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an opinion article in Observatorio do Algarve, dated October 3, 2007:

Copied from: post #533

article by Mario Lino

The whole truth about Madeleine

You're probably reading these lines, expecting to know what happened to Madeleine McCann, five months after she disappeared. Well, you're not.

Imitating what some respected newspapers have been doing, I thought I'd better find a title that would sell well, but which tomorrow could be transformed into "Almost the whole truth about...". The day after that, it would become "That truth wasn't true after all"; and so on, as many national and foreign newspapers have done. Well, at least here, it's for free.

But now that I have captured your attention (or maybe not), I'll take advantage of it and leave you some comments about a case I have followed closely, since the first day.

This chronicle was even supposed to have been out earlier, but it didn't. This way, it's not out alone. It's out after a reputable senior officer of the PJ was removed from the case, after the official spokesman shut the door behind him, after the British media went home, and after the McCann couple themselves went... out.

It's curious to watch how everyone looks, after this time, on the picture of a case that "shook the world".

Gonçalo Amaral leaves as a "victim of circumstances", and a hero to his colleagues, after having commented what many among them think but cannot say out loud.

Olegario de Sousa left as a tired man. He was tired of talking a lot and saying very little, obstructed by a judicial secrecy that existed only for him, while all around him, the "anonymous sources" filled up newspaper pages.

The British media leave as justice killers and it's a pity they didn't lead the investigation themselves, because that way the child would have been discovered already.

The McCanns leave as suspects, more than victims. But we're all innocent until proved otherwise.

This brings us to the core of the issue. The evidence. The case looks anything but easy, and the strong governmental pressure (or is it a coincidence that Clarence Mitchell left the government?) from the British hasn't made the Policia Judiciaria's task any easier.

It's very easy to criticise, that the police didn't seal the crime scene off, that they requested the presence of the English dogs too late, etc. But it wasn't all "blunders", like the "famous" specialist from Sky News, Martin Brunt, stated. By calling for the British dogs and getting the British labs involved, the PJ played a "master move" in order to defend themselves.

It was the "infallible" and millionaire British dogs (which the lawyers will soon denigrate) that detected the cadaver odour inside the apartment and in the McCanns' car. It was a British lab - one of the best worldwide - that allegedly identified a DNA sample that matches the child's, inside the boot of the vehicle that was rented by the McCanns. Hard to believe? Absolutely. But whose fault is this? It's the British.

The English media "cling" to the fact that the investigation wasn't conducted properly, juicing up the story with the inspectors' two-hour-long lunches, and God only knows what else would have been revealed, besides the Joana case, if Amaral hadn't left now. If the idea was to bring the PJ to its knees, who would do that better than the English tabloids? But I have yet to see them denigrate the dogs or the labs, which have been worthy of their utmost trust until now.

It's a fact that Amaral went too far. He said the McCanns were mining the investigation, creating new clues on a daily basis. The exposure bought him a ticket back to Faro. And what happened to Kate's mother, who said the Portuguese police "planted evidence to incriminate the couple"? Nothing.

The speed at which the Minister of Justice and the national director reacted to the demotion of Amaral was hallucinating, when compared to the wall of silence they built, at a moment when it was needed to protect the country's and our police's reputation. But no.

As it seems, the evidence is not enough. Neither statistics, nor the fact that the parents said they'd cooperate with justice, but refused to answer more than 40 questions that were considered to be fundamental in order to clarify the case.

Believing that the policemen are not infallible, there are facts in this story that are difficult to explain.

Why did the couple call a tv station before they called the police? Why did they hire a Portuguese lawyer, anticipating that the PJ would hold the lab test results, before it was said that the parents were suspects? Why did they hire an elite cabinet, with an assessor to the Prime-Minister working exclusively for them?

On the other hand, how could they get rid of a body without being detected? How would they have the courage to proceed with the "media farce"? With so many questions, it could look like we're at the age of innocence. But when one looks at the complete picture of this "soap opera", we realize we're very far from that.

