Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #3

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With many thanks to Emilie:

Extract from Emilie Barraza's article "Mexique: sur les traces des Zetas, à la recherche des disparus, morts ou vivants", quickly translated by me.[]&xtloc&url

... Jonathan Reinhardt is carrying the giant portrait of his wife, who disappeared last year in the state of Oaxaca, in Southern Mexico. He too "has no fear anymore" since his wife "has become a photo printed on a plastic banner" which he unfurls as soon as he can. This American, the lone foreigner in the caravan, doesn't speak a word of Spanish. His wife, Jenny Chen, a Chinese national, disappeared in the isthmus of Tehuantepec, one of the regions most affected by organized crime. "I reported her missing, but the Mexican police has done absolutely nothing," he says. "I've investigated myself, with the help of a private investigator". The investigator followed Jenny's trail [leads]and managed to identify a suspect. Implicated by a lie detector and GPS data, the man was released after questioning. "Jenny is young, pretty, Chinese, she could have attracted the attention of pimps [traffickers]", concludes the Seattle resident, [financially] ruined by months of investigating and trips to and from Mexico. "I have to search from there [Seattle], but alone it's very difficult."
With many thanks to Emilie:

Extract from Emilie Barraza's article "Mexique: sur les traces des Zetas, à la recherche des disparus, morts ou vivants", quickly translated by me.[]&xtloc&url

Thank you for obtaining and translating this part of the article, sjm. I had never heard this area called the Isthmus of Tehuantepec before, but that's what it is....the narrowest point between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. I learned some geography. Otherwise, nothing is new. It would have been nice if JR had gotten the writer's permission to post this snippet on FB when he first posted the link, so that everyone could read it. As usual it's like pulling teeth to get info out of him. Thank you for pulling those teeth.
With many thanks to Emilie:

Extract from Emilie Barraza's article "Mexique: sur les traces des Zetas, à la recherche des disparus, morts ou vivants", quickly translated by me.[]&xtloc&url

Thanks for tracking this down!

His last quote, about it being hard to do it alone... it didn't have to be alone. And he's put all his eggs in this basket that hasn't even proven to be a basket. It's all speculation and half truths and if there is any chance of people seeing her somewhere (if she was kidnapped for whatever purposes) they aren't going to be thinking they need to.

Frustrated that it's nothing but speculation and talking in circles but don't know what action could actually be taken.

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Latest post on HFJ from JR, theorizing that Kugar is either covering for the "suspect" if he is still working there OR Kugar got rid of him to avoid liability and, with its government connections, got him a job in Oaxacan government after he didn't pass the polygraph "late last year." He says "no wonder his investigations went nowhere." He asks people to ask Kugar when he left their employment, not expecting an answer.

A commenter suggests contacting PGR in Mexico City because they now take cases of missing migrants. There is a contact name. Not sure what PGR is.

Does anyone remember if JR said when the polygraph was given? I thought it was in late summer, early fall (will check). When we found the FB of "suspect" JSR (JMS) in September, he already listed his employment with the government of Oaxaca on FB. So if the polygraph was later than that, JR's theory doesn't work. Either way, I'm not sure the job listing on FB is more than a joke.
Thank you for obtaining and translating this part of the article, sjm. I had never heard this area called the Isthmus of Tehuantepec before, but that's what it is....the narrowest point between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. I learned some geography. Otherwise, nothing is new. It would have been nice if JR had gotten the writer's permission to post this snippet on FB when he first posted the link, so that everyone could read it. As usual it's like pulling teeth to get info out of him. Thank you for pulling those teeth.

Emilie has a copy of the translated extract, and I've messaged it to JR.

It was remarkably easy & speedy to get the article (once I did an end run around Mediapart ;) ).
This post from 9/26/16, with the text of JR's press release, indicates to me that the polygraph hadn't been done yet.

Here is JR's post from 9/21 saying both drivers had refused polygraphs.

