month is inconsistent to when Kronk was asked to appear on T.V.

Prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick was able to prove that fact to the jury. She said that Caylee's skull was found in December and the interview was scheduled after that time, proving that Sparks either made up the story or was confused about the dates.

Defense Winds Down In Anthony Trial
Family Members Return To Witness Stand

"Snip" POSTED: 9:36 am EDT June 29, 2011

The defense attorneys have continued their strategy of painting the Anthony family as dysfunctional.

Sally Karioth defense witness now on the stand.

Raw Video: Suicide Note Details Revealed

Images: George Anthony Breaks Down On Stand

Judge Reserves Ruling On Casey Mistrial Motion
Casey Anthony Speaks In Court

Ask The Judge: Jury Deliberations, Court Clerk
Judge O.H. Eaton Jr., WESH Legal Analyst

Casey Anthony And Her Dad: A Closer Look
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George Says He "Failed" Caylee In Tearful Testimony
"Snip" Updated: 4:47 pm EDT June 29, 2011
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's father, George Anthony, wrote in a suicide note that he had unanswered questions about what happened to his granddaughter, a revelation that undercuts defense claims that the toddler drowned accidentally and he helped cover it up.
Baez seemed to imply that George was lying.

'It's after this alleged argument you had with your daughter about the gas cans…" Baez states.

"It's not alleged, sir, it happened," George said."Myself, my daughter and God know the truth."

"Is there anyone else you want to add in there, a dog or something?" Baez remarked.

"Objection!" stated prosecutor Jeff Ashton.

"Sustained," Judge Perry said.

Moore said she also thinks Baez was trying to avoid putting Casey on the stand.

"I think (Baez) did nothing but engender sympathy for George Anthony now the jury has contempt for Baez that could certainly reflect on Casey Anthony," Moore said.
George Breaks Down During Talk Of Caylee's Remains

"Snip" Updated: 12:58 pm EDT June 29, 2011

George Anthony testified on Wednesday in Casey Anthony's murder trial and cried as he talked about the discovery of Caylee's remains.

Baez began to question George about Casey's claim that he molested her.

"You would never admit to molesting your daughter?" Baez asked George.

"I would never hurt my daughter," George replied.

"My question is, you would never admit to it?" Baez asked.

"I would never do anything to harm my daughter in that way," he replied.

Baez tried to imply that George was lying.

'It's after this alleged argument you had with your daughter about the gas cans…" Baez states.

"It's not alleged, sir, it happened," George said."Myself, my daughter and God know the truth."

"Is there anyone else you want to add in there, a dog or something?" Baez remarked.

"Objection!" stated prosecutor Jeff Ashton.

"Sustained," Judge Perry said.

George was also questioned about his suicide attempt.

"I needed at that time to go and be with Caylee, because I believed I failed her," he said.

Earlier, Cindy was called to testify. Baez began questioning Cindy and asked if she remembered her son, Lee Anthony, going into Casey's room at night. Prosecution objected and the judge and attorneys entered a sidebar

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RAW VIDEO: Casey Agrees With Mistrial Motion

IN COURT: Casey, Parents, Attorneys

George Says He "Failed" Caylee In Tearful Testimony

"Snip" Updated: 4:47 pm EDT June 29, 2011

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's father, George Anthony, wrote in a suicide note that he had unanswered questions about what happened to his granddaughter, a revelation that undercuts defense claims that the toddler drowned accidentally and he helped cover it up.
Baez seemed to imply that George was lying.

'It's after this alleged argument you had with your daughter about the gas cans…" Baez states.

"It's not alleged, sir, it happened," George said."Myself, my daughter and God know the truth."

"Is there anyone else you want to add in there, a dog or something?" Baez remarked.

"Objection!" stated prosecutor Jeff Ashton.

"Sustained," Judge Perry said.

Moore said she also thinks Baez was trying to avoid putting Casey on the stand.

"I think (Baez) did nothing but engender sympathy for George Anthony now the jury has contempt for Baez that could certainly reflect on Casey Anthony," Moore said.

