Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #1

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I believe the notebook was found where Jenny had stayed and I'm assuming the notebook belonged to the host (who may have been a shopkeeper??) and did not go with Jenny when she left. There are dates in May that couldn't have been written by Jenny. That being said, the unanswered questions, lack of precise information and deletions make it impossible to know anything for sure, so your guess is as good as mine. :) Honestly, that FB page is a perfect illustration of obfuscation IMO.

He also said that she has no more money. So the still out hiking is impossible.

Great. I guess he is indirectly saying that she hasn't access her bank account or credit cards since she went missing.

You would think a hubby would tell the public this during the first press release.

It's like you have to pull teeth with this guy to get basic information.

Just imagine the questions the fbi would be asking him if she was a U.S citizen or if she did go missing in the United States.
That page is just weird !! I have never seen so many argumentative comments on a "Find me page" ..and most of them coming from JR

SG. Agree. And welcome.

JR needs to understand that everyone on every page will always suspect a spouse first until LE clears them by checking their phones and internet and banking accounts and whatever else.

Plus he needs to realize that people want more information without the feeling like they are being attacked or brushed off by asking basic questions. Jmo

Now lets say someone found a broken camera on the side of the road.

Well how would they know that it belongs to Jenny if hubby never said be on the lookout for a camera that looks like this.

Also. Your Mother in law was in Mexico trying to find out answers. But he never told followers that until he decided to seem defensive when people started to wonder why is he acting like he is the only one looking. When obviously he was not. Jmo.

And last note. Why is he leaving the search of his wife to some dude that he can barely pay. And expecting poor witnesses that don't even have a phone to call him if they see the driver?

Last Last note. I understand how he may feel bombarded if he is truly innocent.

But. Just like he says the policia and embassy is lying to Jennys family. Then why is he trusting a witness that may be even less forthcoming for a quick $30 hand out.
Didn't Jenny write that one couch surfing family wanted payment and she left quickly?

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster
Didn't Jenny write that one couch surfing family wanted payment and she left quickly?

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster
I think she may have paid a little or changed her mind after going to the ATM.
....maybe the same thing happened at the last place she stayed and she didn't get away quickly?

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster
He also said that she has no more money. So the still out hiking is impossible.

Great. I guess he is indirectly saying that she hasn't access her bank account or credit cards since she went missing.

You would think a hubby would tell the public this during the first press release.

It's like you have to pull teeth with this guy to get basic information.

Just imagine the questions the fbi would be asking him if she was a U.S citizen or if she did go missing in the United States.

Even basic information, he is shifty about. Originally, he offered anyone the names of everyone on his "team". Then when people asked for the names, he said he needed to keep them secret. He eventually gave the PI's name, but then discouraged people from contacting him for any reason.

His overall behaviour is just so strange to me - even the way he speaks about Jenny's parents - it is as if he has never met them or had a conversation with them.
Didn't Jenny write that one couch surfing family wanted payment and she left quickly?

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster

I don't believe that the family was signed up on the couchsurfing website. Jenny met the daughter at a coffee shop and was invited to stay with the very poor family. After four days (during which time she was very sick and finally went to the doctor), it seems that they felt she should at least help out financially. Jenny says she offered small amounts (how small?) of money every day and they refused. Maybe they were being gracious at first? According to Jenny they eventually wanted more money and it upset them that she wouldn't pay and they got angry and kicked her out. They sound hospitable, but did they invite her for more than one night? Jenny's self-reported frugality gave the impression that she had very little money, so several people helped her with freebies along the way. But apparently she overstayed her welcome in this case. When they got angry, she said she'd go to the bank and get money, but after getting it, she decided not to give it to them and gave them only 16 pesos (about 85 cents!) before leaving. I hate to say this, but I will...I think Jenny was either totally clueless socially or a skilled user. JMO

The first links are her experience with the family posted on FB. One of them is personal and embarrassing if they read it IMO. The last link is the rest of the story.
I don't believe that the family was signed up on the couchsurfing website. Jenny met the daughter at a coffee shop and was invited to stay with the very poor family. After four days (during which time she was very sick and finally went to the doctor), it seems that they felt she should at least help out financially. Jenny says she offered small amounts (how small?) of money every day and they refused. Maybe they were being gracious at first? According to Jenny they eventually wanted more money and it upset them that she wouldn't pay and they got angry and kicked her out. They sound hospitable, but did they invite her for more than one night? Jenny's self-reported frugality gave the impression that she had very little money, so several people helped her with freebies along the way. But apparently she overstayed her welcome in this case. When they got angry, she said she'd go to the bank and get money, but after getting it, she decided not to give it to them and gave them only 16 pesos (about 85 cents!) before leaving. I hate to say this, but I will...I think Jenny was either totally clueless socially or a skilled user. JMO

The first links are her experience with the family posted on FB. One of them is personal and embarrassing if they read it IMO. The last link is the rest of the story.
Thank You, Lilibet! Something about no references. Funny JR had couch surfing on his like pages but not Jenny.

