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DNA Solves
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Anyone who has viewed the crime scene photos can see that the remains were not 50 or 60 feet into the woods.
Anyone who has viewed the crime scene photos can see that the remains were not 50 or 60 feet into the woods.

Fifty feet is not very far at all. It is deceptive when you have trees how far something is. Your setback on your house is likely much more than 50 feet.
Please, stop with the snake pics :eek:

Now, now Chilly....snakes are not as bad as people make them out to be! (OT) Guess I'm just a country girl but I've caught and played with them through my childhood years, learned early on how to tell the poisonous from non-poisonous. My dad wasn't too pleased that he couldn't get me to leave them alone but needless to say, here I am - bite free and still kicking. I've caught them and showed my kids the difference between venomous and non, have faced the wrath of others who do not agree with my thought process. But I'd rather them know the difference and remove the curiosity than to let them find out the hard way.
Anyway, back on topic - snakes are more scared of you than you are of them. They clear the area quickly when noises and footsteps alert them of a presence. A dead snake would be pretty easily to discern, I would think. A live one would have shot off into a hole or under a log for cover. I personally don't buy the snake theory unless the LE guy was just petrified of them to the point that he was afraid to go into the woods because one "might" be in the area. MOO
I also just want to say this is bothering me. If KC put the body there then she wanted to make it look like a Kidnapping right. Hence the dupe tape and placement of the book (well, if that is the book). Why? There are kids all the time who are kidnapped and never found. Seem like it would have been easier especialy with all the time on her hands to dispose of the body in a way no one would find it. Why did she want it found in the first place? If she was being a "spiteful " then wouldn't she want her mother to know she killed her? How is having you daughter kidnapped being a spiteful ?

I dont think she was *staging* a kidnapping at all, there is no way she wanted Caylee's body found. She did not plan for the body to be found IMO, she thought mother nature in FL would take care of all of it, after all Trenton Duckett was never found. She was going to go with a kidnapper story but that's as far as she thought she needed to go, and as days went buy and she thought she was getting away with it the more she thought she was out smarting everyone.
As far as the MM I'm not sure that this is just not going to turn out to be a comedy of errors. He said he will have more to say after the holidays, I hope it clears up some questions instead of adding more as seems to be the way with this case.
I love snakes! :)

When LE says they ran into a big snake,

Has LE actually confirmed that they saw a big snake, or did the media get that mixed up with the MR?

Those are deadly poison, and I bet that is what they saw because of the swamp area around her body.

Death from a bite would be rare, especially now that antivenom is readily available. The MR said the dead one he saw was an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake.

That is an awesome photo you have there.
Anyone who has viewed the crime scene photos can see that the remains were not 50 or 60 feet into the woods.

So what's up with that? Was Sheriff Beary talking smack? Do you know exactly where the skull was laying?

I heard that remains (bones) were scattered over a pretty big area, but maybe Beary considers the "crime scene" to be the location of the bag (with long-term indentation underneath) and the skull. Maybe those two things were way deep in the woods.
Now, now Chilly....snakes are not as bad as people make them out to be! (OT) Guess I'm just a country girl but I've caught and played with them through my childhood years, learned early on how to tell the poisonous from non-poisonous. My dad wasn't too pleased that he couldn't get me to leave them alone but needless to say, here I am - bite free and still kicking. I've caught them and showed my kids the difference between venomous and non, have faced the wrath of others who do not agree with my thought process. But I'd rather them know the difference and remove the curiosity than to let them find out the hard way.
Anyway, back on topic - snakes are more scared of you than you are of them. They clear the area quickly when noises and footsteps alert them of a presence. A dead snake would be pretty easily to discern, I would think. A live one would have shot off into a hole or under a log for cover. I personally don't buy the snake theory unless the LE guy was just petrified of them to the point that he was afraid to go into the woods because one "might" be in the area. MOO

I do buy it after searching with people for years. Most men are absolutely terrified of snakes. I have been the one to almost always cross the "snake line" when we have the dogs out. I won't let my dog go first because they will grab a snake in a minute if you are not careful. They can kill them, but they can also get nailed.
It would be foolish for anyone to walk in an area known to have snakes to assume as they walk through that the snake will move out of the person's way.
I do buy it after searching with people for years. Most men are absolutely terrified of snakes. I have been the one to almost always cross the "snake line" when we have the dogs out. I won't let my dog go first because they will grab a snake in a minute if you are not careful. They can kill them, but they can also get nailed.

The funny thing is that's been my experiance too, every man I know is TERRIFIED of snakes!
I love snakes! :)

Has LE actually confirmed that they saw a big snake, or did the media get that mixed up with the MR?

Death from a bite would be rare, especially now that antivenom is readily available. The MR said the dead one he saw was an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake.

That is an awesome photo you have there.

We saw a couple of rattlers. One we saw had 9 rattlers that I could count with my lens. I didn't get that close, because if they are rattling they intend to strike. It is best to go around those. I don't push my luck, and darn sure don't want to be bitten regardless of what they have to treat them. Some people are highly allergic to the anti venom.
It would be foolish for anyone to walk in an area known to have snakes to assume as they walk through that the snake will move out of the person's way.

As far as I'm concerned, you could have ended that sentence after the word snakes.
It would be foolish for anyone to walk in an area known to have snakes to assume as they walk through that the snake will move out of the person's way.

Trust me they don't always move. If they are sunning or molting they will not move but strike.
I love snakes! :)

Has LE actually confirmed that they saw a big snake, or did the media get that mixed up with the MR?

Death from a bite would be rare, especially now that antivenom is readily available. The MR said the dead one he saw was an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake.
That is an awesome photo you have there.

I love them too Hot Dogs! They are beautiful and fascinating, too many people are afraid of the unknown. ITA on the anti-venom. Wear the right PPE and chances of getting bitten are slim. BUT in the rare occurrence of a freak accident, ie...snake falling from tree into the hoodie of your jacket, chomping down on an ear or something...get to the hospital quick! (try to get a good look at the colors, length, shape of head, round pupil or straight pupil in eyes). Walking in the woods with a long stick, and knocking branches, leaves, etc. will scare them away enough to be able to search the area. I think anyone who is in LE or that may need to venture into the woods should know how to avoid these obstacles in order to be able to do their jobs, IMHO.
I dont think she was *staging* a kidnapping at all, there is no way she wanted Caylee's body found. She did not plan for the body to be found IMO, she thought mother nature in FL would take care of all of it, after all Trenton Duckett was never found. She was going to go with a kidnapper story but that's as far as she thought she needed to go, and as days went buy and she thought she was getting away with it the more she thought she was out smarting everyone.

Maybe Casey was going to move Caylee at a later date. Mom may have ruined that plan when she called 911.

As she walked into those woods carrying Caylee, she must have noticed the trash laying around. Hmmm... I see people do come into these woods. Well, nobody will find her here in this bag because nobody will be looking for a missing child. Nobody knows she's even missing yet. Then the 911 call. :eek:
The funny thing is that's been my experiance too, every man I know is TERRIFIED of snakes!

They are.........much more so than most women. Women are cautious, but most men will turn and go the other way if they have a choice. LOL
Oddly, I like snakes. I don't jump and scream at the sight of them. But I've never been face to face with a rattlesnake either...
I think anyone who is in LE or that may need to venture into the woods should know how to avoid these obstacles in order to be able to do their jobs, IMHO.

Besides that, people say those woods are full of trash. Sounds like people are going in there with some regularity. Are many people coming out of those woods with poisonous snake bites?
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