GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

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Just a thought, could he of agreed to left his girlfriend use his truck to pick up Amy.
Was the girlfriend trying to remove some of her things that morning and thought if Amy was there, he wouldn't fight with her?
Instead he had a premeditated plan (dug graves when it was nice weather?)
and was ready for his plan the moment that they did their plan to move her out of his trailer?

That is exactly my initial thinking, as well, Passionflower. I first read where the neighbor stated there were 2 women in the truck, and it was not mentioned of him being in the truck. Still makes me wonder if he's not lying about being there...he's lied to James and to Tonya's parents, why not lie about this? That's why I asked last night if anyone knew if Tonya had a vehicle. Those graves could have been dug initially for some other reason, as well...and he just used them now to bury the girls in. JMO
Oh I'm sorry I forgot he used trailer for business too... Question what kind of "business"
Interesting article. Adds more questions.


Missing mom, 2nd woman found buried in Mich

PAW PAW, Mich. – A man charged Friday with the murders of two women found buried near a blood-splattered trailer in southern Michigan was trying to buy the rural property where the days-old graves were discovered, authorities said.


Walker said some neighbors said they saw two women in Beebe's truck when he was at Henslee's home, but Beebe told detectives that he went to Henslee's house alone and Howarth met up with him later

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Why would you just dig 5 foot holes on your property? For fun?
Thank you so much for the warm welcome, I just wished it could have been under different circumstances for joining. I also wanted to state I don't know when these pictures from FB were taken, but by their appearances, he does not appear to me to be a typical meth user. He is not gritting his teeth, I do not see any sores on his body, and he appears to be plump...these are characteristics of a meth user. Not saying, of course, he couldn't use from time to time, but that usually doesn't happen,'s usually all the time or none of the time, from my experience at working in LE and rehab centers. JMO


I was thinking Meth...but now that I think of it he little to heavy for meth user.

I do think maybe was heavy drinker.
Blood in and out of doorway........means coming in or going away???
Blood in and out of doorway........means coming in or going away???

Idk but I would think either a real dummy or cocky person wouldn't u clean up unless you didn't care or didn't think anybody would question it or find it? Jmo
Been reading for days and wanted to jump in also. I have a few questions myself.

...excerpted from Ktaran's post:

3. Timeline still blows me away. WHY did they not go to this man's house that Monday or Tuesday night? If they followed up on all of the other sightings they claimed, why did they not follow up on this one (regardless of how many people were seen in the truck) that just so happens to be the one that could have made a difference.

Even if it was to ask him what he noticed when going to the house. Even if he wasn't an immediate suspect, he could have seen something more while being at the house like footprints, or tire tracks. I also think they are trying too hard to make us think that they were killed immediately.

Could it be because the whole agency would look awful if Beebe had them in that trailer for a day or two and the police just missed putting the puzzle together fast enough? Isn't it a possibility that they were alive, and it wasn't until the phone call was made that Beebe realized there was an eye witness linking him he panicked and killed them at that time?

Sorry I went on so much there, but those are a few of my thoughts.

------ welcome, Ktaran. I'm a newbie, too. Hope it's okay to snip for bandwidth on WS forum.

Your TIMELINE question is what I've wondered also. Are we the only two who can't make sense of why LE didn't visit Beebee, knowing that he'd been to Amy's house the morning she went missing (and the last to see her alive)?

Also... with his arrest record, wouldn't local police "know him" in a sense... and think it a first priority to check him out BEFORE anything else.
By the time LE were responding, didn't JAMES KNOW that his cousin had been on his property (saying he came to borrow something/no one home). Wouldn't JAMES have pointed out that Beebee was on his property that very morning? Isn't anyone else confused by this non-action by LE?
Or are we overlooking something? If local police thought or believed local rumors of romance between the two, did they NOT want to intrude? Infidelity is not a crime. I am so confused. Can anyone point out what's wrong with my and Ktaran's logic?
I agree. I would like to know if Tonya has her own vehicle, and when the last time her cellular phone was used. I'm wondering if there is any information on her phone call list showing where she may have called Amy in distress or upset. I also wonder if he harmed Tonya, and he went to get Amy to help her, and when she got there she stated that Tonya needed medical help, and as she was helping her to the truck, he panicked and shot them both. Just a theory, amongst many others...JMO

She must had a cell phone. Her parent said that Bj called them and told them her phone was broken.

