Meter Reader

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How do we know it was the precise spot? I thought originally he saw a bag
by the may have been even gray and this bag is black? We don't
know and LE nor he has mentioned if there was an odor that drew his attention also back in August.

The very spot "nature called" on Dec 11 is the PRECISE spot he knew he saw a suspicious trash bag back in Aug. I just find it either miraculous or perplexing.
It has been mentioned that the people who live in the home on that long lot that backs up to the woods smelled decomposition in the summer but assumed it was a dead animal.

And also, I don't know if you live in Florida or an area prone to flooding, but when water is standing for a period of time in heat and humidity there are all kinds of weird smells in the area. I remember after the rains from the hurricane this summer and all that standing water in east orlando/brevard county, every time I drove through that area it was pretty smelly until it dried up.

And one other question- if Caylee's body was dumped there in mid-june, and the public was not aware she was missing until mid- July, smells from the woods would not be expected to be a cadaver and would be assumed to be an animal. I can't remember if it was Dr. G or another person I saw speaking on the news on Friday night but someone (ME or forensics person) said that the conditions in that area, in summer in Florida would have likely caused the body to become skeletal in about 2 weeks.

Therefore, the smells of decomposition in that area would not have been tied to Caylee if nobody were aware that she was missing at that time.
Exactly! Thank You! I Agree! :clap:
Sorry if anyone else has put this theory together already but.....

GSJ claims her video was taped August 11th of her in the area of the crime scene (if you have not seen it they are stopped on the road and out walking with search dogs with cars driving by).

Meter Reader amazingly calls into LE about this same area August 11th, 12th and 13th!!!

I think MR seen a mini-van with Ohio tags stopped on the road with a lady walking the area with a search dog and he picked up where they left off.

If this is not the case, it's one heck of a coincidence!

Even stranger just one day before on Nancy Grace LP said that "don't be surprised if LE doesn't already have the body. LP psychic? Stranger than fiction sometimes. The case I mean.:eek:
Sorry if anyone else has put this theory together already but.....

GSJ claims her video was taped August 11th of her in the area of the crime scene (if you have not seen it they are stopped on the road and out walking with search dogs with cars driving by).

Meter Reader amazingly calls into LE about this same area August 11th, 12th and 13th!!!

I think MR seen a mini-van with Ohio tags stopped on the road with a lady walking the area with a search dog and he picked up where they left off.

If this is not the case, it's one heck of a coincidence!

I wonder the same. Did he see the psychic searchers? I have the same thoughts rollin' through my mind yesterday and today.
I think the MR was indeed just a concern citizen who was reluctant to get too involved.

Wasn't there a high profile murder being investigated in Blanchard Park that was yet unsolved in August? Maybe the MR actually saw more than a bag in August, but was reluctant to tell authorities exactly what he saw?

Maybe he felt that he could point them in the right direction without getting too involved.

If I remember correctly, they now have a suspect in that other murder case. Might explain why he would take another look and call in Dec.
I think the MR was indeed just a concern citizen who was reluctant to get too involved.

Wasn't there a high profile murder being investigated in Blanchard Park that was yet unsolved in August? Maybe the MR actually saw more than a bag in August, but was reluctant to tell authorities exactly what he saw?

Maybe he felt that he could point them in the right direction without getting too involved.

If I remember correctly, they now have a suspect in that other murder case. Might explain why he would take another look and call in Dec.

I completely agree, and am certain there was more than murder case going on within the same time frame. Meter Reader is just a good guy, doing what good citizens should do without fear of suspicion or condenmation. Geesh.
There was another crime scene {i think} up the road on the left of the crime scene pictures released. The reason i think this is there is a blue tent and 3 or more police cars in a cirlce drive. It is on the photos not sure which one because i cant check it now. I wonder if that is related. I thought it was a trailor park but now it seems it is some kind of storage place for semi? Not sure. I just thought it was interesting maybe not even related.
There is something fishy about this situation with the meter man. I will just wait to see what said on the 13th of Aug. before I comment any further.
(well I can't to that, I tried)
If the meter reader and the physic had been out there on the same day, why didn't they both see the same thing or same bag that drew so much attention from the meter reader?
When the meter reader called on the 11th why didn't he stick around to meet with a deputy then?
At the press conference he said something to the effect of not wanting to be bothered over the holiday? Why? People are trying to find out what happened to this precious little girl, and he wants them to wait until after the holiday? Is he just trying to make sure that he will be home for the holiday and not in jail after all he knows is revealed?
He also said something to the effect of not wanting his friends bothered over the holiday. Why? What does any of his friends have to do with this situation? Did he tell a friend back in Aug what was going on and his suspicions? Could one the friends be connected to the A's somehow?

