Mel Gibson's latest racist rant

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Mel Gibson is a mean, hateful, malcontent. She should have been a bit more careful in choosing her next sugar daddy but, in any case, she is the mother of his child.

I will bet dollars to donuts, he'll be in "rehab" by the end of the week.

I hope it will not help him. Time for him to fade to black.

I am not so sure rehab is the right place for him. What she should have done is to call the police after he allegedly hit her.
I still hope it's not too late for a criminal investigation.
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Mel? I don't know all the details but it looks like he was taken for a ride by some kind of succubus!

There's a part on the tape where he says (paraphrasing), "I don't have any friends and I tried to make one in you."
Mel Gibson is disgusting, self-absorbed, self-centered,egomanical, wife-beating... (I can't exactly type what I really think of him.)

She had every right to tape him. I would have taped him.

He beat her up and knocked her two front teeth out.

He has money to hire someone to kill her he doesn't have to do it himself.

She had to have proof because she's noone and he's Mel "the racist" Gibson.

Just because he's a racist doesn't mean that anyone would believe the death threats.

I for one am glad she has the tapes and I hope she has a gun. I am quite sure the nutter has other nutters that would think she is destroying a "great man".
You know what, she might be silicone laden, but I am pretty sure she was that way when Mel Gibson first got with her.
If he wanted a woman that dressed like a nun and was all natural, then that's who he should have been looking for.
And as to what Mel's behavior has to do with Polanski, I have no clue whatsoever.
It was a long time ago with Polanski, and one can only hope that if someone was accused of the same thing now, the outcome would be very different. And it still has nothing to do with Mel's behavior.

The point is the hypocrisy of Hollywood elites. They forgive Polanski even though he drugged and sodomized a minor, but they act outraged over Gibson's threats and racists rants. Gibson's agency drops him, people won't work with him. That's fine and fitting but Polanski has stars signing petitions and publicly defending him asking for his pardon. I find that bizarre.

As far as Mel seeking out a more demure looking woman - maybe he would have if he had the ability to think rationally, which he obviously does not. And yet this woman chose to have the child of a crazy, old, drunken, rich man with a well-documented history of abusive, erratic behavior. That is either very cunning or profoundly stupid. I know which one I believe she is guilty of. I have no pity for her. She knew what she was getting into, but the financial payoff must have been worth it. IMO, she is not a victim.

The baby is the only victim in this ridiculous drama.
Alex Baldwin, Tiger Woods, Jessie James (vanilla gorilla) just sent Mel a thank you basket for taking the spotlight off of them and their appalling behavior.

Is anyone really surprised at what goes on in Hollywood? They are all the same.

Mel appears to have alcohol related dementia and a few other problems.

As I said in another thread, Mel can claim insanity because he wasn't aware that the concrete *advertiser censored* on that woman were fake. Call me what you like but I have no pity for the gold digger with the tape recorder either.

They deserve each other.

I'm sorry NO ONE deserves to be punched in the mouth while holding a baby! I don't care if she was a crack *advertiser censored*!
I won't defend the language Mel used however in the heat of passion ugly things can be said & then used out of context by a vindictive partner.
I'd hate for some of the things I said to my Ex be made public

The instant the stories & pics of his 'Baby Momma' (who ,btw,looks too much like OctoMom that it scares me)first surfaced I thought 'Gold Digger' as she's got the 'Heather Mills' glint in her eye & I think I'm right.
I think she's out for all she can get & will do whatever it takes to get it.
Had Paul not had the class he has(and the devoted fanbase)this couldve been him.I think this broad knows Mel is controversial & is using it to her advantage.
Their relationship was born out of deceit & greed & the baby was conceived out of the same which is so sad.
I don't even like Mel btw so I'm not defending his 'work'or anything.Just saying what I see imo.

Nothing hateful, vile or racist has EVER spewed from my mouth. Regardless how angry I was. Self control is a marvelous thing. I am not ashamed of anything I have ever said when arguing with my husband, and wouldn't CARE if anyone heard it!

I realize some couples when arguing say the most hurtful, disgusting things imaginable. IMO They have no business in a relationship, they need to grow up, expand their vocabulary and learn how to fight fair.
I have ZERO respect for MG. :sick: I wish people would not even remember that he produced "The Passion" because he is not following the example that Jesus set at ALL!!!
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Mel? I don't know all the details but it looks like he was taken for a ride by some kind of succubus!

There's a part on the tape where he says (paraphrasing), "I don't have any friends and I tried to make one in you."

Personally, I can't beleieve some of the posts I am reading here. Are you kidding me? He punched the mother of his child in the face while she held an infant!!!!!!!!! And you feel sorry for him? SHE'S to blame?


Maybe, just maybe he doesn't have any friends because he's a HUGE ANGRY NACISSISTIC JERK that BULLYS and BEATS women! He hates jews, blacks and "wetbacks" The things that sprew from his mouth aren't exactly endearing, it certainly isn't a way to make friends.........
Mel Gibson is disgusting, self-absorbed, self-centered,egomanical, wife-beating... (I can't exactly type what I really think of him.)

She had every right to tape him. I would have taped him.

He beat her up and knocked her two front teeth out.

