Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #2 - *D. Lane guilty*

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I hate to sound *****y here and off topic here, but I was watching Nancy Grace and as much as she grates on my nerves...Why is a man with 7 children checking on financial aid and driving around at 9:30 am? Why isn't he working and PAYING CHILD SUPPORT? Second: He said he wanted to go to college to be a teacher. That's nice, but has no one told him he can't be a teacher (or a licensed social worker, for that matter) with a criminal record?
Maybe if he had a job and were paying child support, he wouldn't have seven children and be driving aimlessly about Detroit, getting "carjacked".
I'll try to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he was honestly carjacked, it would have been hard for him to call LE for any reason, just considering his history, and that would be multiplied if this were because of drugs or something personally related to him. If there was trust to be built, I think LE blew some of that trust right off the bat. They not only arrested him, they arrested him and publicized it, even though he has, in the past, tried to protect his children and family from being affected by his arrests and time incarcerated.


What a minute. LE did not blow it. LANE BLEW IT by participating in illegal activity. No one forced Lane to have a gun illegally or have cocaine or heroin on him. Lane picked up that gun and those drugs of his own free will. I am not giving Lane or any other parent a pass when they willingly choose to get involved in illegal activity. People need to start putting their children first. IF what Lane is saying is true, (and I buy it about as much as saying over the next few years the Chicago Cubs will exceed the total number of worlds series wins under the NY Yankees belt ) than what you are saying above gives him an excuse to put criminals above his own children. IF his actions put his children in harms way, he needs to MAN UP about it, and share that with LE. Else the rest of his children are in danger and he is allowing it.

I think if drug dealers had his daughter, he wouldn't have brought LE into it to begin with. Of course, I only know this from my experience watching four seasons of "Breaking Bad", so...

ETA: I think there are *only* four baby mamas. Well, three others besides Biancas. He DOES have another two year old with another baby-mama. That must be awkward.
I hate to sound *****y here and off topic here, but I was watching Nancy Grace and as much as she grates on my nerves...Why is a man with 7 children checking on financial aid and driving around at 9:30 am? Why isn't he working and PAYING CHILD SUPPORT? Second: He said he wanted to go to college to be a teacher. That's nice, but has no one told him he can't be a teacher (or a licensed social worker, for that matter) with a criminal record?
Maybe if he had a job and were paying child support, he wouldn't have seven children and be driving aimlessly about Detroit, getting "carjacked".

Because in most Michigan Counties you dont have to pay your support if you dont feel like it. Just ask my ex...... they gave him Food Assistance and I didn't even get it for the two kids he is over a year and a half behind in support on.
Sources tell us a child who was in the home Thursday evening, the day before all of this happened, told police that she saw Lane beating Bianca and the two-year-old may have been unresponsive following the incident.

Lane has admitted to police that he did discipline the child, but it's what happened next that sources believe he's lying about. He says carjackers took off with his daughter still in his vehicle Friday morning, but police have found no evidence to support the story.


"I don't know anything about his story. My thoughts are all on my daughter. My thoughts are all on getting Bianca back," said Banika Jones, Bianca's mother.

Her mother told FOX 2 that as of Monday afternoon, Lane had not tried to contact her.

Right now, for the Jones family, he doesn't matter. All that matter is finding Bianca. The question is could the father hold the key to finding her.

ETA: He admits that he did 'discipline' the child. She had just turned two yrs old. What does a 24 month old child do that deserves 'discipline.'?

Well there we go. The big man lost his temper with a tiny 2 year old and likely beat her to death. IMO, that is why he looks so distraught. He KNOWS he crossed a line he can't cross back over. Without working speakers, he LOOKS remorseful, but over the fact that he caused this, not that she is out there with some strangers or bad guys who kidnapped her after stealing his car.

No, maybe not the girls, but there are 7 baby-mommas out there and their friends and families, court records, and DL's own big mouth.

I think the person who intervened on one of the beatings must have come forward, since it sounds like they spoke to LE.

This guy thinks he is special and his feelings are hurt because he is being painted as a bad guy. It's all about him. I hope NG turns on the sweet, southern charm and butters him up so good that the jncriminating details just ooze out of him.

As long as she treats like like he's the man, he will talk and talk and talk and talk - right into a life sentence. Go NG!!

WHOA!!! THAT didn't happen!!
Bianca was with the father for about a month. NG: He had the baby non-stop for a month prior to this incident? A: She went to her mother's for the birthday party on the 27th (I thought she said) but then the father picked her back up.
Has the mother been questioned and polyed? We don't know about a poly but she's been questioned

I thought that someone at the Mitchell address affirmed that Bianca had been there for a few days.

