Media Links Only **NO DISCUSSION**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
He is most likely a white male in his mid-20s to mid-40s. He is married or has a girlfriend. He is well educated and well spoken. He is financially secure, has a job and owns an expensive car or truck. He may have sought treatment at a hospital for poison ivy infection. As part of his job or interests, he has access to, or a stockpile of, burlap sacks.

Much more at link:
Media and other links thread 7

Artist called in Jessica taylors tattoo and IDed it (manorville victim unsolved)

Information on Maureen Brainard Barnes

Pilgrim state hospital

GC details Sannan falling down stairs.
Hulu - ABC Good Morning America: Long Island Serial Killer: Police ID New [email]Link@@AMEPARAM@@[/email]/embed/Y-E_lVE38guk1_ilR8yt8g@@AMEPARAM@@Y-E_lVE38guk1_ilR8yt8g

PH media report mentions SG's mother said PH pretended to be a police officer. Other reports say Doctor. (Credit to Shadowwriaths post 119 on thread 7)
Hulu - ABC Good Morning America: Long Island Serial Killer [email]Manhunt@@AMEPARAM@@[/email]/embed/w96qdrrfIsjJoOwj-JfJvQ@@AMEPARAM@@w96qdrrfIsjJoOwj-JfJvQ

Teeth close enough, that they are probably related

Other Long Island body locations(Credit to Carbuff post 372 thread 7),2.469177&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=9

Source of information Carbuff used for mapping

Pulic Records

DOT help trucks

Local ambulances

Police Vehicles

Tax lien on arrested FL guy in jail for murder who, bought house from JB

CarBuffs photo of a truck on scene ( credit post 354 thread 7)
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #7

Silversurvivor's toy truck examples
(credit post 351 thread 7)
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #7

Truthsspiders truck photo example (credit to post 362 thread 7)
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #7

Hear woman talk blog radio with sherre (SG'S sister)

Missing woman from main not connected

Missing womans remain found in remote area

Elena Jasmir Lozada
for newsday UPDATES: Follow @AndrewStrickler and @newsday on Twitter

if u dont have a newsday subscription they have posted this twitter stuff for updates as andrew strickler is their li serial killer reporter.

hope this helps, but if its in the wrong place please move it.
DA: At least 2 killers responsible for 8 NY bodies
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. (AP) - Human remains that have been found along a New York beach highway - including the head of a prostitute whose torso was dumped 40 miles away in 2003 - are the work of at least two killers, a prosecutor said Monday.

The head and hands of 20-year-old Jessica Taylor were among 10 sets of remains found in recent months along a Long Island highway, Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota said at a news conference. Her headless, handless body was found in July 2003 in Manorville near the eastern end of Long Island.
Excerpt from NY Post story:


MYSTERY:One retired and one working NYPD cop -- both with past troubles involving prostitutes -- are being eyed in the ongoing investigation of the serial killings of call girls Maureen Brainard-Barnes (above), Megan Waterman, Amber Lynn Costello and Melissa Barthelemy.

Two NYPD cops are being eyed in the Long Island serial slayings after investigators learned they got into trouble for hiring prostitutes while working for the department, according to sources familiar with the probe.
One cop was forced out of the job in the 1990s when his supervisors learned he spent time pursuing hookers and paying street walkers and down-and-out women for sex while he was supposed to be on patrol.
An internal investigation led to his resigning under pressure, one source said.
The other officer still works for the NYPD but was stripped of his gun and badge years ago because he allegedly assaulted a prostitute and got arrested during a sting operation.

The woman complained to police supervisors about the officer but no criminal charges were filed and an internal probe went nowhere, sources said.
The patrolman was allowed to return to the force, they said, though he was placed on modified duty -- transferred to a paper-pushing job in Manhattan where he's not allowed to make arrests or respond to emergencies.
"They couldn't prove anything, but they didn't trust him," said one source.
It's unclear if the disgraced cops know each other or what evidence investigators might have against them in the serial murders.

Could missing Stony Brook student be 8th body?
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. (WABC) -- Could the eighth body found be that of Stony Brook student Jimmy Tsui?

Kam Wai Tsui lives every day with the grief and the devastating uncertainty of what happened to her youngest son, Jimmy.

The 20-year-old Stony Brook student vanished without a trace in August of 1998.

"She has given up on it, she just wants to know if he's alive or not alive," a translator said for Tsui.
Now, investigative sources tell Eyewitness News they're examining a possible link between Tsui and so-called John Doe number eight. One of the skeletons uncovered this spring along ocean parkway.

Prosecutors say it's likely that of an Asian male, who was in his late teens or early twenties when he died.

Detectives now hope DNA will help rule Jimmy Tsui in or out.

(This was actually posted a few days ago)
More at link:
Headless body washed up on Long Island beach

THE HAMPTONS (WABC) -- A gruesome discovery on Long Island where a headless body was found on a beach.

It was discovered about 100 miles east of Gilgo Beach, and now some are wondering if the body is linked to the serial killer who has dumped several bodies in that area.

more at link
Wow, this is a bad joke. Sounds like LE is still totally lost. Here's the earth-shattering headline:

"Police say one serial killer to blame for Long Island killings"

That's something most people already were convinced of all along. This is nothing new to anyone. While still nobody knows for sure, it always sounded ludicrous to believe the original LE theory: 3 DIFFERENT, UNRELATED serial killers just happened to be using the same area to dump their victim's bodies. And that all 3 of them were smart enough to remain scott-free.

Oh, and the article says LE has now come up with yet another outlandish-sounding theory: that the terrified prostitute who started this whole case, Shannan Gilbert, who ran screaming through the neighborhood from someone trying to kill her, and who's body has never been found, is not connected in any way to the serial killer! :innocent: Yah, right.

I'm not privy to all the ins & outs of the investigation, but it sure sounds like the investigators have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what they're doing.

I hope they make some real progress soon before even more women get tortured and murdered.
Even if SG ran screaming into the marsh and drowned, like LE is suggesting, that does not mean that she wasn't running from the person or people responsible for the other murders.
"The officer, John Mallia, a 31-year veteran of the Suffolk County Police Department and a former private investigator, is good at finding the things and people that are the hardest to find, like inmates who have escaped from the county jail. His partner is even better at it: Blue, a German shepherd, has worked with Officer Mallia since 2005."

Suffolk County must have a large K-9 Unit yet the same officer John Mallia has now been named as the officer who found SG's purse, jeans, shoes...

"On Tuesday, at low tide, K-9 Officer John Mallia found a pocketbook belonging to Gilbert — and nearby, authorities recovered her cell, shoes and mangled jeans, authorities said. Mallia also unearthed the first buried victim of the suspected Long Island serial killer a year ago."

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