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Garrido's parole records reveal spotty supervision
Published: Friday, Feb. 12, 2010 - 7:16 pm
Last Modified: Friday, Feb. 12, 2010 - 8:43 pm
Ten years after he allegedly kidnapped Jaycee Lee Dugard, Phillip Garrido was classified as a "low-risk" offender by state parole agents, and supervision of him was so spotty that the bulk of his parole files over a decade fill only 120 pages, records released to The Bee tonight show.

The records show Garrido later confessed to taking Dugard when she was 11 and raping her.

The records also contain a letter Garrido sent to the Nevada Parole commission after he had been released from federal custody after serving only 11 years, despite a 50-year sentence for kidnap and a five-years-to-life sentence for rape in 1976.

"The reason for my release 26 years early was due to the complete recovery and successful reorientation back into the community," he wrote. "Years of hard work went into this recovery."

He informed the parole commission that he did not need supervision "to help me back into society."

"Frankly your laws are outdated and need to be reviewed by professional psychologist(sic) and the Federal Government," he added.

Corrections officials resisted releasing the records until Sacramento Superior Court Judge Patrick Marlette ruled last Friday that they were public records.

*More At Link!

More Information:
Phillip Garrido: in-depth and up-to-date garrido

Full Slideshow

See Phillip Garrido's parole records

Dugard's journal a cry for freedom, court papers show

Garrido charmed prison, parole officials for years, state files show
Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010
Phillip Garrido apparently had a way with people.

Repeatedly over the years he managed to charm the prison officials and parole agents supervising him to the point that they lauded him in letters.

Even when they detected him acting "real weird" or "strange" during visits to his Antioch home, they made no effort to conduct thorough searches of the property, admitting in writing they made only "cursory" checks of the premises.

These are some of the facts contained in 120 pages of Garrido's California parole file released late Friday after The Bee sued to force its disclosure, along with the San Francisco Chronicle and Channel 3 (KCRA).

The documents recite disturbing scenes about Garrido and Jaycee Lee Dugard, the woman he is accused of kidnapping at age 11 and holding captive for 18 years.

*Much lore at link!

Consider the records from summer 2008:

&#8226; On June 17, a parole agent saw a 12-year-old girl in the home. Garrido was a registered sex offender, but explained the girl away as his niece.

&#8226; Authorities now believe she was one of Dugard's daughters.

&#8226; On Aug. 5, an agent "conducted a visual cursory search of entire residence with negative results" while Nancy Garrido videotaped him.

&#8226; Ten days later, Garrido "displays real strange behavior." The agent leaves after seven minutes.

&#8226; On Sept. 10, Garrido is "real weird acting." The agent leaves after seven minutes.

&#8226; On Sept. 26, the agent finds him in his driveway draining oil from his car. He "displayes (sic) strange behavior." The visit lasts eight minutes.

&#8226; The records continue, reporting Garrido "has stable residence" and is gainfully employed running a printing business. Sometimes Garrido, who was on GPS supervision, was not home for an agent's visit. "Wife Nancy stated (he) had just stepped out."

&#8226; In one report, an agent drew a map of the Garrido home, but missed the fact that it had a massive backyard.

&#8226; Even after he had been under supervision for years, Garrido seemed a mystery man to some. In 2001, an agent spelled his name "Gerride."

See Phillip Garrido's parole records

Dugard's journal a cry for freedom, court papers show

Photo: Accused kidnapper Phillip Garrido in Dugard case

Phillip Garrido considered a low-risk offender; parole reports reveal
2/13/10 3 hrs ago
The state of California released some of Phillip Garrido's parole records late Friday after an eleventh-hour attempt to block their publication failed.

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) had resisted attempts by several news media organizations to gain access to records relating to Garrido's parole supervision.

The reports offer more insight into how Garrido was handled by parole officers during 10 years of supervision by California authorities from 1999 to 2009.

