Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #16

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"Shout, shout let it all out! These are the things I can do without. Come on, I'm talking to you, so come on!"

--Tears for Fears.
Um, I have quite a bit of trouble with nose bleeds here in the dry desert heat.

It would never occur to me to treat one with a Q-tip. Even now that you've suggested it, I can't imagine how that would work.

My thoughts exactly.....Maybe 20 q-tips?
Raystar, I hope you stick around for the developments in this case. I'd still like to know what evidence you find most compelling for her guilt. Also, remember it's not just Amanda Knox, but Rafaelle Sollecito who is on trial. :)

I probably will not stick around as I hope Amanda stays in prison for the crime of murder of which she was convicted. I don't give a hoot about killer Raffey.

I've had a great time posting on this thread today.
I don't see the big deal about the q-tip box. It's like not even two inches from the faucet. I'm sorry you don't see anything normal about someone not seeing a blood drop on a silver faucet. If she was cleaning her new piercings and a drop or two fell, it's perfectly reasonable that she didn't notice that. Since it wasn't completely dry, it could have possibly even have happened that morning after her shower. I don't know how long it takes blood to dry but I'm thinking if the murder even happened at midnight, it's more than likely the blood would have been dry by 1pm the next day.

Am I correct about this? They said it wasn't completely dry, right? I need to look that back up again.

When you clean recently pierced ears it is usually with q-tips and rubbing alchohol (no not my rubber wine kind :innocent:) and from experience they will often bleed even and especially if infected thus finding a drop of blood from the ear is a reasonable explanation if you truly have no idea how it got there
You hold your head back, pinch your nose and feel your way to a rag or kleenex
yeah, I'm not buying the whole karate kid kick --

Exactly miley yet the toilet paper they found with blood on it did not have her blood on it either :giggle:
Sure, or if you don't have time to hold your head back and are in a rush for 'some reason' then you quickly grab a q-tip, stuff it up your nose and get the hell out of Dodge.

Or the bleeding didn't stop and she followed procedure:

A jar of Vaseline was found on the crime scene...mmhh...

But no blood inside the jar, on the jar. This invisible DNA cleanup etc., is becomming more farfetched the more I question it
I probably will not stick around as I hope Amanda stays in prison for the crime of murder of which she was convicted. I don't give a hoot about killer Raffey.

I've had a great time posting on this thread today.

Look forward to hearing from you again. I'm sure there will be much to discuss...
STOP with the SNARKINESS! STOP. Enough already. There is more than one opinion on this story and everyone is equally entitled to express theirs, so stop being snarky about it!

If it continues, I will be recommending timeouts.

Or, more to your point, why would rs call the police and tell them about blood in the bathroom which includes his own bloody footprint?

Especially considering they cleaned up invisible DNA evidence but would leave a footprint on a bathmat. Something is seriously wrong with the logic here
Thanks! I spent my weekend reading "murder in Italy". It does seem to be pro defense, and at this point I tend to lean not guilty. Where can I start to see evidence myself?

Having lived in Seattle area for 5 years, I think AK was very misunderstood in a different culture. I now live 2 hours North, but many of the same type of liberal culture and mentality here, just on a smaller scale.

I really laughed during parts of this book, and the prosecution's theory seems so unbelievably ridiculous. Anyway, I am still on a good place believing their innocence, as the law asks us to presume. Maybe I should read a pro prosecution book now. Any suggestions?

Yeah, that might be tough. :floorlaugh:

The closest was "Angel Face", but Barbie has since done an about-face.
Sure, or if you don't have time to hold your head back and are in a rush for 'some reason' then you quickly grab a q-tip, stuff it up your nose and get the hell out of Dodge.

