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Officials Continue Searching Garrido Home for Prostitute Murders Link
August 29, 2009/8 mins ago
Officials from various law enforcement agencies were still searching Philip Garrido's Antioch home, where Jaycee Dugard was held captive for 18 years, for clues in the unsolved murders of several prostitutes and a 15-year-old girl in the 1990's.

Officers from the Antioch Police Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Pittsburg Police Department and Contra Costa Sheriff's Department gathered evidence throughout Friday night into Saturday.

Pittsburg police officials confirmed Friday that they are searching the home where a man allegedly held a kidnapped girl captive for 18 years.

Contra Costa Sheriff's Department Capt. Daniel Terry said police officers from the nearby city of Pittsburg executed a search warrant Friday at Phillip Garrido's Antioch home for clues in the unsolved slayings of several prostitutes in the area a decade ago.

VIDEO: Garridos' Home Searched for Prostitute Murder Evidence: Will Frampton's 4:30 p.m. Report, 8/28/09

VIDEO: Pittsburg Police Investigate Garrido Home: Will Frampton's Report; 8/28/09, 11 p.m.

Many Missed Chances To Catch Kidnapping Suspect
Jaycee Lee Dugard 'Doing Great,' Stepfather Says
POSTED: Friday, August 28, 2009
UPDATED: 4:56 am EDT August 29, 2009
"Jaycee has strong feelings with this guy. She really feels it's almost like a marriage," said Dugard's stepfather Carl Probyn, who was there when little Jaycee was snatched from a bus stop in 1991.

Probyn has been in constant contact with Dugard's mother, his ex-wife Terry Probyn, since she found out her daughter was alive on Wednesday.

Probyn said both mother and daughter are trying to avoid the public eye for now. After not seeing each other for 18 years, Dugard greeted her mother by saying, "Hi, mom, I have babies," according to Probyn. Dugard had her two daughters with her at the reunion, and it appears she never told them she was kidnapped by their father, he said.

She is now free thanks in large part to two quick-thinking police employees at the University of California, Berkeley who came across a rambling Garrido this week, with Dugard's two daughters in tow. He was on campus because he wanted to hold some sort of religious event.

Garrido seemed incoherent and mentally unstable, and the girls wore drab-colored dresses, were unusually subdued, had an unnaturally pale complexion and appeared robotic and rehearsed when they spoke, said Lisa Campbell. They said they were home-schooled by their mother and had a 29-year-old sister at home.

"They seemed a little out of touch with reality and robotic," said Campbell's colleague, Ally Jacobs. "I just got a weird uneasy feeling."

VIDEO: Psychiatrist: Long-Missing Girl Likely Scarred

Many Who Tried Alleged Kidnapper's "Magic Box" Insist It Didn't Work
8/28/2009 7:35:00 PM
One of the more bizarre claims involving Phillip Garrido, the man accused of kidnapping and holding Jaycee Dugard for 18 years, is that he had invented a device that allowed him to control sounds with his mind.

KRON 4's Mark Jones talked with some of the people who tried out Garrido's contraption with mostly negative results.

Many said Garrido would hand them a bottle of water and then ask them to put on headphones connected to a box.

"They'd have headphones and he'd say can you hear me&#8230;and he would stop talking, and say 'Can you hear me over the headphone?'" Jim Malino told Mark. "All kinds of people heard it. Looks like it worked to me. He had cards that said 'Voices are Us.'"

Most of the people who tried it out couldn't hear anything at all. So one man said Garrido tried to help him out.

VIDEO: Many Who Tried Alleged Kidnapper's "Magic Box" Insist It Didn't Work

Article: Magic Box Insist It Didnt Work/Default.aspx
'Creepy Phil' Went Unnoticed For Years
Jaycee Dugard Found After 18 Years
POSTED: 6:23 pm PDT August 28, 2009
UPDATED: 6:38 pm PDT August 28, 2009
His neighbors knew he was a registered sex offender. Kids on his block called him "Creepy Phil" and kept their distance. Parole agents and local law enforcement regularly visited his home and found nothing unusual, even after a neighbor complained children were living in a complex of tents in his backyard.

As it turns out, Dugard and her two children were living there as prisoners, authorities say. The heavily wooded compound was arranged so that people could not view what was happening, and one of the buildings was sound-proofed and could only be opened from the outside.

Neighbors knew there were children living there. Damon Robinson has lived next door to the Garridos for more than three years and his then-girlfriend in 2006 told him she saw tents in the backyard and children.