I have scoured HFJ and I cannot find the earlier posts from last fall about the FB page of the "suspect." Was it removed for liability reasons? JR told people to harass him. I also haven't found any post on WS yet where we alluded to it, but I thought we discussed it. I've run out of time to look, but I'm sure we discovered the FB page in Sept or October. At that time it said he worked for the Oaxacan government. My point being that I don't think Kugar put him in a government job due to polygraph results as JR is implying. But I've certainly been known to be wrong. Feel free to keep looking.
Well, my sense of time is sure wonky! I thought the posts on HFJ about the FB page of the "suspect" JSR were from last fall sometime. I finally found them posted 4/7/17 (interspersed with posts from May). So, JR may be right that this guy was given a government job after the polygraph...IF that is the truth on the guy's FB page and IF it really is the right guy. Since this discussion was even more recent than I thought, I don't know why the government job was such a big surprise to JR or why he didn't have a link to the FB page. But he was about to go on that Caravan, so he was probably distracted.

There are three discussions about the FB page on HFJ on 4/7 with some interesting comments on each.

First, JR named the guy (JSR) and someone found his FB under JMS. JR said "I think that's him" and later "that's the guy", although LE had not shown him a photo and the name on FB isn't the same. In another post, JR asked that his info about JSR be shared. A commenter found more FB pages under the name JMS. In the third post, JR gave more info about JSR and stated that he is the one who said he was traveling with his family. A commenter pointed out the government job listing. JR didn't respond, so perhaps he didn't see the post, but if he looked at the JMS FB page he would have seen it.

Of course, we only have JR's word for it that his "suspect" JSR is the same person as JMS on FB. There are two JSR FB pages with no photo and no info.

In more recent comments today on the post linked earlier today, JR says that JS (leaves off the R) worked for Kugar late last year when the polygraph was done, but that there is info JR didn't reveal so that he wouldn't run...but JR says it looks like he has. Considering that JR was tweeting the guy's name and calling him a suspected sex trafficker and murderer in April, why wouldn't he disappear?! Another commenter wonders if someone has done away with him.
I don't understand (but that's not new in this case!) what JR hopes to achieve, or thinks he'll achieve by this harassment campaign?

Can anyone refresh my memory about who conducted the polygraph tests & obtained the GPS logs? Was it the PI or state LE?

I wonder if he's consulted or taken advice from any of the several organizations (including the members of the caravan) mentioned in Emilie's article (which covers the missing problem extensively). I wonder if he has made sure that she is listed with the PGR, authority in charge of investigating missing person cases (see below how even that might not help).

One of the things that stood out to me in the article, aside from the corruption and complacency in LE that we've already talked about, is the dreadful lack of funding and dearth of resources (financial, technical, manpower) that afflict LE in Mexico. One of the results of which is that in some cases "...the government reimburses expenses incurred by relatives of the missing... so they can do their own investigations"

The example given of this is a grandmother who had to take courses in forensic anthropology in order to be able to identify bones, or photos of corpses in the search for the missing.

I'm starting to be of the opinion that the caravan(s) are JR's best hope: their activities are not just marches and awareness. They include (in -sometimes reluctant - collaboration with local LE), visiting morgues, checking photos of UID corpses; checking photos of prostitutes, and visiting prisons. However, a major stumbling block comes when a tentative or possible ID is made. The information is passed up the line to the federal authority in charge to be followed up; see above and below about that problem :(.

There is no central DNA database. Many areas do not even have the tools necessary for what we would see as basic forensic or scientific police work. There is little coordination/collaboration between state and federal levels :(

To bring this back to Jenny, I didn't pay much attention to the trafficking theory to start with. I'm not so sure now :(.
A commenter suggests contacting PGR in Mexico City because they now take cases of missing migrants. There is a contact name. Not sure what PGR is.

PGR is the Procuraduría General de la República, the federal authority which has a dedicated task force (or department) for investigating missing persons cases. Unfortunately (see my previous post for reasons why) it's completely overwhelmed and unable to follow through in most cases :(
I don't understand (but that's not new in this case!) what JR hopes to achieve, or thinks he'll achieve by this harassment campaign?

Can anyone refresh my memory about who conducted the polygraph tests & obtained the GPS logs? Was it the PI or state LE?

I wonder if he's consulted or taken advice from any of the several organizations (including the members of the caravan) mentioned in Emilie's article (which covers the missing problem extensively). I wonder if he has made sure that she is listed with the PGR, authority in charge of investigating missing person cases (see below how even that might not help).

