Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #3

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<prediction> I agree with the theory (that hasn't officially been called out so I'm going to do it) that JR is financially driven now, working to set the groundwork to be able too sue a company - and going after the one that he thinks will heed the highest revenue, and also be the most likely settle out of courts just to shut him up and make him go away.

However, I don't think he will get any traction, and they will just ignore him until he gets frustrated, tired, bored and finally quietly goes away into the night. I give it 2 more years of this and then everything will wane and eventually dissipate. All that will be left of Jenny will be this thread. Jmo </prediction>
Does anybody know what's going on? JR has gotten almost 50 donations in the last two days. That's more than he had gotten in the last year. It looks like all new people too. I bet that is energising him. I wasn't expecting that to happen. I thought everybody was seeing through him by now. I guess he can afford to get some more "back rubs" now. :facepalm:
Does anybody know what's going on? JR has gotten almost 50 donations in the last two days. That's more than he had gotten in the last year. It looks like all new people too. I bet that is energising him. I wasn't expecting that to happen. I thought everybody was seeing through him by now. I guess he can afford to get some more "back rubs" now. :facepalm:

That's very interesting. No donations for two months and suddenly many pour in within two days. There are a lot of Chinese names. I wonder if he (or someone else helping him) has been able to get publicity in China somehow.

ETA: JR is surprised too! And mentions the Chinese and Chinese American community. He's very grateful.
I honestly don't know what to think about all the new donation. Definitely fishy.
I imagine that US government employees are sometimes particular symbolic targets of some criminals. Or, the general danger is so high that the government is trying to protect their employees from potential harm. I wonder what the consequences are for a foolhardy US government employee who chooses to ignore the directives that say they are not "allowed" or "permitted" to travel in these areas or use public transportation. Those are strong words. If they are found to be violating these directives would they be demoted or fired? Or is it, as you said, just a "warning label" employees might ignore at their own risk of harm from criminals? Either way, I'd be grateful for the warning and take it seriously if I worked there. And I'd certainly take travel advisories seriously, even though they are more like warning labels than enforceable rules.

I'd agree that these are VERY strong words, and add that the warning is basically saying (to US government employees & - by extension - any US citizen) "if you ignore this and go anyway, *we* can't do anything to help you/get you out". IMO there's a read-between-the-lines message that local LE may be powerless too.

I'm not a US citizen, nor a government employee, however the last time I saw/heard a similarly worded warning was pre-internet, travelling on the edge of an unofficial war zone. I took it to mean then, & would now, that "you're on your own".

IMO, I'd say a gov. employee ignoring the warning (& surviving) would very likely be at the very least demoted & shipped out of country asap.
So now JR has the attorney's cell phone number and will give it out tomorrow with directions how to call or text if you are uncomfortable (per the Facebook group for Jenny). To me, this is flat out harassment and no way ok. What is he thinking?

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If my math is correct, JR has suddenly received over $1600 in donations over the past three days, some $100 or more, but mostly smaller, from 54 individuals. There have been four just this morning. Most are either anonymous or have Chinese names as was mentioned before. I'm glad for him and also very curious how the word spread so suddenly and belatedly in the Chinese and Chinese-American community. It's almost as if they didn't know about Jenny until now.
If my math is correct, JR has suddenly received over $1600 in donations over the past three days, some $100 or more, but mostly smaller, from 54 individuals. There have been four just this morning. Most are either anonymous or have Chinese names as was mentioned before. I'm glad for him and also very curious how the word spread so suddenly and belatedly in the Chinese and Chinese-American community. It's almost as if they didn't know about Jenny until now. do we even know that money is being used to find Jenny? do we even know that money is being used to find Jenny?

We don't. That's why I won't donate to people I don't know a lot about and/or have good reason to trust. JR has never given an accounting of whee he spent the money. Lots of G F M recipients don't but given his history there should be full disclosure. JMO
If my math is correct, JR has suddenly received over $1600 in donations over the past three days, some $100 or more, but mostly smaller, from 54 individuals. There have been four just this morning. Most are either anonymous or have Chinese names as was mentioned before. I'm glad for him and also very curious how the word spread so suddenly and belatedly in the Chinese and Chinese-American community. It's almost as if they didn't know about Jenny until now.

Isn't social media super restricted and censored in China anyway?

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I wonder how well supported the "Corona Call Blitz" was this week. I haven't seen much reporting by participants on the FB page at all and no cheerleading from JR.
Isn't social media super restricted and censored in China anyway?

It is, & it isn't, in some ways, and there are "work-arounds", IYSWIM.

I too am intrigued by the recent influx of donations. Just because the donors have Chinese names, doesn't necessarily mean they are in or from the Mainland, JMO.

The Corona "boycott"/"call blitz" is risible at best, extremely counter-productive at worst :(. JR's thought process (apart from linking up with the caravan) has always been a mystery to me :(.
It is, & it isn't, in some ways, and there are "work-arounds", IYSWIM.

I too am intrigued by the recent influx of donations. Just because the donors have Chinese names, doesn't necessarily mean they are in or from the Mainland, JMO.

The Corona "boycott"/"call blitz" is risible at best, extremely counter-productive at worst :(. JR's thought process (apart from linking up with the caravan) has always been a mystery to me :(.

I wondered if donations were coming from China because JR said they were coming from the Chinese and Chinese American community. Perhaps the "anonymous" ones are from China? Or maybe he means Chinese in Mexico? The email addresses would be visible to JR.

Today he thanked everyone who called Corona and said to stay tuned for the next phone/email blitz. Shall we try to figure out who the next target is? :D
I wondered if donations were coming from China because JR said they were coming from the Chinese and Chinese American community. Perhaps the "anonymous" ones are from China? Or maybe he means Chinese in Mexico? The email addresses would be visible to JR.

Today he thanked everyone who called Corona and said to stay tuned for the next phone/email blitz. Shall we try to figure out who the next target is? :D

And by 'stay tuned' he means we should wait until people have forgotten his last hare-brained scheme / deleted posts / nonsensical inaction?
Newly posted by JR on HFJ...notes from the investigation last year...the cement truck map route, 200 miles on Monday April 11 from 9:30 a.m. in Oaxaca to the time Jenny was dropped off at Lagunas Crossing (7:00 pm), where she spent the night. I expect the trip was longer than it shows it would be by car because it was a cement truck.!1m0!3e0!4e1?shorturl=1

The Sanchez family (father, mother, daughter) were closing their store/restaurant at Lagunas Crossing and invited Jenny to spend the night at their house. They returned to the store/restaurant at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday April 12 where Jenny had breakfast and packed a lunch. (I imagine that is when she wrote her name in Chinese in the storekeeper's notebook). At about 1:00 p.m. she got on the Corona truck on the other side of the road and left.

I believe we thought she had arrived much later at night. We now know the name of the family who took Jenny in. We did not know that Jenny spent the night at their house. I had gotten the idea that the house and store/restaurant were connected. Perhaps they are, but the wording makes it seem to be two different locations. There is no mention in these notes of the family arranging a ride to Cancun for Jenny and that Jenny got impatient and left on the Corona truck, but these notes seem pretty abbreviated.
A HFJ group member ESZ suggests that they all send a photo of HFJ to the FB friends of Corona driver JSR who accept messages. JR thinks this is a great idea and suggests asking them where JSR is...that they are trying to track him down.

That ought to drive JSR deeper into hiding! Does JR really think a friend is going to give him up? Sounds like more harassment to me. JR had better consult his attorney pronto.
JR is going to land in jail, if he's lucky. I fear a worse fate awaits him if he keeps poking that hornets nest.
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