Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox Conviction Overturned #22

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Actually, I am suspicious of Kokomani. Ironically enough.

Well, he apparently had a car. What color was it? because the tow truck guy saw the dark car and Koko admitted seeing the tow in progress.
Wow, really? I hesitate to say that I am suspicious of him, because the only reason I am is because of rumor and innuendo (and we see where that road leads to). The rumor and innuendo is that his cell phone places him there, he knew about the broken down car and tow truck that was there that night, and he went to a bar afterwards and told his friends that he had been in the area that night and he was attacked. I think that his cell phone pinged in that area, and that it's proven he's used cocaine in the past.

And now this rumor that he fled. I think he approached the police with his story as well, and I think it was under the auspices that he was concerned he was going to be linked to the crime because of the story he told his friends in the bar that night.

I just thought. Man, if all that's true, maybe Rudy did have an accomplice and maybe it's this guy.

Anyway, that means that I am open to the idea that there was more than one person there that night. I think you could have a couple of people there, or it could have just been one person. If it was two people though, the evidence of the room indicates the other person didn't leave much evidence of themselves there.

WHat color is his hair? Maybe he did attack MK while RG was on the toilet.

The Knox Verdict has Revealed More about Western European Prejudices Than any Sort of Justice

Amanda Knox has been portrayed by western media as a sex-crazed, man-eating psychopath. One commentator from the Telegraph has suggested that 'Meredith Kercher has become a footnote in the life of Amanda Knox', which to some extent is true. However this is only true because of the media circus created around a young American woman who is sexually liberated and has had this liberation depicted as a psychological problem which would make her murdering her flatmate all of a sudden very plausible. This depiction of a femme fatal that has been hanging over Knox for four years is nothing new. Stockport's murdering nurse or 'Saline-serial-killer', Rebecca Leighton, was often referred to with pictures of her on a night out alluding to her promiscuity.
Well I think you raise interesting questions, and again, I've never practiced any form of international law and really don't know much about how EU courts work. It does seem that you've raised the inference that parties in interest can just forum shop different countries in Europe every time they lose a civil suit. Seems kind of whack, but maybe you can give some insight.

I can speak to US law and can say unequivocally they have no chance in hell here in the US.

Keep in mind, the following is primarily conjecture based on limited info, as I've always found the structure of the EU to be confusing and frustratingly mercurial in nature...

What I was alluding to is not a matter of nation shopping, but court shopping. The EU itself has various judicial bodies, the one I'm primarily familiar with being the Court of Human Rights, and they have varying abilities to circumvent or supersede rulings in the courts of member nations, as well as to censure nations for rulings that are found to violate whatever charters the particular court has jurisdiction over.

I'm pretty fuzzy on these bodies, however, as there is little attention paid to them in the MSM other than the Human Rights one, and even that one only gets an occasional, very limited mention, and my primary focus on the above court has been on their chronic problems with Italy's laws and court rulings. So take anything I say on this matter with a huge grain of salt.

I hope you are wrong. I thought I had seen the worst character-blackening of any young person I would ever observe after Michael Nifong and others had gotten through with the three Duke lacrosse students. Yet, I think that Amanda Knox was treated at least as badly by LE and by large segments of the press as David Evans, Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligman were, and that is going a ways. If her public image becomes a problem in a future civil trial, it would be unjust.

Be prepared, as civil trials are notorious for allowing evidence and arguments that criminal courts would never tolerate (outside of Perugia and Iran, apparently).
John Kercher:

Kercher's statements from the article make it harder to swallow that AK and MK had a sudden blow up over some money. A random attack by a burglar who didn't care to know her, yeah, more likely.

Funny, the thing that most caught my eye in this link was in the comment section, where someone says that we'll never really know the truth for sure, like with Lizzy Borden. And there we have it, after all the attempts on both sides to find a comparison case. AK is our century's Lizzy Borden.

An often unsympathetic figure sensationalized and demonized beyond reason, implicated in a bloody crime with evidence that is either solid or questionable depending on who you ask, by a prosecution that presented theories of the crime that many find...unrealistic, and finally acquitted in controversial fashion...yep, I'm going with that (though I still stand by my Stephanie Crowe case comparison).

But who knows, maybe RG will write a book called "If I Really Did It By Myself" and we'll get some answers, lol. :crazy:
Funny, the thing that most caught my eye in this link was in the comment section, where someone says that we'll never really know the truth for sure, like with Lizzy Borden. And there we have it, after all the attempts on both sides to find a comparison case. AK is our century's Lizzy Borden.

