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DNA Solves
In actuality, I think that any and all possibilities have been thrown around over the months. I wish that this one hadn't turned out to be a reality. I didn't think that this case could become any sadder. :(
terminatrixator said:
Steve, great to see you.

He's loathed no matter what color he has these days, wonder if he's going to be jumping in a pool soon and come out with orange hair.
I am afraid he is going to try and jump on a plane out of the US.

LE, if you are reading this, Raven IS A FLIGHT RISK.
golfmom said:
Was it bad or good things come in threes?

I have a feeling that it's not over yet.
it's usually bad things come in threes .... in this case, bad for Raven, not us.
JerseyGirl said:
North Carolina, I have learned, is a death penalty state. I don't know what the requirements are to seek the death penalty. I always thought that it was up to the prosecutor's office whether or not to ask for the DP if the charge is going to be murder in the first degree. As far as there being an unborn child involved, I don't know if or how that might change things.
Didn't Laci's mom get a bill passed by President Bush for this??
Or was that just in California?
SouthEastSleuth said:
From today's Raleigh News & Observer:

Slain woman was due for baby
Autopsy in killing reveals pregnancy

By SAMIHA KHANNA, Staff Writer

DURHAM -- Janet Abaroa was pregnant when she was stabbed to death in her West Durham home, an autopsy report shows.

Durham police have made no arrests in the death of Abaroa, who was found in a kneeling position in her bedroom at 2606 Ferrand Drive the night of April 26. She was 25. Her 6-month-old son was in another room, unharmed.

The victim's husband, Raven Abaroa, discovered his wife's body late that night and called 911, telling an operator he thought she had been shot, police said.

Kneeling position??? :(
misterallgood said:
I know... I find that most disturbing. Poignant, and scary, too.

(edited to add) I've written my first blog entry about this case in a while...


Great job Steve! Hopefully with all the national attention you've been receiving ... our quest for Justice for Janet will start to see some more media.

Things are heating up.
Could it be that even Janet didn't know? If the baby was only 6 months old, she may not have even had a regular cycle back!! The article quotes her sister as not knowing, so she hadn't really shared the news ...

Just throwing out some thoughts. I am sickened by this, though! It's Peterson all over again!
The family doesn't live that close by, I'm thinking Janet knew and told Raven immediately after she found out. Perhaps a reason she didn't tell people immediately was the fact that the embarrassment of having to deal with RAVEN'S embezzlement charges, and they needed help with their rent and had so many things going on.

Considering Raven's control issues, I doubt she had that many people to confide in, either.

I tend to disagree with your assertion on Janet not knowing she was pregnant. Most women, after their first child, can tell immediately when they are pregnant, and most women are more fertile months AFTER giving birth, than they are years down the road because of the growth of endometrial tissues. Every woman I have spoke to after the first child, know usually right away they are pregnant, and I have no doubt that Janet knew and she told Raven.
terminatrixator said:
The family doesn't live that close by, I'm thinking Janet knew and told Raven immediately after she found out. Perhaps a reason she didn't tell people immediately was the fact that the embarrassment of having to deal with RAVEN'S embezzlement charges, and they needed help with their rent and had so many things going on.

Considering Raven's control issues, I doubt she had that many people to confide in, either.

I tend to disagree with your assertion on Janet not knowing she was pregnant. Most women, after their first child, can tell immediately when they are pregnant, and most women are more fertile months AFTER giving birth, than they are years down the road because of the growth of endometrial tissues. Every woman I have spoke to after the first child, know usually right away they are pregnant, and I have no doubt that Janet knew and she told Raven.

Not only do I think Janet knew she was pregnant (I conceived immediately after my first as well AND knew immediately), but I completely agree with you that she probably had not shared that information with many people. Things were going horrible for her and the shame and embarassment had to be overwhelming much less sharing the news of another baby on the way. I think Janet wanted to protect her family from the terrible situation she was facing.

Initially, I got numerous pm's from friends who were completely shocked regarding the embezzlement charges. They didn't find out about them until after Janet's murder. Further, most friends didn't even know they were renting! Raven told folks they bought that house!