What is for sure, is that the issue is "taken care of". The British save their fellow countrymen, with an escort and a committee until they arrived home. They write the police off as incompetent, forgetting that they are themselves involved in the investigation since the beginning.

The PJ plays the villain because they theorized on that which is less convenient for everyone: that the parents could be guilty.

The Portuguese government "escapes" in the eyes of the English and of the world (the eyes of the Portuguese are of little relevance). They let the couple return to England, possibly being suspects in their daughter's death, because "without a body there is no case".

Ahh... All is well when it ends up well.

But... what about Madeleine, does anyone know where she is?
in Diario de Noticias this morning:

Copied from: post #534

Right arm of Alipio Ribeiro on the Maddie case
Alipio Ribeiro chooses Paulo Rebelo

Gonçalo Amaral already has a successor: Paulo Rebelo, a joint national director with PJ, is Alipio Ribeiro's choice to lead the Maddie case investigation. A crisis that didn't last long and which didn't hurt the development of investigations into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, according to the opinion that was given by the PJ's national director a few days ago.

Alipio Ribeiro kept his promise. Precisely a week ago, he assumed the compromise to present the name of the man that would lead the investigation's destiny, substituting Gonçalo Amaral. The new coordinator of the Criminal Investigation Department in Portimao is a "drug fight man", having made a career at the Central Directory for the Investigation of Drug Trafficking (DCITE). At a time when the spotlights were turning towards the Casa Pia process, Paulo Rebelo was one of the men in the background that had opened his eyes to paedophilia suspicions inside the institution.

Paulo Rebelo also lead the inquiry into the information leaks in the case of Freeport, in Alcochete, which involved the Prime Minister, Jose Socrates, and in the MeaCulpa case, in Amarante.

It is a discrete, pondered, affable man who owns a sympathy that is praised by everyone inside PJ, who is going to substitute Gonçalo Amaral. (...)

"Reservation, discretion, ponderation are attributes that we cannot dismiss, that we will not dismiss in a PJ inspector", Alipio Ribeiro warned, on the day the demotion of Amaral was made public. And those were the very same characteristics that Alipio Ribeiro went looking for, for this job. "He is a good speaker. He is highly regarded internally, he has done some excellent work for the PJ, he is nice and a good communicator", were some of the words that were used by Paulo Rebelo's colleagues, who promptly assume this is a consensual choice within the institution. This time, Alipio Ribeiro is trying to erase the collateral damage that has hit the institution, that has been criticised by the English press. Paulo Rebelo's curriculum speaks for itself. He was a subdirector in Oporto, he was presently in functions as one of the four joint directors that were chosen by Alipio Ribeiro and he was the man who fronted the investigation into the homicide of guards in Amadora. "A career policeman", Carlos Anjos defined.
in 24Horas this morning (TABLOID ALERT!):

Copied from: post #535

Judiciaria is certain that Maddie was not only with her siblings

There were seven children in the McCanns' house

A new twist in the media-exposed case into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. It turns out that there were not only three, but seven children in the apartment where the girl vanished from, on May 3, as 24Horas could find out with police sources connected to the investigation.

The authorities have discovered new evidence that in the house that was rented by the McCanns there were residues that were later confirmed as belonging to the children of the couple's friends that gathered at the Tapas restaurant for dinner.

This new version demolishes the theory that is defended by that group of friends as to what happened on the fateful day and weakens the possibility that one stands before a kidnapping.

As a member of PJ told 24Horas, "unless we're dealing with a sexual predator who followed the girl for a long time, which is not likely, as they had been in the Algarve for six days only, it would not be very likely for her to be selected, even because in terms of crimes of this nature, the criminals look for younger children, which are easier to sell for adoption".