Probyn said both mother and daughter are trying to avoid the public eye for now. After not seeing each other for 18 years, Dugard greeted her mother by saying, "Hi, mom, I have babies," according to Probyn. Dugard had her two daughters with her at the reunion, and it appears she never told them she was kidnapped by their father, he said.

Probyn said he was frustrated to find out that a car matching the description of the one he saw speeding Dugard away in the day she was kidnapped was found in the yard of Garrido's home. Nancy Garrido also fits the "dead-on" description he gave of the woman who pulled her into the car, he said.

Transcript: Garrido Interview

In Images: Jaycee Lee Dugard Case

VIDEO: Investigators Comb Garrido's Home

VIDEO: Expert Discusses How Kidnap Victims Recover

VIDEO: Aerial View Of Garridos' Back Yard

VIDEO RAW: Garridos Arraigned

VIDEO: Jaycee's Stepdad: Mom, Daughter Starting To Bond

VIDEO: Sheriff Apologizes Over Dugard Case

VIDEO: Full Interview: Phillip Craig Garrido

VIDEO: Investigators Comb Garrido's Home

VIDEO: Man Says He Met 'Alyssa'

VIDEO: Antioch Neighbor Suspicious Of Garridos

VIDEO: Family Eager To Visit With Dugard

VIDEO: Home Searched After Kidnap Arrest

Supervisor: Contra Costa Sheriff's Mishandling of Garrido Case Needs Investigation
August 29, 2009/ 7 mins ago
A Contra Costa County Supervisor said something needs to be done about how the Sheriff's Department handled the case of suspected kidnapper Phillip Garrido and he plans to bring the case to the rest of the Board of Supervisors at their next meeting next week.

Supervisor Federal Glover said Saturday that as a member of the county's public protection committee, he may request a meeting with Contra Costa Sheriff Warren Rupf to discuss how to cut down on "missed opportunities" as Rupf admitted in a press conference Friday afternoon.

"I really think that an investigation on the part of the Parole Department needs to take place because that is an ongoing monitoring that is in place. I think that there's quite a bit of responsibility within that Department that was just not carried out properly," Glover said.

Trust Fund for Jaycee Dugard has been Created | Brentwood Grove
By Jeremiah Peterson
“In 1991 Jaycee Lee Dugard was kidnapped in Lake Tahoe. After 18 years missing, a woman claiming to be Jaycee Lee Dugard walked into the Antioch Police Dept and identified herself as the missing child.
The Jaycee Dugard Trust Fund
C/O Viewtech Financial Services
Post Office Box 596
Atwood, California , 92811
Here is a great article!!!

Accused abductor of Jaycee Dugard turned increasingly zealous, customers say

Talking with Maria Christenson, owner of Christenson Recycling Center.

""There was nothing weird with him at the beginning. But I noticed a year ago he just went off the deep end," she said.

That's when Phillip and Nancy Garrido — charged Friday in the 1991 abduction and sexual assault of Jaycee Dugard — came into her office, shut the door and asked for a $2,000 advance. They needed a new bathroom and had plans to start a backyard church, they told her.

"He started preaching and doing all this stuff. He was telling me about his voices. And then he said, 'You know I've been to prison, and I don't masturbate anymore.' Out of the blue," she said. "Then he started crying, and she was crying. I was looking at them — what is this about? I got freaked out.""
Lawyer: Nancy Garrido "Distraught" Following Arrest
August 29, 2009/31 mins ago
The lawyer for accused kidnapper Nancy Garrido told News10 exclusively Saturday that his client is scared as she sits in her cell at the El Dorado County Jail, contemplating the thought of spending the rest of her life behind bars.

"She's a bit distraught. You have to understand that until this I don't think she's even ever had a speeding ticket. She's never had a traffic ticket until this thing happened," attorney Gilbert Maines said.

Maines, 68, was appointed by the court to defend Nancy Garrido Friday just before the 54-year-old woman and her husband Phillip were arraigned Friday on 29 counts in connection with the 1991 kidnapping of then 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard.

While Phillip Garrido showed little emotion during the brief appearance, his wife was visibly shaken, crying and putting her head in her hands several times.

"I haven't seen any of the evidence. I haven't seen any of the discovery from the District Attorney's office and I imagine it's going to be a while coming because it's probably quite voluminous," Maines said.

GALLERY: See images from the Jaycee Dugard case

VIDEO: Maines says Nancy Garrido was "distraught" following arrest; 8/29/09, 4 p.m.

VIDEO: Lawyer: Nancy Garrido "Distraught" Following Arrest: Karen Massie's Report; 8/29/09, 6 p.m.

