Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox Conviction Overturned #22

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He determined his vote by reading their faces? That doesn't speak well of this juror.

Jurors everywhere judge the trustworthiness of witnesses and defendants based on the their demeanor in court. In fact, in the U.S. they are told to do so.

I'm not entirely confident in the average juror's ability to make such a decision, but what is the alternative?
"The effort to shape Knox's image began after her arrest in 2007. Her father, Curt Knox, was put in touch with Gogerty Marriott, a Seattle public affairs firm, by a colleague at Macy's, where he was a vice president at the time. The family wanted help dealing with the barrage of media calls, but at first it was constrained in what it could say.

"It was because, primarily, Amanda's lawyers in Italy really did not want them doing interviews initially," said David Marriott, a veteran public affairs man who handled the case.

In the beginning, he said, he asked some of Knox's college friends to give interviews to testify about her character.

But some family, friends and neighbors were growing concerned that her image was being shaped by British tabloids and Italian prosecutors. A group of volunteers called Friends of Amanda formed, and a few months later they had put up their website. It countered the lurid portrayal of Knox with pictures of her in a hat at her 7th birthday party and, more recently, playing with her dog, Ralphy. "

If this is your evidence of a "p.r. campaign," then you haven't seen a p.r. campaign.

BBM: In fact, the passage you excerpted says the p.r. firm did so little that volunteers took matters into their own hands to construct a website for AK.
Re: Allegations of Sexual Harassment in Prison

Is Knox confused between reality, imaginings and dream again?

"CBS reported that Amanda Knox said a high-ranking prison administrator in Italy was "fixated on the topic of sex" when he was in her presence and that he wanted to know "with whom I've done it, how I liked it,' and 'if I would do it with him."

But this isn't the first time Amanda Knox has made allegations against a man. In fact, twice before Amanda Knox has made allegations with one already proven false and landing her in financial and judicial hot water.

Knox falsely accused Patrick Lumumba in 2007 of killing Meredith Kercher, claiming as he killed Meredith she was in the kitchen of the shared residence, covering her ears to Meredith's screams. Lumumba was exonerated of any wrongdoing in the case, released two weeks after being picked up and jailed due to Knox's allegations against him."


Recently, during her acquittal trial, the jury in that case deemed Knox should have been given a three year additional sentence for the false allegation against an innocent man, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. If Knox had not already served four years at the time of her acquittal, she would have been made to serve out that additional sentence before she could be released.


It is also concerning that the girl who some believe may have gotten away with murder is continuing to focus on making allegations rather than trying to move foward with her life and, as in the words of her father, devoting herself to helping others."

From your link"

"Raffaele's statement to prosecutors that he had spoken to his father the night Kercher was killed raised suspicion, as phone records showed no trace of the call. Investigators noted Sollecito's habit of carrying a pocket knife around, his liking for violent Japanese manga comics and the inconsistencies in his statements about spending the night of the murder watching a video, cooking and making love with Knox in his apartment."
I don't know why you keep bringing god into this. An impartial decision on the forensics in this case was a significant factor in the jury's decision. So was the unconvincing "conjecture of the prosecution".

During the appeal, the prosecution tried to introduce a document regarding Vecchiotti and prior serious errors. The judge denied the request. Vecchiotti has a problematic history. The two academics from Rome have been involved in a total of 6 cases. On one case, involving Vecchiotti, two young women (about Knox's age) were raped by three men of wealthy families. A relative of one of the men was known to Vecchiotti. Vecchiotti testified that that particular man was dead based on the DNA identification of another person. It was discovered a short time later that Vecchiotti was completely wrong, and that the man was still alive and well.

That's a good reason to look at the two academics and question what exactly their role was. The big question, obviously, relates to whether their report was impartial or whether water was running uphill.
Nice to see him refer to them as "kids". I remember posters on here being lectured a while back for calling them this, as it was some sort of American propaganda to do so...

It's media hype. In most places on earth, 24 and 27 years old is not a kid. Many people of 24 or 27 have real lives, where they have degrees, careers, live independently and even have families of their own.
Re: Allegations of Sexual Harassment in Prison

Is Knox confused between reality, imaginings and dream again?

"CBS reported that Amanda Knox said a high-ranking prison administrator in Italy was "fixated on the topic of sex" when he was in her presence and that he wanted to know "with whom I've done it, how I liked it,' and 'if I would do it with him."

