Mel Gibson's latest racist rant

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Will you still watch Mel's movies?

  • Yes, his acting or producing is separate from his personal views

    Votes: 58 29.4%
  • No, his behavior turns me off too much

    Votes: 117 59.4%
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    Votes: 22 11.2%

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I post the following not in defense of Gibson's actions (because I don't know his spiritual status), but in defense of the "Christian-based comment" stated above.

Christians are still human, and can still make mistakes. Being a Christian doesn't make you perfect. We live in an imperfect world.

I agree. And I have absolutely no trouble with a Christian who lives within their faith, and admits that they have weaknesses like everyone else.

My problem with Mel is that he's one of those "The following people are going to hell" types that then goes out and cheats on his first wife and then beats the teeth out of the second. That is a problem for me. A good deal of hypocrisy there, IMO.

And, like Essie said in his/her original post, it also saddens me when someone has so many blessings in their life and still just wastes their time being bitter and angry. That to me is failing to be grateful for what they have.

I usually have a lot of sympathy for people with mental health issues, which I think is what is going on here, but he has a lot more access to help than most, and he is clearly in the mindset that he doesn't need it.
Well if that is the way he treats women, what makes you think his wife wanted him to stay with her? He used to at least appear so charming when he was younger-but appearances can be deceiving, so who knows if he was always this way or his personality has changed.

I didn't think any such thing; sorry you misunderstood. I am curious to know if he was this way with her because for years and years we never heard about anything salacious about Mel. That's exactly what I'm wondering - has there been a change of some sort?
This is not directed to anyone here on this thread, but....
I guess I find it curious that some would fault her more for recording his vile diatribe, after he had knocked her teeth out, than to fault him for knocking her teeth out to begin with.

Kudos to her for recording him and releasing it to the world!! If Nicole Brown Simpson had done this she might still be alive! That is the problem with the Mel Gibsons/OJ's of the world everyone around them protects them, their handlers, families, friends, aquaintances even the LE people protect them while the poor victim is continuously repeating the same mantra, "his going to kill me", "his going to kill me" which falls on deaf ears. This young lady might have just saved her own life with what she did so I applaud her for exposing a psycho, misogynistic, crazy man!
Kudos to her for recording him and releasing it to the world!! If Nicole Brown Simpson had done this she might still be alive! That is the problem with the Mel Gibsons/OJ's of the world everyone around them protects them, their handlers, families, friends, aquaintances even the LE people protect them while the poor victim is continuously repeating the same mantra, "his going to kill me", "his going to kill me" which falls on deaf ears. This young lady might have just saved her own life with what she did so I applaud her for exposing a psycho, misogynistic, crazy man!

He was on tape, remember? (OJ) You can hear him on the 911 tape and she had injury photos taken, saved messages, had witnesses to his behavior but to no avail. He was going to kill her no matter what and he did. And that jury would have found him innocent if Jesus Himself testified to the truth. Sigh...

Was it here or somewhere else that I read that Mel has the Madonna/*advertiser censored* thing going on. It's ok to beat up this woman because he sees her as a tramp. I wonder, too, how he treated his wife, Robin.
I think that celebrities are so caught up in their "fame" that they can't seem to figure out how to live their lives in private. We really don't need to know all of this. She could have kept the recording private if she needed it for court. He should just shut up altogether. They are embarassing their families.
Listening to that rant gave me flashbacks of my ex's tirades of verbal abuse! Whoa!!!

ok back to reality....

No I am not a fan. My bf works in the film industry and is Jewish, so Mel's work has no place in our home library of DVD's.

MOO but Mel from Hell is an offensive, pathetic, tiny lil man! Now his baby daughter will one day see and hear all this BS on the internet and how her cretin of a father called her mother some of the worst names that every woman hates. What a jackarse!

All Moo. And I feel better that I have now called Mel some ugly names. that flashback was all to real....thanks everybody for allowing me to vent!


going to unruffle my feathers now.......

BBM Were we married to the same guy? I was thinking I now have two great words to sum up MY ex...Mel. Gibson.
In the latest ones he threatens to hit her upside the head with a baseball bat and bury her in a garden.