An often unsympathetic figure sensationalized and demonized beyond reason, implicated in a bloody crime with evidence that is either solid or questionable depending on who you ask, by a prosecution that presented theories of the crime that many find...unrealistic...yep, I'm going with that (though I still stand by my Stephanie Crowe case comparison).

But who knows, maybe RG will write a book called "If I Really Did It By Myself" and we'll get some answers, lol. :crazy:
Yes, another Lizzy Borden - not.:furious: Why is it so difficult to believe that Guede- with his history of break and entry and knife wielding - surprised Kercher?:furious:
Yes, another Lizzy Borden - not.:furious: Why is it so difficult to believe that Guede- with his history of break and entry and knife wielding - surprised Kercher?:furious:

Personally I feel that Borden really was innocent - her Uncle makes a far more viable candidate, one who was improperly dismissed as a suspect by LE. Your strong reaction to me even bringing her up just proves my point, as AK is doomed to evoke such responses from many for some time to come.

I saw that comment also, but I don't know much about the Lizzie Borden case. However, I think that The Economist had a much more interesting take on this case than any of the articles I have seen so far in the Huffington Post. They wrote, "During the investigation, the media were drip-fed lurid details of the prosecution’s case...Defence lawyers complained that, by the time of the trial, the six jurors were so steeped in this version of events that they were unable to see its implausibility."

I saw that comment also, but I don't know much about the Lizzie Borden case. However, I think that The Economist had a much more interesting take on this case than any of the articles I have seen so far in the Huffington Post. They wrote, "During the investigation, the media were drip-fed lurid details of the prosecution’s case...Defence lawyers complained that, by the time of the trial, the six jurors were so steeped in this version of events that they were unable to see its implausibility."

Good article. Funny that you linked that particular one, as the issues that are brought up there were a huge factor in the Borden trial. That was a shameful era in the US for both the justice system and the media, though it makes research into murders of the time quite interesting, as the mainstream articles are surprisingly lurid and detailed in ways that one would never see today outside of the tabloids - one has to use great caution, as often such details were made up whole cloth by the writers (who often wrote more like storytellers than journalists) or by the authorities who were feeding them info.

I saw that comment also, but I don't know much about the Lizzie Borden case. However, I think that The Economist had a much more interesting take on this case than any of the articles I have seen so far in the Huffington Post. They wrote, "During the investigation, the media were drip-fed lurid details of the prosecution’s case...Defence lawyers complained that, by the time of the trial, the six jurors were so steeped in this version of events that they were unable to see its implausibility."
Thanks for this link. Yes, at a certain point , the implausibility had been obscured totally by the media coverage.
*Snipped*. Your 'facts' claim exactly the same as was just discussed a few pages back. The words come from Luca Maori, a defense lawyer. All the other articles are based on what the defense lawyer said. They were putting words in the mouths of the prosecutors. You are quoting the defense lawyer.

To refer to a 'commom thread' here is laughable. This is a very unfriendly thread towards anyone with a different opinion other than 'sweet innocent Amanda'. Most people with a different opinion simply couldn't be bothered to participate here (anymore). This thread stand outs (negatively) from all other threads here on websleuths. Very strange. JMO.

You know, I was going to snip this and than I thought better of it, because it is TRUE! As hard as I and the other mods have tried, for some reason, no one seems to understand that it is OKAY for others to have a different opinion and they DON'T need to be beat down for it.

The truth of the matter, in my opinion, is that some of the excuses made for Amanda's behavior on this thread are a bit far fetched. Now, I'm not saying she is guilty but I am saying for all of those cool heads that think they are looking at the evidence objectively, they probably should go back and take another look. There are things in this case that make no sense and can not just be explained away, regardless of which side of the fence you are sitting on. Yes, the prosecutor did some really awful and strange things, but no, a pierced ear is probably not going to bleed drops of blood into the sink. The reality here is that we don't know what really happened even with all the wringing of every piece of evidence. There was NOT one objective voice in this case, in my opinion. NOT ONE!

And all the well-seasoned sleuths on this thread took positions, regardless of nonobjectivity, and then beat each other mercilessly with it.

It really was more about US versus THEM, than Amanda and Rafelle. :(

And 99.9% was so unnecessary.