Last Friday, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Patrick Marlette gave the CDCR and the state Office of the Inspector General until Feb. 12 to release a number of Garrido's parole records, totalling 120 pages. Marlette said he would review other documents, considered more sensitive, for possible release next month.

CDCR argued the release of parole documents could put parole agents at risk.

On Thursday, the state Attorney General's office filed an "extraordinary writ" with the Third District Court of Appeal in Sacramento seeking an immediate stay of Marlette's order, which was denied.

Video: Phillip Garrido a 'low-risk offender,' parole reports reveal
The state parole reports offer more insight into how Garrido was handled by parole officers during 10 years of supervision from 1999 to 2009.

Video: Interview: Carl Probyn Talks About Jaycee's condition; 8/...
Jaycee's stepfather Carl Probyn tells News10's Cristina Mendonsa that Jaycee and her daughters appear in good shape.

Video: Documents: Jaycee Dugard wants no contact with Garridos
The diary of Jaycee Dugard offers new insight into her 18 years in captivity.

Read Phillip Garrido's parole reports:
PAROLE RECORD: Read Phillip Garrido's parole reports - Pt 1

PAROLE RECORD: Read Phillip Garrido's parole reports - Pt 2

PAROLE RECORD: Read Phillip Garrido's parole reports - Pt 3

PAROLE RECORD: Read Phillip Garrido's parole reports - Pt 4

PAROLE RECORD: Read Phillip Garrido's parole reports - Pt 5

PAROLE RECORD: Read Phillip Garrido's parole reports - Pt 6

PAROLE RECORD: Read Phillip Garrido's parole reports - Pt 7

&#8226;PDF: Excerpts from Jaycee Dugard's diary

&#8226;PDF: Garrido 1976 rape file

&#8226;PDF: Garrido kidnapping charges in 2009

&#8226;PDF: Part 1 - Transcript of 1976 proceedings

&#8226;PDF: Part 2 - Transcript of 1976 proceedings

&#8226;PDF: Part 3 - Transcript of 1976 proceedings

&#8226;PDF: Phillip Garrido parole file- part 1

&#8226;PDF: Phillip Garrido parole file - part 2

&#8226;Slideshow: A look inside the Garrido home

&#8226;Slideshow: Police arrest Phillip and Nancy Garrido

&#8226;Slideshow: Garrido property search

&#8226;More articles on the Jaycee Dugard case

Jaycee Dugard case: Newly released parole logs describe missed chances, shaky oversight
Posted: 02/12/2010 09:37:34 PM PST
Updated: 02/12/2010 10:41:47 PM PST
It took nearly a year for state parole agents to account for the fact Phillip Garrido was a sex offender. By then, in 2000, the first California parole agent to supervise him had recommended his discharge from a lifetime parole term from Nevada, and seemed to want him off his caseload.

"On parole from NV for life. (Why did I take this case?)," the agent writes in parole logs that state corrections officials released Friday night under a court order.

Two months later, the agent again recommended Garrido for discharge.

There would be three more requests over the years for the man authorities say kidnapped Jaycee Dugard with his wife, Nancy, and repeatedly raped her in a hidden backyard compound and fathered Jaycee's two girls.

The pages of often sketchy, sometimes illegible parole logs describe dozens of visits to the Garrido house on Walnut Avenue near Antioch over the years, and several "visual, cursory" searches of the house, with no reports of trouble.

The documents also detail the Aug. 26 meeting at a Concord parole office where the 18-year-old mystery ended. UC-Berkeley officials had tipped off the parole agent a day earlier, after growing suspicious about Garrido, who showed up with the two girls on campus to discuss his plans for a religious demonstration.

"Officer was concerned because she felt the kids ... looked brain washed," his parole agent wrote Aug. 25.

After detaining him at the house that night, parole agents drove him to the Concord office. Garrido was adamant he had done nothing wrong and said "the kids belong to a relative of his and that he went to UC Berkeley ... with the permission of the parents."

