GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

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------ welcome, Ktaran. I'm a newbie, too. Hope it's okay to snip for bandwidth on WS forum.

Your TIMELINE question is what I've wondered also. Are we the only two who can't make sense of why LE didn't visit Beebee, knowing that he'd been to Amy's house the morning she went missing (and the last to see her alive)?

Also... with his arrest record, wouldn't local police "know him" in a sense... and think it a first priority to check him out BEFORE anything else.
By the time LE were responding, didn't JAMES KNOW that his cousin had been on his property (saying he came to borrow something/no one home). Wouldn't JAMES have pointed out that Beebee was on his property that very morning? Isn't anyone else confused by this non-action by LE?
Or are we overlooking something? If local police thought or believed local rumors of romance between the two, did they NOT want to intrude? Infidelity is not a crime. I am so confused. Can anyone point out what's wrong with my and Ktaran's logic?

My only explanation for this might be that LE or James didn't know Beebe was associated with this trailer...perhaps they did speak to him at his Mother's home, where it's been reported that he actually resides. I read where he was in the process of purchasing this property where the trailer is located, so not sure how many people actually knew he had associations with that property...I don't know..JMO
If le would have taken action sooner maybe this wouldn't have happened just like poor teenage girl in tx would she still be alive why did they assume runaway or whatever then woman sees girl looking forced and scared by this man why did she not help that poor girl if citizens would be more aware and le would act faster how much of this needless killing would be stopped if i seen a girl getting forced by a grown man I would at the very least make a call even if nothing ended up being wrong I wouldn't wait until after the fact to say oh I seen this & did nothing to help innocent young girl I'm just saying the way these things are handled needs to be changed !!!!!
Does anyone have a link to the photo with Beebe and Amy looking friendly and "playful"?

In small towns where LE is not absolutely overloaded...why not jump on cases like this ASAP? What can it hurt?

MM, I am just in love with your little Schnauzer Phoebe...
Where does BJB mother live?
Why do these killers alwaysgo back to mommy???
Does anyone have a link to the photo with Beebe and Amy looking friendly and "playful"?

In small towns where LE is not absolutely overloaded...why not jump on cases like this ASAP? What can it hurt?

MM, I am just in love with your little Schnauzer Phoebe...

Awww, thank you so much! She's just my little cuddle bug...already spoiled rotten! lol
I have had that same thought, too...especially as cozy as they look in some of the photos and after the comments the local made back in thread #2 when folks were speculating. However, IF there were really two women in the truck when they left Amy's house...that would negate the 'she stumbled upon them in a compromising position' theory that I, like you, thought might be a possibility.

I also have this nagging feeling that maybe if James was suspicious at all of the two of them, it might have had something to do with him racing home mid-morning to check on her -- maybe he had the same suspicions or was insecure about her spending time with him and he knew that Jr. was unemployed and could easily swing by the house while he was at work.

I don't think she was having affair with this jerk. I do feel that Tonya was abused and that Amy was giving advise. (like a few others from the sound of Tonya's friends on facebook)

I though at first that it was odd for James to panic after 30 mins. Which cause me to question James being innocent.

I now wonder what happen in the days before...Did Amy and BJ get in some kind confrontation, BJ threaten Amy . James know about this and cause him to panic. I also think the big lead was BJ. I wonder if they had to get permission to search the land which why it was not none right away.
that's okay spoil all you want they are our fur babies.......

It was getting kind of lonesome around here with the kids gone, and husband at work...guess I "showed" it more than I thought, and they decided I needed something to occupy my time! lol I've been having a hoot making her little dresses...
I don't think she was having affair with this jerk. I do feel that Tonya was abused and that Amy was giving advise. (like a few others from the sound of Tonya's friends on facebook)

I though at first that it was odd for James to panic after 30 mins. Which cause me to question James being innocent.

respectfully snipped

I have a son and husband that if they can't find me or wife go into panic mode........
heck hubby lost me in Walmart....went up and asked them to call me from service center.......he is like a 4 year old.:floorlaugh:
My only explanation for this might be that LE or James didn't know Beebe was associated with this trailer...perhaps they did speak to him at his Mother's home, where it's been reported that he actually resides. I read where he was in the process of purchasing this property where the trailer is located, so not sure how many people actually knew he had associations with that property...I don't know..JMO

Hi Missouri Mom. Been reading your thoughtful posts. Confusion all around... I thought I'd read (or that it's been established...) that James and Amy socialized and were "family," longstanding over their marriage, with Beebee. IF that's true, surely they would know about the hunting camper, the uncle's residence, etc.

Trying to keep the information straight and chronological is tricky.

And now I'm not certain James called his cousin after 10am when he came home and found her not there... and that cousin said he WAS there and found no one home. Didn't someone upthread say James learned of cousin's visit a day later? Wish I had a photographic memory... Thanks for responding -- if we correct each other it helps to reinforce what we THOUGHT we read... :crazy::innocent:
Hi Missouri Mom. Been reading your thoughtful posts. Confusion all around... I thought I'd read (or that it's been established...) that James and Amy socialized and were "family," longstanding over their marriage, with Beebee. IF that's true, surely they would know about the hunting camper, the uncle's residence, etc.

