Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox Conviction Overturned #22

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Agreed. I just didn't anticipate it! My bad.

All this talk of Kokomani (sp?) is interesting... I hope they investigate him further because it would not shock me if he were more involved than he claims...

That would involve PLE and the prosecutors conceding that they charged and prosecuted innocents. The experiences of the Innocence Project have taught us that this is a very, very unlikely turn of events, and recent, rather ill-considered words from Mignini and Comodi on the subject of the appeals verdict (seriously, they have said some things that may very well earn them slander charges from the Judges & Lay-Judges, if they so choose) have made it abundantly clear that they are violently opposed to the idea at this time.
Agreed. I just didn't anticipate it! My bad.

All this talk of Kokomani (sp?) is interesting... I hope they investigate him further because it would not shock me if he were more involved than he claims...

It would be interesting to see what his movements and demeanor has been since the acquittal.

ETA: I believe, however, based on what I've seen and read about Mignini he's not the type to admit he was wrong and go searching somewhere else.
Amanda Knox: I was sexually harassed in prison
(CBS News) Amanda Knox is revealing that during her four-year ordeal behind bars she was sexually harassed by a high-ranking Italian prison administrator, "48 Hours Mystery" correspondent Peter Van Sant reported on "The Early Show."
Knox returned to her home in Seattle this week after an Italian appeals court overturned her conviction in the murder of her British roommate in 2007.

A letter written by Knox gives details of the manipulation and sexual intimidation she says she endured while in prison.

"We learn about sexual harassment inside prison where an administrator would take her up to his office alone at night and say a number of inappropriate things to her, and that left Amanda terrified," Van Sant said on "The Early Show" in advance of a report to air on Saturday night's "48 Hours Mystery,"
Thanks, Steve - I wonder if Raffaele and his father will visit Seattle, as the Mellas' have issued an invite.:waitasec:

I say yes, but not for a while yet. I would imagine theyd want to test the water as to the public reaction to them before appearing anywhere together.
Studies show that the guilty are far more likely to lawyer up than the innocent, as the innocent feel that they have nothing to fear from answering questions - they falsely believe that their innocence will show through, and that LE will play fair (LE doesn't, the stakes are too high to 'play nice' with potential suspects). Yes, there are plenty of idiots that commit crimes and then talk to the police without a lawyer and get into trouble, but there are also loads of idiots that didn't do anything wrong and find themselves in the same boat. So really, all we can say for sure here is that AK was an idiot for talking without legal representation. All else, to be honest, is rank speculation, and I don't see either side giving in on this one unless a tape of the session miraculously shows up.

this is completely true and bears a quote and a reiteration - you should really never speak to police without a lawyer present, ESPECIALLY if you have done nothing wrong. and NEVER ever EVER take a polygraph.
I knew TJMK would be unable to accept Hellman's ruling, but did not think they would be so blatant and open about the inexorable nature of the Massei Report::furious:
It seems Judge Hellman has begun sweating.

Maybe Judge Hellman already sees as much of the Italian public and commentators do that he’ll have a REALLY tough time answering all the open questions in his December sentencing report as he is required to.

Constitutional requirement of Ministry of Justice never met?

A slam dunk in effect. Evidence overkill.[...]

But few of the busy people in the US and UK media have read the Massei Report and no one in the media to our knowledge has extensively analyzed or quoted from it. None of the books out so far go into the Massei Report in depth.

WHY did the Italian Ministry of Justice fail to fully distribute the Massei Report, and in particular not post it on their website? And is the Supreme Court of Cassation aware of this huge shortfall in its distribution?

This is such a serious mistake that our Italian lawyers believe that the Supreme Court or even the President of the Republic of Italy if he is petitioned could throw out the entire Hellman proceedings, verdict and sentence.

The hundreds and hundreds of open questions

Arising from the Massei Report are literally hundreds of questions for the released defendants and their teams. They have been around since early 2010. The defense teams and PR campaign have never ever tried to answer these questions, or for that matter to produce a convincing alternative scenario that hangs together implicating Guede but not Knox or Sollecito.

Here are four lists of the many, many outstanding questions. [. . .]

And now the Daily Beast has reposted its own list of ten questions, none of which it reckons have yet been answered.
Here from the Daily Beast are those ten questions with the Beast’s annotations showing how they are STILL unanswered:

Judge Hellman may be able to answer all of these unanswered questions AS HE MUST under Italian law in his sentencing report. He cannot simply address points defense raised about small parts of it. He must be able to explain the totality of the evidence or his report risks being thrown out by Cassation and a retrial at the first appeal level ordered.

Possibly Judge Hellman might be able to achieve this. But why do we seriously doubt it?
Amanda Knox: I was sexually harassed in prison

"We learn about sexual harassment inside prison where an administrator would take her up to his office alone at night and say a number of inappropriate things to her, and that left Amanda terrified," Van Sant said on "The Early Show" in advance of a report to air on Saturday night's "48 Hours Mystery,"

Glad this shows we'll probably be hearing more from her in the future about what this all was like for her, but sorry to hear about the psychological torture she had to endure. I know some people would love nothing more than to hear this was happening to her and mock it, so I hope we can keep commentary civil.

And in a related story:

[Curt Knox] said Amanda would like to return to the University of Washington at some point to finish her degree, but for now, he’s apprehensive about what four years in prison may have done to his daughter, though there are no immediate plans for her to get counseling. “What’s the trauma ... and when will it show up, if it even shows up?” he said. “She’s a very strong girl, but it’s been a tough time for her.”
Amanda Knox: I was sexually harassed in prison

Glad this shows we'll probably be hearing more from her in the future about what this all was like for her, but sorry to hear about the psychological torture she had to endure. I know some people would love nothing more than to hear this was happening to her and mock it, so I hope we can keep commentary civil.