VIDEO: Maines: Nancy Garrido Upset in Jail

FINALLY FOUND: Jaycee Dugard News10 Special Coverage

Police Extend Search Of Kidnapping Compound
Posted: 1:38 pm PDT August 28, 2009
Updated: 7:01 pm PDT August 29, 2009
On Saturday, police began digging in a neighbor&#8217;s yard near the home where Phillip Garrido is accused of secluding Jaycee Dugard for 18 years after kidnapping her, as they try to determine if the convicted rapist and kidnapper is also a serial killer.

The investigations are "preliminary," said Jimmy Lee, a spokesman for the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department. He declined to discuss what cases were being reviewed.

About a dozen agents scoured the modest house and the acre of land it sits on Saturday afternoon as the temperature soared into triple digits.

&#8220;The homicide detective was here this morning,&#8221; said Minnie Norrell, whose15-year-old daughter daughter Lisa was murdered in November 1998, around the same time three prostitutes were also killed.

Norrell said Garrido lives next door to one of her relatives -- a home she regularly visits for family functions.

&#8220;He just let me know they're searching. I'm really excited about that. It's the first glimmer of hope we've had since my daughter passed away.&#8221;

Lisa Norell&#8217;s body was found dumped in a remote industrial area of Pittsburgh close to where Garrido worked.

&#8220;I think I first started shaking,&#8221; said Norrell. &#8220;I'm hopeful that's who it is--just so there's an end. There will never be closure, but there will be an end.&#8221;

Video: DUGARD CASE: Investigation Into Kidnapping, Murders Extends To Neighbor's Yard

Antioch Neighbors Stunned By Garrido Probe; Growing Tired of Cop, Media Presence
August 28, 2009
Antioch residents were already reeling after learning neighbor Phillip Garrido was charged with kidnapping and holding Jaycee Dugard in his backyard for 18 years.

Now, many reacted with shock and dismay Saturday after learning Garrido may be linked to a series of murders from the 1990's.

One of Garrido's neighbors Helen Boyer said she couldn't believe the news of a possible murder link. "I don't believe he has something to do with that. It would surprise me if he did," Boyer said.

Polly White, another neighbor of Garrido, called the scene "weird." "It's extremely creepy to have someone back there, living that close, and to not know what they are doing," White said.

Compounding the stunning revelations, neighbors of Garrido's Walnut Avenue home were also trying to cope with what one neighbor called "another day of the circus" as scores of police and news media circled their once quiet neighborhood.
White said she was surprised the police were back in force Saturday.

"All the cops and reporters are back and coming in again. How much more do you need?" White said.

White said she'd received offers from major media outlets that appeared willing to offer her money in exchange for access and interviews. But White said she turned them down. "Why would I make money off of (Jaycee's) pain? I can't do that. If they did give me money, I would give it to her."

VIDEO: Antioch Neighbors Stunned By Garrido Probe; Grow Tired of Cops, Media

Police in Calif. expand probe to neighbor's house
August 28, 2009
Police have expanded the boundaries of the Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapping crime scene to include the house next to Dugard's alleged abductors.

Police this afternoon wrapped yellow crime scene tape around the home and property next to Nancy and Phillip Garrido's Antioch home.

Police from three agencies have been searching the Garridos' property since they were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of abducting Dugard 18 years ago.

Neighbors identified Damon Robinson as a resident of the house next to the Garridos. Robinson has said he lived there for more than three years and it was his then-girlfriend in 2006 who called police after she saw tents and children in the backyard.

Robinson didn't return a telephone call after his home was declared a crime scene.

Director of Forensic Mental Health at the Carson City jail weighs in on Garrido's possible (numerous) mental illnesses.

<snip> He compared Garrido's self-image to that of the Unabomber or Charles Manson.

&#8220;It's interesting,&#8221; said &#8220;Doc&#8221; Joe McEllistrem, director of forensic mental health at the Carson City Jail. &#8220;There are a lot of extremes in his thinking, but that doesn't necessarily make him less culpable.&#8221;

The blog is &#8220;well written and organized, he lays out a case and has the ability to communicate his thoughts on such a level it is a bit like Theodore Kaczynski. Although Theodore had a serious mental illness known as paranoid schizophrenia, he was still quite bright and very aware of what he was doing.&#8221;
Cops Expand Garrido Probe to House Next Door
August 30, 2009
Police Saturday afternoon wrapped yellow crime scene tape around the home and property next to Nancy and Phillip Garrido's Antioch home.

