GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

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I really am dumbfounded as to why LE did not search Jr.s property quicker.

They had to know by then that there had been no other sightings of Amy after the neighbor saw two women getting into Jrs truck.

And if they weren't going to search it they should have let the private searchers search sooner.

I know it wouldn't have saved either Amy or Tonya but it would have let the family members know sooner where they were and what had happened to their loved ones.

Wow, that video really got to me...I could only watch the first half. It tore me up when he said it had been a blessing to have been with Amy the past 12 years...he exudes love for Amy from every pore. How refreshing that they loved each other so much.

This is such a tragic story in every way. It sounds like Amy was such a special lady.
I've been reading since the first post on thread 1, but have not yet read most of this thread. I would like to know if anyone has discovered if Amy still had her pjs on, or if she had gotten dressed for the day yet?

Also, from what I've read, and what the photos tell me is that James has a minor behind him in the pic with BJ and Amy sitting in front of a pc. The next pic shows James pulling the minor child in and doing a nukie ap on his head. People do that all the time. It is blurred because it's a minor child.
One pic with his hand too close to her butt appears to me she was getting up and he kinda held her to get one more pic. She does appear to be too close to him while sitting next to him hugging him, but I get the impression she was trying to say she was proud of him b/c of where the pics were taken, at some fight place. There is one more pic of an older man standing near him looking at the pc, whom BJ has no respect for.

I get the impression that Amy and James were knid supportive people who did not think that people could be so evil, ie, honest people don't expect people to lie, kind people don't expect people to be mean on purpose.

And so it goes.

I think perhaps BJ lured her away by telling her he found some sweet baby animal, and wanted her to come see it, like a perp would a child.

I also get the impression from LE that these two women were shot at the same time, in the same place, their grave. He alone shot them at the same time in the same place. I visualize them hugging each other, terrified, knowing they were going to die.

I speculate that he killed Amy simply because he could, and he hated his cousin/stepbrother, or whatever James is to him, for no other reason than because James and Amy were kind people, and evil people hate kind people. They just do. I also think Tonya was with BJ when they picked up Amy.
I don't think he hasn't admitted to killing Amy due to shame, but to further hurt James somehow. It certainly has started the speculation about Amy's character, which imo, has no fact behind it at all. Both her and Tonya were victims of a monster.
Rage, yes, but premediated rage, against James. That's moo
James and Amy from day one have reminded me of Nate and Lori Arrowood. I think that's why I believed him 100% from day one. These men were madly in love with their wives and it was perfectly clear that they adored them.

It doesn't happen all that often. Many have a hard time believing a husband loves his wife that much. So instead they become suspicious of him.

Nate was deployed so he was never under suspicion. He also knew who killed his wife and it was her best friend's husband. He was heartbroken as were her daughters. Seeing him singing at her funeral while her daughters cried ranks up there with the most heartbreaking things I've ever seen.

The cases where a couple is truly madly in love with each other and one is murdered... are even more heartbreaking than normal. At the same time we have husbands who absolutely adore their wives and never would have hurt them. Would have done anything to protect them. It IS comforting to at least know there are still couples like that out there. The tiny silver lining I guess.

Nathon said Lumpkin was his prime suspect from the start.

"I'm blessed to have spent a year and a half with her. I really am. I'll never be the same because of it. I'll be a better man. I'll honor her memory for the rest of my life."

"I still can't understand how I could love somebody so much and it could still grow,"
he said to those gathered. "She was the best thing to happen to me."

GA - Lori Arrowood
Facebook page supports alleged killer
Page has caused 'pain and hurt' to family

Updated: Sunday, 30 Jan 2011, 8:15 AM EST
Published : Sunday, 30 Jan 2011, 6:40 AM EST

By Tom Hillen

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - A Facebook page has popped up in support of Junior Lee Beebe, the man charged with the murders of Amy Henslee and Tonya Howarth.

The page showed up on Facebook on Saturday and it encourages people to support Beebe claiming he is innocent.

more here
Facebook page supports alleged killer
Page has caused 'pain and hurt' to family

Updated: Sunday, 30 Jan 2011, 8:15 AM EST
Published : Sunday, 30 Jan 2011, 6:40 AM EST

By Tom Hillen

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - A Facebook page has popped up in support of Junior Lee Beebe, the man charged with the murders of Amy Henslee and Tonya Howarth.

The page showed up on Facebook on Saturday and it encourages people to support Beebe claiming he is innocent.

more here

un fricking believable
I always knew Amy and Tonya were innocent victims of a rageful brute of a man. Bless James and his sons. I was married to the same man for 30 years until his death. There are ups and downs in every marriage. People don't always agree on everything. But you stick it out and work it out. Amy seems like such a kind loving woman. Why doesn't Junior "man up" for once and take a plea to save his cousin and the boys from any more suffering. Trials will keep this abomination alive for years.
James and Amy from day one have reminded me of Nate and Lori Arrowood. I think that's why I believed him 100% from day one. These men were madly in love with their wives and it was perfectly clear that they adored them.

It doesn't happen all that often. Many have a hard time believing a husband loves his wife that much. So instead they become suspicious of him.

Nate was deployed so he was never under suspicion. He also knew who killed his wife and it was her best friend's husband. He was heartbroken as were her daughters. Seeing him singing at her funeral while her daughters cried ranks up there with the most heartbreaking things I've ever seen.

The cases where a couple is truly madly in love with each other and one is murdered... are even more heartbreaking than normal. At the same time we have husbands who absolutely adore their wives and never would have hurt them. Would have done anything to protect them. It IS comforting to at least know there are still couples like that out there. The tiny silver lining I guess.

