Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #4

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This post was from 2012 before she married JR and moved to Seattle. Her concern here was that she wanted to go visit JR and spend some time travelling with him. But she was afraid that this might be seen as a potential threat of illegal immigration. She worried that the officer/interviewer might think she plans to remain in the US and not come back. For those who don't know, when Chinese people apply for any visa to go to the US, they need to be interviewed at the US embassy in China and provide specific reason why they are going and bank statement of their financial asset (to show that it is enough to support the travel). The reason for this is for the US to filter out potential cases where people lie about their purposes of traveling and continue to stay in the US out of their visa time limit. Sometimes an innocent truth such as Jenny's, "visiting my American boyfriend" might be seen as a bad intention of illegal immigration.

Again, this was in 2012. I don't think it bears too much significance to the case now. But this is a great find! Can I know how you came across this page, slowpoke? There may be others here more knowledgeable about visas than google and myself, however it seems that the B2 visa is a travel/ tourism visa, issued for a six-month period. Just a guess, but seems like maybe she wanted to come and live with her “boyfriend” but wasn’t sure how to address the questions in the interview... if she should make it appear she would be coming here and then living in a hotel?

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Robert321 (福乐)

Good! 我经常会在百度上翻找关于她的新闻,但是都是之前的旧新闻,或者是骂她的论坛贴。


Okay you Two! LoL

I'm in the states. I downloaded the YouKu app on my iPad and I can view all the videos.
Jùdà de huǒ jī (this is how my nickname translates back into Chinese using a translator.)

ETA : the above translates to:
I see the video, I often use Baidu search engine.

I often rush about her news on Baidu, but all the old news, or call her forum.Some people here do not see the video, you are on the mainland or outside? If you see outside, you can share with you how do you see it?

I am in the southern United States of Memphis. There is an iPhone with a Chinese keyboard. I do not know how they can not see the video.
SO SORRY!! I didn't mean to come off arrogant, it's just my silly assumption that everyone uses Whatsapp. Sorry!

You did not come off arrogant in any way Cherry! My use of the term “get with the program” referred to slowpoke and I being ignorant about some newer, widely used apps in general. In other words, we need to catch up to the younger generation...speaking for myself because I have no idea how old slowpoke is. Your assumption is understandable. I’ve made my own on occasion. For example, I was surprised to learn that some younger ones never heard of Haight Ashbury in SF and the “Summer of Love” in 1967! I doubt I hid my shock very well. :)
Blessing is a poor translation of my Chinese given name 福 FU (rich) and 乐 LE (happy). I am rich and happy and I will use English from now on.

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Blessing is a poor translation of my Chinese given name 福 FU (rich) and 乐 LE (happy). I am rich and happy and I will use English from now on.
Well, what a blessing to be rich and happy!

I had to edit my post after including my translated nickname, because the short version translated to "thousands of maps", which is not even close to what GigTu means (to me). The longer version is closer, but still misses the synonym needed to define the "gig" part. Fun with translators.

By the way, be careful with that YouKu app. I started off with Jenny's first video. In only a very few short clicks I was watching young people eating humongous amounts of food (food *advertiser censored*) and then straight up *advertiser censored* was only one click away. Yikes!
I saw three videos about Islamist violence in Xinjiang province. When I clicked on them, the videos refused to load.

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Just to reiterate my previous point. People did not like the fact that the exposed WeChat messages of Jenny and her Chinese friend were written in English. They found it eve more aggravating that her Weibo blog was written in English, especially one of the post said she hated China. And this all ties into my belief that although Jenny's parents did not find her via Chinese embassy in Mexico, they are unable to rely on Chinese media to get more attention and help on this case because of the negative view on Jenny. I am sure they are devastated. Just because we don't hear about them, doesn't mean they are not. But they are just a helpless family without money or power, and if you want to get things done in China, you'd need either or both. They are silent because they are out of options, not because they gave up searching.