*Much more info at link!

Among other details from the newly released documents:
*More recently, Garrido was an active participant in a parole outpatient clinic, according to a 2009 parole progress report. The clinic provides treatment and supervision to mentally ill parolees and their families.

*Nancy Garrido videotaped some of the parole agent visits to the house. Often, Phillip Garrido's mother, Patricia Franzen, would be there.

*Garrido pushed for years to be discharged from parole. In April 2008, Garrido wrote to his parole agent, seeking to avoid having a GPS monitor strapped to his ankle and touting a religious presentation that would shake the world. He wrote that it "will gain the attention of world leaders causing the State of Nevada a public and political crisis that will allow the state of California to release me..." The next day, the agent recommended him for discharge.

*By 2009, Garrido claimed he was no longer active in the family printing business and listed his occupation as "church."

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Garrido Parole Records Detail Confession
Posted: 5:03 pm PST February 12, 2010
Updated: 10:22 pm PST February 12, 2010
The records, which span 120 pages, provide an account of Garrido's statement of guilt to his parole officer, listed as "Officer Santos," in August of last year. Garrido had been called in to speak with his parole officer after UC Berkeley Police reported seeing him with two female juveniles, which was a violation of his parole.

The officer began by questioning Garrido's wife Nancy and Dugard, who had told the officer her name was "Allissa." When asked who the two juveniles were, Dugard admitted that they were hers. She also said that she knew about Garrido's rape conviction and "felt completely safe with her kids around Garrido." Upon further questioning, Dugard became "extremely defensive" and wanted to know why they were being questioned, according to the newly released parole documents.

The officer ended the interview with the two women and brought in Garrido for questioning. When asked how Dugard was related to the two juveniles, Garrido stated that "they were sisters." When asked who the parents of the three women were, Garrido said "Ronald and Janice Garrido," his brother and sister-in-law.

After questioning Dugard again and bringing in the Concord Police, Garrido admitted to his parole officer that he had fathered the two children and that he would provide more details only if Dugard was in their presence. "I told him that he told [me] what he was going to say I would bring her in," wrote the officer in the report. "Garrido stated, 'A long, long time ago I kidnapped and raped Allissa.'"

There are reportedly additional documents that have been described as more sensitive that Marlette said he would review for possible release in March.

*Much more at link!

Video: ANTIOCH: Dugard's Journal Describes 'Sinking' Feeling In Captivity

Video: SAN FRANCISCO: Dugard Defense Of Garrido Could Be Classic Case Of Stockholm Syndrome

Video: SACRAMENTO: Dozens Of Errors Cited In Supervision Of Garrido

PDF: Inspector General's Report On Garrido Parole Supervision

Video: ANTIOCH: Intense Search At Garrido Home Comes Up Empty, Draws To A Close

Court records reveal Dugard journal entries
Page Last Updated: Thursday February 11, 2010 11:21am PST
The El Dorado County district attorney filed Thursday's motion opposing a motion last week by Phillip Garrido's attorney, public defender Susan Gellman. Gellman had called upon the El Dorado County district attorney to provide photos of Dugard's daughters and videos of interviews with the girls.

The defense attorneys want the court to compel the district attorney to tell them where Dugard is living so they can talk with her to prepare for their clients' defense.

The motion from the defense claims the Garridos, Dugard and her two daughters acted as a family in recent years.

However, the district attorney's motion paints a different picture. According to the district attorney, Dugard has stated she does not want any contact with the defendants or their attorneys. She further wants his office to enforce her constitutional rights under a 2008 Victims' Rights Law known as Marsy's Law and to protect her privacy.

The district attorney is also seeking a protective order for Dugard.

PDF: The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation&#8217;s supervision of parolee Phillip Garrido findings on Garrido.pdf

Special Coverage: Jaycee Lee Dugard Found (Videos & Articles etc.!)