At this point in time, I would like to hear more from Bianca's mother. She hasn't said much, and I think it's time that we heard from her. jmo
Gosh now I'm really going to sound jaded...but any man who would beat a young child like that...would beat a girlfriend. Girlfriends who are beaten...don't always come clean about such events, imho. Especially if they think they risk their own child being taken away or lack of support (from daddy going to jail) being at risk.

I'd love to be wrong. But I would believe another little child from the house before I'd believe a gf in a matter such as that.

It amazes the heck out of me that the other children have not been removed from the home by CPS, or whatever they have in MI.
Just got caught up on the thread after watching Nancy.
Big hinky in interview.....Dad claims he was on his way to Wayne County Community College to work on his financial aid, but never got out of the car because he forgot his briefcase with papers he would have needed.
I'm assuming if we are to believe that story, that trip would have taken place after he dropped the nephew off at 8:10 am. So he's saying he got to the college, realized he forgot papers, left the college and headed to mom's house.
Ironically, we only heard of the financial aid trip after it was reported he was seen on survelliance at the school BTW
Just got caught up on the thread after watching Nancy.
Big hinky in interview.....Dad claims he was on his way to Wayne County Community College to work on his financial aid, but never got out of the car because he forgot his briefcase with papers he would have needed.
I'm assuming if we are to believe that story, that trip would have taken place after he dropped the nephew off at 8:10 am. So he's saying he got to the college, realized he forgot papers, left the college and headed to mom's house.
Yes, that's exactly what he said. I kinda shook my head, too. Wouldn't you go back and get the briefcase, THEN go get the clothes from mom's house? He had already had Bianca for a month, so I am assuming he had plenty of clothes for her. I don't know why Nancy didn't question him further on that.

Basically, no one except the nephew saw Bianca that morning, and who knows if he did? He could have seen a blanket in a car seat. Teenagers aren't exactly observant at 8 am, especially not boys with babies.
I thought that someone at the Mitchell address affirmed that Bianca had been there for a few days.

At this point in time, I would like to hear more from Bianca's mother. She hasn't said much, and I think it's time that we heard from her. jmo

I think the mom needs to clarify exactly how long Bianca has been with the father because the conflicting stories are getting a little overwhelming.
Does anyone remember what time Dad was seen on the video at WCCC?
Well there we go. The big man lost his temper with a tiny 2 year old and likely beat her to death. IMO, that is why he looks so distraught. He KNOWS he crossed a line he can't cross back over. Without working speakers, he LOOKS remorseful, but over the fact that he caused this, not that she is out there with some strangers or bad guys who kidnapped her after stealing his car.


This might very well explain why Bianca's mother hasn't said much about "Dad" and is remaining tight-lipped about what might have happened to her daughter. She is probably afraid of DL, and, methinks, justifiably so. jmo
Wait? What? BBM: is this your opinion?


my heart just skipped a beat thinking I missed her being found!

krimekat, I noticed that too. I wonder if joyless has this case confused with the little 7 yr old girl in Georgia (Joralys Rivera) who was found in the dumpster near her apartments? There are just too many of these cases......
BBM. While I have no reason to believe that the mother had anything to do with Bianca's disappearance, I have to admit that her comment about whether or not Lane was involved and not speaking with him seemed creepy. It reminded me of how Deborah Bradley was reluctant to look in the backyard for any signs of her daughter, Lisa Irwin. What did DB think that she might find if she did check behind the house? Similarly, why wouldn't Bianca's mother want to know every detail about what might have happened to her child? In the WDIV interview, she says that she didn't even know anything about the carjacking!

The dad's admission of having "disciplined" little Bianca made my stomach churn. That, and the fact that his attorney would not let him answer the question about what happened to the child are enough to convince me that D'Andre did, indeed, harm his daughter, perhaps unintentionally. jmo

It doesn't strike me as odd at all. For those of us who remember little Mya Lyons, the girls mother did not make her suspicions about the fathers involvement until after he was arrested and charged with Mya's murder, 1.5 years later.

If I suspected my childs father, I would NEVER say so publicly. I'd evade or appear very neutral with the hopes my pleas would appeal to him to tell the truth.

How is this grown man worried about what might happen to him if he went "out there"? How is that even on his mind?

He said (my words) that if something happened to him, and then they found her, how would that be for her to grow up without a father.

I wonder if the mom is working and couldn't afford day care, so dad had Bianca? Or she was overwhelmed for some other reason?

I would also want to focus the efforts on finding my child, not on the motivations of my child's father.
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