Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #10

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If Meredith and Rudy were buddies, then I think all claims that Amanda and Rudy were not buddies has to stop. How should we have it ... Amanda and Rudy were buddies, or not?

This is faulty logic, based on a false premise that reaches a false conclusion and then asked the debate oponent to then defend against the false conclusion. kind of like the motivation statement.
I let the repairman use the bathroom while I go back into the bedroom. It is called "Trust in the Hobbesian Social Contract" :razz::razz::razz:

We don't know where she went while he was in her bathroom. There is no need for disarry in the hallway if she was in the livingroom waiting, and he came out and chased her back there.
So Meredith, alone in the cottage, would open the door at night, after dark, to anyone who was knocking at the door? I highly doubt it.

No, for RG, who she'd known as her Bf's friend and who she'd probably spoken to the previous night at the party. Unless someone was babysitting those two every second of the night at the party, they do not know if MK and RG encountered each other, even if briefly at the bar, on the way to the bathroom, whatever that night. I've been out with my friends to clubs and while we are in a group, we do not each watch each other 24/7 like a video camera. There could have been club goers who were never questioned that saw the two of them at least briefly speak at that club. I've had friends return to my table from the bar and say they just met some cute guy or some guy at the bar asked about me, because he saw my friend leave our table to go to the bar. People watch people in clubs.
I don't see evidence that the pair didn't get along. they attended events together, clubs together, sunbathed together. And even if they did not, It's hard to believe that "not getting along" would make AK absolutely cold to her roommates murder. But AK can't lock the door without the keys. RG had MK's keys. So I don't think she altered the crime scene.

How do we know who actually had MK's keys? Were they ever recovered?
There is no 'staged breakin'. ILE did not even take the time to look for glass below. No photos were taken, ILE did not look for DNA on the wall, ILE did not look in the grass for glass or anything that could of been far none have been able to explain to my satisfaction why this was not done.

The only conclusion I can then come to is that they really were not looking

I think your brought up that soil was found in the footprints inside the house. Anyone went out there and got the rock to throw from inside OR if anyone threw the rock from outside to come in, the presence of the soil on the floor that got into the footprint makes sense on both sides.
Xanax is anti-anxiety meds. As far as I can tell, it is not going to erase someone's memory.

I didn't say that it would. I asked if it could make someone sleep deeply.
IMO the court would never charge someone for running into their room to check to see if anything was stolen or damaged. Especially if the police were right there too.

Her 'moving things around' doesn't factor into a burglary of one's OWN STUFF.

This was what I think jjenny was saying. If AK let RG in or was in any way involved in what happened... she is just as guilty as the one (if not her) that struck the fatal blows.

okay, please read my post because I said the defense should have charged her with that, not the court. The defense. They should have raised it as an argument, in other words. discredit the witness, discredit her abundantly weighted testimony. As the the rest of what you said, your opinion.
Nobody knew it was a murder scene yet tho. The police were right there with her and witnessed the glass on top of the clothing just like she did. There really is no controversy regarding this and is not being considered under appeal.

these were not the proper police to investigate a breakin. Postal Police don't do that, do they? If so, let me know. Otherwise, they should have told her not to touch it until investigators got there. Since AK and RS said it was a break in up to that point, and were thus referred to a different type of police, then I guess that means the PP does NOT handle it, but correct me if i'm wrong.
Isn't that interesting. That's looks like a Freudian slip ... Amanda explaining how Rudy got into the house without mentioning the broken window.

I'd need that whole conversation before i could even determine why they were discussing that before leaping to a conclusion as you did.
How do we know who actually had MK's keys? Were they ever recovered?

They were missing just like the phones. Even if I go over to the "guilty" side, I would hold the same theory that RG took the phones and keys.
Tada! There you have it: He fancied AK in real life. In his lie to cops about why his dna was in a deceased MK, he said they had made a date, which I will remind you, was in all likelihood a LIE.
So that's the problem with that logic :giggle:
Everybody clear now? :innocent:

Too funny :)

That is kinda what I have thought to :giggle:
I think your brought up that soil was found in the footprints inside the house. Anyone went out there and got the rock to throw from inside OR if anyone threw the rock from outside to come in, the presence of the soil on the floor that got into the footprint makes sense on both sides.

True. Except we really dont know what reacted with the luminol since there are about 240 things IIRC.

Otto keeps bringing up in the Motivational Report where the Court's reasoning mentions a haematic substance thus I mentioned one thing that could mimic blood and react with luminol. The real problem is that they cannot confirm with any degree of certainty whether it was haematic in nature or not as there is simply to many things that react with luminol thus the need for another test to confirm for blood like TMB.

It is though very possible that the soil around the cottage could of had iron in it but again anyone could of brought that in on their shoes from ILE to the flatmates etc
Isn't that interesting. That's looks like a Freudian slip ... Amanda explaining how Rudy got into the house without mentioning the broken window.

Sounds more like us. Trying to figure out what happened. Does not make us murderers though
So your opinion is he was just out walking around near the cottage when it 'hit' him?

Not trying to speak for Nova, but I do know from a bout with a parasite that is pretty much what happens. I also know of people that suffer from a couple of diseases in which this very thing happens. They dont find it amusing at all
I have two daughters who graduated high school in Switzerland. Trust me ... they are street smart about living in Europe and don't open the door to someone banging on the door when they were alone. In fact, their level of maturity, after schooling is Europe, compared to NA students their age, was very obvious.

I can only shake my head in utter disappointment at this statement
OMG---black and white thinking, jeez. They were not buddies, they were acquaintances. MK + RG+ AK all acquainted on a surface, casual level. :(

there's a big difference between opening the door for someone and plotting a murder/sex crime,don't you think?
I don't doubt that either one of those acquaintances of RG would have opened the door for him (AK or MK) I just don't think neither one of them would plot a murder orgy with him....
Maybe. Personally, I use xanex and have experience some short-term memory loss because of it. However, I forget things like the names of minor movie stars, not murders.
...but I doubt you use bars to get high along with weed and alcohol.I've seen some kids that can't remember a black outs.
Thank you. As a matter of fact, I am male and gay. I'm not sure what that means here (and I am no fan of Andrew Sullivan--though I agree he is very bright), but I recognize your words as kind. And I appreciate the thought. (ETA my being gay is no secret. It's been discussed here in many contexts over the years, so please don't worry that you have "outed" me.)
Oh, I was in fact half-jesting, but I do love gay men (and there is really nothing to "out", as why should they be "in"???:waitasec:) & they in fact have proven to be some of the most super- brilliant, so my intuition proved correct , & I really am in admiration of you!!!:seeya: forgive the Sullivan remark, altho i am a big fan....:innocent:
Thats not correct about AK and RG. RG 'fancied' AK and told the boys downstairs so. It is also likely AK knew about this infatuation. IMO RG's 'stories' about meeting Meredith are just that... stories to put himself in the best possible light since he knew there was evidence of himself at the cottage. According to all the witnesses presented, Meredith did not meet or talk to RG on Halloween.

There would have been no reason for RG to innocently want to use the bathroom at the cottage with almost everything within 5-10 minutes walking distance. If he did so, he would have had to already have a plan of assaulting Meredith. Plus IMO, what is the probability of Meredith opening the door for a virtual stranger to use the bathroom, then having some kind of relations with them AFTER using they take a dump in the bathroom? What a instant turn off. If that was the 'plan'... it was a crappy one. Pardon the pun.
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