Officials Release Phillip Garrido Parole File
2/13/2010 3:33:00 PM
The documents also show that less than a month before he was arrested, the 58-year-old Garrido initialed papers promising not to have contact with girls between the ages of 14 and 18 or to have a social or romantic relationship with anyone who had custody of a child.

The documents released Friday also outline the events leading up to the Garridos arrest, including some details not mentioned before about the conversations Garrido had with law enforcement.

Dugard, for example, seemed to be aware that her parents had moved from Northern California, where she was abducted, to the southern part of the state.

*FYI: The Videos will open using Quick Time Media Player....they are downloaded to open, you have a choice to save or not to save...they don't take long to open!
Video: Attorney Ivan Golde Talks About The Dugard Case, Celebrity Texting

Video: Court Documents Shed More Light On Jayvee Dugard Abduction

Video: Kron 4 Viewers Voice Opinion On Philip Garrido Case

Video: Previous Case Highlights Garrido's 'Manipulative Behavior'

Video: Jaycee's Journel Entiries Describe Her Life With Garrido

Court Documents in Phillip and Nancy Garrido Case Filed Feb 11, 2010 (PDF)

Article: Phillip Garrido Parole File/Default.aspx
Garrido acted 'strange,' parole documents state
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Phillip Craig Garrido would exhibit "strange behavior" when visited by parole officers, state records released Friday show, yet the agents never conducted more than a "visual cursory search" of his residence.

Parole officials had initially cited Garrido's privacy in refusing to turn over the requested documents but a judge found no merit to that claim. Other records are being withheld pending a hearing before a judge scheduled for March.

The records released Friday suggest Garrido received perfunctory attention after California took over his supervision in 1999. This followed his release from federal parole in the 1976 Nevada kidnapping case in which he was also convicted of state rape charges.

Friday's release of documents followed a scathing audit in November by the state inspector general that found state parole agents repeatedly failed to check out clues that could have led to Dugard.

Garrido documents
Document 1:

Document 2:

Document 3:

Document 4:

Document 5:

Document 6:

Document 7:

State Releases Garrido Parole Documents
Feb. 13, 2010, 12:12 a.m. Pacific
Parole records show Phillip Garrido complained in 2008 about having to wear a monitoring device because he had not been in trouble with the law for 19 years -- nearly as long as he allegedly held Jaycee Dugard captive in his backyard.

California took over Garrido's supervision in 1999.

As a parolee, Garrido wore a GPS-linked ankle bracelet that tracked his every movement, met with his parole agent several times each month and was subject to routine surprise home visits and random drug and alcohol tests, according to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson who is prosecuting the Garrido's released a statement saying the report is a critical first step to identify the problems with supervising dangerous sexual offenders on parole and making changes needed to make sure it does not happen again.

But Pierson said the report fails to address the key question of "why a dangerous sexual predator like Phillip Garrido was released after serving only eleven years of a fifty year federal sentence and a five-to-life Nevada State sentence."

Video: State Releases Garrido Parole Documents 2/12/10 11:50pm 2:07
Phillip Garrido, who is accused in the kidnapping and rape of Jaycee Dugard. Allen Martin reports

Video: Jaycee Dugard's Diary Shows Conflicted Emotions 2/12/10 6:05am 3:05
Jaycee Dugard, who was kidnapped as a child and held prisoner for 18...

Video: Dugard's Diary Revealed In New Court Document 2/11/10 11:47pm 2:38
New court documents reveal Jaycee Dugard's diary entry, and her emotions about alleged captor and...

Video: Dugard Diary Shows Conflicted Emotion On Captivity 2/11/10 6:45pm 2:43
Jaycee Dugard kept a diary in which she wrote of longing for freedom...

Video: Prosecutor Says Dugard Nixed Contact With Garridos 2/11/10 12:53pm 0:29
The Northern California couple charged with kidnapping and raping Jaycee Dugard is trying "to continue to control" her through lawyers...