And in a related story:
Yes, I can already imagine certain sites claiming that she is trying to play the victim card here.:furious: I hope she can get some therapy, and return to school, but I am stunned to see that the Massei report is in fact being upheld, even by some journalists. Makes me worry for the SC appeal by the prosecution (see TJMK excerpts I posted above).
Especially here:

A slam dunk in effect. Evidence overkill.

But few of the busy people in the US and UK media have read the Massei Report and no one in the media to our knowledge has extensively analyzed or quoted from it. None of the books out so far go into the Massei Report in depth.

WHY did the Italian Ministry of Justice fail to fully distribute the Massei Report, and in particular not post it on their website? And is the Supreme Court of Cassation aware of this huge shortfall in its distribution?

This is such a serious mistake that our Italian lawyers believe that the Supreme Court or even the President of the Republic of Italy if he is petitioned could throw out the entire Hellman proceedings, verdict and sentence.
Especially here:

Did you see who that's written by? Posters from TJMK, who are essentially PMF posters. It's nothing more than wishful thinking. Why on earth would the SC overturn the verdict because the Massei report wasn't published more widely? PMF spent months translating Massei's report and to them it's the gold standard of justice. I imagine it wasn't more widely read or published because it displays embarrassingly poor logic, bias, and sexism. The ISC is already well aware of the Massei report, so TJMK waving it in the air and saying "Hey, did you miss this?" is frankly odd.
Did you see who that's written by? Posters from TJMK, who are essentially PMF posters. It's nothing more than wishful thinking. Why on earth would the SC overturn the verdict because the Massei report wasn't published more widely? PMF spent months translating Massei's report and to them it's the gold standard of justice. I imagine it wasn't more widely read or published because it displays embarrassingly poor logic, bias, and sexism. The ISC is already well aware of the Massei report, so TJMK waving it in the air and saying "Hey, did you miss this?" is frankly odd.
Yes, it was pointed out on JREF that PMF and TJMK HAD in fact widely published Massei and its translations all over the web, so they themselves took care of that aspect. It is wishful thinking, and I do NOT believe Hellman is "sweating"; I believe his motivation report will be highly critical of the deductive reasoning of Massei.:furious: This is really just a case of the sore loser syndrome. Saw it with Obama election, seeing it here now.
Yes, it was pointed out on JREF that PMF and TJMK HAD in fact widely published Massei and its translations all over the web, so they themselves took care of that aspect. It is wishful thinking, and I do NOT believe Hellman is "sweating"; I believe his motivation report will be highly critical of the deductive reasoning of Massei.:furious:

Not only did they post it to the web, they sent it to every major news outlet. I wonder if they'll do the same for Helmman's.
Not only did they post it to the web, they sent it to every major news outlet. I wonder if they'll do the same for Helmman's.
They most likely will, just to refute it. But paradoxically, people will be stunned by the superiority of Hellman logic over that of Massei.:great:
More smear campaigns. Doesn't matter that the scientific evidence was thoroughly impeached by an objective set of 3rd party scientists. Once people get it in their imaginations that something must be a certain way, no amount of information that runs counter to their beliefs will change their thinking.

I guarantee when Hellmen's report comes out they will not be satisfied either.

There is no turnaround in thinking for the most dogmatic believers. Unless they see a video of someone else committing the crime AND have a written statement personally signed by the true murderer they will continue to smear AK and RS. Their beliefs tell them the 'truth,' facts be damned!
More smear campaigns. Doesn't matter that the scientific evidence was thoroughly impeached by an objective set of 3rd party scientists. Once people get it in their imaginations that something must be a certain way, no amount of information that runs counter to their beliefs will change their thinking.

I guarantee when Hellmen's report comes out they will not be satisfied either.

There is no turnaround in thinking for the most dogmatic believers. Unless they see a video of someone else committing the crime AND have a written statement personally signed by the true murderer they will continue to smear AK and RS. Their beliefs tell them the 'truth,' facts be damned!
I agree wholly - and they have spent so much time, and invested so much psychological capital in the Knox/Sollecito murderers theory, that even the video and signed statement would not sway them at this juncture.:furious::furious::furious:

ETA: In fact, I am amazed at .org and the other site for their proclivity to self delusion. They are MORE convinced now than ever that Knox is guilty, that her parents and sisters know she is, and will soon tire of her; they predict that the rest of her life will be an inner prison of self torture, that Hellman himself is devastated to have loosed her.....good lord. It is unbelievable to me, that they cannot grasp that she in all likelihood was falsely accused and convicted in the first place.
An Italian paper on the sexual harassment allegations:

"A jailer made her talk about sex"

LONDON - Amanda Knox was often "forced" to talk about sex or boyfriends with his former jailer of the prison huts. This was revealed in an article published yesterday in the British newspaper "Sun", entitled 'The' Ordeal sexual Amanda Knox "(above the site), in which he writes that she has kept a diary of" private interviews ".

Contacted by the tabloids, the warden said they had privately asked the young woman who had been engaged, emphasizing that "it was she who began to talk about sex."

The defenders of Amanda, Carlo Dalla Vedova and Luciano Ghirga, stress that "Amanda has never complained about the behavior of the 'Police Inspector Raphael Argirò prison" and "has never made his name."
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