Nathon said Lumpkin was his prime suspect from the start.

"I'm blessed to have spent a year and a half with her. I really am. I'll never be the same because of it. I'll be a better man. I'll honor her memory for the rest of my life."

"I still can't understand how I could love somebody so much and it could still grow,"
he said to those gathered. "She was the best thing to happen to me."

GA - Lori Arrowood

What an outstanding post! Thank you for expressing your thoughts so well.

From day one, I felt James was totally innocent and his love for Amy genuine and deep.

They say one's own perceptions are based on their own life experiences.

In James, I saw my own husband's heart. A man that calls me everyday from work just to tell me he loves me. A man who has rushed home before worried that something had happened to me when he couldn't get me on the phone when he knew I should be here.

Sadly, in our cynical world now true love and deep caring between spouses are not that common anymore but it still does exist and when it does there is nothing greater to behold.

IMO, the best thing a good father or mother can do for their children is to deeply love and respect the children's mother or father...for if there is an abundance of love for each other... then there will be an abundance of love for the children as well.

James' love for Amy will help him endure and go forward to love and protect what will always be a part of them both......their two precious boys who were raised in a house filled with love. James will see to it that it stays a house of love.

She will never leave that special place in James' heart meant only for her. He will call out to her for help and feel she is near him in spirit.

God will give him the courage he needs. He knows he must do so .......for he knows this is what Amy would want him to do.

God bless them all!

Facebook page supports alleged killer
Page has caused 'pain and hurt' to family

Updated: Sunday, 30 Jan 2011, 8:15 AM EST
Published : Sunday, 30 Jan 2011, 6:40 AM EST

By Tom Hillen

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - A Facebook page has popped up in support of Junior Lee Beebe, the man charged with the murders of Amy Henslee and Tonya Howarth.

The page showed up on Facebook on Saturday and it encourages people to support Beebe claiming he is innocent.

more here

Looks like 4Chan is on the loose. I don't understand how anyone can get entertainment by taunting people who are hurting.
What a lovely post, Oceanblueeyes! The thanks button wasn't enough.

I believed James too, because my husband and I are like that. I think there are a lot more men out there like them, too, because it's only the bad ones who make the news. The good ones are too busy loving their wives and kids and taking care of their homes.
Wood-TV is reporting that Junior told family members that his Tonya walked in on Amy and him having an affair and that she shot Amy. He says he picked up Amy alone and that his Mom later dropped Tonya off at his place. He wrestled the gun from her and shot her in self defense and buried them both in a panic. It sounds like the family is buying it. I am thinking phone records will be the best way to prove or disprove an affair as I am not sure what else they can do.
if Tonya did the deed, she should have some sorta gun powder on her, correct?
Sounds to me like BJB is just heaping loads more pain on the families of Amy & Tonya....I don't believe what he's saying at all.
As far as the powder a shotgun is farther from the shooter than a pistol plus Tonya was shot herself so I am betting figuring out any residue would be questionable. I would be interested as to what the phone records show between Junior and Amy. If there is a significant series of calls between them while her husband was at work it would strengthen his story which certainly sounds made-up to me.
Wood-TV is reporting that Junior told family members that his Tonya walked in on Amy and him having an affair and that she shot Amy. He says he picked up Amy alone and that his Mom later dropped Tonya off at his place. He wrestled the gun from her and shot her in self defense and buried them both in a panic. It sounds like the family is buying it. I am thinking phone records will be the best way to prove or disprove an affair as I am not sure what else they can do.

This guy is unbelievable. I knew he would blame Tonya Howarth for taking Amy's life, making it so he doesn't have to explain why he shot Amy.

So this will all come down to forensics. The shotgun will have two sets of fingerprints on it, and there will be evidence of a scuffle, or not. From what I understand and have read, the two women were shot in the same exact way: close range by a shotgun to the head, with multiple shots being fired. Sounds like the work of one person--not two.
I knew that since he only admitted to killing one, that it was going to be a self defense move on his part. MOO
Sounds to me like BJB is just heaping loads more pain on the families of Amy & Tonya....I don't believe what he's saying at all.

Yep...either really sticking it to James...or else trying to look like he's 'not that bad' to the family -- that he was really just protecting his cousin's wife. (But, of course, he had to get the dig into James about her having an affair...even if he was allegedly being her hero.)

If the neighbor saw two women in the car, though...that should clear that up. Plus, both women were shot in the same way by the same gun. Not sure what kind of a shot Tonya is, but if she was not accustomed to shooting a shotgun, I highly doubt that she would have been able to shoot Amy like that. I shoot and I have to tell you that with all of the emotions that he is alleging were going on in that little small space, highly, highly unlikely that she could have swung the muzzle around and hit Amy just the same way that she was shot. I would think that there would have been a lot more missed shots in a situation like that -- visions of the gun flailing around, women screaming, etc. Not easy to get a shot off in those types of situations, I would think -- especially in a camper trailer where you don't have all that much room to aim properly.

Last, but not least...I think that BJ fancies himself to be a stud and the thought of two women fighting over him is just what a creep like that wants to think.

Even IF there were a grain of truth to his cockamamie story, why on earth would Amy go out to have an affair with him in that ramshackle camping trailer, anyway...especially since the news reports all say that the one who really lived there was Tonya...that he didn't even live there. He certainly was no prize.
Beebe says that his mother dropped Howarth off at the property where the trailer is located.

Will she corroborate this story?
Beebe says that his mother dropped Howarth off at the property where the trailer is located.

Will she corroborate this story?

Even if she really didn't do it, moms have been know to lie for their kids when they are in big will be interesting to see. Story is right now that his family is backing don't be surprised if the answer is yes.
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