Another source with the investigation was laconic: "It's not only the collected evidence that points to the fact that there were more children inside that apartment. There is also evidence, which is duly fundamented after the interrogations to the other persons that were at the Ocean Club, that only the McCanns' apartment was visited by the people who attended the dinner."

The contradictions that were detected include the version that was offered by Russel O'Brien, one of the McCann couple's friends, who left the restaurant for 25 minutes (between 9.35 and 10 p.m.). The British man guaranteed he took that long because he visited his sick daughter, and she vomited. He says he asked for the sheets to be changed, but the staff at the Ocean Club assured the investigators that nobody asked for any bedsheets to be changed that evening. Another issue that is not straightforward is connected to Jane Tanner, who guaranteed she checked on her daughter around 9.15. But Jeremy Wilkins, a friend of Gerry McCann, revealed that at that time he was chatting with him close to the apartment where Maddie disappeared from and that it would be impossible for Jane not to meet them.

The PJ investigators even considered the possibility that Maddie may have left the apartment looking for her parents, and fell into an open sewer ditch. But the searches at the location, and the questioning from the workers that were doing the job dismissed that possibility.

"In face of so many contradictions and in face of the forensics results that we already hold, we have very few doubts that the girl died inside that apartment, and we only have doubts about who concealed the corpse", a source with the PJ concluded.

Madeleine McCann detectives ask for British tourists’ DNA

One of the tourists already interviewed by police said that British officers had criticised the decision to wait so long to mount such an operation. “They said that they would aim to do this kind of work within 48 hours of a disappearance and could not comprehend why it has taken five months. We struggled to remember the kind of detail that they wanted about our movements on specific days and what we were wearing.”
The questioning of the British tourists was requested last month by Luis Bilro Verão, the prosecutor overseeing the case, after a judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence for him to order the McCanns to return to the Algarve for further questioning.
in Diario de Noticias this morning:

Copied from: post #536

PJ returned to Maddie's bedroom for 5 hours
Inspectors reconstitute the night of May 3

Two and a half months after the English tracking dogs detected cadaver odour in the apartment of the Ocean Club resort, in Praia da Luz, where Madeleine McCann disappeared from on May 3, the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) yesterday returned to the location, in order to make a new reconstitution of what happened on that night, at a time when the investigators have no doubts left about the British child's death and the concealment of her corpse by her parents.

The operation appears after new clues were revealed by the exhaustive DNA analysis work that has been ongoing at the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham, in the United Kingdom, which point, as the British press in general reported yesterday, to the involvement of the McCann couple in their daughter's death.

Yesterday's diligence was the third of its kind, performed by PJ since Maddie disappeared (since the early morning of May 4, until the first week of June, the apartment was sealed, at the police's service, and was searched again by the end of July). It was made under extreme discretion and lasted 5 hours, from 7 a.m. untilnoon, and as DN could discover, it was led by chief inspector Tavares de Almeida, who was number two of the team that was coordinated by Gonçalo Amaral, who was demoted last week by the Judiciaria's national directory. The PJ continues to insist on the idea that the key to the enigma lies in the apartment. The apartment was not occupied again since the tracker dogs marked the girl's death.

When confronted by DN with the news that have come from the UK concerning the analyses results and that country's press' turnaround in what concerns the work of the Portuguese police and the suspicions that fall on the McCanns, the couple's Portuguese lawyer, Carlos Pinto de Abreu, only said that he believes in results "when they are known and reported by the criminal investigation". Abreu refused to comment on the news, saying that "lawyers work on processes, and not based on reading newspapers".
in Jornal de Noticias today:

Copied from: Post # 537

Paulo Rebelo takes over the direction of the Maddie case investigation today

The national director of Policia Judiciaria (PJ), Alipio Ribeiro, and the new coordinator of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Portimao, will be in Faro today, for what will be the first contact of Paulo Rebelo with the Madeleine McCann case. The senior coordinator - who will respond directly to the national director about the process - had already shown his will to rapidly assume the direction of the investigation, and anticipated his move into the Algarve.

