Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #2

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I would like to know why Jenny chose Mexico to go backpacking. Why not first try hitchhiking across the USA or Canada (being from Seattle, it's basically right at her front door)?? I believe he Spanish wasn't very good either.
I would like to know why Jenny chose Mexico to go backpacking. Why not first try hitchhiking across the USA or Canada (being from Seattle, it's basically right at her front door)?? I believe he Spanish wasn't very good either.

There are so many oddities in this saga, and yes, that doesn't add up either. The whole thing is bizarre.
Not trying to be impolite, but truthfully it sounds like someone off their meds on some delusional/manic tour. Apologies if this is offensive; opinion and speculation only!
Lol. Nope.

Jr never ever ever. Wanted her usage of that secret phone to be unearthed. Jmo.

Because he is jumping at Corona.

But he never mentioned getting the data from his wifes burner phone provider. Jmo.

It's like he doesn't want to tell us or either find out what Jenny phone could provide.

So I agree.

Why isn't he pressing her phone provider for calls that she made or texts that she sent or received.

Or at least gps of where the phone tracked last.

That would be a good record to have, especially if the phone had been turned on during her ride in the Kugar truck.
Why not simply use her US phone with an upgrade to free calling in Mexico? If she was already on a monthly plan it would have already been included.
Why not simply use her US phone with an upgrade to free calling in Mexico? If she was already on a monthly plan it would have already been included.

Another inexplicable decision
That was always in the back of my mind from the beginning. First reports of "MSM" on Jenny missing were just local news papers or one in Erie where hie had some family or some connection like that. I don't think any reports dating back to the first time she went missing were reported to any national "MSM" news outlets. It almost seemed like he just wanted to generate a little interest and was pushing more for people to donate to the Go Fund Me page rather than state facts on her disappearance. I seem to remember early on a reporter coming forward on the HFJ page offering help.


In my googling during this case, I've run across other forums discussing it...not in the depth we do, of course. :D The general consensus has been from the beginning that Jenny took an unreasonable risk, that something is "off" and that there is a money motive to the story. I can easily lean that way myself. What gives me pause though is that JR really did hire a PI and an attorney...real people requiring real money. We've seen their photos, read tweets, heard interviews about Jenny. If he was raising money for another obligation he had at the same time that we can't talk about, he apparently didn't use the money for that.

Of course, initially the was for ransom and he hoped that the government and his congressman would help. After all, as he said on HFJ, why does he pay taxes? :facepalm: When they didn't help, he had to hire a PI, as people on HFJ were suggesting. So IF he had another reason for the account, he was foiled by the help he received on HFJ. I'm just tossing out ideas on both sides, but I do think the was set up to find Jenny, even though JR has not made good use of MSM. It's possible that no one in MSM wanted to cover the story because it wasn't verifiable.
Why not simply use her US phone with an upgrade to free calling in Mexico? If she was already on a monthly plan it would have already been included.

I wonder how much digging JR has done in regards to Jenny's phone. In my post a few pages back, #1179, I posted what info I could find that JR has told us about her phone, but it seems very vague. He has said "She was was Wifi only, but had a sim card- not sure if that can help-T-Mobile". His HFJ co-admin CN surmised that she likely got a Telcel sim card. No further details disclosed by JR after that except for telling us he tried "Find My iPhone" function, but it says all devices were offline, so it didn't help.

(Funny, I can't find that post of his anymore, where he said she was wifi only. Did he delete it? If so, why? I apologize to JR if it's my mistake.)

I think we'd like to know what T-mobile has said when he enlisted their assistance in finding out what they could about Jenny's phone.

From some searching I have done online, to avoid costly charges it seems you can turn off data roaming and turn on airplane mode the whole time in Mexico, and then it will still allow the wifi feature of your regular phone to be used. So where she could find free wifi, I think she could use her phone to communicate through wechat? Do you think that's correct, and what she may have done? So she wouldn't have needed a Mexican sim card? Is JR sure Jenny got a Mexican sim card? We may never know. As I said, I'm not tech savvy, so I am not sure how those apps like wechat work and what they can do.
I think it's quite possible Jenny did get a ride from a driver at that stop. And that she departed his presence alive. I think that the driver is rightly terrified due to the corruption in Mexico and would likely become a scapegoat. So where does that leave my thoughts? That something untoward could have occurred ANYWHERE between Oaxoa and Cancun, or she has purposefully made herself scarce to get away from her old life.

I mean, all of JRs focus on this one area, and this one shopkeeper, and this driver(s), is maddening.

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Agree. I think Jenny decided to run away and Jr knows.

But he is using this as a way to get either a civil suit from Corona or the little go fund me money.