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster
I don't believe that the family was signed up on the couchsurfing website. Jenny met the daughter at a coffee shop and was invited to stay with the very poor family. After four days (during which time she was very sick and finally went to the doctor), it seems that they felt she should at least help out financially. Jenny says she offered small amounts (how small?) of money every day and they refused. Maybe they were being gracious at first? According to Jenny they eventually wanted more money and it upset them that she wouldn't pay and they got angry and kicked her out. They sound hospitable, but did they invite her for more than one night? Jenny's self-reported frugality gave the impression that she had very little money, so several people helped her with freebies along the way. But apparently she overstayed her welcome in this case. When they got angry, she said she'd go to the bank and get money, but after getting it, she decided not to give it to them and gave them only 16 pesos (about 85 cents!) before leaving. I hate to say this, but I will...I think Jenny was either totally clueless socially or a skilled user. JMO

The first links are her experience with the family posted on FB. One of them is personal and embarrassing if they read it IMO. The last link is the rest of the story.

Lmao. 85cent for a 4 day stay. Lol

Ole Jenny was getting her hustle on. Lol.

This tells us that she definitely doesn't seem like the type to help hubby with his irs problems.

But I wonder how she planned on paying for Cuba and Ny.
Lmao. 85cent for a 4 day stay. Lol

Ole Jenny was getting her hustle on. Lol.

This tells us that she definitely doesn't seem like the type to help hubby with his irs problems.

But I wonder how she planned on paying for Cuba and Ny.
Haha! Not to mention the money to just get to Cuba or New York

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster
She had a airline ticket to Cuba because it was mentioned she never got on the flight, so she must have made her airline purchases before leaving Seattle.

I don't think it would have been easy for her to couchsurf in Cuba, they just started receiving tourists.
I don't believe that the family was signed up on the couchsurfing website. Jenny met the daughter at a coffee shop and was invited to stay with the very poor family. After four days (during which time she was very sick and finally went to the doctor), it seems that they felt she should at least help out financially. Jenny says she offered small amounts (how small?) of money every day and they refused. Maybe they were being gracious at first? According to Jenny they eventually wanted more money and it upset them that she wouldn't pay and they got angry and kicked her out. They sound hospitable, but did they invite her for more than one night? Jenny's self-reported frugality gave the impression that she had very little money, so several people helped her with freebies along the way. But apparently she overstayed her welcome in this case. When they got angry, she said she'd go to the bank and get money, but after getting it, she decided not to give it to them and gave them only 16 pesos (about 85 cents!) before leaving. I hate to say this, but I will...I think Jenny was either totally clueless socially or a skilled user. JMO

The first links are her experience with the family posted on FB. One of them is personal and embarrassing if they read it IMO. The last link is the rest of the story.

I definitely raised my eyebrows when j first read about the family she didn't want to pay. It would be nice to know the details there about how much she initially offered, etc. i could see why feeling may have been negative there with the apparent miscommunication. I've also really been curious about all the "candid" pictures she was taking. While some are innocent, some seem to be crossing some lines (and then posting these pictures on the Internet, yikes) like people taking naps or kissing. Clearly this is not a reason to hurt Jenny, but if she was taking pictures of the wrong person... I do think she was not skilled socially & may not have Understood how some of her actions may have upset others. Again not necessarily blaming Jenny for anything, this is just something that stuck with me and bothered me. JR gets my hackles up but I can't decide why.
I don't believe that the family was signed up on the couchsurfing website. Jenny met the daughter at a coffee shop and was invited to stay with the very poor family. After four days (during which time she was very sick and finally went to the doctor), it seems that they felt she should at least help out financially. Jenny says she offered small amounts (how small?) of money every day and they refused. Maybe they were being gracious at first? According to Jenny they eventually wanted more money and it upset them that she wouldn't pay and they got angry and kicked her out. They sound hospitable, but did they invite her for more than one night? Jenny's self-reported frugality gave the impression that she had very little money, so several people helped her with freebies along the way. But apparently she overstayed her welcome in this case. When they got angry, she said she'd go to the bank and get money, but after getting it, she decided not to give it to them and gave them only 16 pesos (about 85 cents!) before leaving. I hate to say this, but I will...I think Jenny was either totally clueless socially or a skilled user. JMO

The first links are her experience with the family posted on FB. One of them is personal and embarrassing if they read it IMO. The last link is the rest of the story.