Roy Kronk's Son Brandon Sparks testified just before Kronk

"Snip" Updated: 4:36 pm EDT June 29, 2011

Brandon Sparks stated that he received phone a phone call from his dad telling him to watch for him on television. Sparks stated that he received the phone call in November, however, that month is inconsistent to when Kronk was asked to appear on T.V.

Prosecutor Linda Drane-Burdick was able to prove that fact to the jury. She said that Caylee's skull was found in December and the interview was scheduled after that time, proving that Sparks either made up the story or was confused about the dates.

Casey told Judge Perry she agreed with her attorney’s motion for mistrial
Updated: 4:00 pm EDT June 29, 2011

Judge Perry was in court promptly at 8:30 a.m., along with the prosecution. However, none of Casey's attorneys were present. Casey's death penalty attorney, Ann Finnell, called into the courtroom via telephone to discuss her motion for a mistrial. Finnell argued for the judge to reconsider regulation for a mistrial. She said a new appeals case out of south Florida ruling that the death penalty is unconstitutional means the current jury should be re-seated.

Judge Perry asked if Casey was aware of this and agreed, and she stood up and said, "I agree with Miss Finnell." (watch raw video)

Casey's attorneys arrived about 10 minutes later.

Perry said the court will reserve ruling on the defense's request for mistrial until a subsequent date. Perry said he will rule on the request "prior to the verdict, if we get that far in this case."

Updated: 12:58 pm EDT June 29, 2011

George Anthony testified on Wednesday in Casey Anthony's murder trial and cried as he talked about the discovery of Caylee's remains.
Baez began to question George about Casey's claim that he molested her.
"You would never admit to molesting your daughter?" Baez asked George.

"I would never hurt my daughter," George replied.

"My question is, you would never admit to it?" Baez asked.

"I would never do anything to harm my daughter in that way," he replied.
Baez tried to imply that George was lying.

'It's after this alleged argument you had with your daughter about the gas cans…" Baez states.

"It's not alleged, sir, it happened," George said."Myself, my daughter and God know the truth."

"Is there anyone else you want to add in there, a dog or something?" Baez remarked.

"Objection!" stated prosecutor Jeff Ashton. "Sustained," Judge Perry said. George was also questioned about his suicide attempt. "I needed at that time to go and be with Caylee, because I believed I failed her," he said.

Earlier, Cindy was called to testify. Baez began questioning Cindy and asked if she remembered her son, Lee Anthony, going into Casey's room at night. Prosecution objected and the judge and attorneys entered a sidebar

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Casey Anthony Defense Says It Will Rest Thursday
Casey Anthony, 25, Could Face Death Penalty If Convicted

"Snip" POSTED: Wednesday, June 29, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Casey Anthony jury could be deliberating her fate over the holiday weekend.

Casey Anthony's defense team said Wednesday evening it will rest on Thursday.

Judge Belvin Perry said closing arguments could be held Saturday, and it is up to the jury if they would want to hear closing arguments on Sunday or on Independence Day on Monday.

Will Casey Anthony Testify Before Defense Rests on Thursday?
June 30, 2011 "Snip" by Jeanette Torres

Judge Perry warned the court to be ready to work through the July 4 holiday weekend. He said it will be up to the jurors how much they want to work this weekend, but it is believed they will want to work since they are sequestered.
"I wouldn't make any plans for Sunday or Monday," Perry told the attorneys.

Day 31: George's Suicide Letter, Case Timeline
Jury Could Have Case By Monday

"Snip" POSTED:June 29, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony’s defense plans to rest its case Thursday, defense attorney Jose Baez told the judge late Wednesday.

After it rests, the state will then present rebuttal evidence and testimony. That process could begin Thursday as well.

Judge Belvin Perry it’s possible closing arguments could take place Saturday or Sunday, meaning the jury would be deliberating on or before July 4.

Baez attempted to suggest that George Anthony was "throwing (Casey) under the bus" to police through his statements.

Obviously, George Anthony replied, something had happened to Caylee, as she was missing. "Casey was the last person I saw with Caylee," he said. "One and one adds up to two ... For you to say that I was doing something wrong, sir, you're wrong."

“(The defense) made an incredibly bad move when they tried to question George Anthony about his suicide (attempt), and now it looks like the judge is going to allow the suicide not into evidence, which is basically a statement of exoneration,” WESH 2 legal analyst Judge O.H. Eaton said. “I think that was an incredibly bad move.”