Just a plausible theory for now.

To me personally, even this theory is more plausible than the whole "Corona truck scenario." I have never understood why JR gives the witness(es? Were there two?) so much credence. I realize that he really doesn't have much else to go on, or that perhaps he knows something we don't that has him convinced that without a doubt the delivery truck drivers are responsible for Jenny's disappearance, but other than that, I've never understood why he continues to latch on to this scenario exclusively. I also don't understand the reason as to why he is completely disregarding the alleged possible sightings of Jenny throughout Southern Mexico. Is it because of the source of information (Mexican authorities -> Chinese Embassy -> Jenny's family), as he clearly doesn't have much faith in Mexican LE (which I don't blame him for)?

In my googling during this case, I've run across other forums discussing it...not in the depth we do, of course. :D The general consensus has been from the beginning that Jenny took an unreasonable risk, that something is "off" and that there is a money motive to the story. I can easily lean that way myself. What gives me pause though is that JR really did hire a PI and an attorney...real people requiring real money. We've seen their photos, read tweets, heard interviews about Jenny. If he was raising money for another obligation he had at the same time that we can't talk about, he apparently didn't use the money for that.

Of course, initially the was for ransom and he hoped that the government and his congressman would help. After all, as he said on HFJ, why does he pay taxes? :facepalm: When they didn't help, he had to hire a PI, as people on HFJ were suggesting. So IF he had another reason for the account, he was foiled by the help he received on HFJ. I'm just tossing out ideas on both sides, but I do think the was set up to find Jenny, even though JR has not made good use of MSM. It's possible that no one in MSM wanted to cover the story because it wasn't verifiable.

RBBM. So why not have the attorney (or the PI, though I would prefer the attorney personally) talk to MSM reporters/journalists? I agree that the press release leaves much, much to be desired, but I do think it is better than nothing; if the story is compelling enough, I do believe that someone from media would take an interest and at least try to verify the facts. It is very frustrating to see no effort being made to generate interest via MSM, rather than FB only.
There are so many oddities in this saga, and yes, that doesn't add up either. The whole thing is bizarre.
Not trying to be impolite, but truthfully it sounds like someone off their meds on some delusional/manic tour. Apologies if this is offensive; opinion and speculation only!

Another inexplicable decision

Reading Jenny's SM posts, including her own admission that she had gone back to her psychiatrist, her fascination with a bipolar friend (whom she actually named!), and her risk-taking, I have long believed that mental illness or a personality disorder of some kind may play a role in her travels, inexplicable decisions and disappearance. It probably wasn't so extreme that people noticed anything more than offbeat quirkiness and boundary issues, but we have the advantage of seeing the big picture, over time, in her own words.

Whatever the cause, I think Jenny would have a hard time sustaining relationships (her Mom said she didn't have friends to be in her wedding), fitting in for long at work or socially...or maintaining a marriage. When you travel, you have brief encounters, and no one has a chance to find out much about you. Usually you move on before people tune in to your issues and reject you. You can present yourself however you want on SM, but there would be leakage of the real Jenny that we have picked up on. I think this trip was more about "losing herself" than "finding herself." That would explain a lot, including her strange phone, her refusal to give JR her number and her announcement that she would be out of touch while en route to Cancun, among other decisions. It seems that losing herself became a literal reality, whether by choice or not.
There are so many oddities in this saga, and yes, that doesn't add up either. The whole thing is bizarre.
Not trying to be impolite, but truthfully it sounds like someone off their meds on some delusional/manic tour. Apologies if this is offensive; opinion and speculation only!

RBBM. So why not have the attorney (or the PI, though I would prefer the attorney personally) talk to MSM reporters/journalists? I agree that the press release leaves much, much to be desired, but I do think it is better than nothing; if the story is compelling enough, I do believe that someone from media would take an interest and at least try to verify the facts. It is very frustrating to see no effort being made to generate interest via MSM, rather than FB only.

The attorney did do one interview with a nationally known journalist in Mexico back in June or July. Nothing since. I'm not sure if either the PI or attorney are still on the "payroll." At one point CN was begging for money because the PI hadn't been paid.

Well, I have to disagree that the press release is better than nothing. :) Generally, press releases are printed as is. MSM isn't going to rewrite it for you. When you send out a press release with no background information, poorly written, with accusations against powerful corporations and no contact information so it can be verified, no MSM is going to touch it even if the story is interesting. They don't have time and they don't want to risk a lawsuit. If JR had been deliberately trying to make sure MSM would NOT pick up this story, he could not have done a better job IMO.
Still following and nothing to add. Y'all have gone way beyond. I am simply amazed at the hours of time and brain put into locating Jenny.