One of the things that stood out to me in the article, aside from the corruption and complacency in LE that we've already talked about, is the dreadful lack of funding and dearth of resources (financial, technical, manpower) that afflict LE in Mexico. One of the results of which is that in some cases "...the government reimburses expenses incurred by relatives of the missing... so they can do their own investigations"

The example given of this is a grandmother who had to take courses in forensic anthropology in order to be able to identify bones, or photos of corpses in the search for the missing.

I'm starting to be of the opinion that the caravan(s) are JR's best hope: their activities are not just marches and awareness. They include (in -sometimes reluctant - collaboration with local LE), visiting morgues, checking photos of UID corpses; checking photos of prostitutes, and visiting prisons. However, a major stumbling block comes when a tentative or possible ID is made. The information is passed up the line to the federal authority in charge to be followed up; see above and below about that problem :(.

There is no central DNA database. Many areas do not even have the tools necessary for what we would see as basic forensic or scientific police work. There is little coordination/collaboration between state and federal levels :(

To bring this back to Jenny, I didn't pay much attention to the trafficking theory to start with. I'm not so sure now :(.

To try to answer your questions....

JR indicated that the polygraphs would be conducted by the police but he was demanding an independent observer. Then he answered someone that he wasn't sure if LE or Grupo Modelo would be conducting it. This was in August, but the polygraphs happened much later, I assume by LE.

Here he said that Kugar supplied the GPS info, but doesn't say to whom. JR posts it, so he has a copy. He says they can only get the "true" data from the GPS company, who will only release it to LE. Months later he revealed the name of the GPS company, which had been posted and discussed at length here last fall. A member has even contacted them!

Based on a couple of comments on this post by people who have tried to help, JR did not contact organizations suggested or provide further information to those with connections. This was a year ago, so I'm not sure if he's followed through. He has a tendency to say he needs help (with twitter and press connections) whenever anyone asks about using these resources. This has happened more than once since Jenny disappeared, so I think he has trouble following through on things.

I agree that trafficking looks more possible. There are certain "themes" on the FB pages of JMS, the suspect according to JR, that are concerning. JMO
Thank you, Lilibet and others, for the latest updates. Like others, I, too, wonder what good JR believes will come out of his harassment of Kugar and Corona. It's sad he doesn't seem to have anyone advising him, or maybe he just goes against sensible advice. Either way...sad.

In looking at his G F M page, his latest update from a day ago said, "This is the guy who kidnapped my wife, yet the investigation was swept under the rug. CORRUPTION!"

Hope that was ok to post, and that the link works. (Don't know why the last time I tried to do a link it didn't work.) Anyone know what the linked site details? Something to do with the courts?
Thank you, Lilibet and others, for the latest updates. Like others, I, too, wonder what good JR believes will come out of his harassment of Kugar and Corona. It's sad he doesn't seem to have anyone advising him, or maybe he just goes against sensible advice. Either way...sad.

In looking at his G F M page, his latest update from a day ago said, "This is the guy who kidnapped my wife, yet the investigation was swept under the rug. CORRUPTION!"

Hope that was ok to post, and that the link works. (Don't know why the last time I tried to do a link it didn't work.) Anyone know what the linked site details? Something to do with the courts?

Good to see you slowpoke. :) I've seen him ignore lots of sensible advice, although some he takes. I wish he'd tone down the angry rhetoric. It's not going to help. If he annoys US, think about the effect he has on LE and people trying to help!

Someone indicated that the legal link might have something to do with child support or custody. The thing is, we get all our info from JR, not MSM. As far as we know, this guy is not a POI, suspect or anything else JR says he is. So we can't sleuth or go into much detail about him on WS, as tempting as it is. I probably step over the line too far frequently. That's why I put suspect in quotes when I'm talking about him. Whatever he is, he's probably in hiding even if he's innocent.
JR must have changed settings on the HFJ page, because I can't see any comments under the more recent posts there. I guess to keep non-FB users like me from reading them.
Thank you very much, Lilbet for that very comprehensive round-up (& links) of the things I had forgotten, or not really understood.
Like others, I, too, wonder what good JR believes will come out of his harassment of Kugar and Corona. It's sad he doesn't seem to have anyone advising him, or maybe he just goes against sensible advice. Either way...sad.

He did. I believe he burned all his bridges.

