Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox Conviction Overturned #22

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Interestingly enough things are being said by RS as well not simply by AK

And yet I still feel the need to not assume that they are true.
There were a lot of things being said by a lot of people about AK and RS throughout these past few years that weren't true.
Sorry no. Mariott himself has stated what the purpose of his firm was. This is from the horses mouth so to speak. Instead it has spread into a fallacy and the wings grow longer each time it is stated as a PR campaign

All righty then, argue away:) (not that you need my permission but I will refasten your straight jacket for you;) )
Amanda Knox: What's in a face?

Amanda Knox was convicted of murder and her reputation sullied around the world, in large part because of her facial expressions and demeanour. Her story reveals how our instincts about others can be dangerously superficial, writes Ian Leslie

......Amanda Knox's face proved to be her misfortune. It was pretty enough to incite the fantasies of Italian cops and tabloid editors, and just expressive enough to provide a richly textured canvas for a public all too willing to pronounce on the soul it concealed.

Ian Leslie is the author of Born Liars; Why We Can't Live Without Deceit
Well, I trust them implicitly. You do not need to. But why should there be shouts of "shame" and booing, if Hellman says there is not enough evidence to convict? I thought this was a universal standard of jurisprudence? Or can you convict, even though evidence is not sufficient? Please clarify??:waitasec:
Strictly speaking, I don't believe that Italy codified the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt until recently. Someone with a greater knowledge of inquistorial systems tha The presumption of innocence and the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt bedrock principles to me, but both seem to be in danger of being eroded in the U.S. If we let go of them, we will deserve the result. MOO.
Strictly speaking, I don't believe that Italy codified the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt until recently. Someone with a greater knowledge of inquistorial systems tha The presumption of innocence and the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt bedrock principles to me, but both seem to be in danger of being eroded in the U.S. If we let go of them, we will deserve the result. MOO.
Well said. Get rid of the stupid newbie avatar:great:
Brad most likely murdered his wife in her home, same as Meredith Kercher's murder. There was no blood in Nancy's home, no forensic evidence indicating that there had been a murder. In Meredith's home, there were bloody footprints and DNA connecting all three suspects to the murder.

Brad did murder his estranged wife in their home and then he spent (according to him) up to 6 hrs cleaning, scrubbing floors, doing laundry, vacuuming, etc. How is that remotely similar to the Kercher case? One case had no blood. The other was a bloody crime scene. One had no victim in the house. The other had the victim locked in her bedroom. One had no DNA, the other had the DNA of the sole perp in the apt, on the walls, inside the victim, inside the toilet -- a perp who did NOT live there.

Don't bother answering because the questions are rhetorical.

Aside from the fact that both crimes happened indoors, both victims were female, and both were murdered, there's nothing else similar.

That's true. Knox not only accused an innocent man of rape and murder, but she was identified as the ringleader - which certainly placed more responsibility on her for the murder.

By who? The guy who actually did the killing and then claimed it was someone else in return for a lighter sentence? Hmmm....did it cross your mind that maybe he had a reason and motivation to lie?

There was only one killer here and that was RG. The sad part about the whole story is that he was allowed to lie and ruin two other people's lives so that he could get a reduced sentence. That is the real scandal here.
That's my point. In court, Knox said that she just wanted to go home. Dr Sollecito has recognized the importance of taking his son home to familiar surroundings and experiences. The Knox family first propped Knox in front of the media and then whisked her off to their "secet" location. I think that Sollecito will recover better and faster under the care of Dr Sollecito, who is providing a familiar home environment to his son rather than keeping him away from home.

I don't really understand why Amanda being in a secret location is so terrible...

Frankly, I think given the media attention she has had throughout this whole case (and yes, as we know, this has been way more than Sollecito or even Guede) it is utterly sensible to keep her in a secret location. The risk of taking her straight to the family home where press and god knows who would be able to track her is great. They are protecting her from having her newly found privacy invaded by press and potentially people who wish bad things on her.
So justice for "young, pretty, American female" is different than for everyone else?

The shouts outside the courtroom were anything but supportive. After the first verdict, there were cheers throughout the streets, after the appeal verdict, there were shouts of "shame" with applause for the Kercher family. A handful of supporters at the airport doesn't mean much in the big picture.

So, you think a public who were not involved in the trial and who came to jeer at people they didn't know DO matter in the big picture?


If jeering crowds matter in the big picture, then surely the crowds cheering her home do too? You can't have one without the other IMO

For me, the only things that REALLY matter here, are what actually happened that night (which we may never know) and the fact that AK and RS were freed by a judge and jury. Public response is interesting and all, but it doesn't really MEAN anything IMO.
Agent Ben Mason hired by father of Meredith Kercher
07.10.11 |

The literary agent Ben Mason has been hired by the father of the murdered English student Meredith Kercher to represent him in a potential book deal.
A proposal by John Kercher is expected to go to publishers on Monday (10th October) with Mason present at next week's Frankfurt Book Fair.
Earlier this week, the students Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito were cleared on appeal of killing the 20-year-old student Kercher in 2007.
Trade observers are expecting that Knox could also put together a book proposal for her own account of the murder and her time in prison.
Nothing was overturned in Knox's accusations against Patrick. She is a convicted felon, sentenced to three years in jail and ordered to pay Patrick thousands of euros in compensation. As a convicted felon, her opportunities to travel anywhere will be severely restricted and she is no victim in terms of accusing Patrick Lumumba of rape and murder.

There is no recording of the 'interview', thus no way for AK to prove her claims. Thus, it is impossible for her to win against those charges in Italy.

That said, no other western nation accepts slander as a criminal offense, with good reason. Travel within that sphere will be no problem for her.

In addition, she can (and should) go to the EU Human Rights Court with this one. That court will be more than willing to censure Italy on this, as the criminalization of slander, along with use of rights violating 'interviews' in cases, are two of their biggest, most consistent peeves with Italy - not that Italy seems to have cared so far that they are in multiple violations of the EU Charters that they signed.
I've been anticipating that one. About as well researched as I expected as well. :rolleyes:

I seriously hope that RG gets that retrial, as it would (hopefully) force Prosecutors to finally argue his case as they should have at the start. Then some of this 'confusion' that is working out so well for the press right now might evaporate.
Yes, I had hoped the piece would be about Guede as probable lone wolf. Instead, race card and "black man found, black man guilty" - Guede's own words ringing true.:furious:
Yes, I had hoped the piece would be about Guede as probable lone wolf. Instead, race card and "black man found, black man guilty" - Guede's own words ringing true.:furious:

To be fair - if one just goes by recent mainstream news coverage, their impression is exactly what one would get.

That said, a little research would have completely altered the tone of the article with pesky little facts like RG's history with B&E, the fact that even his family doesn't trust him, and, oh yeah, that his DNA & fingerprints are the only ones besides MK's in the murder room. But IMO that wouldn't have fit the slant that BET prefers to go with in their coverage of criminal cases, thus making me wonder if this is a case of poor research or...
Nothing was overturned in Knox's accusations against Patrick. She is a convicted felon, sentenced to three years in jail and ordered to pay Patrick thousands of euros in compensation. As a convicted felon, her opportunities to travel anywhere will be severely restricted and she is no victim in terms of accusing Patrick Lumumba of rape and murder.

I know convicted felons that have passports and travel the world...don't know about EU felonies.
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