I am confused.
The meter reader went above and beyond the call of duty back in August by calling THREE times and by following up on his hunch again ten days ago.

He owes nothing else to anyone.
Did anyone hear this?
When the meter reader called into 911 he says - "the skull of -(then he stops and says) "we found a human skull....."
Was he about to say "the skull of Caylee Anthony...." How did he know that?
Did anyone hear this?
When the meter reader called into 911 he says - "the skull of -(then he stops and says) "we found a human skull....."
Was he about to say "the skull of Caylee Anthony...." How did he know that?

Did anyone hear this?
When the meter reader called into 911 he says - "the skull of -(then he stops and says) "we found a human skull....."
Was he about to say "the skull of Caylee Anthony...." How did he know that?

This is a s----t----r----e----t----c----h.
What if he was going to say, the skull of a person, the skull of a child, the skull of a human? We don't know what he was going to say. I don't think he would have called if it was the skull of a dog or other animal.
What if the meter reader actually saw someone originally dump the bag there?

The scenario could go something like this:
  • He saw someone who take a bag into the woods
  • He later heard that Caylee was missing
  • He racked his brains and remembered that he saw someone take a bag into the woods around her home
  • He went out to investigate where he thought he saw someone go into the woods, saw the bag, and called the cops
What if the meter reader actually saw someone originally dump the bag there?

The scenario could go something like this:
  • He saw someone who take a bag into the woods
  • He later heard that Caylee was missing
  • He racked his brains and remembered that he saw someone take a bag into the woods around her home
  • He went out to investigate where he thought he saw someone go into the woods, saw the bag, and called the cops

I never thought about that.
This is a s----t----r----e----t----c----h.
What if he was going to say, the skull of a person, the skull of a child, the skull of a human? We don't know what he was going to say. I don't think he would have called if it was the skull of a dog or other animal.

The meter reader isn't the one that called 911. It was the dispatch office of the utility company.
Also, did anyone listen to the call from the meter reader to his dispatcher? After RC says he has found a skull, etc, the dispatcher asks for an address. RC says something like "No address, Suburban Road, at the woods near the elementary school."

The dispatcher then asks, "What are the cross streets?"

RK names a street, I can't recall the name, then says, "and then there's Hopespring Drive, WHERE I LIVE....." Could he have smelled something in his own back yard? Could HE have been walking HIS dog and saw KC's car stopped there, but didn't think much of it until later?

(First kind. I clicked on one of the newspaper's or TV station's audio snippets, and now can't find it.....)
Could he have smelled something in his own back yard? Could HE have been walking HIS dog and saw KC's car stopped there, but didn't think much of it until later?

(First kind. I clicked on one of the newspaper's or TV station's audio snippets, and now can't find it.....)

Given the conflicting bits of information - and that we are undoubtedly not getting the entire story at this point... could it be that the meter reader went into the woods to relieve himself back on Aug 11 - and that was when he initially saw the bag?

He calls, reports it (if he's supposed to be working, he may figure he'll get in trouble if he hangs around waiting for police) - nobody follows up, calls again the 2nd day with no response, calls the 3rd time and meets LE out there, perhaps points out the bag, they start to head toward it, see the snake, LE tells the meter guy he'll check it out, meter reader leaves - cop thinks it's just an empty bag and never bothers to check further. (remember that they were getting thousands of tips - odds of this bag actually being important were a million to one.)

Meanwhile it eats at the meter reader, and when he's back in the area and/or the water level goes down, he goes back to check?
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