Paulo Rebelo will hold meetings with Guilhermino da Encarnação, the joint national director of PJ in Faro, and with Gonçalo Amaral, who left the CID in Portimao after having his service commission ceased, for accusing the English police of favouring the McCann couple. As JN could establish, Amaral was removed from the coordination but remains connected to the investigation into the girl's disappearance, on May 3. Therefore, Paulo Rebelo showed great interest in hearing the investigator.

These meetings happen on the day after some of the PJ's inspectors were at the Ocean Club, in Praia da Luz, the location where Madeleine disappeared from. Yesterday, no searches or any other type of diligences were performed, police sources guaranteed to JN.

Apart from his intention to get to know the apartment where the girl disappeared from, Paulo Rebelo will have to read with attention a process with five months of investigation. He should also soon meet the prosecutor of Portimao's Public Ministery, Jose de Magalhaes e Menezes, who is concluding request letters that will allow for new questionings on the seven friends of the McCann couple, that spent holidays at Praia da Luz, in May.

His hands should receive within days the conclusion of the tests that were performed on the residues - blood, hair and bodily fluids - that were found inside the apartment, and which are awaited by the investigators with great expectation, as they hope to understand what really happened on the night of the 3rd of May.

A source at the forensics lab in Birmingham admits that the analyses are in a conclusion phase, and also clarifies that the information that was reported by the English newspapers over the last few days didn't originate at the laboratory.

in 24Horas this morning (TABLOID ALERT):

Copied from: post #538

Conclusion from the laboratories in Portugal and England

The children were given tranquilizers

Maddie and her siblings, Sean and Amelie, were sedated in the apartment where they were staying, in Praia da Luz, with four other children, on the night the girl disappeared, on May 3.

This theory from the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) is fundamented by the first preliminary results (which arrived in September) from the Birmingham lab. These conclusions match the forensic tests that had been made earlier in Portugal, at the National Forensics Medicine Institute.

According to a source at the PJ, there is no evidence that the other four children, which were the children of the McCanns' friends, were also under the effect of tranquilizing substances.

This was not analysed by the evidence that was collected in the Praia da Luz house.

Within this scenario, and by crossing information with the inspectors that interrogated the McCanns and their friends, the investigators have reached a possible scenario that Maddie's siblings were asleep - just like, hypothetically, the other three children of the couple's friends - when something happened to Madeleine McCann.

In that fateful moment, Kate, Gerry and their friends were having dinner at the Tapas restaurant, in the Ocean Club, a little more than 100 meters from the house.

This new version of events demolishes the theory that is defended by the entire friends group about what really happened on the fateful 3rd of May. And it fragilizes the McCanns' theory, who say they believe their daughter was kidnapped. The investigators believe the child may have been the victim of a possible domestic accident.

The day before yesterday, the McCanns' spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, denied to 24Horas that there were seven children inside the Ocean Club apartment. Yesterday, he didn't even pick up the phone.
McCanns strike back at reports that Gerry is not Maddie's father:

But the players in the case say:

Yesterday, 24 Horas co-editor, Luis Fontes, said he stood by the story, which he claimed was confirmed by both Portuguese and British pathology sources as well as Leicestershire and Portuguese police.

"It's absolutely – our sources are rock solid," he said. "If they think they can sue us, bring it on."

A spokesman for the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham, where scientists are still testing samples sent to them from Portugal, insisted the story had not come from them.
"As with any ongoing case, it is not possible to comment on matters that could jeopardise the investigation," she said. "Our inquiries are ongoing."

A spokesman for Leicestershire Police said that they had refused to comment when contacted by 24 Horas on Wednesday.

"Leicestershire Police will not comment on any aspect of this investigation," she said. "That is a matter for the Portuguese Police as it is their investigation."

Nor would Policia Judiciaria comment further: "At this moment in time, we cannot and will not deny that news."