But this isn't the first time Amanda Knox has made allegations against a man. In fact, twice before Amanda Knox has made allegations with one already proven false and landing her in financial and judicial hot water.

Knox falsely accused Patrick Lumumba in 2007 of killing Meredith Kercher, claiming as he killed Meredith she was in the kitchen of the shared residence, covering her ears to Meredith's screams. Lumumba was exonerated of any wrongdoing in the case, released two weeks after being picked up and jailed due to Knox's allegations against him."


Recently, during her acquittal trial, the jury in that case deemed Knox should have been given a three year additional sentence for the false allegation against an innocent man, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. If Knox had not already served four years at the time of her acquittal, she would have been made to serve out that additional sentence before she could be released.


It is also concerning that the girl who some believe may have gotten away with murder is continuing to focus on making allegations rather than trying to move foward with her life and, as in the words of her father, devoting herself to helping others."

AK's account of sexual harassment in prison is consistent with similar accounts from prisons all over the world. It's a simple formula actually: power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Frankly, she's lucky if she was ONLY harassed.

Trying to equate her discussion of how she was treated in prison with the statement she was coerced into making against PL is absurd.

I'm not at all convinced that Amanda is the one who needs therapy.

It's media hype. In most places on earth, 24 and 27 years old is not a kid. Many people of 24 or 27 have real lives, where they have degrees, careers, live independently and even have families of their own.

"Media hype"? It's a direct quote from a juror. Are you now claiming the jurors are on the payroll of AK's giant p.r. firm?
During the appeal, the prosecution tried to introduce a document regarding Vecchiotti and prior serious errors. The judge denied the request. Vecchiotti has a problematic history. The two academics from Rome have been involved in a total of 6 cases. On one case, involving Vecchiotti, two young women (about Knox's age) were raped by three men of wealthy families. A relative of one of the men was known to Vecchiotti. Vecchiotti testified that that particular man was dead based on the DNA identification of another person. It was discovered a short time later that Vecchiotti was completely wrong, and that the man was still alive and well.

That's a good reason to look at the two academics and question what exactly their role was. The big question, obviously, relates to whether their report was impartial or whether water was running uphill.

A story this detailed needs a source.
AK's account of sexual harassment in prison is consistent with similar accounts from prisons all over the world. It's a simple formula actually: power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Frankly, she's lucky if she was ONLY harassed.

Trying to equate her discussion of how she was treated in prison with the statement she was coerced into making against PL is absurd.

I'm not at all convinced that Amanda is the one who needs therapy.

Knox, by her own statements, admits that she can't distinguish between dream, imagination and reality. If she claims that she was ill treated in prison, one has to seriously questions whether she is again falsely accusing innocent people, imagining, dreaming, confused, or simply unable to focus on rebuilding her life.

I think everyone should be very wary of accepting anything that Knox says at face value in view of the fact that she accused Patrick of rape and murder, knew that he was innocent for two weeks and chose to keep it a secret ... left him to rot in jail. She could leave anyone to rot in jail, based on her lies, and do nothing to help. I think she's going to need more than another tall tale about sexual harassment from prison officials while incarcerated for sexual murder.
"Media hype"? It's a direct quote from a juror. Are you now claiming the jurors are on the payroll of AK's giant p.r. firm?

Perhaps you believe that 27 year olds a kids. Personally, I don't. I think any remark about a 27 year old being a kid is media hype.
From your link"

"Raffaele's statement to prosecutors that he had spoken to his father the night Kercher was killed raised suspicion, as phone records showed no trace of the call. Investigators noted Sollecito's habit of carrying a pocket knife around, his liking for violent Japanese manga comics and the inconsistencies in his statements about spending the night of the murder watching a video, cooking and making love with Knox in his apartment."

Is your point that the Guardian is a lousy source? Because we KNOW that RS and his father spoke during the evening of the murder, don't we?

I think that paragraph is boilerplate from old articles stuck in carelessly here.
Perhaps you believe that 27 year olds a kids. Personally, I don't. I think any remark about a 27 year old being a kid is media hype.

I don't think you understand what the phrase "media hype" means. It refers to disinformation or exaggerated information manufactured by hired, media reps.

The quote in question came from a juror, a case principal not a media rep.

As for the meaning of the word "kid," it is often relative to the user.
Is your point that the Guardian is a lousy source? Because we KNOW that RS and his father spoke during the evening of the murder, don't we?

