Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #15

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The universities may be excellent. The justice system and forensics department of ILE date back to Dante.

Easier said than done in the face of a tag-team interrogation.

Nova, you are understating again. there were a dozen people, literally, interrogating them. I know you know that, but the situation was all 12 in a room with just one of them at times.
Jovana Popovic knocked on Sollecito's door @ 8:40
Sollecito's father called at 8:42:56 (lasting 3 1/2 mins)

Meredith called mother 8:56

Yes, and most importantly, by RG's OWN admission, he was at the house already at 8:38pm. HE is the one who places MK at the house ALSO at the time of that 8:54pm interrupted phone call.

How in the world would HE know what time MK got home if RS and AK were NOT with him and he was supposed to have arrived with them later?

8:42pm on the phone with his father 8:54pm, MK is attempting to call her parents, some 10 to 12 minutes, walking distance, away. Are we to believe that RS and AK jumped in his car while on the phone with his father to go let RG in the house and returned in time to click on his 9:10pm computer file?

Are we to believe AK ran all the way down there herself to let RG in?

She was talking to RS's friend at 840pm, and I'm GUESSING AK couldn't drive in italy. That's why she was walking and it was never said that she drove RS's car anywhere. So she'd have to talk to RS's friend, leave RIGHT after talking to the friend for however long to get down to the house before MK makes that call.

I say this BECAUSE RG was down there BY HIMSELF and from is SKYPE call, he knew EXACTLY what time MK got home and it Coincided with what MK's friend said about them parting ways.

So now, are we to believe RG saw MK go home, ran up to RS's house, whom he DOES NOT KNOW and NEVER MET, to tell AK and RS, come on, let's go down there and get MK?

We know RG did not call either AK or RS, so how else would it have happened given these established time frames?

Maybe we're to believe RG saw MK, waved at her by the gate, and she went on in the house. RG just kept standing by the gate until AK and RS eventually happened along after 926pm sometime?

I just want a guilty version of how this works, knowing these timeframes, which are facts in the case.

And if RG says he knew she was there from reading it in the paper, then why wasn't his story "I met her at 9pm." or "I got there at 930pm?"

RG is very percise with at least what time he got there and what time she got there.
And I don't understand why RG would lie and tell a story that doesn't implicate directly AK and RS. I just don't. He's a liar and been a liar all his life according to his family.

So why at the most important time of his life, didn't he say he was with them and they did it?

I'll tell you. He did NOT know if those two had an alibi already or not. If they had an iron-clad alibi, his story would fall apart. If at the time of the skype call, he'd known they had no alibi, then he would have probably placed himself with them. It also probably does not occur to him to place himself with them because he is not friends with them, he does not know them, and he was not with them, and it didn't even happen with the three of them. RG himself can't see a three person homocide. So what does that say for the prosecution?
Geez, Look at these pics of MK's room.

on the left side, Nov 2. on the right side December 18th, I think it said the day the crucial bra clasp was found in a pile of rubbish. I can't believe how these people wrecked the crime scene like this.

I'm reviewing, as much as can be possible with the infinite internet, how the news was reported since day one. I'm hoping to glean what RG might have known by the time of the skype call. So far, I found that there were early reports--whether true or not--of blood on the window sill.

The team Mobil di Perugia-directed by Marco Chiacchera-forensic and police have started investigations. It seems that traces of blood were found on the broken window and a handkerchief next to a railing that delimits the road above, as well as in the victim's room. No sign of tampering evident was identified on the front door. In the evening, however, come from Rome a team Experienced in Ert, relief tracks, police to deepen the investigation still ongoing.
Well, the TOD was found to be around 9:30 because of the examination of stomach contents and digestion. It is what it is.

I've posted before that stomach contents are not a reliable source of information regarding time of death, but I supposed this needs a proper citation, so here it is:

"The inspection of the contents of the stomach must be part of every postmortem examination if possible because it may provide qualitative information concerning the nature of the last meal and the presence of abnormal constituents. Using it as a guide to the time of death, however, is theoretically unsound and presents many practical difficulties, although it may have limited applicability in some exceptional instances. Generally, using stomach contents as a guide to time of death involves an unacceptable degree of imprecision and is thus liable to mislead the investigator and the court. Characteristic cell types from food plants can be used to identify a victim's last meal; knowledge about which can be useful in determining the victim's whereabouts or actions prior to death "

Forensic toxicology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Paper:

Journal of Forensic Sciences (1997)
Volume: 42, Issue: 3, Publisher: ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND, Pages: 364-367
ISSN: 00221198

Abstract and Addition Info:

Therefore, we cannot conclude that the time of death was at 9:30.
Is this where RG gets it from that he was trying to write out what MK was saying?

