MI MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, Fatally Shot While Jogging, Rose Twp, 30 Jul 2016 #5

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What I find most troubling is that all of this information is readily available on the public internet, and not only was I attacked for presenting this POV, but some of the people "liking" that post (since deleted, and I apologize for snapping back) have done podcasts on this case and claim to be experts.

This isn't new info. To us here, Except for the part about the lake...months later? What's the relevance. Anyway, it's all in here, no one disregarded it. Probably wouldn't hurt to revisit it though.
There is almost no way that he borrowed or rented a car from a friend and that hasn't come up in the investigation. A rental is right out, post 9/11 there is no renting a car in cash anymore. And borrowing the car - nobody would really have incentive to cover for this crime, certainly not years later. I'm sure they looked into it and his immediate friends/relatives were looked into.

If there was any way to tie Wes to a white car police would have absolutely done so. He also needs to have ditched this car without anyone ever finding it or suspecting it! And this car is connected enough to the crime that police got a search warrant to tear one up, it's not just a "maybe."

This thread is also incorrect in its early pages (this specific iteration) where it says there is only one named suspect. That is incorrect, the named, questioned, and searched suspect (BP) lives 7 minutes from the spot where Alex was killed. One turn off of Fish Lake Rd.

Police have been clear he has not been cleared, and remains a suspect in the article I linked. This is reiterated in articles from 2017 (link Alexandra Brueger found shot, killed 7 months ago in Rose Township; new reward offered)

Police did have one person in custody at one point, but had to release him. Investigators hope even the smallest piece of information could help break this case.

You will notice that WS does not get a mention here, even as a POI, or someone involved with the case. But the previous suspect does. His initials are BP. He remains in the area, now in Fenton rather than Holly.

BP remains a very serious suspect. He is affiliated with biker gangs (he is posing in Facebook photos with friends wearing "BFFB" and other biker gang affiliated apparel). His facebook wall contains multiple photos of the confederate flag. He owns a white car, which WS does not. I am not making any of these things up. Here is a map from his address in Holly to the scene of the crime.

Again, if someone can explain to me how the alleged #1 suspect managed to obtain:

-A white car
-A shotgun, which he learned to operate well enough to fire multiple rounds in succession (if you have never fired one, this is a skill)
-Shotgun Ammo

and then DITCH

-A white car, potentially with gunpowder residue or a spent shell
-The shotgun
-All of the ammo

Without a single person coming forward to say that they sold or lent these items to him, or had them go missing, in multiple years. It is just incredible to me that the prevailing theory in this thread is that somehow WS did all of that and then showed up mostly normal for his shift at the hospital. And has then withstood every single scrap of scrutiny. AND has never had a court ordered search warrant served on his property. He is such a gaping jerk that I ask: who would cover for this guy after all this time and how he's acted??

Maybe my views here are unpopular because my goal is to *investigate the crime.* Discuss the theory of the crime, how it could possibly have gone down given the public evidence and statements we have. I fully, 100% understand why WS has made himself look guilty. What I honestly think is that WS is a loser. He is a nobody, who cannot deal with that fact, and tried to insert himself into this case at an early edge to gain sympathetic "ex boyfriend" attention and points, to go down in the history books as her grieving boyfriend. He's just a loser who got himself in way too deep.

Look at how close the only NAMED, SEARCHED, and QUESTIONED suspect who was never cleared lived to where Alex died. I realize that anyone who lives in Holly lives pretty close, but this is a road I would actually expect this guy took all the time. The fact that he remains a suspect means he does not have an alibi.

Am I correct, you refer to WS as Suspect #1? He does/did at least have access to shoguns, per his post MI - MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, fatally shot while jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016 #1
Whether he always told us the whole truth is not known.

I'm not sure a "white car" or a light-colored sedan was actually seen near the crime scene (memory needs refreshing). I do recall one caller "thought she had gotten out of a car" but I never heard much more about any car.
911 caller describes scene of Rose Twp. murder

Thanks for all your posts. They have given me another perspective.

no idea whether we can rely on this, but FWIW:

Who failed polygraph in case of murdered nurse?
Sources tell the 7 Investigators that Sutherland took two lie detector tests for police. The 31-year-old from Wixom spoke to Crime Watch Daily’s Chris Hansen about those polygraphs.

“What were the results,” asked Hansen.

“They said that the first one was inconclusive. And then they said I failed the second one,” said Sutherland.
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1) Don't see an LE source saying BP is not a suspect, in fact the opposite. They continue to say everyone is a suspect.

2) The source of the lake checkin is BP's own Facebook page, not a MSM or LE source. It's the man himself checking in on Facebook. The significance, of course, is that evidence could be disposed of - which is likely why they had a warrant to tear up his boat. [...]

3) Happy to tag in Tricia here [...]

4) What is infuriating to me is how I have had to cite the same MSM article to all of you in 3 consecutive posts, you all continue to clearly not read it. That's my point, this thread is no longer concerned with going over the facts in this case. At all. [...] If someone questions me on something again and the answer is a DIRECT QUOTE from this article, please reconsider whether you are positively contributing to this case. [...]