Read more:
Dissecting George Anthony's Testimony: How Casey's Defense Turned Her Father Into a Witness for the Prosecution
"Snip" Published June 29, 2011

Special Guests: Holly Bristow, WOFL Correspondent

VAN SUSTEREN: Let's just talk for a second about the fact that the lawyers were late. I've seen that courthouse. It's I don't know how many stories tall and just a few elevators. I'm not surprised the lawyers were only late once.

HOLLY BRISTOW, WOFL CORRESPONDENT: You know, it is a 23-story courthouse, and this is up in what I call the penthouse. It's up on the 23rd floor.

Not only did they have this major motion on the table today that they were scheduled to have heard by the judge today and to be arguing, the judge made an order last week that every single attorney needs to be in his courtroom by 8:30 just in case anything needs to take place while the jury is out, before they come in, in the morning.

Cheney Mason, was 10 minutes late. Jose Baez, 20 minutes late. One of my colleagues from FOX was out in the hallway after this and saw Cindy Anthony ripping into Jose Baez for leaving her daughter sitting alone at that table while this motion was being heard, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, well, the drama continues behind the scenes. All right, now, let me ask you about George Anthony. What was the purpose of calling this father back to the stand by the defense and basically -- and grilling him and essentially making him -- you know, hitting every single sensitive point with him?

BRISTOW: Greta. It seemed like the main point that they were trying to get out of him was whether he had ever molested his daughter or not. Did this happen? He said no. He said, Would you even tell the truth if this did happen?

George pretty much said, I have absolutely nothing to hide. This man up there crying uncontrollably had everybody in the courtroom just -- attention completely on him. There were people that were just spectators in there, Greta, who I saw with tears pouring out of their eyes. That's just how powerful his testimony was today. So I'm not exactly sure -- go ahead.

George obviously had this huge outpouring of emotion today. And it all got started when he asked him how he felt the day that he found out that his little granddaughter's remains were found in those woods around the corner from his house.

It was so bad, Greta -- I need to tell you this -- that the judge actually reached over and handed him a tissue. And when they took a break because he was so emotional, the deputy walked up and was trying to, like, pat him on the back to calm him down. That's how hard he was crying in court today.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Let me just ask you one quick question. Was Casey crying, sobbing, weeping, tearing up at all?

BRISTOW: Not at all. . when George Anthony was up there -- you saw her in that video, no emotion.

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Casey Anthony: How was she looking when George wept?

"Snip" posted by halboedeker on June, 29 2011

WFTV’s Sheaffer said it was another instance that Baez had opened the door to what would have been inadmissible evidence.

Judge Alex Ferrer, on WOFL, said that Baez had made several blunders, especially letting George Anthony say that Casey Anthony could take the stand and clear up an issue.


Casey Anthony: She stands and speaks; what does it mean?

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 by halboedeker

Without her attorneys in court this morning, Casey Anthony stood and spoke at a motion hearing. It was another unusual moment in this most unusual trial.

The camera showed the seats of defense attorneys Jose Baez and Cheney Mason were empty. But defense attorney Ann Finnell could be heard by phone, and she is seeking a mistrial. Chief Judge Belvin Perry wanted to know if Anthony consented on the request for a mistrial. Anthony stood and said she agreed with Finnell.


When Casey Anthony upstaged Barack Obama

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 by halboedeker
When President Barack Obama had a news conference today, local stations stayed with their coverage of the Casey Anthony trial.

George Anthony, Casey’s father, was on the stand for some emotional testimony.

George's Alleged Mistress Testifies; Anthonys Recalled
"Snip" Updated: 1:09 pm EDT June 30, 2011

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Krystal Holloway testified in Casey Anthony's murder trial on Thursday. Casey's parents and her brother Lee and were then called to the stand and were asked how they buried their pets.

Casey's defense was expected to rest Thursday after calling its final witnesses, though it's still not known if Casey will take the stand to answer questions about whether she killed her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony.

George has denied having an affair with Holloway who also was a volunteer who helped search for Caylee Marie Anthony in 2008.

