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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I know when my kids were young, the night before Christmas, everyone slept lightly or not at all. So, no one would have been able to break in, grab JBR out of her bed, and take her downstairs for a pedophile tie up fantasy without someone being awake.

One thing I would have like to have known, was the kilowatts spent that particular time, as compared to other nights. We would be able to pinpoint if all of the lights were on in the house that night, because an intruder would definitely not have turned on all of the lights.
It is JMO to say this,

Studying the temperatures on the day of the Murder, it was NOT cold enough for the snow to cover footprints into the house. Studying the handwriting, Patricia’s handwriting looked MUCH similar to the random note handwriting. What’s more interesting is that JonBenet’s house appeared to be hard to break in; no broken windows or open doors. How would someone close the door? It’s logically not possible. IMO, Patricia Ramsey helped in the murder or hired someone to.
I believe that the brother, by his own admission, crept out of his room to go downstairs after he thought everyone was asleep, flashlight in hand, at about the same time that the coroner opined the blow occurred.

I believe the flashlight was the weapon that crushed JBR's skull.

I believe that PR wrote the note.

I believe that BR was awake when the call was made, but was told to stay in his room and pretend to be asleep.

I believe that the GJ handed down 2 indictments for each parent, charging them with knowing of a condition in the home that posed a very real danger to JBR and allowed it to continue and that they knew who killed JBR and helped that person avoid detection.
I believe that the brother, by his own admission, crept out of his room to go downstairs after he thought everyone was asleep, flashlight in hand, at about the same time that the coroner opined the blow occurred.

I believe the flashlight was the weapon that crushed JBR's skull.

I believe that PR wrote the note.

I believe that BR was awake when the call was made, but was told to stay in his room and pretend to be asleep.

I believe that the GJ handed down 2 indictments for each parent, charging them with knowing of a condition in the home that posed a very real danger to JBR and allowed it to continue and that they knew who killed JBR and helped that person avoid detection.

JMO, but I don’t think Burke did it. Burke had no motive at at the time, I remember them looking at their new toys. Studying the Asphyxia to kill her, it had hair that was NOT JonBenet’s. I compared that hair, and it matched Patsy’s hair, perfectly.
I believe that the brother, by his own admission, crept out of his room to go downstairs after he thought everyone was asleep, flashlight in hand, at about the same time that the coroner opined the blow occurred.

The Dr. Phil quote was "I remember being downstairs after everyone else was kinda in bed."

The flashlight was placed in John's hand by Dr. Phil.
That DNA on Jonbenet’s clothes had to be touch DNA, right?
I just began a reread of PMPT. The first pages sent chills through me on my second take. Maybe it didn't hit me so hard when I read it the first time because I've had time to assimilate things better.
The sketchy alibi left him potentially on the prowl.
He's the thorn on the rose he describes and he's describing the circle of life blowing like leaves in the wind, down to his obvious fixation with physique I only after reading found had been discussed...
Pretty far in his education but doing manual labor for some rich cat dude? Guy hated JR for his success, resented his lot? Loved to watch jb cavort in her play in the yard? He's even admitted to being in the basement.
Has dna been tested on him?
Btw-All the talk about cobwebs? My experience is they're sometimes kind of sticky and you have to brush and brush to clear them away. Somebody sure could have gone through the windoe, and wasn't it the job of a certain person to keep vegetation cleared off grates so the were workable?
This guy reeks. And he's all over the place publicly laughing at his cleverness in deceiving all.
He doesn't fool me.
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This is the first time I have joined a forum and I would like to post my theory but am not sure how much I am allowed to say. It seems it is OK for people to say Patsy or John or Burke did it but as I am one of the minority group who thinks that an intruder did it and was known to the family, even if I give them a pseudonym it will be pretty obvious who I am referring to. Would that be OK?

I used to be on the fence so to speak when it came to what really happened in the Ramsey house that night. The case has driven me crazy, I have read as much as I can find about the Ramsey family and the evidence, both physical and circumstantial, and there is only one sequence of events that makes sense to me. I believe that Burke accidentally killed his sister, and then his parents covered it up. Due to the fact that Burke was only nine when the crime was committed, he couldn't legally be responsible for his actions, but his parents wanted to protect both their son and themselves from public embarrassment. This was a very wealthy family, and as it turned out, their money stopped them being indited after a grand jury trial. Not long after the trial, a member of the boulder police department quit his job and produced documentation proving that the jury had voted to indite the Ramseys, and that the district attorney was the one who claimed there was not enough evidence to proceed. The DA also referred to the case as a "Political situation". There are many details that have lead to my theory, but one of the most compelling was the untouched spider web in the corner of the window the intruder allegedly entered and exited through, and the leaf litter at the entrance to the window. The window was relatively small, and to get in and out, it would be impossible to not disturb the leaves, webs, etc. You would expect to find some leaf litter inside the basement as it would have come in on the 'intruders' shoes and clothing. Then there of course is the issue of the ransom letter. There is no explanation as to why a kidnapper/murderer would go to the house empty handed. I have never heard of a ransom note being three pages long and coming from stationary inside the home where the kidnapping was to take place. The same can be said for the garret, which was made using one of Patsy's paintbrushes. Why leave so much to chance? It doesn't make sense. As for the unidentified DNA found in the underwear, trace DNA can come from so many different places. On one of the many documentaries about this crime, a forensic pathologist tested a brand new pair of underwear that had not been opened. He found DNA belonging to multiple contributors. There was no seminal fluid and real damage done. To this particular forensic scientist it seemed staged to look like a sexually motivated crime.
The stun gun theory was also tested and firstly, they do not leave marks that are in any way similar to those on the body. However, a piece of Burke's train track fits perfectly. Perhaps after he had hit her in the head with the flashlight, and when she didn't get back up, he picked up the closest thing at hand and poked her with it, seeing if she would move. The interviews with Burke are interesting too. He is calm and doesn't seem bothered at all that his sister had just been murdered. You can hear on the 911 tape that Burke was definitely awake, so why tell police he was asleep? I could go on but I'm running out of space. The point is, a little girl lost her life and was never given the justice she deserved.
Due to the fact that Burke was only nine when the crime was committed, he couldn't legally be responsible for his actions, but his parents wanted to protect both their son and themselves from public embarrassment.