My experience with third world countries is that everyone thinks that if you're American, you're rich. And we are. Comparatively speaking, we'll all rich, even a shoe-string traveler relying on buses and hitching, which Jenny Chen was not. She had plane tickets to at least some destinations, a camera, a laptop, and at least some money to take a several months-long trip. Yes, perhaps she relied on hand-outs and hospitality quite a bit, but most of us "wealthy, U.S.-types" aren't able to afford months off of work to travel. Certainly, most of the people she came across offering the hospitality in Mexico weren't.

I'll never understand staying in strangers' homes (unless, of course, there's no other option, but I'm not talking about planning to do it on vacation here, I mean should life's circumstances require it) so I feel a little hamstrung at trying to sleuth this, but it would seem to me that Jenny herself is a little "off". I understand recording the experiences one encounters on such a trip, but the manner in which she did it is just beyond me. You reward a poor family who has given you amazing hospitality -four free nights at their home and presumably food and drink- with immediate postings online of their primitive circumstances? In what culture would this be considered anything but a huge breach of etiquette? It's just basic decency to not do something like that.

And: So what if they initially said that she could stay for free. Whatever caused the change in circumstances (and I would think it highly likely, since she was dealing with an entirely different culture than her own, that it was simply a miscommunication) why wouldn't she realize that, again -WHATEVER was the cause, it was time to compensate them for their hospitality. If it had turned out that they were fine with her staying 4 days or 4 weeks, so be it, but they weren't, and one can't expect to simply rely on the charity of others while one travels the world, especially people who are obviously much less affluent then oneself. In a certain sense, I'm beginning to feel like JR and JC are two peas in a pod.

Do we know if that particular family has been contact by LE?
I don't believe that the family was signed up on the couchsurfing website. Jenny met the daughter at a coffee shop and was invited to stay with the very poor family. After four days (during which time she was very sick and finally went to the doctor), it seems that they felt she should at least help out financially. Jenny says she offered small amounts (how small?) of money every day and they refused. Maybe they were being gracious at first? According to Jenny they eventually wanted more money and it upset them that she wouldn't pay and they got angry and kicked her out. They sound hospitable, but did they invite her for more than one night? Jenny's self-reported frugality gave the impression that she had very little money, so several people helped her with freebies along the way. But apparently she overstayed her welcome in this case. When they got angry, she said she'd go to the bank and get money, but after getting it, she decided not to give it to them and gave them only 16 pesos (about 85 cents!) before leaving. I hate to say this, but I will...I think Jenny was either totally clueless socially or a skilled user. JMO

BBM I've pondered that same question. Many of her posts about her experiences were just distasteful, odd, a bit shocking. Is she really so clueless and cold or is she trying to be "cool" in the eyes her audience?
BBM I've pondered that same question. Many of her posts about her experiences were just distasteful, odd, a bit shocking. Is she really so clueless and cold or is she trying to be "cool" in the eyes her audience?

Or, I wonder, does it change a lot in translation and through a cultural veil, because I have the same reaction.
BBM I've pondered that same question. Many of her posts about her experiences were just distasteful, odd, a bit shocking. Is she really so clueless and cold or is she trying to be "cool" in the eyes her audience?

I truly believe that she may be bipolar or something. She did mention about possibly going back to see her psychiatrist.

Was he giving her meds that she stopped taking?

Has JR ever mentioned that she needed medication.

Now imo. If she went to the atm to supposedly give some money to this family for the 4 day stay. Then why only give them $1 if true.

Was this the same family that she had to pay the $300 to cops for the helmet debacle after the guy told her that it was okay to ride with only 1 helmet.

If so. Then I may understand why she wouldn't give that family more money. But if its a different family; Then Jenny should have atleast given them $15 for the stay. Or maybe other family members were getting money from her. But when the head of the household asked for their cut. Then maybe Jenny said enough is enough.

I truly don't know.

Maybe JR can clarify this up.
Last note.