This is just my opinion.

This makes sense to me. It explains the small amount of coverage in the Chinese media that you and others have verified.
The discussion here has reminded me about the comment JR made under the nwasianweekly article (but has since been removed by the magazine).

The comment JR had made:
"The Oaxaca police put on quite a show for Jenny’s parents. How could she be traveling for almost two months without any money?? I have her bank records. These types of stories produced wild rumors with NO substance, and deviate from the true investigation that my legal and investigative team have put together. We need to focus on her last substantiated sighting, which was with the truck company with Corona logos. We are working hard on that PROVEN lead, not silly rumors."

So, from JR's comment under the article, it does sound, rightly or wrongly, like his outright rejection of the claim was based strongly on his knowing that there was no movement in her bank account after April 11. Also, though, I think his PI, by that time, had obtained the storekeeper's testimony that Jenny really wanted to get to a working ATM machine. Plus, JR saw Jenny's Chinese writing in the storekeeper's notepad.

The more I think on it, the Chinese characters spelling Jenny's name on the notepad is the most solid physical evidence obtained that shows Jenny really was at Lagunas crossing. If not for that piece of evidence, I think I'd be a lot more skeptical she was even there.

I remember this article well. It's good to have these repeated on the Websleuths threads, in order to preserve them, as I suspect more will be removed by the publishers over time.

Jenny needed to get to an ATM and it is known that she never did. To me, a strong indication that the 'still traveling' claim was not factual.
I think these very reasons are why most of us doubt Jenny is alive and well in the federal district. I do hope so, but really doubt it. Sadly. :(

Credit to JR for not giving up on Jenny.
This post was from 2012 before she married JR and moved to Seattle. Her concern here was that she wanted to go visit JR and spend some time travelling with him. But she was afraid that this might be seen as a potential threat of illegal immigration. She worried that the officer/interviewer might think she plans to remain in the US and not come back. For those who don't know, when Chinese people apply for any visa to go to the US, they need to be interviewed at the US embassy in China and provide specific reason why they are going and bank statement of their financial asset (to show that it is enough to support the travel). The reason for this is for the US to filter out potential cases where people lie about their purposes of traveling and continue to stay in the US out of their visa time limit. Sometimes an innocent truth such as Jenny's, "visiting my American boyfriend" might be seen as a bad intention of illegal immigration.

Again, this was in 2012. I don't think it bears too much significance to the case now. But this is a great find! Can I know how you came across this page, slowpoke?

(Bolding by me.)

Thank you, SLcherry.

I think I started by searching using "Jennycqd", but I can't be sure! You know how sometimes one search leads you to something, which leads you to something else..., so that you can't remember how you got there, lol.

Once I found some page on that site where she asked a question (qyer. com), I put her username in the qyer search box, and results showed several posts she made asking questions regarding travel visas.

Search results at qyer:

Translated findings page:
JR has posted a poster in Spanish to be distributed in Mexico City. In answer to a question he says he believes she suffered trauma and is mentally ill. DG comments that it’s hard to stay silent and not to have a digital footprint with fake accounts and also asks if her tourist visa has expired and if she’s now illegal.

The poster, which mentions amnesia.

The photo on the poster with a snippet of JR on the left. This was on their wedding day in 2013 or was it 2014? I would have used something more current from her travels in Mexico, but maybe this is a good closeup likeness. Such a sweet face. Where is Jenny? :(


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Every single bit of my hopes she is down there.
JR has posted a poster in Spanish to be distributed in Mexico City. In answer to a question he says he believes she suffered trauma and is mentally ill. DG comments that it’s hard to stay silent and not to have a digital footprint with fake accounts and also asks if her tourist visa has expired and if she’s now illegal.

The poster, which mentions amnesia.

