Members' Covid-19 Post-Vaccination Questions & Answers *NO GENERAL DISCUSSION*

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My husband and I are in our late 60s, and he still works outside the home a few days a week. We got the first dose (Moderna) on February 3 and the second March 3.

With the first dose, DH did not have a sore arm but I did. This is opposite of what usually happens when we get vaccines.

For the second dose, DH took the next day off work, just in case.
He had a minimally sore arm, mine is still sore, swollen, red, and a bit itchy. DH had no side effects except for feeling a bit tired.
On the other hand, that first night I kept waking up. DH said the same, except he realized it was because of sore arm and got up and slept in a recliner. I didn't realize that, so just kept trying to go back to sleep, duh.
The day after, I had muscle and joint aches, great difficulty walking down the stairs. Very tired. Every time I sat down, I fell asleep. Chills for a few hours, but no fever. The worst for me was a pounding headache when I stood up. It subsided in a minute however. I don't understand the connection to standing up though. I was so happy to go to bed that night, at 8:30pm!
The next day I still felt tired, with just a fleeting headache here and there, but all other symptoms gone.
Today back to normal. It was like having the flu, but condensed in time instead of drawn out.
I'm puzzled as to why I had side effects and DH didn't.
Two weeks ago today I received my second Pfizer vaccine. I struggled with side effects from the first, but the second was A LOT worse. Fever, fatigue, aches, nausea, vomiting, sore throat. I vomited for four days. I still don’t regret getting it, but I urge people to be aware that the side effects can feel awful. Make sure you can take time to rest and have Tylenol/ibuprofen on hand just in case.

Your side effects sound terrible! I had a sore arm after both shots, and after my second Pfizer shot I had a headache, and mild headache and fatigue the next day, but all effects (except the sore arm) were gone in about 30 hours.
I had my second dose of Moderna Thursday, March 4. (First dose was January 21. I had COVID when I got the first dose and didn't know it, so they pushed my 2nd dose back as far as they could). I woke up at 12:30 am with an awful headache, body aches, freezing and laying in a pool of sweat. I took ibuprofen at that time. I was up off and on until 4:30 am when the symptoms were finally gone. Got up at 6 am and went to work, no other symptoms since.
Glad I got it.
I am in Fort Worth. I registered myself and four teenagers (three of whom are currently old enough) on my county's website about a month ago. My 19yo daughter's pediatrician called us last Monday (daughter has asthma) and said we were eligible to register for a shot the next day for her. We immediately made an appointment at the children's hospital for her for the following day. She is anaphylactic to several foods so we were glad to go to the hospital. The hospital had drive-thru shots set up in a parking lot. Then we went to an adjacent parking lot for our waiting period. There was a nurse walking around that lot. I was surprised we only had to wait 15 minutes given her history, but I think they are only requiring 30 for specific anaphylactic problems that do not include hers. She received Pfizer, had only arm soreness the next day, and has her followup scheduled in a couple of weeks.

While I was talking to the pediatrician, I received a mass text that I was eligible to go to a county site the next day. I immediately confirmed. I was given a two-hour window. I arrived 40 minutes early and had about 37 people in front on me. We stood outside with chairs available, six feet apart. It was cold and windy and I was underdressed because I made the mistaken assumption I'd be sitting in my car. People were chatty in line, it felt kind of celebratory. Someone was taking temperatures of people in line, someone else was checking consent forms, and checking people in on an iPad. A few minutes before the time window opened we were allowed inside and the line moved very fast. There was a huge gymnasium (I was at some kind of county complex I've never been to in the 14 years I've lived here). It felt like airport security. The first table took photocopies of driver's license and insurance and then you moved to the next line waiting for a shot. There were probably five copy machines and then maybe 20 vaccination stations. I went up to a table, sat down, pulled up my sleeve, got my shot which I didn't even feel and was given a card with the date and lot number and a little sticky note with a time 15 minutes out. I was then directed to a bunch of chair six feet apart with a nurse walking around. When my 15 minutes were up I left the sticky note on the chair so it could be wiped down and I left. I am still waiting for the county to tell me when and where to get my second shot. Since it is Moderna I'm not due until Feb. 16.

I am so impressed with what I have seen in my county.

My second dose of Moderna was four weeks later. Eleven hours after the shot I started getting aches and chills. I had them all night, as well as a headache. I felt very rough the whole next day. Everything was resolved by the end of the second day.
My 30 year old son developed tachycardia after his 2d dose and its a week later, still going on. He will finally see a cardiologist on Friday. Went to the ER and they just sent him home with that recommendation. He is a bit short of breath but the Xray didn't show anything in his lungs. Scared for him, he's a healthy guy, in decent shape. Thus far no one has any answers.
My husband and I received our 2nd Moderna vaccine 3 days ago. Neither of us had and side effects. We can’t wait to see our siblings. Our siblings have been vaccinated too. Although we talk frequently to our siblings, we’ve stayed away for all our protection.
I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. I have some soreness at the injection site that started late last night (at 12 hours post injection) and a bit of a headache this morning. Will get second dose in four weeks. The hospital where I had it done schedules the Pfizer at four weeks even though literature given says three weeks. I figure they know what they are doing as they are a world renown children’s hospital.
I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. I have some soreness at the injection site that started late last night (at 12 hours post injection) and a bit of a headache this morning. Will get second dose in four weeks. The hospital where I had it done schedules the Pfizer at four weeks even though literature given says three weeks. I figure they know what they are doing as they are a world renown children’s hospital.
South Jersey here: DH goes for his second Pfizer shot today (after a 3-week interval). He did have a reaction to the first one, with fatigue and body aches. He had the virus last April and told me he felt like he was getting it again. These side-effects lasted less than 12 hours and then poof- gone. We'll see how the second one affects him.