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LIVE: Casey Trial Day 43 | Live Blog

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IN COURT: Casey, Parents, Lawyers, Witness

FACES OF CASEY: Most Recent To Oldest
HLN Video: Casey Anthony: I won't testify
Defendant Casey Anthony tells the court that she will not testify as the defense rests its case.
"Snip" June 30, 2011
Video Judge questions Casey Anthony
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Casey Anthony: Why didn’t she testify? WKMG points to sidebar
Posted: 30 Jun 2011 03:46 PM PDT posted by halboedeker

Tony Pipitone found a possible explanation in a sidebar from last Friday: a discussion about Casey’s criminal activity.

He read a transcript of the sidebar on the 6 p.m. news. You’re likely to hear more about the sidebar in a special that WKMG will offer at 10 p.m. June 30, 2011.

Pipitone then interpreted the conversation: “The state was threatening, if Casey Anthony testified, to bring in not just the crimes she was convicted of, the Amy Huizenga convictions and taking her checks, but hundreds of checks that Casey Anthony wrote on her mother’s account, stealing that we’ve not confirmed yet.”

Pipitone said he saw Burdick going through checks from Cindy’s account yesterday. “That’s what the state was about to do,” Pipitone said. “And that is one reason why — there are many possible reasons — Casey Anthony did not testify today.”



Transcript Shows New Allegations Against Casey Anthony
A sidebar transcript obtained by Local 6 shows more allegations against Casey Anthony.

Defense Rests In Casey Anthony Murder Trial
Casey Anthony will not testify in her own defense.
Defense Rests In Casey Anthony Murder Trial On Thursday
Anthony, 25, Could Face Death Penalty If Found Guilty

"Snip" UPDATED: 7:17 am EDT July 1, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Judge Perry asked Casey Anthony if it was her decision not to testify. She said it was and that she has had time to discuss the matter with her attorneys.

Local 6 legal analyst Mark NeJame noted that the defense never presented evidence or witnesses to bolster its claims in opening statements.

Lead defense attorney Jose Baez claimed that Caylee Anthony drowned in the family pool and was found by George Anthony. He said Casey Anthony acted with no apparent remorse following the death of her daughter due to emotional issues stemming from years of sexual abuse at the hands of her father.

George Anthony denied both claims against him on the first day of testimony in the trial.

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton said he wants the jurors to smell the cans of evidence that contain a piece of carpet taken from Casey Anthony's trunk during rebuttal. The cans apparently still carry the scent from her trunk that several people have testified was that of a decomposing body.

Perry said that the cans will not go back to the jury during deliberations and they will not be allowed to smell the air samples.

CSI Alina Burroughs, previously testified about photos she took of Casey Anthony's clothes during the execution of a search warrant at the Anthony family home.

The state entered into evidence several photos taken by Burroughs.

The state entered into evidence George Anthony's suicide note.

At the conclusion of the day a court spectator was found guilty of contempt for showing his middle finger toward Ashton. He was sentenced to six days in jail.

The state is expected to continue with its rebuttal case on Friday and closing arguments are expected to be held Saturday.

Prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick said the state also plans to call an executive from Gentiva, the company Cindy Anthony worked for in March 2008.

Cindy Anthony has testified that although her work records indicate she was at work when searches for chloroform were made on the family computer in March, she had actually left work early. She said as a salaried employee, she did not punch a clock and the records were not always accurate.

The state wants to prove that Cindy Anthony was at work when the searches were performed, but the defense argued that bringing in additional work records goes against Perry's decision that all documents should be turned over to the opposing side and would be a discovery violation.

Burdick said that although Cindy Anthony did tell her about some computer searches, she did not realize she would dispute work records that extensively.

Perry ruled that the defense could have the rest of the afternoon Thursday look over records from the Gentiva executive, but that the state could present Cindy Anthony's work records during rebuttal and they were not in violation of discovery rules.

Earlier Thursday, Baez asked the Anthony family was questioned about pet burial traditions.

Cindy Anthony was then called to testify about the death of the family pets.

Cindy said the first two dogs were buried wrapped in black plastic and tape, which is how they were prepared by the veterinarian.

A family cat was buried wrapped in a towel, then a plastic bag and wrapped with packing tape.

Cindy said tape was used to make the bags more compact.