Trying to keep the information straight and chronological is tricky.

And now I'm not certain James called his cousin after 10am when he came home and found her not there... and that cousin said he WAS there and found no one home. Didn't someone upthread say James learned of cousin's visit a day later? Wish I had a photographic memory... Thanks for responding -- if we correct each other it helps to reinforce what we THOUGHT we read... :crazy::innocent:

Hi! Yes, I read that James and Amy did socialize with Beebe, and he was a cousin to James. They may have known about the hunting camper, just not sure anyone would have associated Beebe with it, if they were unaware of an agreement between Beebe and the uncle on the purchase plans...but I definitely could be wrong about that...just throwing some ideas out there that were going through my mind.

It was also my understanding that James did call Beebe the day Amy went missing, and Beebe told him he did come by the house earlier that morning to borrow something, but no one was at home. However, if I'm understanding this correctly, when a family member spoke to a neighbor of James and Amy the next day, that is when the neighbor stated that she seen Beebe's truck there, but she seen a girl getting into the truck, but was unsure if it was Amy or not. She mentioned there were only two girls in the truck (I took that as the driver and the person getting into the truck), no mention of Beebe being in the truck. I hope I'm stating this all correctly..I sure don't want to add to any confusion.
Tonya lived with him and the neighbor said that there had been two women in the truck. Tonya's kids and parents also said that she had been at the trailer with him all week...that is why they didn't realize she was missing.

I think the whole meeting up thing was just a big lie on his part...just like him saying he stopped by and nobody was home...and just like him saying that he had stopped by to borrow something.

'roid rage is my guess. Something set him off and those two ladies didn't have a chance, IMO.

Well I have read other articles that said the neighbor only saw one lady getting in the truck and they couldnt be sure it was Amy. James never mentioned anyone telling them there were two women. I think if LE had known there were two women in JRs truck then they would have checked on Tonya way before he told them he had buried her.

So if he took her back to his house then he knew Tonya would be there waiting?

That sounds very foreboding to me.

I am not sure about roid rage but there was a tremendous amount of rage shown. No one has to shoot someone multiple times with a shotgun to kill them. This was overkill for sure.

But then most everyone has said he had a ferocious temper and I think this may have been his personality most of his life.

I am not sure he is lying. Even murderers mix some truth among the lies they use to protect themselves with. He sure wasnt going to tell James he had taken Amy so that lie was to cover his tracks.

But for a man to just walk up to a police officer that was on scene and confess is uncommon and what is even more uncommon is for them to confess to one murder and not the other one.

I don't think I have ever heard of a case before where that has happened.

So really until the facts come out there is really so much we do not know and we can only speculate and make unsubstantiated assumptions about what may or may not have happened.

Amy looks very relaxed with him, in photo #7...I guess I am a prude, as there has never been another male in my life since I got married who could hug and touch me like that, even when I was younger...they must have had a close relationship of some kind.

OMG! I love on everyone like that including my hubby's family members. We are just a touchy feely type of family.

She seems to be a very warm hearted person. I saw other photos of Amy on FB and she is hugs a lot and stands right close to the person.

I always put my arms around my hubby's kin folk. I love them as if they are my own family.

I see nothing sinister about Amy and Jr.s photos and James was right there too.

Amy looks very relaxed with him, in photo #7...I guess I am a prude, as there has never been another male in my life since I got married who could hug and touch me like that, even when I was younger...they must have had a close relationship of some kind.

I tend to think the same thing. But more than anything, look at Beebee's eyes. It's the only pix I've seen where he looks like a gentle, kind, soul. Most pix he looks like a big bully. Is that the "look of love?" Sad to think he could kill this girl, even if it was love "pure and chaste from afar."

James seems like a nice guy, not real assertive. He comes across this way (his demeanor) in the only interview I saw... I may be misreading... the man was in shock. That and his tendency to keep close tabs on Amy (daily calls and coming home for lunch daily).

Maybe Beebee's "bad boy" persona was attractive to Amy. We hear that many women are irresistably drawn to that personality type, against their best instincts.

My husband, I have no doubt, would have gotten in his car and gone directly to the guy's house after hearing he had been on his property the morning he came home and found me missing. Before he contacted police, before anything. Especially if he had "old" doubts about any attraction between the two of us. But he has always displayed a kind of fearlessness that I'd compare to a lion and her cubs. James may have been leary of making such a trip that morning, fearing to know the worst, or fearing his cousin. JMO. And pure speculation...
I did not say I see anything sinister in the photo, just that they must have had some sort of a close relationship...
So far IMO Amy was at the wrog lace at the wrong time.
BJB and Tonya had a bad abusive relationship.
Amy got involved to protect or help Tonya.........JMOO
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