Neighbors identified Damon Robinson as a resident of the house next to the Garridos. Robinson has said he lived there for more than three years and it was his then-girlfriend in 2006 who called police after she saw tents and children in the backyard.

That call received little response from the Contra Costa County Sheriff's office. A sheriff's deputy, who didn't know Garrido was a sex offender, talked with Garrido on his front porch, but didn't go into the house or backyard.

Robinson didn't return a telephone call after his home was declared a crime scene. Late Saturday, a man who identified himself as Robinson's brother told News10 the perimeter was widened after a media member got too close to the crime scene, even taking pictures of the area from the Robinson home's yard.

VIDEO: Cops Expand Garrido Probe to House Next Door


Watch this video all the way through. A neighbor saw numerous men in back yard -said what he saw and heard was too terrible to tell. He shows the camera right where to look. Sounds like he was a peeper to me and he is describing sex orgies going on in that backyard with numerous men and the young girls.

Garrido was a printer?! What was he printing? Wonder if he had a computer?

Interesting Note: Jaycee inherited her mother's gift as a graphic designer. Her mother worked for a printer when Jaycee was abducted. Jaycee then worked for her her abductors as their "design genius."
Neighbors were worried enough about him to call police, but no one knew how bizarre his world truly was until last week when authorities revealed the stunning news: Hidden in the backyard of his cinderblock house on Walnut Avenue, behind a 6-foot (1.8-meter) fence, leafy trees and a tarp, was a compound of weathered tents, wood sheds and buildings.
What looked like a messy campground with mattresses, small chairs, bikes, books, piles of toys, a trampoline, showers, an outhouse, swing set -- even a carved pumpkin -- was really a prison, of sorts. Its inmate: Jaycee Lee Dugard, the carefree little girl abducted in 1991 who, authorities say, had been raped, held captive and shut off from society for nearly two decades.
Police Enter Kidnapping Crime Scene With Shovels, Chainsaws

California police have entered a kidnapping crime scene with shovels and other digging equipment as they expand the scope of their search for clues to the 18-year captivity of Jaycee Lee Dugard, who was snatched outside her home when she was just 11.

Police officials entered the crime scene wearing masks and wielding chainsaws, preparing to clear out bushes and trees to help dig through the backyard in an apparent attempt to clear a path to a neighboring house.

More at link:,2933,544381,00.html?test=latestnews
CNN obtained e-mails written by "Allissa" to Daughdrill. The e-mails came from a Yahoo account set up by Phillip Garrido and in his name, but Daughdrill said they came from "Allissa" because the two were either on the phone or had just finished a conversation when they arrived. In them, Dugard uses short, compact answers and lowercase letters. The e-mails also have a typo or two.

"i will take a look at the price sheet and send you over a copy of the revised brochure tomorrow," she wrote in an e-mail written on May 7, 2007. "as to the pictures sorry ... but we don't have a digital camera ... hopefully you can find a way to get me those pictures you want so i can add them to them brochure. i can get the brochures to you pretty fast within the week of final approval of the brochures. How many are you going to order and do you want them on glossy or matte paper, thick or thin?"
In another e-mail, this one from January 21, 2008, Dugard wrote,
"heres the business cards in jpeg format let me know if you need anything else thank you."
Cops: Garrido Lived in Next Door Neighbor's Yard
August 30, 2009/4 mins ago
The man accused of kidnapping and raping Jaycee Dugard had access to the house next door to his Antioch home and even lived on that property in a shed in 2006, according to the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department.

During a Sunday afternoon news conference, sheriff's spokesman Jimmy Lee explained the home next door to Phillip Garrido was cordoned off as a crime scene Saturday after it was discovered Garrido stayed in the backyard while the home was vacant in 2006.

"He used that property and it looks like he lived on that property in a shed, so we know he was there," Lee said.

Meanwhile, police in Pittsburg were investigating whether Garrido was linked to several unsolved murders of prostitutes in the early 1990s. Antioch police are also looking into unsolved cases, but declined further details.

"We're just trying to see if there's any link, any possible link, between Phillip Garrido and those open cases," Lee said. "At this point, it's just too early to say...we're going thoroughly through both backyards."

Cadaver dogs were brought in Sunday afternoon to inspect the area. Lee said he expected the search to be completed by 8 p.m. Sunday.

VIDEO: Watch the full Contra Costa County Sheriff's news conference from Antioch; 8/30/09, 1:15 p.m.

VIDEO: Psychiatrist: Long-Missing Girl Likely Scarred

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