GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #4

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I dont know if there was an affair going on or not, but from the pictures we saw I do think that he was at least close to amy and her husband. I do beleive what he says that she went to his trailer to smoke marijuana as the witness says that she got willingly into his car.......I also can be convinced that Tonya did shoot Amy, however I do not beleive that he shot Tonya in self defence, I think he grabbed the gun of her, she ran, he shot her in the back of the head. Hopefully the true story will come out.
A jury trial for Junior Beebe is scheduled for June 14.
I do not have a hard time believing him. I think James Henslee knew something was amiss, and that is why he kept such tight reins on Amy. If they truly had financial problems, why did she quit her job and stay home? This story has not sat right from the beginning to me.
sorry Steve......but I do beleive this theory. I think Tonya shot Amy and in a fit of anger, he grabbed the gun off Tonya, she turned around to run and he shot her twice....
Is it possible that he shot Amy because she witnessed Jr killing Tonya?

I also think it's possible he shot Amy b/c she didn't want to have an intimate relationship with him, and it caused a chronic obsession with him, which he thought would bring relieve to him. Now he runs her through the mud. I don't believe they were lovers. He's a creep and her husband is a nice guy. Why would she want Jr? She already had the best life one could have.
I do think James and Amy were both concerned about Jr. and his feelings for Amy. I just don't know why she left with him. Maybe she thought it was safe since Tonya was there.
sorry Steve......but I do beleive this theory. I think Tonya shot Amy and in a fit of anger, he grabbed the gun off Tonya, she turned around to run and he shot her twice....

Tonya was shot twice, once behind the ear, from a distance of 2" and once in the back of the head at 2 to 3 feet.

Amy was also shot twice; once in the leg, I don't know which leg or where on the leg, and once in the chest from about 3 feet away, which killed her. She also knew it was coming b/c she used an arm to protect herself.

In my opinion. Amy was shot inside the trailer and couldn't escape. Tonya was shot at the door. I don't know which part of the head was shot first, but both were fatal. Did he shoot her while in the trailer with Amy? Tonya was in the truck when Amy was picked up, so she knew she was there. She may have gone for coffee or something and came back while he was raping Amy or attempting to, and she yelled at him to stop, which brought the rage, and murder, but imo, neither women caused any of what happened that day. They are both innocent victims from the actions of an evil man. MOO
sorry Steve......but I do beleive this theory. I think Tonya shot Amy and in a fit of anger, he grabbed the gun off Tonya, she turned around to run and he shot her twice....

I agree.

It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out in court.
Tonya was shot twice, once behind the ear, from a distance of 2" and once in the back of the head at 2 to 3 feet.

Amy was also shot twice; once in the leg, I don't know which leg or where on the leg, and once in the chest from about 3 feet away, which killed her. She also knew it was coming b/c she used an arm to protect herself.

In my opinion. Amy was shot inside the trailer and couldn't escape. Tonya was shot at the door. I don't know which part of the head was shot first, but both were fatal. Did he shoot her while in the trailer with Amy? Tonya was in the truck when Amy was picked up, so she knew she was there. She may have gone for coffee or something and came back while he was raping Amy or attempting to, and she yelled at him to stop, which brought the rage, and murder, but imo, neither women caused any of what happened that day. They are both innocent victims from the actions of an evil man. MOO


In an earlier article Tanya's mother said she dropped Tonya off at the property where the trailer was the morning Amy went missing after driving past the property and seeing Jr. truck there. If she (the mother) is telling the truth then Jr. has a witness to testify that Tonya was not with him when he picked up Amy. I don't know why she would be lying to protect Jr. when it was her daughter that was killed. So if Tonya was dropped off at the trailer knowing Jr. was there I can see Tonya walking in on Amy and Jr. in the trailer as Jr. claims happened. At any rate Tonya's mother's testimony might be the only thing that saves Jr. in court from two murder convictions. The testimony might raise enough doubt for the jury to believe his story of Tonya firing the shot at Amy. As for the self defense claim I don't see the jury buying that when he is the one holding the shotgun and he is supposed to be a tough guy cage fighter. I would think he should be able to defend himself against a women without having to shoot her twice with a shotgun.

Forensic evidence will show the location where each victim was shot, in relation to if they were shot inside or outside the trailer. It is not hard to determine who's blood is who's when it is know who both of the victims are and there should have been plenty of blood to make if very evident where each person was when they were shot.

My only thought on which shot took place first when Tonya was shot would be this. Why would you shoot someone in the head from a couple of inches away and then shoot them again from several feet away? Shooting some one in the head from a few inches away with a 410 shotgun is going to be a devastating blow. There would be no need to shoot someone again because that person would be killed instantly from the first blow. I think the first shot was made from a distance maybe while Tonya was trying to get away from Jr. and the second shot was made from a few inches away while she was likely lying on the ground.

What time did Tonya's mother supposedly drop her off at Junior's?

What time did Amy's neighbor supposedly see two females in Junior's truck?

It could be that both happened -if Tonya was dropped off at Junior's and then she or they went to get Amy.

I would agree that shot #1 to Tonya happened at a distance of 2 to 3 feet and then shot #2 was the shot behind the ear from a few inches. That does not show self defense one tiny little bit at all!

Can someone refresh my memory about where the blood was found - at the door and where else in the trailer?

Jury selection in progress. [LINK]

More than 120 people were brought in for the jury pool in the high profile murder case of Junior Beebe Jr., accused of killing two women and burying them near a trailer in January....Henslee was a 30-year-old mother of two, and Howarth, 36, was Beebe's girlfriend.

Follow the courtroom action now via Leon Hendrix on Twitter. [LINK]

Live trial coverage on (once the testimony begins.) [LINK]

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