Sent from my SM-G930V
Still following and nothing to add. Y'all have gone way beyond. I am simply amazed at the hours of time and brain put into locating Jenny.

Sent from my SM-G930V

I would go down two additional paths of investigation, in addition to the Corona truck exploration. First, I would send the PI in to the brothels in Cancun and TJ. He can put in his order for an exotic, and get directed accordingly. Second, I would start scouring the resorts in Cancun for Jenny working as a maid. That's less likely given those jobs are so highly prized by the locals.
I would go down two additional paths of investigation, in addition to the Corona truck exploration. First, I would send the PI in to the brothels in Cancun and TJ. He can put in his order for an exotic, and get directed accordingly. Second, I would start scouring the resorts in Cancun for Jenny working as a maid. That's less likely given those jobs are so highly prized by the locals.

Just to explain my thought process for the links I'm posting....Your comment mentioning brothels led me to google "truckers sex trafficking Mexico" which led me to information about truckers against sex trafficking in the U.S. They are in a unique position to spot possible trafficking victims at truck stops, etc and are being trained to do this. I found a newsletter about this subject, and scrolling down to August, I found an article about the massage parlor bust JR was caught up in that was much more detailed than the earlier article posted here in July. I thought I'd post it even though we've moved past that discussion. If Jenny has been trafficked into sex work, and JR's initial concern was that this had happened, how could he step foot into a place that might be using trafficking victims? The disconnect is bizarre.

Notice how JR would have found this massage parlor.

Umporowicz’s detectives posted ads for Euro Spa on, a website notorious for advertising escorts and massage parlors in thinly veiled posts for paid sex.

The female undercover agent made it very obvious what the customers were paying for.

“When I’m talking to them up front, I’m also doing this,” the UC said, using her hand to mime a sex act, “so it’s very obvious.”

She comments about the ways ways the men show disrespect for women who work in these brothels.

Working the Euro Spa sting has given her a new appreciation for how little respect is shown to “all these girls from these other countries” who often work 12- or 14-hour days in massage parlors and don’t keep any of the money they bring into a business.

More at link.

OT--Is anyone else unable to see a cursor since upgrading to iOS 10 on their iPad? I'm unable to highlight something to bold it or enlarge the font. I'll check on the tech thread, but thought I'd throw it out here too.
So what did Jenny say when Jonathan asked for her new number so they could stay in touch?

And how were they communicating with each other?

Was it through wechat or Facebook or what.

It just seems like Jenny was posting mostly to herself. Or at least logging her trip on Weibo up until the 4/5.

Btw. Someone whom had access to her Wechat could have post her previously uploaded pics and captioned them on 4/11.

So does her wechat starts back posting after her weibo account stopped being updated on 4/5?
I would go down two additional paths of investigation, in addition to the Corona truck exploration. First, I would send the PI in to the brothels in Cancun and TJ. He can put in his order for an exotic, and get directed accordingly. Second, I would start scouring the resorts in Cancun for Jenny working as a maid. That's less likely given those jobs are so highly prized by the locals.
Great idea! Lots of backpackers get jobs on tour boats and excursion companies as well. But I think she wouldn't park herself in Cancun longer than it takes to collect some off grid pesos and move on. Some people travel a surprisingly long time this way. It's my hope she is doing just that. Her actions towards her husband before her vanishing speaks volumes to me. I also think that ironically she has/can/will/most likely meet with foul play travelling through Mexico anyway as she seems naïve.

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So what did Jenny say when Jonathan asked for her new number so they could stay in touch?

And how were they communicating with each other?

Was it through wechat or Facebook or what.

It just seems like Jenny was posting mostly to herself. Or at least logging her trip on Weibo up until the 4/5.

Btw. Someone whom had access to her Wechat could have post her previously uploaded pics and captioned them on 4/11.

So does her wechat starts back posting after her weibo account stopped being updated on 4/5?

I believe JR said they communicated through FB. I found it interesting that JR rarely commented on or liked her posts. I assume they communicated by private messaging.

Some things she posted on weibo like her narrow escape from the rape attempt, were not posted on FB.
I believe JR said they communicated through FB. I found it interesting that JR rarely commented on or liked her posts. I assume they communicated by private messaging.

Some things she posted on weibo like her narrow escape from the rape attempt, were not posted on FB.

I would love for him to show some screenshots of their conversations during the 6 weeks.

At least so we can mentally clear him as a suspect / or having any intent of leaving his wife out there with no funds.
I would love for him to show some screenshots of their conversations during the 6 weeks.

At least so we can mentally clear him as a suspect / or having any intent of leaving his wife out there with no funds.

Oh Dex, you're such a dreamer! :D
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