Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #15

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Thank you for these pictures, wm. I hadn't seen them before. The receipt appears to be for the movie theatre in Perugia. I looked up the website from it:

Again, more evidence that RG was last in the room. The receipt and list thrown on the comforter most likely came from her purse, which has RG's DNA on the zipper. He covered her with the duvet, then rifled through her purse, grabbing the keys, cash, and cards, dumping what wasn't of value - the receipt/list. I find this rather significant, others may not, JMO.

thanks. Well, I was wrong about the bank, but right about the empty purse. I don't know if you're a woman, but if you are, don't you find it odd that it's completely empty?
You know, if you wanted to come up with scenarios where Raffaelle's DNA could end up on the bra clasp that doesn't involve contamination or planting of evidence, then you could say that when Meredith brought her laundry out on the morning of November 1st (and Raff and Amanda were eating breakfast), that Raffaelle could have touched the laundry basket and the bra clasp then. i.e. he picked up the basket off the table and moved it to the floor while they were talking. Or he sneezed or spoke to her in the presence of the laundry and the droplets from talking got onto the bra clasp.

I do have to say though that the knife issue is the one of the things that bothers me most with the prosecution. If I had a presumption of guilt, I would assume that the knife came from Amanda's suitcase (she said she had bought cutlery and left it in her suitcase). That suitcase was stolen from the flat. Suspicious!

If she was going to use a knife to kill someone it would be that knife, or a knife from their drawer. Raffaelle would have used one of his pocket knives. They certainly wouldn't have used a kitchen knife from Sollecito's flat. Since they certainly wouldn't have used it, then that means contaminated evidence introduced to prove guilt. Which substantially undermines all evidence they presented.

This is just the issue of having to twist myself into a pretzel to figure out the murder scenario with that knife. That's a really weird scenario. But hey, I thought the sink and the bathmat were weird scenarios too.
Frankly, I think if AK had any reason to believe RS was involved in the murder, she would have said so by now. It isn't that hard for a female to lay the blame for a sex crime on the men involved. Why would AK continue to cover for them?

The only reason I can think she'd stay quiet is because the last time she raised suspicion about someone, she got locked up herself. She could fear opening her mouth would make it worse for her. Again, I don't believe she had anything to open her mouth about, but if she did, this would be the conclusion I'd come to.
(I'm not sure how to explain this) .. usually, after a shower, I dry off right then ... if for some reason I don't have a clean towel handy - rather then running through the house slipping or leaving step puddles everywhere, I'll grab a towel from the dirty clothes, throw it on the floor, step on (usually) with both feet and sort of scoot along until I make my way to the clean towels.

same thing if say after I mop the floor.. if water is standing and I don't feel like mopping all over again, I'll grab a dirty towel, throw it down and use one foot to wipe and the other to walk around.. or using both feet, scooting around until the floor is dry.

writing this, it does sound incredibly dumb - it must not be too uncommon... grocery stores (here locally) just started selling something called towel socks, or mops socks for this very purpose.

I'm not sure if this is exactly what Amanda is talking about, it's the impression I've always had.

you friggin closet scooters! Why have y'all not revealed this before?

Nova, you, and allusonz! Y'al were holding out on me.

AK said she did it because she didn't want to bust her butt on the floor, so....

I still don't get why you can't stand still on the bathmat and completely dry yourself off. If you have no towel, why can't you keep wiping your feet on the rug and then go get the towel?

Completely, obviously RG's foot. Don't know why we debate it. I just wish they'd done one showing how off base it is to put RS's foot up for comparison.
Could you link where BN wrote his sentence was a result of a 'plea-deal'?

Could you list your 'extenuating circumstances' then where it applies to RG's sentence... instead of because he chose the fast track version?
I never said BN wrote about a 'plea-deal' - she wrote about a deal
The 'extenuating circumstances'... I don't know very many. I'm pretty sure young age, broken family, apology letter... mother leaving at young age were included.
And again,You are 'saying' you think it was reduced because of extenuating circumstances/plea-deal just as you think BN states it as fact (which I have not seen).