Video: E. Bay Church Helps Jaycee Dugard Pay For New Home 2/6/10 6:28pm 2:22
Kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard is slowly getting her life together, thanks, in part, to an...

Video: Lawyers Say Garridos, Dugard 'Acted As A Family' 2/5/10 11:35pm 1:51
Phillip and Nancy Garrido claim in court documents that Jaycee Dugard and her two children acted as a close-knit family. Don...

Video: Garridos' Lawyers Say Dugard Was Part Of Family 2/5/10 6:04pm 1:51
New court documents revealed that Jaycee Dugard and the Garridos functioned as a family unit, including running a...

Article: Dugard Diary Shows Conflicted Emotion On Captivity

Article: Lawyers Say Garridos, Dugard 'Acted As A Family'

Link: Help Pay For Jaycee Dugard's Safe House
Donations from East Bay Fellowship - a Danville church whose leaders have a background helping victims of human trafficking - have been used to pay the rent on the home chosen by law enforcement for Jaycee Dugard and her daughters.

To donate to the fund for the Dugards, call the church at 925-736-5100. For information on the jewelry sale, call 925-837-3262. Or log on to their web site:

Did captor fool his handlers?
Alleged child abductor charmed parole agents

Published: February 17, 2010 3:00 a.m
Phillip Garrido apparently had a way with people. Repeatedly over the years, he managed to charm the prison officials and parole agents supervising him to the point that they lauded him in letters.

Even when they detected him acting &#8220;real weird&#8221; or &#8220;strange&#8221; during visits to his Antioch, Calif., home, they made no effort to conduct thorough searches of the property, admitting in writing that they made only &#8220;cursory&#8221; checks of the premises.

These are some of the facts contained in 120 pages of Garrido&#8217;s California parole file, released recently after the Sacramento Bee sued to force its disclosure along with the San Francisco Chronicle and KCRA Channel 3 in Sacramento.

Seen as cooperative
Garrido&#8217;s past experience with parole agents apparently was a breeze, the records indicate.

One classified him as a &#8220;low-risk&#8221; offender, despite the fact he had abducted Katie Callaway in South Lake Tahoe in 1976 and raped her repeatedly in a storage shed in Reno until a police officer stumbled upon the scene.

He was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison for the kidnap and five years to life in state prison for the rape. He served 11 years in federal prison, partly because he convinced authorities he was a changed man

He convinced federal authorities he deserved release, and apparently made a similar impression on California parole agents.

One wrote in 1999 that he &#8220;is stable, and the prognosis of success is good.&#8221;

Secret overlooked
For the most part, according to the parole file, that consisted of visits from agents who made little effort to search the home or the property, especially the huge backyard where Garrido allegedly kept Dugard for the first four years of her captivity.

Consider the records from summer 2008:

On June 17, a parole agent saw a 12-year-old girl in the home. Garrido was a registered sex offender but explained the girl away as his niece. Authorities now believe she was one of Dugard&#8217;s daughters.

On Aug. 5, an agent &#8220;conducted a visual cursory search of entire residence with negative results&#8221; while Nancy Garrido videotaped him.

On Sept. 10, Garrido is &#8220;real weird acting.&#8221; The agent leaves after seven minutes.

On Sept. 26, the agent finds him in his driveway draining oil from his car. He &#8220;displayes (sic) strange behavior.&#8221; The visit lasts eight minutes.

In one report, an agent drew a map of the Garrido home but missed the fact that it had a massive backyard.

Dugard kidnap prompts changes
February 17, 2010
The state has revamped the way it monitors parolees following the botched supervision of the man accused of kidnapping Jaycee Lee Dugard and holding her prisoner for 18 years, the head of California prisons said Tuesday.

Corrections Secretary Matthew Cate testified at a state Senate hearing that his department has "greatly improved" supervision of parole agents and field training and is revamping the parole academy.