Or the bleeding didn't stop and she followed procedure:

A jar of Vaseline was found on the crime scene...mmhh...

yeah, but you put a q-tip up your nose? (ouch) - something that absorbs like twisted Kleenex .

the Vaseline was found in Meredith's room correct? why in the world would Amanda seek out vaseline (in Meredith's room) to stop a nose bleed - I'm sorry, I just don't see the logic.
No, I stand by my post the court is wasting its time and money because she is GUILTY even though this process must proceed. Getting irritated at posts on a message board may be harmful to your health. Why waste that energy??? Appeals are given and most convictions I have seen are not overturned. Don't know about the Italian courts and could care less as I live in the USA. Amanda is guilty as she was rightly convicted. No wrong conviction there. Casey was not convicted. People can scream till the moon turns blue it won't change the verdict of not guilty for Casey. Besides the hollers weren't members of the jury. Also, the we you mention were not on killer Amanda's jury either. Aren't there people still whooping and hollering about Jesus Christ doing something sinful? Can't stop that.

Seeing as how the trial and appeals have taken place in Italy, perhaps it actually does matter how things are 'over there'? For your information, Italy has a fifty percent overturn rate on appeal. That's right, the initial trials in Italy are so skewed in the prosecution's favor, that they get it wrong half of the time. Thus why the Italian Justice System does not consider you convicted until all of the appeals have run their course.

Juries and Judges mess up. It happens everywhere that they exist. This is because they are only human, because witnesses and experts on both sides often are mistaken or just plain lie, and because they are usually laymen who have trouble weighing scientific testimony properly. Is it not a good thing for the system to have appeals available to try to catch such errors? Or should we just save the time and money and abandon the innocent to undeserved fates? Keep in mind here that nearly all of those who have been exonerated in the past few decades were labeled by the authorities and media as being 100 percent, without a doubt guilty - oops.
STOP with the SNARKINESS! STOP. Enough already. There is more than one opinion on this story and everyone is equally entitled to express theirs, so stop being snarky about it!

If it continues, I will be recommending timeouts.


Don't make me come in here again. Pay attention to Salem. :saber:
No idea. The defense tries to throw a whole bunch of objections on the table during the appeal and I certainly don't just accept it as fact. Whether there actually are unknown DNA profiles and the importance of that remains to be seen. So if you don't mind, I rather just sit back and wait till this comes up (if it ever comes up) during the appeals.

That is their job. It does not stop an individual from being able to determine what would logically make sense to review in that appeal. This still does not address the basic question of what is left what do you consider to be beyond a reasonable doubt. I am not stating innocence. I do though believe this to be a fair question of anyone and that includes myself
yeah, but you put a q-tip up your nose? (ouch) - something that absorbs like twisted Kleenex .

the Vaseline was found in Meredith's room correct? why in the world would Amanda seek out vaseline (in Meredith's room) to stop a nose bleed - I'm sorry, I just don't see the logic.

I thought this was a tube of vaseline, as in lip balm, not a jar.
Thanks! I spent my weekend reading "murder in Italy". It does seem to be pro defense, and at this point I tend to lean not guilty. Where can I start to see evidence myself?

Having lived in Seattle area for 5 years, I think AK was very misunderstood in a different culture. I now live 2 hours North, but many of the same type of liberal culture and mentality here, just on a smaller scale.

I really laughed during parts of this book, and the prosecution's theory seems so unbelievably ridiculous. Anyway, I am still on a good place believing their innocence, as the law asks us to presume. Maybe I should read a pro prosecution book now. Any suggestions?

This is one site that I use that has a pretty comprehensive overview of things. Be forewarned it is slanted to the innocent side but at least it is in English. Most questions that are more specific which you may have can usually be googled. Good luck in your journey :)
This is one site that I use that has a pretty comprehensive overview of things. Be forewarned it is slanted to the innocent side but at least it is in English. Most questions that are more specific which you may have can usually be googled. Good luck in your journey :)

You're right in that IIP is the only comprehensive site on the subject, but it is pro-innocence. I almost want to say that anyone who wants a full understanding of the case should read perugiashock from beginning to end. From Frank's perspective you see the evolution from a pro-guilt narrative to a more innocent-minded one. All from someone who was at ground zero, so to say.
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