PJ: They will not "deny" the news that Gerry is "not" Maddie's father - hmm. The double negative is interesting.
in Sol online today (10/10):

Copied from: post #539

Madeleine case

ASFIC accuses British press of "incoherence" and of creating news to "sell" Maddie produc

The Association of Criminal Investigation Employees (ASFIC) accuses the British press of being "incoherent" during the Madeleine McCann process, and of creating news with the purpose of "making the Maddie product marketable"

The president of ASFIC, Carlos Anjos, refers that English journalists "never" made serious information and comments that the "180 degree" change of opinion about the Portuguese police means incoherence.

On Tuesday, the English press reported that the latest results of the analyses that were performed at the forensics lab in Birmingham show the Portuguese police acted correctly by considering Kate and Gerry McCann as arguidos in the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine.

"This turnaround, based only on information about the latest exams that allegedly came out of the laboratory, I think it's very little for a turnaround of 180 degress in the position of British media, and it only demonstrates even more how incoherent the British press has been throughout this process", Carlos Anjos says.

According to Carlos Anjos, the British press was more worried "about creating news that allowed for the selling of the Maddie product, than about solving this case".

"The British press never produced real information throughout this process, they never worried about what was going on [a missing child], the president of ASFIC says.

In spite of the change of attitude about the Portuguese police, ASFIC didn't give a lot of importance to what the media are publishing.

"We give little importance to the things the British press recently said, just as little importance as we gave them when they accused the Portuguese police", Carlos Anjos remembered.

"We are used to some of the things that happened. For example, when a process begins, the first step is to beat up the arguidos", the inspector explained, adding that as time goes by, things start to invert and the police end up "getting a few kicks as well".

In the final part of the process, the situation that usually happens is a "distribution of guilt among the arguidos", Carlos Anjos observed, indicating that the novelty in the McCann case (...) is that "people didn't know the British press".

"The English are a very peculiar people, and their mass media are even more peculiar. Today [10 years later] they are still discussing the case of princess Diana's death as having been a crime and they don't admit it could have been something else", the representative of Judiciaria's workers remembered.

In Carlos Anjos' opinion, during the Madeleine process one could watch "the Policia Judiciaria being ripped apart, for no reason, in a very dual view".

Carlos Anjos observed that in spite of the fact that "British police agreed with all the decisions that were made by the Judiciaria, and even having participated in the defining of the strategy", throughout the process "the British press only beat up the Portuguese Policia Judiciaria".

Carlos Anjos also spoke about the way the English journalists "treated" the coordinator Gonçalo Amaral, who has now been removed from the Criminal Investigation Department and from the Maddie case, having been substituted by Paulo Rebelo.

"They started an escalade of some verbal violence, which led to them not beating only the Policia Judiciaria, but to hit hard at some policemen of the Maddie team, and Gonçalo Amaral [the investigator who was removed from the case] was an authentic Christ in the English' hands", he stressed.

in 24Horas this morning (10/10) (tabloid alert):

Copied from: post #540

Judiciaria already possesses relevant document concerning the girl’s genetics

Gerry is not Maddie’s father

Policia Judiciaria (PJ) already knows that Gerry McCann is not Madeleine’s father, 24Horas could discover with sources at the PJ and at the National Institute for Forensic Medicine.

For the investigators, it was “very relevant” to determine the paternity of the girl that was conceived by artificial insemination.

Those diligences were performed in England, according to our sources.

It was necessary to know whether the child’s biological father could be involved in a possible abduction of the girl. The English authorities, after performing diligences at the sperm bank where the McCann couple went, reached the biological father and concluded that he had nothing to do with the disappearance of Maddie.

The fact that Gerry is not Madeleine’s father is extremely important. “It explains why Madeleine’s DNA markers are so different from her twin siblings’ DNA markers”, a police source said.

