Meredith Kercher murdered - Amanda Knox convicted, now appeals #7

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I know for a fact whom they wont visit and that is GM, ooops forgot he is not in jail even though convicted and yikers even more he is consulting

It's blatantly obvious that Knox lied to her parents (as well as pretty much everyone), and that the parents perpetrated the lie even though they knew better ... so we should drop that current news and re-discuss ancient news about one of the two prosecutors that sat through the trial presenting evidence of guilt?

Why? What more is there to say about it? He wire tapped police and media regarding an investigation. We know that. What prosecutor hasn't had complaints?
The "Mediator" (her description not mine) arrived after 12:30 am thus there is 1 1/2 hours where even Anna was not in the room

The police interpreter, Anna Donnino, had earlier denied the police used violence. Under cross-examination she described her role as that of a "mediator" rather than a mere translator of words

Knox stated in her testimony that she had an interpreter. Was she lying then too? You describe her as a "police interpreter". Was she an interpreter?
Sorry, this is the first I have read of this, it may have been posted already:

Amanda Knox's parents indicted in Italy

PERUGIA, Italy — The parents of Amanda Knox, an American student convicted of murder in Italy, were ordered Tuesday to stand trial for alleging that Italian police abused their daughter, a lawyer and media reports said.

Curt Knox and Edda Mellas were indicted in Perugia for libel, said the Italian news agency ANSA. Lawyer Luciano Ghirga confirmed the indictment and said trial was set for July 4.

He said the couple did not attend the hearing.

The charge stems from an interview they gave Britain's Sunday Times years ago in which the father alleged that police had physically and verbally abused his daughter during questioning after Meredith Kercher's 2007 slaying, before Knox was arrested
This is the most confused I have ever been about guilt or innocence of someone. I have followed this story for years and read a million and one posts and still cannot make up my mind if she did or didn't do it.
What is it with this case?
Knox stated in her testimony that she had an interpreter. Was she lying then too? You describe her as a "police interpreter". Was she an interpreter?

When did she lie about not having an interpreter? Quoting her parents assessment of the interrogation doesn't count.
This is the most confused I have ever been about guilt or innocence of someone. I have followed this story for years and read a million and one posts and still cannot make up my mind if she did or didn't do it.
What is it with this case?

I think the biggest problem is related to information. The trial is in a foreign language, so it's very difficult for most people to get the news. It is further complicated by the fact that the Knox family has hired, and continues to employ, a public relations team whose sole responsibility is to present (or re-interpret) the information such that it is favorable to Knox. That leaves us with inaccessible information, and convoluted or biased information. The Italians, those that are able to review publicized information and avoid the PR teams interference, seem to have had no problem believing that Knox, Sollecito and Guede are guilty (many loud cheers upon reading of the verdict).

It certainly doesn't help that talking heads do not do their homework, and broadcast whatever Knox's parents want to say. I have to wonder why Nancy Grace hasn't come to the rescue of Knox. NG had no problem helping a US victim in Aruba, or a Peruvian victim in Lima ... why not the Seattle "victim" in Italy?

On appeal, the testing of two DNA samples will be reviewed and that could go either way. If the testing was not as it should be, then additional evidence will be examined. If the testing was done correctly, then I think it's pretty much over for Knox and friends.
When did she lie about not having an interpreter? Quoting her parents assessment of the interrogation doesn't count.

I see ... so Edda Mellas and Curt Knox have been making wild claims (lying)about Amanda Knox being verbally and physically abused, deprived of food and drink, interrogated through the night, and deprived of an interpreter?

Shame on them!

Why would they make such claims if they didn't get the information from their daughter? Were they being helpful in the same way that Amanda was helpful?

"The preliminary hearing judge charged that "in particular, they said, contrary to the truth, that Amanda had not been assisted by an interpreter, that she hadn't been given food or water, that she had been abused both physically and verbally," and finally "that she had been slapped on the back of the head and threatened," according to the Italian news agency ANSA."
I see ... so Edda Mellas and Curt Knox have been making wild claims (lying)about Amanda Knox being verbally and physically abused, deprived of food and drink, interrogated through the night, and deprived of an interpreter?

Shame on them!

Why would they make such claims if they didn't get the information from their daughter? Were they being helpful in the same way that Amanda was helpful?

"The preliminary hearing judge charged that "in particular, they said, contrary to the truth, that Amanda had not been assisted by an interpreter, that she hadn't been given food or water, that she had been abused both physically and verbally," and finally "that she had been slapped on the back of the head and threatened," according to the Italian news agency ANSA."

I've already responded in an earlier post today to why I think her parents stated she had no interpreter. Either way it's not something you can claim as "Amanda lying".
I've already responded in an earlier post today to why I think her parents stated she had no interpreter. Either way it's not something you can claim as "Amanda lying".

Are you suggesting that in this instance Amanda didn't lie, but that her parents are also liars?
Are you suggesting that in this instance Amanda didn't lie, but that her parents are also liars?

Nobody lied. As with so many other things in this case, once we see things in their proper context they become much clearer. Here is the article from the London Times for which Amanda's parents are being charged. They never even said she didn't have an interpreter, just not a professional one. Sigh....