[...] this thread has ignored him for 4 years. [...]

Above post numbered and RSBM.

1) You are exactly correct. Everyone, including WS, is still considered to be a suspect.

2) Unfortunately, BP's FB posts are off-limits. This information cannot be discussed, if, as you indicated, there are no MSM or LE sources reporting the information. :(

3) Kind of surprised that a new member with only 17 posts would know how to tag Tricia. Most ask for help in doing so when first starting to post. But that is just my opinion. Are you a previous member who has changed their screen name?

4) I, personally, take offense to your statements about being infuriated members are not interested in going over the facts of this case. I really do not need to be told that I should reconsider if I am contributing in a positive manner to the case. This is a discussion board. That's what we do- discuss the facts of the case. Should you have the time (and so desire), perhaps going back to thread 1 and reading all of the discussions will bring you up to speed on what has been discussed? Including posts about BP. Just trying to be helpful with the suggestion.

I have no problem welcoming new members, and listening to their view-point. However; when general accusations are being thrown around about members not being interested in positively contributing to a case...... Well, I normally find a way to ignore those comments. Sharing your input without being condescending and infuriated might help? I also find it very interesting that both you and WS are very interested in finding Gary Mathais. (As you indicated in your first post). Do you know WS personally? Just curious about how you would know this information.
I also check this thread occasionally for updates. I think WS remains the only suspect and LE are still waiting for that one piece of the puzzle to file charges.

I agree. I am convinced that WS has narcissistic personality disorder and remained clueless for quite some time about the fact that Alexandra had dumped him. His fragile ego wouldn't have been able to handle Alexandra's rejection of him. I haven't seen hard proof that he committed the crime, but he's exactly the kind of loser who would commit a crime like this.
I missed the 4 year mark on Alexandra's case. (I was probably following the Delphi murders and Suzanne Morphew cases.) The question has been posed as to where the white car in the area came up in the media. After 4 years it usually takes me a while to find it, but this time I just did a Google search on "Alexandra Brueger" and the first article I selected had the white vehicle mentioned.
Who Killed Alexandra Brueger? Police Still Seeking Tips 3 Years After Jogger's Death

I find it hard to believe that this killer has been loose for over 4 years.
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It's hard to believe this case hasn't been solved. Over the years on these threads I've learned to keep an open mind and not settle on one speculation....to keep researching and digging. I think something has been missed, some link yet to be discovered.

Do we know if there has been anything similar (drive by shootings in a rural area) anywhere in the surrounding area/states? So odd and seemingly random. Really strange.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Good article. I do remember a self-defense instructor that said one thing the assailant might do is grab the ponytail. When I used to jog I never used an iPod or Walkman and it bothers when I see women do it. I bike ride or swim now and it is illegal in my VA, MD and DC to ride a bike with earphones in both ears and, in fact, DC just passed the law last year. $50 fine and they ARE enforcing it. We don't allow anyone on our rides with any kind of earphones.
If someone "is coming around quickly" (Delphi case 2017, unsolved)) and has a possible connection to East Lansing in 2016, is staying there for a nice visit to a friend perhaps, is driving around for one of his occasionally needed thrill-kills (assuming here!), he could have met AB planned/unplanned (Internet stalking??) on her jogging route. If young girls were his usually target, Alex would have matched at least the optics (her mother said, from behind Alex looked like a teenager).
If there was a white car, it could have been borrowed by the friend in East Lansing or another friend or could have been a rental one. The car was neither damaged nor soiled, so no problem.
If it is a killer, who is "smartly" always changing the type of victim (also number of victims), the type of weapon, the sequence of events at the crime scene AND even changing the federal state, I don't wonder, why so many cases are still unsolved after years. MOO
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So I did an internet search for ANY updates since July 30th. There are articles in general that discuss women killed while out jogging, but on specific updates on this case, nada, zilch, nothing. This is how cases go cold. By the media and LE letting time go by and nothing.
Good article. I do remember a self-defense instructor that said one thing the assailant might do is grab the ponytail. When I used to jog I never used an iPod or Walkman and it bothers when I see women do it. I bike ride or swim now and it is illegal in my VA, MD and DC to ride a bike with earphones in both ears and, in fact, DC just passed the law last year. $50 fine and they ARE enforcing it. We don't allow anyone on our rides with any kind of earphones.
Riding a bike with earphones in should be illegal because it can lead to various kinds of accidents. I doubt that the threat of abduction is what motivated that statute. Abductions remain extremely rare.
Riding a bike with earphones in should be illegal because it can lead to various kinds of accidents. I doubt that the threat of abduction is what motivated that statute. Abductions remain extremely rare.
Bottom line: Shouldn't do it. Reminds me of what one of my HS football coaches said about passing plays - "Three things can happen to that pass and two of them are bad." When jogging, biking or even walking outside using earphones I can envision several things occurring and most of them are not good.

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