Reports said bloodstained pieces of paper were found near her body but her computer and other items were untouched and police have apparently ruled out theft as a motive.

I know he says that in the diary, but we didn't get all his skype call to know if he said it there, as well.
as I move forward in looking at these articles, they said that at first, a man had to have inflicted the wound using a flick knife or a pen knife. These are switch blades or pocket knives. Nothing at all as big and elaborate as the 12 inch, 4 inch handle kitchen knife, but rather something that can be used in spur of the moment murder.

Of course that makes more sense, and we further know that MK's wounds are inconsistent with the kitchen knife except for one wound that it "might" match up with if not pushed in all the way, but all other wounds, including the one in question could have been made by the same knife.

I know we all know this, just reviewing.

One of the knives found is known to be a three-inch flick knife found in the possession of computer studies student Raffaele Sollecito and is being described by police as "compatible with the wound" that killed 21-year-old Miss Kercher.
Read more:

strange how we go from 3 inch to 12 inch blades....
OK, if true, then why was Rudy's DNA found inside Ms. Kercher's body? Does anyone really believe that MK, newly in love with her boyfriend downstairs, had sex with Guede of her own volition?....

No. I dare say that is the one thing on which we all agree.
I've NEVER read this before. Since I haven't heard much about it, I guess it's untrue.

Today, police say they have identified a fourth suspect in the case after forensic experts identified a fingerprint in blood in the house which did not match any of the three current suspects.
The police now think they can identify him using CCTV footage from three car park cameras as he walked quickly away from the house where Meredith was brutally killed, according to the Telegraph. He has not yet been named.
He is believed to be a a 'musician' from North Africa who had been spotted by witnessess acting 'strangely' and had bundled a large quantity of clothes and shoes into a washing machine the day after Meredith's murder.

Read more:

I wonder if RG debunked this in the skype call--the parts they didnt release.
What happened to the blood on the window? That's news to me.

I don't know, but I'd heard this before, it seems. We'd have to go look at the window photos to see what it is they are talking about. I don't know why they suddenly dropped it. I have to go through the MOT report to make sure it's not in there, but if it's not in there, could be because the judge just didn't believe it.
I don't know, but I'd heard this before, it seems. We'd have to go look at the window photos to see what it is they are talking about. I don't know why they suddenly dropped it. I have to go through the MOT report to make sure it's not in there, but if it's not in there, could be because the judge just didn't believe it.

I honestly don't know which are just false media reports. The investigation was so devoted to proving AK and RS guilty, I don't know what all ILE ignored because it didn't prove that theory.
I honestly don't know which are just false media reports. The investigation was so devoted to proving AK and RS guilty, I don't know what all ILE ignored because it didn't prove that theory.

Right. that's why I gotta get on looking at those window pictures again. I saw some other crazy stuff like a paper said that RS "claimed" MK was have sex with a boy downstairs. They wrote it sarcastically, like he was lying. Same paper, a week later, had the nerve to angelically report, "Oh, guess what? apparently MK was dating a boy downstairs."

It's funny to read these thing from over 3 years ago now that we know more about what's true and what's not.

oh and one talking about some "papers" bloody ones around MK. Then those tissues, which, I think are very strange to be that near the house but have nothing to do with the murder. Maybe new tests should be done on those, because RG said he bled. I can't put it past the DNA investigator to have hidden it or gotten it wrong, given what else she's bungled and lied about.
I'm reviewing, as much as can be possible with the infinite internet, how the news was reported since day one. I'm hoping to glean what RG might have known by the time of the skype call. So far, I found that there were early reports--whether true or not--of blood on the window sill.

Could you please provide a little more information, such as which sentence in that Italian language article relates to blood on the window.

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