He also said the department has changed the way it uses electronic tracking of parolees to have better follow-up after the Office of Inspector General blasted corrections for ineffective GPS-monitoring in the Phillip Garrido case.

Cate said the department now requires agents to press for more information from out-of-state agencies when a parolee is transferred to its supervision. Cate again acknowledged missteps in Garrido's supervision. Questioned by state Sen. Mark DeSaulnier, D-Concord, about an agent not following up after seeing a young girl at the house, Cate said, "It is frustrating."

The agent "got an explanation from a particularly smooth operator and made a judgment mistake," Cate said. He added there is not one day the agent doesn't regret that error. Cate wouldn't comment on whether any parole agents were being disciplined because of their actions on the Garrido case.

CDCR: Parole Agent Changes Due To Garrido Case
Feb 18, 2010 9:12 pm US/Pacific
The Department of Corrections failed Jaycee Lee Dugard. CBS13 has been asking questions and getting answers as to how parole agents supervised parolees before the Garrido case and how they are supervising them now.

The release of Phillip Garrido's 120 page parole file reveals, in 2008, an agent found a 12-year-old girl in Garrido's home. It was one of Jaycee's daughters.

"I think people need to understand first and foremost that Phillip Garrido did not commit a sex offense against a minor. His original offense was a sex offense, but if he can be assessed under today's standards by our parole division, he would have classified as a high level sex offender," says Press Secretary Gordon Hinkle.

Before the Dugard care agents searched inside the house, maybe the outside, looking for primarily *advertiser censored*, drugs or alcohol. Now, they're under orders to search the entire property and know where the property line is.

"Definitely agents can use county information to understand what property lines are again, with modern technology with Google Maps, those are just still images and it's important to look beyond that," explains Hinkle.

Hinkle says they made all of them, which include making sure sex offender parolees have been correctly assessed for their risks to re-offend, have all sex offender parolees on real-time GPS monitoring program and provide training to parole agents on conducting a parolee home inspection.

Video: CDCR: Parole Agent Changes Due To Garrido Case

Video: Garrido Case Spurs Changes At California Corrections

Sheriff: Don't Allow Garridos To Visit In Jail

Couple Accused Of Dugard Kidnapping

POSTED: 10:25 am PST February 23, 2010
UPDATED: 11:19 am PST February 23, 2010

PLACERVILLE, Calif. -- Kidnapping and rape suspects Phillip and Nancy Garrido should not be allowed to visit one another in jail, El Dorado County Sheriff Manfred Kollar said in court papers.
The Garridos, who were arrested in the Bay Area last year in a case that has drawn international media attention, earlier sought permission to discuss family matters face to face in the Placerville jail where they are being held.

But court papers filed by the county counsel on behalf of Kollar suggest that such visits could facilitate "escape plans or other plots," or allow one defendant to manipulate the other.

"The pseudo-family the Garridos want to discuss was created by the kidnap, false imprisonment and multiple rapes of a young girl, producing two children," the Feb. 19 filing states. "While it may be argued that a restoration of family values would improve the quality of American life in general, the assertion of family rights in a case where the 'family' was the product of 29 alleged felonies is astonishing."

Kollar is asking that two motions filed by the Garridos seeking visitation be denied. The sheriff said the court has no jurisdiction over the operation of the jail.

more here
El Dorado sheriff opposes Garrido 'family' visits; Jaycee Dugard suspects hearing Friday
February 23, 2010
The El Dorado County Sheriff is trying to block an attempt by Phillip and Nancy Garrido to visit each other in jail, calling their request "astonishing."

Sheriff Fred Kollar's objection is contained in a motion filed by prosecutors in response to the Garrido's request to be granted visitation rights to discuss "family decisions." In the court brief, Kollar said longstanding jail policy does not allow inmates to visit one another, especially when they are co-defendants in a criminal case.