Be nice in here or prepare for a TO, because there will be NO MORE warnings. If I don't catch up until a day or so later, that will not excuse you. Anymore mean and nasty posting and you should just be prepared to take a bit of a vacation. Enough is Enough and I've had enough. The Judge/jury has spoken. We move on from there.

WHat color is his hair? Maybe he did attack MK while RG was on the toilet.

Maybe we all had it wrong. Maybe Kokomani was the lookout. He saw Meredith heading towards the cottage. Rudy is inside on the toilet. Meredith enters and Kokomani follows her in to "help" Rudy, and things got out of control. So Rudy's version would be the closest version to the truth.

Wouldn't that be insane.
Sure is hard to sleuth a case like this since it took place in Italy, in a language most of us are not familiar with, and with very little evidence that we in the U.S. can actually see. We are left with MSM reports, blogging reports, and lots of opinion pieces while waiting for this latest Italian judge/jury report, due out in about another 75 days. The scientific evidence was impeached by 3rd party scientists and there's not much else left other than what impressions random folks around the world have shared.
The truth of the matter, in my opinion, is that some of the excuses made for Amanda's behavior on this thread are just laughable. Now, I'm not saying she is guilty but I am saying for all of those cool heads that think they are looking at the evidence objectively, they probably should go back and take another look. There are things in this case that make no sense and can not just be explained away, regardless of which side of the fence you are sitting on. Yes, the prosecutor did some really awful and strange things, but no, a pierced ear is not going to bleed drops of blood into the sink. The reality here is that we don't know what really happened even with all the wringing of every piece of evidence. There was NOT one objective voice in this case, in my opinion. NOT ONE!

You raise an interesting question about the pierced, infected ear, one that I had not previously seen. I seem to recall reading about Amanda's pillowcase having a spot of blood on it. Maybe someone can help out by either pointing out whether my memory is right or wrong. With respect to other things that do not make sense, I would say that it is difficult to explain the luminol-positive areas, but I happen to think that it is approximately equally difficult to do so from the point of view of the prosecution or the defense.
Maybe we all had it wrong. Maybe Kokomani was the lookout. He saw Meredith heading towards the cottage. Rudy is inside on the toilet. Meredith enters and Kokomani follows her in to "help" Rudy, and things got out of control. So Rudy's version would be the closest version to the truth.

Wouldn't that be insane.
Kokomani wasn't a suspect, yet he came forward as a witness and identified both AK and RS on the scene. IMO he would have never come forward if he was involved somehow himself. I think he did lie about the circumstances (bumping into them in the road) because he is far more the drug dealer then RG ever was. If he was there then most likely the reason was to provide drugs to the 3. This then explains the violent nature of the attack against Meredith (somewhat, as I don't want to use drug use as an 'excuse'). However, I don't believe we will hear much more from Kokomani again. The lawyers of RS will do anything to prevent him from speaking out. Besides that he might face charges for his previous testimony if he is going to change his story now. JMO.

You raise an interesting question about the pierced, infected ear, one that I had not previously seen. I seem to recall reading about Amanda's pillowcase having a spot of blood on it. Maybe someone can help out by either pointing out whether my memory is right or wrong. With respect to other things that do not make sense, I would say that it is difficult to explain the luminol-positive areas, but I happen to think that it is approximately equally difficult to do so from the point of view of the prosecution or the defense.

Here is the blood on the tap:

And the blood stain on her pillow:

The blood from her ear didn't have to come from falling off. I find that implausible as well. It could very well have come from touching her ear, then the faucet.

I never found the luminol too difficult to explain, given all the manuals and expert warnings that it can not be used to determine whether a substance is actually blood. But what really hits it home for me, is the unknown female footprint. I doubt there was another woman there who stepped in blood.

You raise an interesting question about the pierced, infected ear, one that I had not previously seen. I seem to recall reading about Amanda's pillowcase having a spot of blood on it. Maybe someone can help out by either pointing out whether my memory is right or wrong. With respect to other things that do not make sense, I would say that it is difficult to explain the luminol-positive areas, but I happen to think that it is approximately equally difficult to do so from the point of view of the prosecution or the defense.

There was a discussion in this thread regarding infected ear piercings and bleeding. I remember it well as Malkmus did a quick google search on it and it came up with 8 pages. It would of been around Feb 2011 if I recall correctly
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