Seems like everything was a web of lies and secrets.
I wonder if in the case that Raven is the perp, that he perhaps thought that no one would find out that she was pregnant. Sounds crazy, I know but who knows what goes through people's minds during such acts.

I also agree that most times, women know when they are pregnant after their first child, and even with the first one at times. I knew with each of mine.

I also agree that there's a good likelihood that she would have been too embarassed to tell her family just yet.

I hope with all that I am that if Raven did this, and if it had something to do with the pregnancy, that the computer information will show that her and Raven were aware of the pregnancy.
Sometimes when you walk away to clear your head ... a though pops in so terrible that it takes your breath away.

What if Janet told Raven that she was pregnant and he insisted that she terminate the baby and she refused?

I had heard that initially he didn't want Kaiden and implied that Kaiden might not even be his. After reconciling it appeared that he got on board to being a daddy and loves Kaiden, but . . .

It's just one of those thoughts that won't go away.
I thought Laci & Conner's law was passed Nationwide:

Whoever engages in conduct that violates any of the provisions of law listed in subsection (b) and thereby causes the death of, or bodily injury (as defined in section 1365) to, a child, who is in utero at the time the conduct takes place, is guilty of a separate offense under this section.

  • `(2)(A) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the punishment for that separate offense is the same as the punishment provided under Federal law for that conduct had that injury or death occurred to the unborn child's mother.

  • `(B) An offense under this section does not require proof that--
    • `(i) the person engaging in the conduct had knowledge or should have had knowledge that the victim of the underlying offense was pregnant; or

    • `(ii) the defendant intended to cause the death of, or bodily injury to, the unborn child.

  • `(C) If the person engaging in the conduct thereby intentionally kills or attempts to kill the unborn child, that person shall instead of being punished under subparagraph (A), be punished as provided under sections 1111, 1112, and 1113 of this title for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being.

  • `(D) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the death penalty shall not be imposed for an offense under this section.
That's how I understood it, too, Term...and perhaps that's what they're looking for on the e-mail files, to see if someone else knew...I don't egotistical birdy or something? If so, he can be convicted as a DOUBLE MURDERER.
Please notice that Section B.

(B) An offense under this section does not require proof that--
    • `(i) the person engaging in the conduct had knowledge or should have had knowledge that the victim of the underlying offense was pregnant; or
I haven't been here in a while...I just happened to stoll on by today...SICK. I am SICK. Raven is disgusting...He is now a "Scott Peterson"...killing not only his wife but his unborn child. I am disgusted. I hope he rots in hell for what he has done.
tiffany said:
I haven't been here in a while...I just happened to stoll on by today...SICK. I am SICK. Raven is disgusting...He is now a "Scott Peterson"...killing not only his wife but his unborn child. I am disgusted. I hope he rots in hell for what he has done.

Welcome back Tiffany!
golfmom said:
The murderer "shall not have forgiveness in this world, nor in the world to come" (D&C 42:18).

What is D&C? I've never heard of that. I don't want to start a battle but the bible says that one sin is no worse than another and that there is forgiveness for every sin. I don't want murderers, child sex offenders, the worst of the worst to be forgiven but my understanding is that if they ask for forgiveness with remorse they will be forgiven.
terminatrixator said:
Yes, which could be considered a Capital case if the Murderer knew that Janet was pregnant.

I'm really confused about the "Laci and Connor Law." It was signed by President Bush and so I thought that meant it was active in every state in the United States. California already had a law that a killer would be charged with two murders if the mom was pregnant. Wouldn't North Carolina have "Laci and Connor's Law" too? Wouldn't the killer automatically be charged with two murders because of the pregnancy no matter how far along Janet was or if the killer was aware or not? As long as the ME could tell in the autopsy the killer should be charged. They couldn't charge Mark Hacking with two murders because by the time they found Lori they couldn't tell if she was pregnant or not.

If the "Laci and Connor Law" doesn't cover every state then what does it cover? Anyone have an answer :confused:

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