This means Maddie’s genetics profile is not the same as her siblings’ and Gerry’s profile, and therefore there are no doubts left concerning the DNA samples that were analyzed by the Birmingham lab. The samples that were collected in the biological residues belong to Madeleine McCann without question. There is no possibility that her profile could be confused with that of her twin siblings.

The tests that are performed to obtain one person’s genetic profile are obtained “by crossing the samples with the genetic data from the mother and the father”, a source at the Forensics Medicine Institute explained. The analyses that were made by the British lab cast, a month ago, serious doubts concerning Maddie’s paternity. The doubts have been lifted. The fact that Gerry McCann is not the girl’s father is also important in order to understand his relationship with Kate.
in Diario de Noticias this morning:

Copied from: post #541

PJ insists on searches in the McCanns' apartment

Couple guarantees Gerry is Madeleine's father

At a time when the leadership of the investigation has just changed hands, the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) seems to have focused all of its attention back on the McCanns' apartment, in the Ocean Club resort, at Praia da Luz. After several weeks without visiting the surroundings, the PJ inspectors have returned twice, within one week, to the place where Maddie disappeared from on May 3.

The resort was visited on Tuesday by six members of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Portimao, led by chief-inspector Tavares de Almeida. And right on the next day - at the same time Paulo Rebelo from Lisbon was officially taking charge of the coordination of the case's investigation - the team returned to the apartment, making a new reconstruction of the evening of the crime.

During this second visit, as DN could find out, the PJ's attention was also focused on the path between the apartment, the Tapas restaurant - where the McCanns had dinner on the night of the disappearance - and the area where the other apartments were located, which were occupied by the couple's friends who were staying at Praia da Luz. Some of the inspectors, DN knows, were seen close to the Church of Nossa Senhora da Luz, in front of the garden area where formerly a cemetery was operated.

The area that surrounds the Ocean Club became particularly interesting for the investigators after, in late July, tracker dogs from the English police, which are trained to detect cadaver odour, marked the apartment where Maddie disappeared from, as well as the vehicle that was rented by the parents. A vehicle that began to be used by the McCann couple a month after the child disappeared. But it had been a while since this kind of police movement had been seen in Praia da Luz.

Gerry guarantees paternity

Meanwhile, the McCann couple vehemently denied the news that was published in 24Horas newspaper yesterday, which reported that Gerry was not Maddie's biological father after all. The McCanns' representatives even admitted that the couple's lawyers in Portugal, Rogerio Alves and Carlos Pinto de Abreu, and in the United Kingdom may take action. It is remembered that Maddie was conceived by artificial insemination, just like her siblings.

But DN found out that it was the family's friends themselves who launched the alert to other English people who were spending their holidays in the Ocean Club, in May. "He is not Madeleine's father, but only the siblings' ", one of those tourists apparently said in the Tapas restaurant, repeating something that was already commented by many people locally.

The news that was reported by the Portuguese press yesterday is not really new, as those allegations reached the newspaper pages shortly after the rumours started circulating in Praia da Luz. But they hit like a bom in the United Kingdom.

Yesterday, Clarence Mitchell, the couple's spokesman, guaranteed that "Gerry is Madeleine's biological father" and that "what was written is completely wrong, without reason, substance and offensive". A friend of the couple said the McCanns reacted to the news with "complete horror and consternation".
in 24Horas this morning (tabloid alert):

Copied from: post # 542

PJ believes that the sperm donor was in England on May 3

Maddie's real father was identified

Madeleine's real father was identified in England by the British police, at the Policia Judiciaria's request, 24Horas could discover with senior sources at the PJ. The sperm donor who made it possible for Madeleine to be conceived, was not interrogated because authorities could confirm that he was in Englandon the date when the child disappeared, on May 3. According to our sources, Maddie's biological father had nothing to do with the disappearance of the child - as 24Horas had reported yesterday. PJ knows he is from Birmingham but they don't know the location or even his address, as it was not necessary, senior sources at the Judiciaria have advanced.