The visitation issue along with a defense motion to require prosecutors to reveal Dugard's current location will be heard in Placerville Friday afternoon.

El Dorado County Sheriff's Department motion

PDF: Sheriff Opposes Garrido Visitation
Accused Jaycee Dugard Kidnappers Request Jailhouse Visit to Discuss 'Family'
Sheriff Slams Garridos in Court Filing, Calls Request "Astonishing"

Feb. 23, 2010
The request of the husband and wife accused of raping and kidnapping Jaycee Dugard to visit each other in jail to discuss "family" issues has angered the county sheriff who said the only family they have is one created through vicious crimes.

"The psuedo-family the Garridos want to discuss was created by the kidnap, false imprisonment and multiple rapes of a young girl, producing two children," the sheriff state in court documents opposing the Garridos' request. "While it may be argued that a restoration of family values would improve the quality of American life in general, the assertion of family rights in a case where the 'family' was the produce of 29 alleged felonies is astonishing," the sheriff continued.

In the conclusion to the papers filed on behalf of the sheriff, Kollar states that "Garridos' invocation of the sanctity of 'family' is breathtaking in its audacity."

Longstanding county jail policy, Kollar noted, does not allow visitation between inmates, especially those who are co-defendants in a pending criminal case. Among the concerns outlined in the sheriff's rebuttal are the discussion of escape plans, creation of phony testimony and plans by one inmate to coerce or control the other. "The essence of being in jail is that you don't get to visit whoever you please, under the conditions you might prefer," the sheriff's motion read.

Prosecutors and the defense have been tight-lipped about the case as it inches forward in the courts, but a series of filings and tactics have made public a complicatedlegal tug-of-war.

*Much More At Link!

WATCH GMA VIDEO: New Revelations in Jaycee Dugard Case 5:16

Jaycee Dugard Diary: Conflicted Feelings About Her Captor

Dugard Kept a Journal, Longing for Freedom

Massive Failures Admitted in Jaycee Case

The Lost Chances to Rescue Jaycee Dugard

Sowell and Garrido: Broken Parole System?

Former Garrido Victim Faces 'Creepy' Attacker in Court

Lien Placed On Garridos' Antioch Property
Couple Accused Of Dugard Kidnapping

POSTED: 1:29 pm PST February 23, 2010
UPDATED: 1:45 pm PST February 23, 2010
The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a lien on property in Antioch that was home to Phillip and Nancy Garrido, the couple accused of kidnapping Jaycee Lee Dugard.

The lien results from $24,019.84 in abatement and administrative costs for the Garridos' property at 1554 Walnut Ave., where Dugard was allegedly held for several years. The abatement costs will be added to the tax roll as a special assessment and will be collected at the same time as ordinary county taxes are collected, the county said. The county said an abatement notice was earlier posted on the property.

The notice listed the following nuisances on the land: dilapidated structures with hazardous wiring used for occupancy, piles of garbage, refuse, discarded furniture, discarded appliances, yard cuttings, cardboard boxes and barrels, discarded personal and household items, improperly stored non-operational vehicles, vehicle parts, tarps, plastic and metal buckets, and an open septic hole and outside toilet that is not connected to a sewer or septic system.

The property owner was billed for the actual cost of the abatement and all administrative costs. The bill was sent by certified and first-class mail to the property owner on Nov. 13, but was not paid within 45 days of the date of mailing.

Jaycee Dugard case: County levels $24,000 bill on Garrido property
Posted: 02/23/2010 05:10:21 PM PST
Updated: 02/23/2010 06:32:10 PM PST
Contra Costa County will slap a $24,000 lien on the property near Antioch where Phillip and Nancy Garrido kept Jaycee Dugard in sexual bondage for years, after a cleanup last year of mounds of trash, hazardous wiring, junk cars, dilapidated structures and an open septic hole in the yard.