On November 6, five days after Meredith’s murder, Knox was interrogated by police for nine hours until she signed a statement at 5.54am. Her family says that despite her good marks at university, Knox was not fluent in Italian, but no professional interpreter was present, only a police officer who could speak English and who was not always there. She was given no food and no water for all the nine hours. “I’ve never been so scared in my life,” Knox told Deanna later. Curt says: “Amanda was abused physically and verbally. She told us she was hit in the back of the head by a police officer with an open hand, at least twice. The police told her, ‘If you ask for a lawyer, things will get worse for you’ and ‘If you don’t give us some explanation for what happened, you’re going to go to jail for a very long time.’” Edda adds tearfully: “She was told she wouldn’t ever see her family again, and her family is everything to her.” Knox gave them a description of the officer who allegedly struck her, but it cannot be published for legal reasons. The Perugia police have denied striking her and have said she understood what she was signing.

So where exactly is the lie? Makes these charges even more frivolous when we see what was actually said.

ETA: Also note the family doesn't claim 50+ hours of interrogation as has often been attributed to their statements.
Nobody lied. As with so many other things in this case, once we see things in their proper context they become much clearer. Here is the article from the London Times for which Amanda's parents are being charged. They never even said she didn't have an interpreter, just not a professional one. Sigh....

So where exactly is the lie? Makes these charges even more frivolous when we see what was actually said.

So we have police officer who is fluent in English and Italian, and who is questioning and speaking with Amanda in English? Is that proper context? Amanda was being questioned by an English speaking police officer who was speaking English? It seems like splitting hairs to say that Amanda did not have an official interpreter to translate English to English.

What kind of professional interpreter did Knox need for understanding an English speaking police officer?

The lie is in claiming that Amanda did not have an interpreter when Amanda testified that she had an interpreter.
So we have police officer who is fluent in English and Italian, and who is questioning and speaking with Amanda in English? Is that proper context? Amanda was being questioned by an English speaking police officer who was speaking English? It seems like splitting hairs to say that Amanda did not have an official interpreter to translate English to English.

What kind of professional interpreter did Knox need for understanding an English speaking police officer?

The lie is in claiming that Amanda did not have an interpreter when Amanda testified that she had an interpreter.

They didn't state there was no interpreter, once again:

no professional interpreter was present, only a police officer who could speak English and who was not always there.

You can claim splitting hairs all you want, that's your opinion though. Bottom line is there is no lie in that statement.
Malkmus post on the last thread:


Re: Minutes of the information conveyed by:
KNOX Amanda Marie, born in Washington (U.S.A.) on July 9th 1987, domiciled in Perugia, Via della Pergola n. 7; identified by means of Passport n. 422687114 issued by the Government of the U.S.A. on June 13th 2007, tel. 3484673590

On November 6th 2007, at 01.45, in Perugia at the Offices of the Squadra Mobile of the Questura of Perugia. Before the undersigned Officers of the Judicial Authority Chief Inspector, FICARRA Rita, assisted by ZUGARINI Lorena and RAFFO Ivano, respectively on duty at the office above mentioned in the epigraph and in presence of the person mentioned in the re who sufficiently understands and speaks Italian, assisted by the English-speaking interpreter Anna Donnino, who, in relation to the death of KERCHER Meredith Susanna Cara and after the precedent declarations, declares the following: ---------------------"
Could Amanda Knox's lawyer also be lying?

"But Knox's lawyers say the Seattle native only confessed to being at home the night of the murder after nearly 54 hours of intense interrogation without a solicitor or interpreter. She later retracted her statement."

This was already discussed by you, me, and others about a week ago.
Malkmus post on the last thread:


Re: Minutes of the information conveyed by:
KNOX Amanda Marie, born in Washington (U.S.A.) on July 9th 1987, domiciled in Perugia, Via della Pergola n. 7; identified by means of Passport n. 422687114 issued by the Government of the U.S.A. on June 13th 2007, tel. 3484673590

On November 6th 2007, at 01.45, in Perugia at the Offices of the Squadra Mobile of the Questura of Perugia. Before the undersigned Officers of the Judicial Authority Chief Inspector, FICARRA Rita, assisted by ZUGARINI Lorena and RAFFO Ivano, respectively on duty at the office above mentioned in the epigraph and in presence of the person mentioned in the re who sufficiently understands and speaks Italian, assisted by the English-speaking interpreter Anna Donnino, who, in relation to the death of KERCHER Meredith Susanna Cara and after the precedent declarations, declares the following: ---------------------"

Yes, we know ILE claims Anna Donnino was an interpreter. The family is claiming she was simply an officer who also spoke English and that being an interpreter was not her profession. They claim that she wasn't present during the entire interrogation. It's their opinion that someone whose profession is actually interpreting should have done the translating. Again, where is the lie?
Never mind the fact that when English isn't your first language, what you mean to say isn't always understood by other people who speak english as their primary language. Does that make sense?
Regarding: where Knox's parents got the information they stated for UK media:

"Part of her defense is that she was abused by police who grilled her for hours without an attorney present. She also claims the police cuffed her on the back of the head, denied her food and water, and yelled at her.


Knox, who is from Seattle, has since been charged with slander for saying the police was abusive.

Her parents, who repeated their daughter's explanation in an interview with Sunday Times of London in 2009, have now also been ordered tried for libel."
Yes, we know ILE claims Anna Donnino was an interpreter. The family is claiming she was simply an officer who also spoke English and that being an interpreter was not her profession. They claim that she wasn't present during the entire interrogation. It's their opinion that someone whose profession is actually interpreting should have done the translating. Again, where is the lie?

This doesn't change the fact that Amanda Knox accused the police of physical and verbal abuse, etcetera, and that her parents repeated those false claims for UK media.
You don't think they'll continue to visit the convicted murderer?

Otto let's be sure of one thing, Amanda's parents don't see her as a convict like I assume you and I do. They love their daughter. We should give them a break.

I hope they never have to spend a night in jail because of what they feel to true about their child.
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