Or maybe the parents wanted to avoid accountability for their own involvement in murder and prior sexual abuse.
Hi everyone.
I have been reading this forum for 4 years but never posted. I was thinking about all possibilities ( except intruder of course), but its always something in the end that makes no sense to me ...
Came to conclusion it could be only Burke or Patsy, not John... So I think that killing of JB ( most likely by accident) and her prior sexual abuse are two different things. First scenario - JB was killed by Burke accidentally. Parents knew that JB molestation by Burke ( i think they were well aware of it) will come out during investigation - hence cover up and all nine yards. Ramseys do not want to lose all reputation , business and cetera. Question though stays unanswered in this case - how come they continued to treat Burke with love and care after what he did and been doing to their daughter?? And family photos after JB show loving relationship between them...
Second scenario - Patsy got upset and killed JB by accident, they cover that up because they did not want her molestation by her brother came out during investigation... Here comes another question - I doubt that Patsy - cancer survivor - would get enraged because of something that JB could have done ( bed wetting or soiling her pants) ...
And I doubt that killing was done by John...I feel that Patsy would never cover up for him... Though if she caught John molesting JB and killed her in rage, there is always a chance that she chose to help him cover everything up instead of going to jail for killing...
The more I write the more confusing it gets in my head so forgive me...

One thing certain is that cover up was a combined effort so both John and Patsy are involved at least in that.
This is my first JBR post. My heart still hurts over this little life gone too soon. We all know the Ramsey's were planning an early trip out to go visit more family. I have followed along since the beginning and I cannot get past the murder being sexually motivated by JR and PR knowing. I do think a fight occurred between BR and JBR and she was injured with the flashlight in the kitchen. JR removes her to the basement and sets the scence including the sexual attack and subsequent staging. I think JR was the abuser. PR the enabler and coverup. BR hit JBR with the flashlight starting a cascade of uncontrolled events. RN was written by PR with JR.
This is my first JBR post. My heart still hurts over this little life gone too soon. We all know the Ramsey's were planning an early trip out to go visit more family. I have followed along since the beginning and I cannot get past the murder being sexually motivated by JR and PR knowing. I do think a fight occurred between BR and JBR and she was injured with the flashlight in the kitchen. JR removes her to the basement and sets the scence including the sexual attack and subsequent staging. I think JR was the abuser. PR the enabler and coverup. BR hit JBR with the flashlight starting a cascade of uncontrolled events. RN was written by PR with JR.
I agree with this line of thinking. I wish I didn't, because I wanted Burke to be innocent... :( They all had something to hide, that's for sure.
I agree with this line of thinking. I wish I didn't, because I wanted Burke to be innocent... :( They all had something to hide, that's for sure.
I have been going back through this case. It looks like there was a 911 call on the 24th with an actual police response and a hang up 911 call on the 26th and the completed 911 call on the 26th. These types of foreshadowings always tell everything. To cap it off 18 pediatric visits in the month of December for JBR.
They had to come up with a plan to pin the prior sexual abuse on someone else. If they called 911 after the ‘accident,’ there would be no way to do that, no ‘patsy,’ if you will. They thought they could mask the prior abuse with an acute vaginal injury and that the existence of a ransom note that confirmed a kidnapping would divert attention away from them.
I think this was a sexual assault that became too aggressive or progressive this incident as detailed and then staged to be the kidnapping. I had always thought it was the head injury then staged assault. The family was completely stressed beyond belief. Death of a adult child, ovarian cancer, traveling spouse, perfection, etc. The outward dressing was a mess.
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It is JMO to say this,

Studying the temperatures on the day of the Murder, it was NOT cold enough for the snow to cover footprints into the house. Studying the handwriting, Patricia’s handwriting looked MUCH similar to the random note handwriting. What’s more interesting is that JonBenet’s house appeared to be hard to break in; no broken windows or open doors. How would someone close the door? It’s logically not possible. IMO, Patricia Ramsey helped in the murder or hired someone to.
There were so many similar phases to PR that could not be discounted.
I have been going back through this case. It looks like there was a 911 call on the 24th with an actual police response and a hang up 911 call on the 26th and the completed 911 call on the 26th. These types of foreshadowings always tell everything. To cap it off 18 pediatric visits in the month of December for JBR.
This is super interesting. I don't think I'd previously heard about the previous 911 calls before the actual completed one on the 26th. That says a lot.
This is super interesting. I don't think I'd previously heard about the previous 911 calls before the actual completed one on the 26th. That says a lot.
The first call was actually the 23rd with a hangup and a physical police response. The police was not allowed to enter. No report was written. No recording was released of the 23rd or 26th recordings except the PR call.
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