The photo on the poster with a snippet of JR on the left. This was on their wedding day in 2013 or was it 2014? I would have used something more current from her travels in Mexico, but maybe this is a good closeup likeness. Such a sweet face. Where is Jenny? :(

(Photo of Jenny from Lilibet's post removed in my reply for space issues)

Thanks for the update. I don't know if it is my computer, or the fact that I don't have a FB account, or some kind of glitch--but I can't see the latest post you linked at the HFJ page. I get a "Not Logged In
Please log in to continue" popup message over the page. So, thanks for summarizing.

Did JR give an answer the question regarding her visa status?

I agree that at least one photo from her Mexico travels would have been a good idea to include on the poster. She looks quite different in some photos, so more than one "look" might have been helpful. This wedding one does show her teeth well, though. She seems to have a darker front tooth which might be noticeable and memorable.
(Photo of Jenny from Lilibet's post removed in my reply for space issues)

Thanks for the update. I don't know if it is my computer, or the fact that I don't have a FB account, or some kind of glitch--but I can't see the latest post you linked at the HFJ page. I get a "Not Logged In
Please log in to continue" popup message over the page. So, thanks for summarizing.

Did JR give an answer the question regarding her visa status?

I agree that at least one photo from her Mexico travels would have been a good idea to include on the poster. She looks quite different in some photos, so more than one "look" might have been helpful. This wedding one does show her teeth well, though. She seems to have a darker front tooth which might be noticeable and memorable.

If you’ve been able to see the page before, it might just be page glitch. Try again. Here’s the link again in case it was something at my end.

Someone else commented that she would currently be undocumented (they don’t use the term illegal) but that it wouldn’t be a problem in Mexico City. More checking is done on buses going long distances, like to the U.S.

I have a really private FB account that I only use for access to FB pages. I don’t use FB for anything else, but it comes in handy for sleuthing. ;)
I'm getting the same error. It pops up with a "please log in to continue". I have a feeling the group was made private or something.
I'm getting the same error. It pops up with a "please log in to continue". I have a feeling the group was made private or something.

I can access it.... it says public group. I am logged into my Facebook account though.
Every single bit of my hopes she is down there.

Agreed! I try to be open minded, and sincerely hope she is alive, but I still believe something bad happened while she hitched a ride. The more I sleuth that theory, the darker things get. Are you familiar with the Santa Muerte religion? It seems it's getting more common amongst Mexicans, especially drug traffickers. I learned about it when looking into truck drivers in Oaxaca/Veracruz areas. Some of them worship Santa Muerte. Many good people also feel she protects them.

Lots of references/pics here (warning: Graphic)

Santa Muerte, worshipped by drug dealers who pray for protection in their dangerous line of work.

On a semi-positive note, JR made it to his court date today (from last year's sting). I really didn't think he would. Last continuance filed for next month. I'm not sure how this type of case usually ends up, but do you think he'll get time for this? It would be good to know incase the HFJ page goes dormant for a while.
Agreed! I try to be open minded, and sincerely hope she is alive, but I still believe something bad happened while she hitched a ride. The more I sleuth that theory, the darker things get. Are you familiar with the Santa Muerte religion? It seems it's getting more common amongst Mexicans, especially drug traffickers. I learned about it when looking into truck drivers in Oaxaca/Veracruz areas. Some of them worship Santa Muerte. Many good people also feel she protects them.

Lots of references/pics here (warning: Graphic)

On a semi-positive note, JR made it to his court date today (from last year's sting). I really didn't think he would. Last continuance filed for next month. I'm not sure how this type of case usually ends up, but do you think he'll get time for this? It would be good to know incase the HFJ page goes dormant for a while.

That’s interesting about Santa Muerte. My app that prevents ads kept me out of the article, but I googled others. As a side note, this made me wonder if the truck driver was a drug trafficker also.

I doubt JR would get much of a sentence, but the fact that they reopened it after a year makes me wonder if there was more to it that they discovered later. All I can say is that if he only gets fined they’d better collect it before he leaves court! Dude still owes traffic and parking fines!

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