Meter Reader

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Well, whoever put the body in this location does not seem to have cared about it being found. It seems like a person who didn't want it found would have put it in a remote place where it wouldn't be found. Not there.

Just curious, why wouldn't you assume Casey put Caylees body there?

She is the logical choice. I mean sure it could have been someone else, but:
When Casey sent out her mass text to her friends about Caylee's "disappearence" they all texted her back, called her back, called LE, rallied to see what they could do to help. Even AR who called her snotnose, or whatever. Casey had no concern, didn't call anyone. It doesn't matter which story she goes with, the steps at Sawgrass or Caylee being ripped away from her at Blanchard Park. She didn't even call her parents because she was afraid of what would happen to her.

When asked where they worked, it appears that her friends...and the meter reader were all honest about their employers. Not Casey.

Her friends turned over their cell phones, offered up computers, gave information of their where abouts, etc... Casey hasn't said anything...well not anything true.

You've said that LE should've taken the dogs to her friends houses, through their cars, to the bf's houses and their cars and now the meter readers vehicles, etc. Did the impound yard have any of their abandoned cars on the lot, smelling of decomp?

Why should everyone else have to be cleared before Casey can be a suspect?

What motive did any of them have to kill a 2 year old baby and dump her unclothed body outside?

When Casey was in jail and having visitation with her parents, she wouldn't answer their questions because it could/would be released to the public and she actually said she was protecting her family...and she said it wasn't because of anything she had done, what's stopping her now?

We saw a couple of rattlers. One we saw had 9 rattlers that I could count with my lens. I didn't get that close, because if they are rattling they intend to strike. It is best to go around those. I don't push my luck, and darn sure don't want to be bitten regardless of what they have to treat them. Some people are highly allergic to the anti venom.

Seriously, what if the person that is bitten goes into anaphylactic shock? I don't think its worth the risk. I agree that the venom isn't the only thing to be worried about with a bite.
Couldn't we take the snake talk to the parking lot or the jury room?! It creeps me out. LOL
Couldn't we take the snake talk to the parking lot or the jury room?! It is really getting old and it also creeps me out. LOL

Okay, there do seem to be a few of us who completely agree with not venturing into the area due to that alleged sighting though.
The last half of this thread has been Very Interesting reading (not that the first half wasn't, I just started in the middle :crazy: My hats off to those who those that are able to give Casey SO MUCH benefit of the doubt. I know..I know, innocent until proven guilty a Court Of Law...but for the life of me I can not find ANY doubt that Casey and only Casey killed Caylee. :behindbar .Not her friends, not the kidnappers/nanny, not the drug lords, not the MR.....Casey..all by her evil self.
Why would anyone implicate this meter reader? Anyone giving kc the benefit of doubt must have forgotten the facts from the beginning of the case.
Just curious, why wouldn't you assume Casey put Caylees body there?

She is the logical choice. I mean sure it could have been someone else, but:
When Casey sent out her mass text to her friends about Caylee's "disappearence" they all texted her back, called her back, called LE, rallied to see what they could do to help. Even AR who called her snotnose, or whatever. Casey had no concern, didn't call anyone. It doesn't matter which story she goes with, the steps at Sawgrass or Caylee being ripped away from her at Blanchard Park. She didn't even call her parents because she was afraid of what would happen to her.

When asked where they worked, it appears that her friends...and the meter reader were all honest about their employers. Not Casey.

Her friends turned over their cell phones, offered up computers, gave information of their where abouts, etc... Casey hasn't said anything...well not anything true.

You've said that LE should've taken the dogs to her friends houses, through their cars, to the bf's houses and their cars and now the meter readers vehicles, etc. Did the impound yard have any of their abandoned cars on the lot, smelling of decomp?

Why should everyone else have to be cleared before Casey can be a suspect?

What motive did any of them have to kill a 2 year old baby and dump her unclothed body outside?

When Casey was in jail and having visitation with her parents, she wouldn't answer their questions because it could/would be released to the public and she actually said she was protecting her family...and she said it wasn't because of anything she had done, what's stopping her now?


They don't need to be cleared before she's arrested but they need to be cleared before trial. If LE hones in on one suspect only it's something the defense can exploit and if KC is convicted can be used as a reason for appeal.

They have to pursue all the people surrounding the victim to help the case.

I also believe LA was involved and doing this might lead to accomplices.
They don't need to be cleared before she's arrested but they need to be cleared before trial. If LE hones in on one suspect only it's something the defense can exploit and if KC is convicted can be used as a reason for appeal.

They have to pursue all the people surrounding the victim to help the case.

I also believe LA was involved and doing this might lead to accomplices.

If there were any evidence that led to anyone other than kc, they would have followed it. All evidence led to kc, the pontiac, and the A home. It doesn't make sense to investigate with luminol, cadaver dogs etc at everyone who had contact with kc and Caylee. LE "hones" in on a suspect based on evidence. The friends have been cleared and the fact they weren't searched with cadaver dogs and the csi unit didn't go to every one of their homes will have absolutey no bearing on this case.
If there were any evidence that led to anyone other than kc, they would have followed it. All evidence led to kc, the pontiac, and the A home. It doesn't make sense to investigate with luminol, cadaver dogs etc at everyone who had contact with kc and Caylee. LE "hones" in on a suspect based on evidence. The friends have been cleared and the fact they weren't searched with cadaver dogs and the csi unit didn't go to every one of their homes will have absolutey no bearing on this case.

I'm not saying to go that far but bring them in for questioning and lie detector tests that's all.
The funny thing is that's been my experiance too, every man I know is TERRIFIED of snakes!

You got that right! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Hate 'em, just hate 'em!
Closing this thread, way too long and way too many deleted posts. Lets do a better job here
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