I would like to know where her cell phone is now, I thinking they got into fight she try to use it he got it, throw her cell phone and in part was telling the truth that Tonya phone was broken. It sound like Tonya was with him when he went to Amy. Just thinking out loud, I know for me I can't quit thinking what went down for this senseless killings.
FWIW, originally, the cousin said he'd come by to borrow something, but there was no answer at the door. So it was originally thought Amy disappeared before the cousin came over.

Per a spokeswoman for the family, the neighbor didn't mention that there were two females in the truck until later in the week when speaking to a friend of the family. When this was discovered, that's when they went out to the cousins house.

At least that's how I understand it.

Blood in and out of doorway........means coming in or going away???

I stated last night that I felt like the girls were either coming or going, and my initial thought was either Tonya had been hurt by him earlier, and needed medical attention, so maybe Amy was helping her to the truck to take her to the hospital, and he shot them in the doorway, or possibly Amy was helping her move something out of the house, and as they were leaving, shot them....I can see him refusing to help move anything out of the trailer, if Tonya was leaving him..maybe she did go get Amy to ask if she would help her move something, since he wouldn't help her. I would love to see Tonya's cell phone records to see if she called Amy previously that morning..I will be glad to hear of the autopsy results...such as Tonya having injuries due to domestic abuse that morning, other than by the deadly shots. I also can't imagine anyone leaving the pool of blood in the doorway, why didn't he clean that up?
I still do not understand why le treats these things like she just took off why do they wait 48 hours how many lives can be saved?
I believe, I may be wrong, that she didn't have a cell phone and her husband contacted her on the home phone-not sure though.
A neighbour is said to have seen two women leaving Amy's home in the cousin's truck-but true he could have told Amy he wanted her to accompany them to the hospital or something...
I haven't heard if they found any evidence of blood in the vehicle, anyone?

In fact I have not heard if they took the vehicle into for CSi.
My heart just aches for these these children now left without a mother, and for the children of this ...My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all of the families involved. Such a senseless tragedy!
Could it be as simple as Amy was having an affair with Junior? He picked her up for their usual whatever - they went back to that trailer - and the gf - maybe being suspicious for some time that Jr was having an affair - maybe followed him? Came back to their home and grabbed the shotgun and headed for the trailer?

If anyone thinks this is unreasonable ........please tell me.

I'm really at a loss for a motive.

I know we've heard 1 female in the truck with Jr and we've heard 2 in the truck with him. Not sure which is fact!

Sorry I am on roll this morning:eek:nline:

I thinking that one neighbor at Amy seen one female and another at BJ seen both.

Making me think that BJ went to Amy and told her that Tonya was hurt and that he needed her help. And he pick Tonya up after Amy.
I know that some have wondered if the husband was suspicious of an affair between Amy ansd Junior. I think if this was the case, he would have immediately went to Junior's home when Amy was missing. I dont think he suspected anything between the two.
Am I correct that neighbor didn't tell husband until Tuesday about truck and woman in truck
Was Beebe at the trailer when the LE and dogs went there? Just wondering if he actually went back into the trailer after he buried them...or if he just left and went to his mothers...isn't that where his actual residence was, not the trailer? If so, perhaps that is an explanation as to why the blood had not been cleaned up. JMO
I know that some have wondered if the husband was suspicious of an affair between Amy ansd Junior. I think if this was the case, he would have immediately went to Junior's home when Amy was missing. I dont think he suspected anything between the two.

Excellent point...something I had not considered, but makes sense. As the ex wife of a cheater...the spouse really IS often the last to know.
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