Can JR please tell us. Pretty please.

How many times have you tried to contact Jenny from the 12th to the 15th to see where she was at?

She was supposedly leaving on the 12th to head to Cancun to meet him by the 15th at the airport or hotel.

So if JR can show proof that he was frantically calling or messaging Jenny day and night from the 12th until him getting to the hotel on the 15th.

Then at least I could say he was worried from day 1.

But once again. On his Facebook page. He doesn't mention how many messages he left her via social media or phone.

Usually a husband would let his followers know all the attempts he made to contact his wife before getting worried. Jmo.

But now I must remember the Christina Morris case.

Her live in boyfriend didn't report her missing for 4 days because he was tired of her and didn't care.

But in that case. Her boyfriend wasn't scheduled to meet her in another country.

So there are similarities. But very different. Jmo
She had a airline ticket to Cuba because it was mentioned she never got on the flight, so she must have made her airline purchases before leaving Seattle.

I don't think it would have been easy for her to couchsurf in Cuba, they just started receiving tourists.
Oh Wow! This is the first time I have heard she already had her airline ticket to Cuba. When had she planned to leave?

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster
Oh Wow! This is the first time I have heard she already had her airline ticket to Cuba. When had she planned to leave?

Sorry! (apologizing for my oops in advance)
Old Lurker, New Poster

I think that Jerseygirl may have assumed that her Cuba ticket was already paid for.

But in actuality; I think the Mexican or American government simply verified that Jenny passport didn't register as boarding a flight to Cuba.

So maybe someone tried to see if she had left to Cuba. But the government said we do not have her on file for boarding transportation to Cuba nor entering Cuba. Jmo.

So maybe Jerseygirl thought Jenny had an unused ticket to Cuba already.

But idk.
Now imo. If she went to the atm to supposedly give some money to this family for the 4 day stay. Then why only give them $1 if true.

Was this the same family that she had to pay the $300 to cops for the helmet debacle after the guy told her that it was okay to ride with only 1 helmet.

If so. Then I may understand why she wouldn't give that family more money. But if its a different family; Then Jenny should have atleast given them $15 for the stay. Or maybe other family members were getting money from her. But when the head of the household asked for their cut. Then maybe Jenny said enough is enough.

I truly don't know.

Maybe JR can clarify this up.

It was a different family.

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I truly believe that she may be bipolar or something. She did mention about possibly going back to see her psychiatrist.

Was he giving her meds that she stopped taking?

Has JR ever mentioned that she needed medication.

Now imo. If she went to the atm to supposedly give some money to this family for the 4 day stay. Then why only give them $1 if true.

Was this the same family that she had to pay the $300 to cops for the helmet debacle after the guy told her that it was okay to ride with only 1 helmet.

If so. Then I may understand why she wouldn't give that family more money. But if its a different family; Then Jenny should have atleast given them $15 for the stay. Or maybe other family members were getting money from her. But when the head of the household asked for their cut. Then maybe Jenny said enough is enough.

I truly don't know.

Maybe JR can clarify this up.

This was not the same family as the one with the motor scooter. This happened before her stay with the family that kicked her out. The son took her back to her hostel.

Last note.

Can JR please tell us. Pretty please.

How many times have you tried to contact Jenny from the 12th to the 15th to see where she was at?

She was supposedly leaving on the 12th to head to Cancun to meet him by the 15th at the airport or hotel.

So if JR can show proof that he was frantically calling or messaging Jenny day and night from the 12th until him getting to the hotel on the 15th.

Then at least I could say he was worried from day 1.

But once again. On his Facebook page. He doesn't mention how many messages he left her via social media or phone.

Usually a husband would let his followers know all the attempts he made to contact his wife before getting worried. Jmo.

But now I must remember the Christina Morris case.

Her live in boyfriend didn't report her missing for 4 days because he was tired of her and didn't care.

But in that case. Her boyfriend wasn't scheduled to meet her in another country.

So there are similarities. But very different. Jmo

Maybe someone can find the link in an article for me, but JR said that Jenny told him she'd be out of touch for several days while she traveled to Cancun. Either she did tell him that or he is saying that to explain why he didn't call least until he reached Cancun and she didn't show up. I remember that he says he offered to send her bus fair to Cancun, but she insisted on hitchhiking. We have her word that she planned to hitch. If she did tell him she would be unreachable, I wouldn't necessarily expect him to call her multiple times until she didn't show up...even though I would call anyway in hopes of checking in.
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