Your only sourses so far (even hinting at this) are mentioning BN writing it and quoting Frank's blog discussing the abuse/30 years stuff with AK and Patrick. Not exactly 'sources to back it up' IMO.

It is a debate, but not one made in good faith as it looks so far.
No. I said, I believe, Rudy's sentence was reduced due to extenuating circumstances (and not because of a fast track 1/3 reduction as you claim)

and no, I said, BN wrote about (a deaL being made) in her book.... something Biscotti told her over lunch. I never said Rudy was given a 'plea deal' (sheesh) I only sourced BN as giving me the idea - she wrote about it in her book (fact) ..and I listed sources a long time ago - I'll have to find them.

a debate not made in good faith - what?
There couldn't be a 'plea deal' anyway if the person claims they didn't commit the crime. In this case- murder.

Isn't a plea deal actually pleading to a 'lessor charge' for a reduction in sentence?

I've read varying reports.. some say Rudy plead guilty (yet proclaims innocence) and some reports say he didn't, so I don't know.
I'd be interested in knowing though.
I was thinking about this. It came from RG's MOT report, I think. But that bed does not look like it had the fitting sheet on it, per the photos.
yeah, looks like a fitted sheet.. I've forgotten though - what was the discrepancy?
yeah, looks like a fitted sheet.. I've forgotten though - what was the discrepancy?

Yeah, I see it. I didn't see it at first. the fitted sheet is there. plus there's where they got the knife print from, off the fitted sheet.
OMG! LOL, I was just going to say, guys have it made... but I've now changed my mind!

No, trust me, we do have it made. Except for the occasional "caught in the zipper" accident, men's clothing is so much more convenient and comfortable.
What good would 'pinning' the blame on RS... or RG for that matter do if they could turn around and 'pin it' on her? I don't see how you are really comparing the bathmat boogie to not blaming one of the others that were accused of being there with her. Maybe not blaming each other was a better strategic move.

But with Mignini's sex-game-gone-bad theory, "blaming the boys" would have been the easiest thing in the world. AK would hardly be the first female defendant to claim the men were bigger and stronger and she was unable to stop them from hurting her friend.

Once the murder was over, AK was too scared to call LE, fearing she would be blamed, as, in fact, she was.

This defense has been used too many times to count. It's particularly useful, I think, when it comes to sex crimes because juries reason that the female accomplice had less to gain from the sexual assault.

(ETA this is merely my opinion as to what AK would have done if RS were involved, fred. I'm not claiming it is factual proof.)
The only reason I can think she'd stay quiet is because the last time she raised suspicion about someone, she got locked up herself. She could fear opening her mouth would make it worse for her. Again, I don't believe she had anything to open her mouth about, but if she did, this would be the conclusion I'd come to.

Perhaps, but she would have had a lawyer eventually to make the point for her and portray her at trial as the "second victim," taken by surprise and terrorized into keeping silent.

That would be a very different context than signing a statement prepared by ILE and implicating PL after a midnight, tag-team interrogation.
Huh????????? Not to me........did ye not read the accompanying text? and why, pray, do they show this on IIP??????????????????:razz::razz::razz: this is the ERROR of the doctor's measurements, read the text........pleasa reada da texta freda..................:eek:kay:

IIP says doctor's measurements are wrong, the chart showing the exact measurements corrolating with RS on PMF is wrong, the prosecution experts were wrong, the jurors could not see it correctly- they are wrong, the judges on the panel could not see it as wrong... sigh. Please usa...thea...commonsensea..smka. :banghead:
Why is the measurement for the ball of the foot so off? Seems like that would be the most accurate part of the print.

What do you mean?
RS's measurement is only 7mm 'off' being larger. RG's is like 16.7 larger.

But the width of the 'ball' and the width of the big toe is comparable to RS only. There is no way around that.
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