It kinda dawned on me today that Mel's one great actor. Look how long he appeared not just normal, but likable.

It's scary.
Alex Baldwin, Tiger Woods, Jessie James (vanilla gorilla) just sent Mel a thank you basket for taking the spotlight off of them and their appalling behavior.

Is anyone really surprised at what goes on in Hollywood? They are all the same.

Mel appears to have alcohol related dementia and a few other problems.

As I said in another thread, Mel can claim insanity because he wasn't aware that the concrete *advertiser censored* on that woman were fake. Call me what you like but I have no pity for the gold digger with the tape recorder either.

They deserve each other.
First off I think Mel needs several months in an alcohol rehab. Here is a man who went against the grain leaving his faith and starting a dissident church made up of his rules. That was the first sign of problems with Mel. Then on and off separations during his marriage to his wife of several years. Next came the Girlfriend and the drunken racist remarks leading to his arrest. Now this explosive rant aimed at the ex girlfriend.
I believe there was a time when Mel thought he was untouchable and is angry now because he is being taken down by the very person who claimed to love him even giving him a child.
Did she have motive to snag Mel , getting pregnant hoping Mel would marry her and she after a time leaving him hoping he would give her a large settlement. She certainly had to know of his wealth before she got involved with him.
If you listen to the tapes Mel is on a nasty disgusting angry drunken tirade which is yes very scary indeed.
I do believe though Ms Oksana is setting him up for a fall by pushing his buttons if its true that when he called she hung up on him then called him right back when the tape recorder was recording his every word.
As someone said if he was that abusive why is she hanging around. Any other mother with a child who felt they were in danger would be out of there 24/7.
Who leaked this tape to the press. Can she be charged with wiretapping which is against the law I think in the state of California?
The whole thing stinks all around and Oksana is just a bit to calm to me. She may not be as innocent a party in this blowup as she wants the public to believe. We will have to see. In the meantime Mel better spend a month or more in his confessional booth for all the racist remarks hes saying.
I won't defend the language Mel used however in the heat of passion ugly things can be said & then used out of context by a vindictive partner.
I'd hate for some of the things I said to my Ex be made public

The instant the stories & pics of his 'Baby Momma' (who ,btw,looks too much like OctoMom that it scares me)first surfaced I thought 'Gold Digger' as she's got the 'Heather Mills' glint in her eye & I think I'm right.
I think she's out for all she can get & will do whatever it takes to get it.
Had Paul not had the class he has(and the devoted fanbase)this couldve been him.I think this broad knows Mel is controversial & is using it to her advantage.
Their relationship was born out of deceit & greed & the baby was conceived out of the same which is so sad.
I don't even like Mel btw so I'm not defending his 'work'or anything.Just saying what I see imo.
He was on TV last night and I was surprised how put off I was to see him. My DH hadn't heard the tapes. This guy is disgusting. MOO
I'm blown away by his mouth. Very disappointed. Confused why she is still staying in a place he could come and go? I would need to take my daughter and go into hiding
He was on tape, remember? (OJ) You can hear him on the 911 tape and she had injury photos taken, saved messages, had witnesses to his behavior but to no avail. He was going to kill her no matter what and he did. And that jury would have found him innocent if Jesus Himself testified to the truth. Sigh...

Was it here or somewhere else that I read that Mel has the Madonna/*advertiser censored* thing going on. It's ok to beat up this woman because he sees her as a tramp. I wonder, too, how he treated his wife, Robin.

I've wondered also how he was with his wife, but also think that he is now probably blaming his ex-girlfriend for the divorce and whatever settlement there was, so in his twisted mind he will hold more against her. It would all be her fault and will not blame himself for any of it even though he made so many choices to lead up to this. He also might be constantly comparing her to his ex and thinking how this one is lacking in some ways.

This woman is the same now as she was before when he started everything with her, and now he attacks everything that he was attracted to before, and if the math is correct, she was holding a 4 month old baby when he was beating her.