In cross-examination, Cindy Anthony said her children were aware of the family pet burial tradition. Burdick asked her if any of the pets were killed using chloroform, or cut tape over their mouths. Cindy Anthony said no.

Baez played a brief Local 6 archive video depicting Henkel brand duct tape at a Caylee search command center in the parking lot of a Publix on Chickasaw Trail. The same brand tape was found on Caylee's skull.
Baez asked George Anthony about the video. Henkel is not a common brand of duct tape. It is manufactured in Ohio.

The same brand duct tape was found in the shed at the Anthony family home.

Krystal Holloway said she met George Anthony at a tent during the search for Caylee Anthony in October 2008.

Holloway testified that she developed an intimate relationship with George Anthony and that he came to her home around a dozen times.

Holloway said that during a conversation about Casey Anthony around Thanksgiving 2008, she said George Anthony told her Caylee’s death was an accident.

“He said it was an accident that snowballed out of control. I was in shock. By the time I looked up, his eyes were full of tears. I didn’t elaborate. I didn’t ask him anything further,” Holloway said.

Holloway said she provided investigators with her cellphone and letters George Anthony had written her. She said she lied to investigators about the affair at first because she was embarrassed, but she eventually told them the truth.
Holloway said her relationship ended with George after Caylee’s remains were found in December 2008.

Holloway said she was paid $4,000 by the National Enquirer to tell her story .

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton accused Holloway of sensationalizing her story to make more money. He accused Holloway of seeking out the Anthony family because they were well known after Caylee was reported missing.

Ashton pointed out that George Anthony never told Holloway he was present when Caylee died by accident.

Perry told the jury they could not consider Holloway's statements as a reflection of how Caylee died. He said Holloway's testimony can only be considered as evidence that George Anthony had lied about their affair.

Holloway said she is also known as River Cruz.

WATCH LIVE: Anthony Murder Trial

On Wednesday, a grief expert Sally Karioth who never interviewed Anthony, laid out a hypothetical scenario with facts from the case, she testified it wasn't inconsistent with grief she's observed in similar situations. Karioth previously testified in the South Carolina murder case of Susan Smith, who was convicted of drowning her children.

"Young adults are reflective grievers and will often act like nothing happened," Karioth said.

Read Much More Here:
State Rebuttal Over, Closing Arguments To Be Held Sunday
Court will not be held on Saturday.

"Snip" Updated: 9:58 pm EDT July 1, 2011

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The state began its rebuttal on Friday with testimony from a lawyer from Gentiva Health Services, the company that once employed Cindy Anthony.

Gentiva Health Services Chief Compliance Officer John Camperlengo was the first witness called Friday and answered questions about Cindy's work history during the week of March 17, 2008. Judge Perry called a morning-long recess before jurors entered the courtroom so the defense could take depositions of prosecution witnesses.

Cindy testified that she had run computer searches for the term "chloroform" while looking up information on chlorophyll. Prosecutors have contended that Casey made the searches as she plotted to kill her daughter 2 yr old Caylee Anthony. Cindy's testimony was a surprise to prosecutors.

Baez said prosecutors had failed to disclose all the information a computer expert and forensic anthropologist planned to testify. Baez wanted the evidence and witnesses to be excluded, but Perry only gave him the option of taking their depositions.

"There are real problems and then there are imaginary problems," said Perry. "I will give you all the time that you need, but if I find out this is an imaginary problem...because these folks are ready to return to their homes."

The witnesses were on the prosecution's rebuttal list.

Experts said defense attorneys may have left lingering questions and failed to deliver on promises they made at the outset to explain how Caylee died.

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BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Day 44


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Jurors in the Case against Casey Anthony have the day off as attorneys on both sides prepare to give their closing statements Sunday.

"Snip" By Amanda Evans, Reporter
Last Updated: Saturday, July 02, 2011

ORLANDO -- Jurors in the Case against Casey Anthony have the day off as attorneys on both sides prepare to give their closing statements Sunday.

As the defense rested, the state got a chance to call a few more witnesses to the stand.

Closing arguments being at 9 a.m. Sunday. The jury could start deliberating immediately after.

It is not known how long it will take, but the plan is for the jury to work straight through until they have a verdict.

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