He has money to hire someone to kill her he doesn't have to do it himself.

She had to have proof because she's noone and he's Mel "the racist" Gibson.

Just because he's a racist doesn't mean that anyone would believe the death threats.

I for one am glad she has the tapes and I hope she has a gun. I am quite sure the nutter has other nutters that would think she is destroying a "great man".

Excellent post! Thank you!
I personally think the two of them are both sick and unhealthy. She is a gold digger whose main "job" seems to have been to land wealthy men. He is a bigotted modern day archie bunker with a temper to boot. She seems to know how to push his buttons and he seems more than happy to push her around. YIKES, lets get these two divorced and away from each other pronto!

I think we can all agree Mel's career is about over - the only ones who will be willing to see his films and put money in his coffers is white, bigotted males between 28 and 55 IMO. And those males will not be able to take a date because heaven knows no female I know is gonna want to go see anything that he is even loosely associated with.

Poor little golddigger may have just shot herself in the financial foot though. If Mel can't earn his millions how is she gonna get the exorbinate amount in child support she wants?
I'm sorry NO ONE deserves to be punched in the mouth while holding a baby! I don't care if she was a crack *advertiser censored*!

Of course she did not deserve to be punched! However, I have yet to see the proof that she was punched. I trust her about as much as I trust him so I'll wait for the evidence.

She knowingly entered into a relationship with a known substance abuser with a violent temper. If she didn't see this coming maybe it's because she was blinded by dollar signs.
Alex Baldwin, Tiger Woods, Jessie James (vanilla gorilla) just sent Mel a thank you basket for taking the spotlight off of them and their appalling behavior.

Is anyone really surprised at what goes on in Hollywood? They are all the same.

Mel appears to have alcohol related dementia and a few other problems.

As I said in another thread, Mel can claim insanity because he wasn't aware that the concrete *advertiser censored* on that woman were fake. Call me what you like but I have no pity for the gold digger with the tape recorder either.

They deserve each other.

She does not deserve to be hit or threatened with bodily harm. Domestic violence is not okay just because the victim may be a gold digger or slu**y looking.
True, if the claims of him punching her in the mouth are true, there is zero justification. I am not bashing the gold digger but I will make no pretense at liking her or what she stands for.

It is not illegal to make your living off seducing older wealthier men. It IS illegal to punch someone in the face, and immoral for a man to punch a woman in the face, and just plain repulsive to punch the mother of you child in the mouth while she holds that child.

I have heard reports that she was actually violently shaking the baby during the incident with the punch but I do not know that I credit it. That would seem a little too convenient to explain his you *advertiser censored****** deserved it comment.
Nothing hateful, vile or racist has EVER spewed from my mouth. Regardless how angry I was. Self control is a marvelous thing. I am not ashamed of anything I have ever said when arguing with my husband, and wouldn't CARE if anyone heard it!

I realize some couples when arguing say the most hurtful, disgusting things imaginable. IMO They have no business in a relationship, they need to grow up, expand their vocabulary and learn how to fight fair.

You are very right Linda. I have a temper at times and have said things I regret but I don't care how angry I am, you'll never hear something vile or racist. I do think these moments are a test of our character and if we can't control ourselves with our spouses when really really angry, or with our kids, then we maybe should not be married or parents yet.
and while I'm at it...let me defend gold diggers..........There is nothing wrong with being a gold digger. When was the last time you or anyone else here when dating struck up conversations with homeless men? I would bet, not a one. When your daughters are dating, do you tell them to steer clear of successful men? Doubt it. I was taught, by my parents, it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is a poor date the rich ones!

Any man over 40 dating a woman half their age should be bright enough to know it's not because they have so much in common.;)
She does not deserve to be hit or threatened with bodily harm. Domestic violence is not okay just because the victim may be a gold digger or slu**y looking.

I never said that. I have no regard for her OR Mel Gibson. That is all I said.
Am I the only one who feels sorry for Mel? I don't know all the details but it looks like he was taken for a ride by some kind of succubus!

There's a part on the tape where he says (paraphrasing), "I don't have any friends and I tried to make one in you."

The way I understood that part of the recording, Mel was telling her that She did not have any friends.

If he's the classic abuser type, he probably made sure she did not have a support system around her.

As I said before, I used to be a fan of Mels, at this point I have no sympathy for him, I do however have sympathy for his victim.

I personally think the two of them are both sick and unhealthy. She is a gold digger whose main "job" seems to have been to land wealthy men. He is a bigotted modern day archie bunker with a temper to boot. She seems to know how to push his buttons and he seems more than happy to push her around. YIKES, lets get these two divorced and away from each other pronto!

I think we can all agree Mel's career is about over - the only ones who will be willing to see his films and put money in his coffers is white, bigotted males between 28 and 55 IMO. And those males will not be able to take a date because heaven knows no female I know is gonna want to go see anything that he is even loosely associated with.

Poor little golddigger may have just shot herself in the financial foot though. If Mel can't earn his millions how is she gonna get the exorbinate amount in child support she wants?



And, as I said before, he may not be washed up overseas. There are certainly places in the world where hating Jews gets you a lot of credit. (The North American market is not the only way to make money on a film, and the global box office is an increasing concern for filmmakers.)
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