IMO he's very very pizzed about how some things have ended up, but he can not blame himself so he must have another target to blame for everything.
I wouldn't be totally surprised if one day we hear about him trying to have a reconcilliation with his ex-wife, he's going to want someone he pictures as "good" to try and save his image.

After I went through my ugly divorce and the dust settled with the ex finding out things weren't all rosy, he wanted to get back together. It was not a difficult choice for me to make to totally shut him out of my life forever!

It's also moo he needs to go back and watch his film "What Women Want" it seems he didn't pay attention to many points it makes.

I'm blown away by his mouth. Very disappointed. Confused why she is still staying in a place he could come and go? I would need to take my daughter and go into hiding

Because she has the baby I don't think she can just go anywhere, it could be looked at as kidnapping the baby/keeping the father away from the baby.

My niece is going through a divorce and even tho she had to get a restraining order against him and he even spent a few days in jail, she was still very limited in what she could do as far as their children are concerned and had to get it approved by a judge to travel with the children for a family visit.

Here's a PS to my post on crazy Mel and his silicone-laden, gold digging, tape-recording baby momma.

Anyone got the very looooong list of Hollywood elites that have shown support for Roman Polanski, who drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl? The Hollywood elites are jumping all over Mel Gibson -- their very delicate sensibilities have been offended by Gibson's tirade. In Hollywood you can drug and anally rape minors and you will receive absolution from the priests of perversion. In fact, they will canonize you and make you a saint. Saint Roman of Hollywood. Just don't threaten anyone or make racist comments. You'll be blacklisted. That is an unforgivable offense.

They are crass, moronic hypocrites -- the lot of them.

Okay, I guess I'm done on this subject... just had to get that off of my chest.
Here's a PS to my post on crazy Mel and his silicone-laden, gold digging, tape-recording baby momma.

Anyone got the very looooong list of Hollywood elites that have shown support for Roman Polanski, who drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl? The Hollywood elites are jumping all over Mel Gibson -- their very delicate sensibilities have been offended by Gibson's tirade. In Hollywood you can drug and anally rape minors and you will receive absolution from the priests of perversion. In fact, they will canonize you and make you a saint. Saint Roman of Hollywood. Just don't threaten anyone or make racist comments. You'll be blacklisted. That is an unforgivable offense.

They are crass, moronic hypocrites -- the lot of them.

Okay, I guess I'm done on this subject... just had to get that off of my chest.

You know what, she might be silicone laden, but I am pretty sure she was that way when Mel Gibson first got with her.
If he wanted a woman that dressed like a nun and was all natural, then that's who he should have been looking for.
And as to what Mel's behavior has to do with Polanski, I have no clue whatsoever.
It was a long time ago with Polanski, and one can only hope that if someone was accused of the same thing now, the outcome would be very different. And it still has nothing to do with Mel's behavior.
I won't defend the language Mel used however in the heat of passion ugly things can be said & then used out of context by a vindictive partner.
I'd hate for some of the things I said to my Ex be made public

The instant the stories & pics of his 'Baby Momma' (who ,btw,looks too much like OctoMom that it scares me)first surfaced I thought 'Gold Digger' as she's got the 'Heather Mills' glint in her eye & I think I'm right.
I think she's out for all she can get & will do whatever it takes to get it.
Had Paul not had the class he has(and the devoted fanbase)this couldve been him.I think this broad knows Mel is controversial & is using it to her advantage.
Their relationship was born out of deceit & greed & the baby was conceived out of the same which is so sad.
I don't even like Mel btw so I'm not defending his 'work'or anything.Just saying what I see imo.

Pardon me, but I am pretty sure the woman was the same way when Mel met her. He must have liked what he had seen back then, whether she looks like octomom or not. If he wasn't happy in his marriage, then I am pretty sure he could have found a modestly dressed lady who had no plastic surgery, and close to his own age, but that's not what he wanted, did he?
Mel Gibson is a mean, hateful, malcontent. She should have been a bit more careful in choosing her next sugar daddy but, in any case, she is the mother of his child.

I will bet dollars to donuts, he'll be in "rehab" by the end of the week.

I hope it will not help him. Time for him to fade to black.
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