Also I was so relieved to hear from my son and daughter-in-law, and their first shots are scheduled for mid and late April, in NY (Long Island). Guessing NY opened up to their age level.
Post 46 hrs Pfizer here update: Nothing, nada side effects. So I pushed just now on the injection site.... hmm, that's not it?...little to left push... tiny pain - I found the site!

At post 24 hours was: Only response is slight pain at injection site.

I await my text from to give today's update to them that I signed up for on-line.

@Suglo, my paperwork states that both Moderna and Pfizer can be given up to 6 weeks after - Dr. Campbell approves as potentially even better responses by science submissions :D Mine was scheduled at the mass site for 4 weeks and 1 day.
South Jersey here: DH goes for his second Pfizer shot today (after a 3-week interval). He did have a reaction to the first one, with fatigue and body aches. He had the virus last April and told me he felt like he was getting it again. These side-effects lasted less than 12 hours and then poof- gone. We'll see how the second one affects him.

Also I was so relieved to hear from my son and daughter-in-law, and their first shots are scheduled for mid and late April, in NY (Long Island). Guessing NY opened up to their age level.

Post 46 hrs Pfizer here update: Nothing, nada side effects. So I pushed just now on the injection site.... hmm, that's not it?...little to left push... tiny pain - I found the site!

At post 24 hours was: Only response is slight pain at injection site.

I await my text from to give today's update to them that I signed up for on-line.

@Suglo, my paperwork states that both Moderna and Pfizer can be given up to 6 weeks after - Dr. Campbell approves as potentially even better responses by science submissions :D Mine was scheduled at the mass site for 4 weeks and 1 day.

Good to hear that everyone seems to be getting by without too many side effects. I’ve been tired and grumpy all day due to the headache that won’t go away. Tomorrow is a new day and I hope to feel better. I also signed up for the vsafe thing but haven’t been prompted to enter info today. Wait, a text just came in as I was writing this. Off to tell them I’m grumpy :D
12 minutes on hold to book an appointment. Received 2 email confirmations and a reminder 24 hours before my Friday scheduled appointment.

Had my first shot of Moderna yesterday.

Arrived 10 minute early. Busy, but no overly so. There was a questionnaire to be filled out which I had not been told about beforehand, and as I didn't have my reading glasses, an assistant filled it in for me. Routine questions (allergies? immune disorder? etc).

Another very nice lady administered the vaccine, but in advising me about the follow-up shot, specifically said in February. I stopped her there and said "it's supposed to be 4 months at the latest", to which she then said "January". We of course finally settled on August :rolleyes:

She gave me a card with the Moderna name and Lot # and date (card to be brought to follow-up appointment).

I went to the post-vaccination area for 15 mins and that was it. Total time including post vaccine was about 25 minutes.

Last night my arm started to hurt a bit. Nothing earth-shattering but I took 1 extra strength Tylenol. Still a bit sore today but nothing to write home about. Other than that, I feel totally fine.
Hubs and I received the second dose of Moderna vac yesterday. We were told we might experience flu like symptoms, and possibly a sore arm. I can report that we each have had no adverse effects, barely a sore arm if that! Relieved to finally have it, that's for sure!
My family is pretty much done, at last, (except for the little ones, of course). My son and DIL had first Pfizer on Easter Sunday and will get second April 25th. Daughter had J&J this past Wednesday, one and done. SIL already vaccinated in March. We were able to be together Saturday (4/10) with other set of grandparents as well, to celebrate grandson's 4th birthday. It was sheer delight and his joy was so worth it.
I got my first dose of Pfizer vaccine on Monday. I live in Oregon and qualified since I work with kids. I ended up having a pretty bad immune response to the vaccine. I do not regret getting it as I believe it’s our best defense, but had I known I would get sick, I would have planned accordingly and not done it at the beginning of the work week and on a lunch break.

I’ve been achy, fatigued, with sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and nausea all week. My second dose is scheduled for Saturday Feb 20th and I’m prepared in the event I need to take a few days off.

I wish I had talked to more people before getting the vaccine as I’m now learning more and more people are experiencing this. Again, I do not regret getting it in the slightest, I just wish I would have been more prepared. Rest, Tylenol, and ibuprofen have been getting me through.

If you can recall (!), how soon after shot 1 did you have side effects?

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