But PJ only rested when they dismissed this lead.

Gerry is the twins' father

Curiously, it is in the Birmingham area that the Forensic Science Lab is located, at which the DNA tests on the biological residues collected from the apartment and from the McCanns' rental car were performed.

PJ knows that Gerry McCann is not Maddie's biological father, as 24Horas reported yesterday and re-confirmed with several responsible sources at the Policia Judiciaria and at the National Institute for Forensic Medicine (NIFM).

"Gerry McCann was not the sperm donor for Maddie. He was the donor for the twins. But it's possible that Gerry himself doesn't know he is not the biological father. There may have been a switch at the laboratory", a source at the NIFM told 24Horas.

Pinto da Costa, a former president of the Forensic Medicine Institute in Oporto, sustains the explanation, without specifying the Maddie case. "There have been several cases when the husband was not the donor once, and was the donor on other occasions. It can happen that, at a certain moment of one's life, the person has his fertilizing capacity diminished for several reasons, like exhaustion or extreme stress".
in Correio da Manha this morning:

Copied from: post #543

Team reinforcement
PJ invests in homicide theory

It was shortly before 4 p.m. when Paulo Rebelo, the new coordinator of the Criminal Investigation Department of PJ in Portimao and in charge of the Madeleine case investigation, presented himself to the team he will be working with for the coming months. He announced that he will be accompanied, during a first phase, by four elements that were called by the National Direction: one inspector and one chief inspector from the Lisbon directory and specialists in the investigation of homicides, as well as one other inspector who is dedicated to crossing data, and a fourth one that works at the robbery section (in the team where Paulo Rebelo was, until early this week, the coordinator).

CM knows these four investigators are travelling into the Algarve this weekend and will be in charge of re-reading the process and trying to find 'loose ends'. Another of the goals is to suggest diligences that the rest of the team might have failed to remember, although the process continues to be owned by the Portimao PJ members.

The announcement of a reinforcement of the team, where some members have not had a holiday this year, was welcomed in Portimao, where Paulo Rebelo arrived with an English-Portuguese dictionary under his arm, in the company of Guilhermino Encarnação, the PJ's director in Faro.

"He went there to meet his new working place and the brigades he will lead, just like it happens at any workplace", a senior officer at PJ told CM. There was a big expectation among the inspectors of PJ in Portimao and severalof them tried to understand, through colleagues in Lisbon, the personality traces of their new 'boss'.

Paulo Rebelo met with Guilhermino Encarnação in the morning, at the PJ's offices in Faro, and then they drove to Portimao in separate cars. They had lunch together around 2 p.m., and two hours later they went to the PJ's offices in Portimao.

They went in through the front door, an option that was made by himself, although he knew he might be interrogated by the media. He made no statement, but he did not avoid being photographed or filmed.

An hour and a half later, Guilhermino Encarnaçãoleft, and Paulo Rebelo was talking with his new work team. 15 minutes later, around 5.45 p.m., Paulo Rebelo left on his own through the Portimao PJ's back door.

in Jornal de Noticias this morning:

Copied from: post #544

Maddie case did not motivate "Operation Predator"

The "Operation Predator" which was executed by the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) the day before yesterday, and which was destined to fight pedophilia on the internet, had nothing to do with the Madeleine case, the English child that disappeared on May 3 from the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz (Lagos). This guarantee was given to JN yesterday, by a source at PJ, which denies "categorically" the association that was made by the English press.

The same source explained that the ongoing investigations are not connected to the girl's disappearance and that that association makes absolutely no sense at the moment.

The couple's spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, admitted he knew that the two operations are unrelated but said "there is always the possibility that something concerning Madeleine could be discovered and this is extremely encouraging", he stressed.

Oblivious of this issue, and of the enourmous speculation surrounding the Maddie case, Paulo Rebelo officially assumed the case investigation yesterday.


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