The county tax collector claims more than $7,000 in back property taxes and penalties owed on the property, along with $1,300 in unpaid taxes for the current year. Property taxes have not been paid since 2006, and the property would go to a tax sale as early as next year if the bill remains unpaid.

The cost of the "nuisance abatement" was billed to Phillip Garrido's elderly mother, Patricia Franzen, who lived with them through Jaycee's abduction and up until recently, when she moved into a local care home; and to his brother, Ron, of Brentwood, under a conservatorship. Property records show that Franzen, not Phillip or Nancy Garrido, owns the property. Ron Garrido did not return a call Tuesday.

Still, Nancy Garrido's lawyer argued last week in a court declaration that the couple "have extreme civil problems concerning their property in Contra Costa County." That's one reason, along with their desire to go over the criminal case, that the couple is asking a judge to let them visit each other in the Placerville jail. Attorney Stephen Tapson said he was unaware of the lien but that the Garridos are concerned with the property. "We want to know what to do with it," Tapson said. "Now there's another problem, so they've got to come up with the tax money or lose the property." :furious:

*More at link!

Timeline and map of case

Google Map: Suspect's Antioch home

Special Section
Jaycee Lee Dugard Case

Sheriff opposes jail visits for Garridos in Jaycee Lee Dugard case
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010 - 12:00 am
Phillip and Nancy Garrido say they want to visit each other in jail to discuss their defense strategies and make "family decisions." The issue is scheduled to be argued Friday in a Placerville courtroom, the only place the Garridos have seen each other on a regular basis since their arrests in August on charges of kidnapping Jaycee Lee Dugard. During courtroom appearances, the couple have not appeared to speak or even look at each other.

Their lawyers are asking Judge Douglas Phimister to allow them contact in the jail to prepare their defense and discuss family matters involving the two daughters Dugard allegedly was forced to have as a result of Garrido's assaults on her while she was his prisoner. The El Dorado County district attorney has voiced opposition, and now the sheriff has joined in with a legal filing that ridicules the request by Phillip Garrido's public defender, Susan Gellman. Legal experts say the Garridos could argue that they are being denied the right to prepare their defense. But, the experts add, that is what their lawyers are for. "Presumably, the lawyers can do those kinds of meetings," said McGeorge School of Law professor Michael Vitiello. "I think it's a close case, but if I were going to call it, I'd say they're going to deny the motion."

Gellman declined comment, but Stephen Tapson, Nancy Garrido's court-appointed attorney, acknowledged the cutting tone of the county counsel's filing. "Of course I respect Ed Knapp," Tapson said. "He's a wonderfully sarcastic motion writer."

Gellman and Tapson also are seeking information on the whereabouts of Dugard or the identity of her lawyer. The El Dorado County district attorney has said in court filings that Dugard wants no contact with the Garridos or their attorneys.

Attorney: Garrido Went To FBI Before Arrest
Feb 24, 2010 5:45 pm US/Pacific
Court documents filed by accused kidnapper and convicted rapist Phillip Garrido's defense attorneys say that Garrido visited the FBI just two days before he was arrested, but the FBI turned him away.

In a 44-page motion released Wednesday, public defender Susan Gellman claimed that Phillip Garrido visited the San Francisco office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, while accompanied by the two children he allegedly fathered with kidnapping victim Jaycee Lee Dugard, in order to drop off a copy of his manifesto, titled "Origin of Schizophrenia Revealed."

In the manifesto, Garrido claims to be able to control sound with his mind and "speak with the tongues of angels." The FBI denied entry to him, and Garrido left a copy of the manifesto, according to Gellman.

Gellman revealed the new information in the timeline leading up to Garrido's arrest in a motion designed to strike back at prosecution efforts to describe the convicted rapist as a "master manipulator." Garrido's defense attorneys called that description "false" and say prosecutors are ignoring signs of mental illness.

PDF: Defendant's Reply To People's Opposition To Motion To Compel Discovery And Response To Request For A Protective Order - Pages 1-44


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