On a side note, something triggered a thought in me regarding JR's harassment of Kugar/Corona. I recall early on investigation, an article dated April 24 (this is probably around the time he returned from the infamous Cancun trip) where he set up the original page asking for ransom money and I thought it was extremely odd because he had not heard from anybody. He soon replaced it asking for basic search funding for the various trips he ended up taking in the last year to Mexico, among other things. :MOO: ;) Now he switched gears and thinks he found something lucrative if he harasses Kugar/Corona.

Also in the above link from April 24, 2016, it says that JR was working with JC's parents in China. Has he never followed up? Why can't he use funds and go to China and get answers there? Did he do something and end up severing all ties with her parents and/or any of his connections in China when he lived there?
He did. I believe he burned all his bridges.

On a side note, something triggered a thought in me regarding JR's harassment of Kugar/Corona. I recall early on investigation, an article dated April 24 (this is probably around the time he returned from the infamous Cancun trip) where he set up the original page asking for ransom money and I thought it was extremely odd because he had not heard from anybody. He soon replaced it asking for basic search funding for the various trips he ended up taking in the last year to Mexico, among other things. :MOO: ;) Now he switched gears and thinks he found something lucrative if he harasses Kugar/Corona.

Also in the above link from April 24, 2016, it says that JR was working with JC's parents in China. Has he never followed up? Why can't he use funds and go to China and get answers there? Did he do something and end up severing all ties with her parents and/or any of his connections in China when he lived there?

I think he burnt his bridges/didn't coordinate much with Jenny's family too, as well as the Chinese embassy in Mexico which released a statement about Jenny being seen in (I think?) May?

He was and still is extremely dismissive of any suggestions of seeking help from the Chinese embassy.
JR must have changed settings on the HFJ page, because I can't see any comments under the more recent posts there. I guess to keep non-FB users like me from reading them.

I can still see them. Check again, maybe there was a brief glitch.
He did. I believe he burned all his bridges.

On a side note, something triggered a thought in me regarding JR's harassment of Kugar/Corona. I recall early on investigation, an article dated April 24 (this is probably around the time he returned from the infamous Cancun trip) where he set up the original page asking for ransom money and I thought it was extremely odd because he had not heard from anybody. He soon replaced it asking for basic search funding for the various trips he ended up taking in the last year to Mexico, among other things. :MOO: ;) Now he switched gears and thinks he found something lucrative if he harasses Kugar/Corona.

Also in the above link from April 24, 2016, it says that JR was working with JC's parents in China. Has he never followed up? Why can't he use funds and go to China and get answers there? Did he do something and end up severing all ties with her parents and/or any of his connections in China when he lived there?

The immediate requesting ransom money when no demand had been made bothered me too. He also said she might have been trafficked, which seemed to me an odd leap to make. JR was in financial trouble with the IRS around the time Jenny disappeared. Not to mention all the parking and traffic tickets he doesn't pay. Plus the "incident" last summer. I'm not sure where he stands with those debts, but he mentioned in the French article that he is financially ruined after eight trips to Mexico. He was ruined before this even started IMO and the never really took off. I don't know how he's been covering his, PI, attorney. I can't imagine these corporations will pay him to go away, but that may be his hope. On the other hand, he has kept going despite the financial hardship, so I don't really think there is a financial end game going on. As usual with JR, it just looks awkward.

His quick and rude dismissal of the Chinese embassy report indicated to me that there were bad relations with Jenny's family and possibly his contacts in China either before or after Jenny disappeared. I would love to know if the embassy has kept on top of Jenny's case since the report last year. The silence is deafening. There's always the chance that she was found during her parent's visit and secretly went back to China, leaving JR to his own devices. Was she angry enough to do that to him? Probably not, since she was heading to Cancun when she disappeared. But my mind does wander and wonder.
My mind has wondered and wandered all over the place too, Lilibet. It's why I keep coming back to the thread.

I've never been sure whether or not JR (or his PI) has had *direct* contact with the Chinese embassy, or maintained/followed up on any contact with them.

I might have to do a dive back into my old posts on previous threads (yikes!!); I recall posting about/discussing this last year... sometime. Part of the problem, iirc, is that there was a period where many posts on the HFJ page were deleted.
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