I think that paragraph is boilerplate from old articles stuck in carelessly here.

It doesn't mean that the newspaper is mistaken, it means that Sollecito lied about a phone call and that there were inconsistencies in his story regarding the night of the murder. It appears that the newspaper is not going to forget the facts too quickly.

Let's look at the statement:

"Raffaele's statement to prosecutors that he had spoken to his father the night Kercher was killed raised suspicion, as phone records showed no trace of the call."

Phone records showed no trace of the call. It doesn't say that Sollecito didn't call his father that particular night, it says that there was no trace of the call that Sollecito alluded to.

This statement reminds people that there were inconsistencies in Sollecito's statement as well:

"... inconsistencies in his statements about spending the night of the murder watching a video, cooking and making love with Knox in his apartment"
I don't think you understand what the phrase "media hype" means. It refers to disinformation or exaggerated information manufactured by hired, media reps.

The quote in question came from a juror, a case principal not a media rep.

As for the meaning of the word "kid," it is often relative to the user.

Calling a 27 year old man a "kid" is not exaggerated?

Sollecito is certainly scrawny like a kid, but he's a full grown man with no life and a very questionable history.
There was no such identification.

That was merely a sexist (and rather creepy) fantasy by a corrupt prosecutor.

Personally, I'd be ashamed to repeat it.

The knife that delivered the fatal blow was the larger of the two knives. Meredith Kercher had over 40 injuries, none self-defensive. There were 3 superficial cut on her hands, but none were deep enough to be considered defensive. Two knives were used.

The larger knife, found in Sollecito's apartment, was connected with Knox through the handle. Substance, found on the blade, was identified by forensic analysts as belonging to Meredith. When it was sent for verification by the academics, the academics stated that because it was LNCDNA, they would not test it. The lab had the equipment to test it, better equipment than the state forensic lab. It would have settled the question of whether the substance could be connected to Meredith. Experts chose not to test the material, instead focusing on starch near the handle. Prosecution requests to have the material tested were denied, and will probably be put forward with the Supreme Court - if it goes that far. A request has to be made after the filing of the motivations report. I suspect the prosecutions appeal will be filed within a day.

The academics did not dispute that the DNA chart reading for the knife blade LNC DNA was consistent with Meredith's DNA. They were unable to explain how contamination could have occurred on the knife.

Admittedly there was contamination on the clasp - corroded as a result of using US specified bagging techniques.
MK was only murdered once.

It appears that some want to murder/ruin AK and RS overAndoverAndoverAndover again. As if being incarcerated for crimes they did not commit (and were not proved) wasn't bad enough.

When the fixation is on a stranger--someone unknown except for a portrayal in the media, it suggests a lot about the obsessed one and highlights some of their issues, to put it mildly.

I can understand despising someone who we know, who may have personally hurt someone we love or even someone in our family, but this level of obsession of a stranger, in which imagined traits are imbued on them....well....I see why personal security teams are necessary.
The knife that delivered the fatal blow was the larger of the two knives. Meredith Kercher had over 40 injuries, none self-defensive. There were 3 superficial cut on her hands, but none were deep enough to be considered defensive. Two knives were used.

The larger knife, found in Sollecito's apartment, was connected with Knox through the handle. Substance, found on the blade, was identified by forensic analysts as belonging to Meredith. When it was sent for verification by the academics, the academics stated that because it was LNCDNA, they would not test it. The lab had the equipment to test it, better equipment than the state forensic lab. It would have settled the question of whether the substance could be connected to Meredith. Experts chose not to test the material, instead focusing on starch near the handle. Prosecution requests to have the material tested were denied, and will probably be put forward with the Supreme Court - if it goes that far. A request has to be made after the filing of the motivations report. I suspect the prosecutions appeal will be filed within a day.

The academics did not dispute that the DNA chart reading for the knife blade LNC DNA was consistent with Meredith's DNA. They were unable to explain how contamination could have occurred on the knife.

Admittedly there was contamination on the clasp - corroded as a result of using US specified bagging techniques.

No, they tested the knife, and the machine read-out said "NO DNA." The prosecution complained that they did not continue testing in spite of the fact that the machine read NO DNA. That they didn't blow up the sample as much as absolutely possible to see if they could get a reading anyway.

Also, since Stefanoni stated she used up her entire sample and it was next to miniscule, one would think there would be nothing left. Regardless.
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